/*! * \return Integer array with values and coordinates from 3D object. * \ingroup WlzValueUtils * \brief Allocates a new array (4 ints per value: 0 = value, * 1 = x coordinate, 2 = y coordinate and 3 = z coordinate. * \param obj Given object which must be a valid * 3D domain object with integer values. * \param dstNAry Destination pointer for the number of * values, must not be NULL. * \param dstErr Destination error pointer, may be NULL. */ static int *WlzCompDispMakeValAry3D(WlzObject *obj, int *dstNAry, WlzErrorNum *dstErr) { int idO, idP, nAry; int *ary, *array = NULL; WlzObject *obj2D; WlzPlaneDomain *pDom; WlzErrorNum errNum = WLZ_ERR_NONE; if((nAry = WlzVolume(obj, &errNum)) <= 0) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_DOMAIN_DATA; } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if((array = AlcMalloc(nAry * 4 * sizeof(int))) == NULL) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_MEM_ALLOC; } } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { ary = array; pDom = obj->domain.p; for(idP = pDom->plane1; (errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && (idP <= pDom->lastpl); ++idP) { idO = idP - pDom->plane1; obj2D = WlzMakeMain(WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ, *(obj->domain.p->domains + idO), *(obj->values.vox->values + idO), NULL, NULL, &errNum); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { errNum = WlzCompDispSetAry(&ary, obj2D, idP, 3); WlzFreeObj(obj2D); } } } if(errNum != WLZ_ERR_NONE) { AlcFree(ary); ary = NULL; } else { *dstNAry = nAry; if(dstErr != NULL) { *dstErr = errNum; } } return(array); }
static int WlzSize( WlzObject *obj, WlzErrorNum *dstErr) { int size; WlzErrorNum errNum=WLZ_ERR_NONE; if( obj ){ switch(obj->type){ case WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ: size = WlzArea(obj, &errNum); break; case WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ: size = WlzVolume(obj, &errNum); break; case WLZ_EMPTY_OBJ: size = 0; break; default: size = -1; errNum = WLZ_ERR_OBJECT_TYPE; break; } } else { size = -1; errNum = WLZ_ERR_OBJECT_NULL; } if( dstErr ){ *dstErr = errNum; } return size; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int tI, idN, option, con = WLZ_0_CONNECTED, nLo = 0, nHi = 0, maxSep = 1024, nObj = 0, ok = 1, usage = 0; char tC; double tD, mrkMass = 1.0, rad = 0.0; int tR[4]; WlzPixelV gV, bV; WlzBlobMark mrk = WLZ_BLOBMARK_CIRCLE; WlzObject *inObj = NULL, *outObj = NULL, *mrkObj = NULL; WlzObject **lObj = NULL; FILE *fP = NULL; char *inObjFileStr, *outObjFileStr; WlzErrorNum errNum = WLZ_ERR_NONE; const char *errMsg; static char optList[] = "c:g:G:hm:n:N:o:r:x:", fileStrDef[] = "-"; opterr = 0; memset(&gV, 0, sizeof(WlzPixelV)); bV.type = WLZ_GREY_UBYTE; bV.v.ubv = 0; gV.type = WLZ_GREY_ERROR; inObjFileStr = fileStrDef; outObjFileStr = fileStrDef; while((usage == 0) && ((option = getopt(argc, argv, optList)) != -1)) { switch(option) { case 'c': if(sscanf(optarg, "%d", &tI) != 1) { usage = 1; } else { switch(tI) { case 4: con = WLZ_4_CONNECTED; break; case 6: con = WLZ_6_CONNECTED; break; case 8: con = WLZ_8_CONNECTED; break; case 18: con = WLZ_18_CONNECTED; break; case 26: con = WLZ_26_CONNECTED; break; default: usage = 1; break; } } break; case 'g': switch(gV.type) { case WLZ_GREY_UBYTE: if((sscanf(optarg, "%d", &tI) != 1) || (tI < 0) || (tI > 255)) { usage = 1; } else { gV.v.ubv = tI; } break; case WLZ_GREY_SHORT: if((sscanf(optarg, "%d", &tI) != 1) || (tI < SHRT_MIN) || (tI > SHRT_MAX)) { usage = 1; } else { gV.v.shv = tI; } break; case WLZ_GREY_INT: if(sscanf(optarg, "%d", &tI) != 1) { usage = 1; } else { gV.v.inv = tI; } break; case WLZ_GREY_FLOAT: if((sscanf(optarg, "%lg", &tD) != 1) || (tD < -(FLT_MAX)) || (tD > FLT_MAX)) { usage = 1; } else { gV.v.flv = tD; } break; case WLZ_GREY_DOUBLE: if(sscanf(optarg, "%lg", &tD) != 1) { usage = 1; } else { gV.v.dbv = tD; } break; case WLZ_GREY_RGBA: tR[3] = 255; tR[0] = tR[1] = tR[2] = 0; if((sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d,%d,%d", &(tR[0]), &(tR[1]), &(tR[2]), &(tR[3])) == 0) || (tR[0] < 0) || (tR[0] > 255) || (tR[1] < 0) || (tR[1] > 255) || (tR[2] < 0) || (tR[2] > 255) || (tR[3] < 0) || (tR[3] > 255)) { usage = 1; } else { WLZ_RGBA_RGBA_SET(gV.v.rgbv, tR[0], tR[1], tR[2], tR[3]); } break; default: usage = 1; break; } break; case 'G': if(sscanf(optarg, "%c", &tC) != 1) { usage = 1; } switch(tC) { case 'v': gV.type = WLZ_GREY_ERROR; break; case 'u': gV.type = WLZ_GREY_UBYTE; break; case 's': gV.type = WLZ_GREY_SHORT; break; case 'i': gV.type = WLZ_GREY_INT; break; case 'f': gV.type = WLZ_GREY_FLOAT; break; case 'd': gV.type = WLZ_GREY_DOUBLE; break; case 'r': gV.type = WLZ_GREY_RGBA; break; default: usage = 1; break; } break; case 'm': if((sscanf(optarg, "%d", &tI) != 1) || ((tI != WLZ_BLOBMARK_CIRCLE) && (tI != WLZ_BLOBMARK_SQUARE))) { usage = 1; } else { mrk = (WlzBlobMark )tI; } break; case 'n': if((sscanf(optarg, "%d", &nLo) != 1) || (nLo < 0)) { usage = 1; } break; case 'N': if((sscanf(optarg, "%d", &nHi) != 1) || (nHi < 0)) { usage = 1; } break; case 'o': outObjFileStr = optarg; break; case 'r': if((sscanf(optarg, "%lg", &rad) != 1) || (rad < 0.0)) { usage = 1; } break; case 'x': if((sscanf(optarg, "%d", &maxSep) != 1) || (maxSep < 1)) { usage = 1; } case 'h': /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: usage = 1; break; } } if((usage == 0) && (nLo > nHi) && (nHi != 0)) { usage = 1; } if((usage == 0) && (optind < argc)) { if((optind + 1) != argc) { usage = 1; } else { inObjFileStr = *(argv + optind); } } ok = (usage == 0); /* Read input domain object. */ if(ok) { if((inObjFileStr == NULL) || (*inObjFileStr == '\0') || ((fP = (strcmp(inObjFileStr, "-")? fopen(inObjFileStr, "r"): stdin)) == NULL) || ((inObj = WlzAssignObject(WlzReadObj(fP, &errNum), NULL)) == NULL) || (errNum != WLZ_ERR_NONE)) { ok = 0; } if(fP) { if(strcmp(inObjFileStr, "-")) { (void )fclose(fP); } fP = NULL; } } /* Check object type and connectivity. */ if(ok) { switch(inObj->type) { case WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ: switch(con) { case WLZ_0_CONNECTED: con = WLZ_8_CONNECTED; break; case WLZ_4_CONNECTED: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case WLZ_8_CONNECTED: break; default: ok = 0; errNum = WLZ_ERR_PARAM_DATA; (void )WlzStringFromErrorNum(errNum, &errMsg); (void )fprintf(stderr, "%s: Connectivity for 2D must be 4 or 8 (%s).\n", *argv, errMsg); break; } break; case WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ: switch(con) { case WLZ_0_CONNECTED: con = WLZ_26_CONNECTED; break; case WLZ_6_CONNECTED: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case WLZ_18_CONNECTED: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case WLZ_26_CONNECTED: break; default: ok = 0; errNum = WLZ_ERR_PARAM_DATA; (void )WlzStringFromErrorNum(errNum, &errMsg); (void )fprintf(stderr, "%s: Connectivity for 3D must be 6, 18 or 26 (%s).\n", *argv, errMsg); break; } break; default: ok = 0; errNum = WLZ_ERR_OBJECT_TYPE; (void )WlzStringFromErrorNum(errNum, &errMsg); (void )fprintf(stderr, "%s: Input object must either a 2 or 3D domain object (%s).\n", *argv, errMsg); break; } } /* Make basic marker with centre at the origin. */ if(ok) { double mrkRad; if(rad > 0.5) { mrkRad = rad; } else { mrkRad = 127; } if(mrk == WLZ_BLOBMARK_SQUARE) { mrkObj = WlzMakeCuboidObject(inObj->type, mrkRad, mrkRad, mrkRad, 0, 0, 0, &errNum); } else /* mrk = WLZ_BLOBMARK_CIRCLE */ { mrkObj = WlzMakeSphereObject(inObj->type, mrkRad, 0, 0, 0, &errNum); } if(mrkObj == NULL) { ok = 0; (void )WlzStringFromErrorNum(errNum, &errMsg); (void )fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to create basic marker object (%s).\n", *argv, errMsg); } else { mrkMass = WlzVolume(mrkObj, NULL); } } /* Label the given domain. */ if(ok) { errNum = WlzLabel(inObj, &nObj, &lObj, maxSep, 1, con); if((errNum != WLZ_ERR_NONE) || (nObj == 0)) { ok = 0; if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_DOMAIN_DATA; } (void )WlzStringFromErrorNum(errNum, &errMsg); (void )fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to split the given object into separate regions (%s)\n", *argv, errMsg); } } /* Work through the separate object list removing small/large objects * according to the low and high thresholds. */ if(ok) { int idM; for(idN = 0, idM = 0; idN < nObj; ++idN) { int vol; vol = WlzVolume(lObj[idN], &errNum); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(((nLo > 0) && (vol < nLo)) || ((nHi > 0) && (vol > nHi))) { (void )WlzFreeObj(lObj[idN]); } else { lObj[idM] = lObj[idN]; ++idM; } } } nObj = idM; if(nObj == 0) { ok = 0; errNum = WLZ_ERR_DOMAIN_DATA; (void )WlzStringFromErrorNum(errNum, &errMsg); (void )fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to find and separate regions (%s)\n", *argv, errMsg); } } /* Build a marker object by adding a mark at the centre of mass of each * separate fragment. */ if(ok) { WlzObject *obj0 = NULL; idN = 0; obj0 = WlzMakeEmpty(&errNum); while((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && (idN < nObj)) { double mass; WlzDVertex3 com; WlzObject *obj1 = NULL, *obj2 = NULL; WlzAffineTransform *tr = NULL; com = WlzCentreOfMass3D(lObj[idN], 1, &mass, &errNum); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { double s; if(rad < 0.5) { double t; t = mass / mrkMass; if(inObj->type == WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ) { s = sqrt(t); } else /* inObj->type == WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ */ { s = cbrt(t); } } else { s = 1.0; } tr = (inObj->type == WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ)? WlzAffineTransformFromPrimVal( WLZ_TRANSFORM_2D_AFFINE, com.vtX, com.vtY, 0.0, s, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, &errNum): WlzAffineTransformFromPrimVal( WLZ_TRANSFORM_3D_AFFINE, com.vtX, com.vtY, com.vtZ, s, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, &errNum); } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { obj1 = WlzAffineTransformObj(mrkObj, tr, WLZ_INTERPOLATION_NEAREST, &errNum); } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { obj2 = WlzUnion2(obj0, obj1, &errNum); } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { (void )WlzFreeObj(obj0); obj0 = obj2; obj2 = NULL; } (void )WlzFreeObj(obj1); (void )WlzFreeObj(obj2); (void )WlzFreeAffineTransform(tr); ++idN; } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { WlzValues val; WlzObjectType vTT; val.core = NULL; if(gV.type != WLZ_GREY_ERROR) { vTT = WlzGreyTableType(WLZ_GREY_TAB_RAGR, gV.type, NULL); if(inObj->type == WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ) { val.v = WlzNewValueTb(obj0, vTT, bV, &errNum); } else /* inObj->type == WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ */ { val.vox = WlzNewValuesVox(obj0, vTT, bV, &errNum); } } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { outObj = WlzMakeMain(inObj->type, obj0->domain, val, NULL, NULL, &errNum); } if((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && (gV.type != WLZ_GREY_ERROR)) { errNum = WlzGreySetValue(outObj, gV); } } } if(ok) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_WRITE_EOF; if(((fP = (strcmp(outObjFileStr, "-")? fopen(outObjFileStr, "w"): stdout)) == NULL) || ((errNum = WlzWriteObj(fP, outObj)) != WLZ_ERR_NONE)) { ok = 0; (void )WlzStringFromErrorNum(errNum, &errMsg); (void )fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to write output object (%s).\n", *argv, errMsg); } if(fP && strcmp(outObjFileStr, "-")) { (void )fclose(fP); } } (void )WlzFreeObj(inObj); if(lObj != NULL) { for(idN = 0; idN < nObj; ++idN) { (void )WlzFreeObj(lObj[idN]); } AlcFree(lObj); } (void )WlzFreeObj(outObj); if(usage) { (void )fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s%sExample: %s%s", *argv, " [-c#] [-g#] [-G#] [-h] [-m#] [-n#] [-N#]\n" " [-o<output object>] [-r#]] [-x#] [<input object>]\n" "Options:\n" " -c Connectivity: 4, 6, 8, 18 or 26 connected (default 8 for 2D\n" " domains and 26 for 3D domains).\n" " -g Grey value for marker. This is a single number for all except\n" " RGBA (colour) grey values. RGBA components must be separated by\n" " by a comma.\n" " -G Grey value type for marker specified by letter:\n" " v no grey values (default).\n" " u unsigned byte grey values.\n" " s short grey values.\n" " i int grey values.\n" " f int grey values.\n" " d int grey values.\n" " r red, green, blue, alpha grey values.\n" " -h Help, prints usage message.\n" " -m Marker type specified by a number:\n" " 1 circle/sphere (default)\n" " 2 square/cube\n" " -n Threshold minimum area/volume of blob for a marker (default\n" " >= 1).\n" " -N Threshold maximum area/volume of blob for a marker. If zero\n" " there is no upper limit. (default 0).\n" " -o Output object file.\n" " -r Marker radius. Attempts to keep the same area/volume if zero.\n" " (default 0).\n" " -x Maximum number of separate regions in the object (default 1024).\n" "Reads a spatial domain object and replaces each spatialy separate\n" "region with a marker placed at the centre of mass of the region.\n" "All files are read from the standard input and written to the standard\n" "output unless filenames are given.\n" "If grey values are required then the grey value type must be set before\n" "the actual grey value.\n", *argv, " -o out.wlz -n 4 -r 10 -G r -g 200,100,0,255 in.wlz\n" "A spatial domain object is read from the file in.wlz and each\n" "spatialy separate region of the domain is replaced by a circle or\n" "sphere of radius 10 (pixels). All small regions with less than four\n" "(pixels voxels) is ignored. The output object (with grey values set\n" "to orange) is written to the file out.wlz.\n"); } return(!ok); }
/*! * \return RCC classification of the given objects, ie object 0 is a * returned classification of object 1. * \ingroup WlzBinaryOps * \brief The given pair of spatial domain objects are classified * using a RCC with optional enclosure and offset classifications. * * For an explanation of RCC8 classifications * see the type definition ::WlzRCCClass and the paper: * D.A. Randell, etal, * "Discrete Mereotopology for Spatial Reasoning in * Automated Histological Image Analysis", PAMI 35(3) 2013. * The RCC8 has been extended to include both tangential and * non-tangential surrounds. * * The RCC classification is performed using simple combinations * of the Woolz union, intersection, exclusive or, dilation, * fill and convex hull operators on an ordered pair of * spatial domains(\f$\Omega_0\f$ and \f$\Omega_1\f$): * \f{eqnarray*}{ C_0 &\leftarrow& \Omega_0 \cap \Omega_1 \neq \emptyset \\ C_1 &\leftarrow& \Omega_0^+ \cap \Omega_1 \neq \emptyset \\ C_2 &\leftarrow& (\Omega_0 \oplus \Omega_1) \neq \emptyset \\ C_3 &\leftarrow& (\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1) \oplus \Omega_1 \neq \emptyset \\ C_4 &\leftarrow& (\Omega_0^+ \cup \Omega_1) \oplus \Omega_1 \neq \emptyset \\ C_5 &\leftarrow& (\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1) \oplus \Omega_0 \neq \emptyset \\ C_6 &\leftarrow& (\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1^+) \oplus \Omega_0 \neq \emptyset \\ C_7 &\leftarrow& (\Omega_0^{\bullet} \cup \Omega_1) \oplus \Omega_0^{\bullet} \neq \emptyset \\ C_8 &\leftarrow& (\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1^{\bullet}) \oplus \Omega_1^{\bullet} \neq \emptyset \\ C_9 &\leftarrow& 2|\Omega_0 \cap \Omega_1^{\circ}| \ge |\Omega_0| \\ C_{10} &\leftarrow& 2|\Omega_0^{\circ} \cap \Omega_1| \ge |\Omega_1| \f} * where * are the \f$\cup\f$, \f$\cap\f$ and \f$\oplus\f$ * are the set union (logical or), intersection (logical and) * and xor (logical exclusive or) operators; * \f$\Omega^+\f$ indicates the dilation of \f$\Omega\f$, * \f$\Omega^{\circ}\f$ the convex hull of \f$\Omega\f$, * \f$\Omega^{\bullet}\f$ indicates \f$\Omega\f$ filled and * \f$|\Omega|\f$ the cardinality (area or volume) of * \f$\Omega\f$. * The decision tree for the classification excluding * enclosure and offset is: * \f[ C_0 \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & C_1 \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & C_7 \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & NTSURI \\ & \\ & \\ 1 & C_8 \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & NTSUR \\ & \\ 1 & DC \end{array} \right. \\ \end{array} \right. \\ & \\ & \\ 1 & C_7 \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & TSURI \\ & \\ & \\ 1 & C_8 \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & TSUR \\ & \\ 1 & EC \end{array} \right. \\ \end{array} \right. \\ \end{array} \right. \\ & \\ & \\ 1 & C_2 \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & EQ \\ & \\ & \\ 1 & C_3 \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & C_4 \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & NTPP \\ & \\ 1 & TPP \end{array} \right. \\ & \\ & \\ 1 & C_5 \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & C_6 \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & NTPPI \\ & \\ 1 & TPPI \end{array} \right. \\ & \\ 1 & PO \end{array} \right. \\ \end{array} \right. \\ \end{array} \right. \\ \end{array} \right. \f] * The statistics are computed for each classification * as below: * <table width="500" border="0"> <caption> Basic Morphological Operations for the RCC Spatial Relationships </caption> <tr> <td>RCC</td> <td>Normalised Volume</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$EMPTY(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>0.0</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$DC(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>0.0</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$EC(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>0.0</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$EQ(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>1.0</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$PO(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>\f$|\Omega_0 \cap \Omega_1|/ |\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1|\f$</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$TPP(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>\f$|\Omega_0|/|\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1|\f$</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$NTPP(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>\f$|\Omega_0|/|\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1|\f$</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$TPPI(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>\f$|\Omega_1|/|\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1|\f$</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$NTPPI(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>\f$|\Omega_1|/|\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1|\f$</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$TSUR(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>\f$|\Omega_0|/|\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1|\f$</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$TSURI(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>\f$|\Omega_1|/|\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1|\f$</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$NTSUR(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>\f$|\Omega_0|/|\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1|\f$</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$NTSURI(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>\f$|\Omega_1|/|\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1|\f$</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$ENC(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>\f$|\Omega_0 \cap \Omega_1^{\circ}|/|\Omega_0|\f$</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$ENCI(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>\f$|\Omega_0^{\circ} \cap \Omega_1|/|\Omega_1|\f$</td> </tr> <tr> <td>\f$OST(\Omega_0,\Omega_1)\f$</td> <td>\f$q_1/(q_1 + q_2 - q_0)\f$</td> </tr> </table> * * Many of the objects that are computed during the * classification are done so using a lazy evaluation with the * functions WlzRCCMakeC() and WlzRCCMakeT(). * * Enclosure and offset are somwhat more expensive to compute * than the other classifications, for this reason and because * they are not strictly part of a RCC they can be avoided by * setting the noEnc or noOst flags. * * Enclosure will be computed if the noEnc has not been set and * the classification is not one of WLZ_RCC_EQ, WLZ_RCC_TSUR, * WLZ_RCC_TSURI, WLZ_RCC_NTSUR or WLZ_RCC_NTSURI. * Enclosure is computed using: * \f[ |\Omega_0 \cap \Omega_1^{\circ}|/|\Omega_0| \f] * for \f$\Omega_0\f$ to be encloded by \f$\Omega_1\f$ then * at least half of \f$\Omega_0\f$ must intersect the convex * hull of \f$\Omega_1\f$. * * Offset will be computed if the noOst parameter has not * been set and the classification is not WLZ_RCC_EQ. * Offset is computed within a restricted domain in which * all pixels/voxels are equidistant for the domains of the * given objects: \f[ \Omega_e = (\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1)^\circ \cap \Omega_0^{+d_{max}} \cap \Omega_1^{+d_{max}} \cap \Omega(D(\Omega_0) = D(\Omega_1)) \f] * where \f$D(\Omega)\f$ is the distance transform of the domain * \f$\Omega\f$. Within \f$\Omega_e\f$ the first, second and * third quantiles (\f$q_0\f$, \f$q_1\f$ and \f$q_2\f$) of * the distances \f$D(\Omega_0)\f$ (or equivalently * \f$D(\Omega_1)\f$) are computed. The ratio of the median * to the median plus interquartile range is then computed * and the domains are classified as offset if this ratio * is greater than or equal to one half: * \f[ \frac{q_1}{q_1 + q_2 - q_0} \geq 0.5 \f] * \param obj0 First given spatial domain object. * \param obj1 Second given spatial domain object. * \param noEnc Don't include enclosure if non-zero. * \param noOst Don't include offset if non-zero. * \param maxOstDist Maximum distance for offset, not * used if noOst is non-zero. * \param dstStatCnt Destination pointer for the number * of elements returned in the array of * statistics (see above), may be NULL. * Ignored if dstStatAry is NULL. * \param dstStatAry Destination pointer for an array of * statistics (see above), may be NULL. * If an array is returned it should be * freed using AlcFree(). * \param dstErr Destination error pointer, may be NULL. */ WlzRCCClass WlzRegConCalcRCC( WlzObject *obj0, WlzObject *obj1, int noEnc, int noOst, int maxOstDist, int *dstStatCnt, double **dstStatAry, WlzErrorNum *dstErr) { int i; WlzLong i01 = 0, /* |\Omega_0 \cap \Omega_1| */ u01 = 0; /* |\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1| */ WlzLong u[2] = {0}, /* |\Omega_i|, i \in 0 \cdots 1 */ v[2] = {0}; /* |c_9|, |c_{10}| */ WlzObject *c[11] = {NULL}, /* c_i, i \in 0 \cdots 10 */ *o[2] = {NULL}, /* \Omega_i, i \in 0 \cdots 1 */ *t[WLZ_RCCTOIDX_CNT] = {NULL}; /* Temporary object as in the enum WlzRCCTOIdx. */ double stats[WLZ_RCCIDX_CNT] = {0.0}; /* Classification statistics. */ WlzValues nullValues; WlzRCCClass cls = WLZ_RCC_EMPTY; /* Classification mask. */ WlzErrorNum errNum = WLZ_ERR_NONE; nullValues.core = NULL; /* Compute classification using the decision tree. */ if((obj0 == NULL) || (obj1 == NULL) || (WlzIsEmpty(obj0, NULL) != 0) || (WlzIsEmpty(obj1, NULL) != 0)) { cls = WLZ_RCC_EMPTY; } else if((obj0->domain.core == NULL) || (obj1->domain.core == NULL)) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_DOMAIN_NULL; } else if((obj0->type != obj1->type) || ((obj0->type != WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ) && (obj0->type != WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ))) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_OBJECT_TYPE; } else if(((o[0] = WlzAssignObject( WlzMakeMain(obj0->type, obj0->domain, nullValues, NULL, NULL, &errNum), NULL)) != NULL) && ((o[1] = WlzAssignObject( WlzMakeMain(obj1->type, obj1->domain, nullValues, NULL, NULL, &errNum), NULL)) != NULL)) { errNum = WlzRCCMakeC(o, c, t, 0); } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(WlzIsEmpty(c[0], NULL)) { errNum = WlzRCCMakeC(o, c, t, 1); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(WlzIsEmpty(c[1], NULL)) { errNum = WlzRCCMakeC(o, c, t, 7); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(WlzIsEmpty(c[7], NULL)) { cls = WLZ_RCC_NTSURI; } else { errNum = WlzRCCMakeC(o, c, t, 8); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(WlzIsEmpty(c[8], NULL)) { cls = WLZ_RCC_NTSUR; } else { cls = WLZ_RCC_DC; } } } } } else { errNum = WlzRCCMakeC(o, c, t, 7); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(WlzIsEmpty(c[7], NULL)) { cls = WLZ_RCC_TSURI; } else { errNum = WlzRCCMakeC(o, c, t, 8); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(WlzIsEmpty(c[8], NULL)) { cls = WLZ_RCC_TSUR; } else { cls = WLZ_RCC_EC; } } } } } } } else { errNum = WlzRCCMakeC(o, c, t, 2); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(WlzIsEmpty(c[2], NULL)) { cls = WLZ_RCC_EQ; } else { errNum = WlzRCCMakeC(o, c, t, 3); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(WlzIsEmpty(c[3], NULL)) { errNum = WlzRCCMakeC(o, c, t, 4); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(WlzIsEmpty(c[4], NULL)) { cls = WLZ_RCC_NTPP; } else { cls = WLZ_RCC_TPP; } } } else { errNum = WlzRCCMakeC(o, c, t, 5); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(WlzIsEmpty(c[5], NULL)) { errNum = WlzRCCMakeC(o, c, t, 6); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(WlzIsEmpty(c[6], NULL)) { cls = WLZ_RCC_NTPPI; } else { cls = WLZ_RCC_TPPI; } } } else { cls = WLZ_RCC_PO; } } } } } } } } /* If enclosure is required check for it and add to classification mask. */ if((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && (noEnc == 0) && ((cls & (WLZ_RCC_EQ | WLZ_RCC_TSUR | WLZ_RCC_TSURI | WLZ_RCC_NTSUR | WLZ_RCC_NTSURI)) == 0)) { for(i = 0; i <= 1; ++i) { errNum = WlzRCCMakeT(o, t, (i == 0)? WLZ_RCCTOIDX_O0O1CI: WLZ_RCCTOIDX_O0CO1I); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { u[i] = WlzVolume(o[i], &errNum); } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { v[i] = WlzVolume(t[(i == 0)? WLZ_RCCTOIDX_O0O1CI: WLZ_RCCTOIDX_O0CO1I], &errNum); if((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && (v[i] < 0)) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_DOMAIN_DATA; } } if(errNum != WLZ_ERR_NONE) { break; } } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if((2 * v[0]) >= u[0]) { cls |= WLZ_RCC_ENC; } if((2 * v[1]) >= u[1]) { cls |= WLZ_RCC_ENCI; } } } /* Compute the maximum normalized volume for the classification(s) in the * classification mask. */ if((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && (dstStatAry != NULL)) { int i, m; for(i = 0; i < WLZ_RCCIDX_CNT; ++i) { m = 1<<i; if(m & cls) { double s = 0.0; switch(m) { case WLZ_RCC_EQ: s = 1.0; break; case WLZ_RCC_PO: /* |\Omega_0 \cap \Omega_1| / |\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1| = * u_0 / u_01 */ if(i01 <= 0) { errNum = WlzRCCMakeT(o, t, WLZ_RCCTOIDX_O0O1I); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { i01 = WlzVolume(t[WLZ_RCCTOIDX_O0O1I], &errNum); } } if((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && (u01 <= 0)) { errNum = WlzRCCMakeT(o, t, WLZ_RCCTOIDX_O0O1U); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { u01 = WlzVolume(t[WLZ_RCCTOIDX_O0O1U], &errNum); } } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { s = (double )(i01) / (double )u01; } break; case WLZ_RCC_TSUR: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case WLZ_RCC_NTSUR: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case WLZ_RCC_TPP: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case WLZ_RCC_NTPP: /* |\Omega_0| / |\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1| = * u_0 / u_01 */ if(u[0] <= 0) { u[0] = WlzVolume(o[0], &errNum); } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(u01 <= 0) { errNum = WlzRCCMakeT(o, t, WLZ_RCCTOIDX_O0O1U); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { u01 = WlzVolume(t[WLZ_RCCTOIDX_O0O1U], &errNum); } } } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { s = (double )(u[0]) / (double )u01; } break; case WLZ_RCC_TSURI: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case WLZ_RCC_NTSURI: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case WLZ_RCC_TPPI: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case WLZ_RCC_NTPPI: /* |\Omega_1| / |\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1| = * u_1 / u_01 */ if(u[1] <= 0) { u[1] = WlzVolume(o[1], &errNum); } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(u01 <= 0) { errNum = WlzRCCMakeT(o, t, WLZ_RCCTOIDX_O0O1U); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { u01 = WlzVolume(t[WLZ_RCCTOIDX_O0O1U], &errNum); } } } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { s = (double )(u[1]) / (double )u01; } break; case WLZ_RCC_ENC: /* |\Omega_0 \cup \Omega_1^{\circ}|/|\Omega_0| = * v_0 / u_0 */ if(u[1] >= 0) { s = (double )(v[0]) / (double )(u[0]); } break; case WLZ_RCC_ENCI: /* |\Omega_0^{\circ} \cup \Omega_1|/|\Omega_1| = * v_1 / u_1 */ if(v[1] >= 0) { s = (double )(v[1]) / (double )(u[1]); } break; default: break; } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { stats[i] = s; } } } } /* If offset is required check for it and add to both the classification * mask and statistics. */ if((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && (noOst == 0) && ((cls & WLZ_RCC_EQ) == 0)) { int ostQ[3]; errNum = WlzRCCOffset(o, t, maxOstDist, &(ostQ[0]), &(ostQ[1]), &(ostQ[2])); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { #ifdef WLZ_RCC_DEBUG_OST (void )fprintf(stderr, "WLZ_RCC_DEBUG_OST %d %d %d\n", ostQ[0], ostQ[1], ostQ[2]); #endif if((ostQ[1] > 0) && (ostQ[1] < maxOstDist) && (ostQ[2] >= ostQ[0])) { const double eps = 1.0e-06; if(ostQ[2] > ostQ[0]) { stats[WLZ_RCCIDX_OST] = (double )ostQ[1] / (double )(ostQ[2] + ostQ[1] - ostQ[0]); } else { stats[WLZ_RCCIDX_OST] = 1.0; } if(stats[WLZ_RCCIDX_OST] > (0.5 - eps)) { cls |= WLZ_RCC_OST; } } } } /* Free objects. */ for(i = 0; i < WLZ_RCCTOIDX_CNT; ++i) { (void )WlzFreeObj(t[i]); } for(i = 0; i <= 8; ++i) { (void )WlzFreeObj(c[i]); } for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { (void )WlzFreeObj(o[i]); } if((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && (dstStatAry != NULL)) { if((*dstStatAry = (double *) AlcMalloc(sizeof(double) * WLZ_RCCIDX_CNT)) == NULL) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_MEM_ALLOC; } else { (void )memcpy(*dstStatAry, stats, sizeof(double) * WLZ_RCCIDX_CNT); if(dstStatCnt) { *dstStatCnt = WLZ_RCCIDX_CNT; } } } if(dstErr) { *dstErr = errNum; } return(cls); }
/*! * \return Woolz error code. * \ingroup WlzBinaryOps * \brief Computes a metric which quantifies the extent to which * the domain of one of the given objects is offset from * the domain of the second. This is a symetric metric, ie * \f$OST(\Omega_0, \Omega_1) \equiv OST(\Omega_0, \Omega_1)\f$. * A domain is computed which is equidistant from the domains * of the two given objects, is within maxDist of each object's * domain and is within the convex hull of the union of the * domains of the two given objects. Within this domain the * 1st, 2nd and 3rd quantiles of the distance * (\f$q_0\f$, \f$q_1\f$ and \f$q_2\f$) are found. * The object's domains are classified as offset if * \f[ frac{q_1}{q_1 + (q_1 - q_0) + (q_2 - q_1)} \geq 0.5 \f] * ie * \f[ frac{q_1}{q_1 + q_2 - q_0} \geq 0.5 \f] * Small equi-distant domains with a volume less than half * the maximum distance do not classify the relationship as * an overlap. * \param o Array with the two given spatial * domain objects, must not be NULL * and nor must the objects. * \param t Array of temporary objects as in * WlzRCCTOIdx. * \param maxDist Maximum distance for offset. This * is used to compute a distance object, * large distances will significantly * increase the processing time. * \param dQ0 Destination pointer for 1st quantile * offset distance, must not be NULL. * \param dQ1 Destination pointer for 2nd quantile * (ie median) offset distance, * must not be NULL. * \param dQ2 Destination pointer for 3rd quantile * offset distance, must not be NULL. */ static WlzErrorNum WlzRCCOffset( WlzObject **o, WlzObject **t, int maxDist, int *dQ0, int *dQ1, int *dQ2) { int empty = 0; int q[3] = {0}; int *dHist = NULL; WlzObject *eObj = NULL; WlzErrorNum errNum = WLZ_ERR_NONE; if(((o[0]->type == WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ) && (o[1]->type == WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ)) || ((o[0]->type == WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ) && (o[1]->type == WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ))) { if((o[0]->domain.core == NULL) || (o[1]->domain.core == NULL)) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_DOMAIN_NULL; } } else { errNum = WLZ_ERR_OBJECT_TYPE; } /* Compute distance transforms of the two given objects out to a given * maximum distance and then using these distances the equi-distant * domain between these two objects. The values of the eqi-distant object * are those of the distance between the objects.*/ if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { int i; WlzObject *sObj = NULL, *cObj = NULL; WlzObject *dObj[2]; dObj[0] = dObj[1] = NULL; /* Create structuring element with which to dilate the given object * domains(by maxDist). */ sObj = WlzAssignObject( WlzMakeSphereObject(o[0]->type, maxDist, 0, 0, 0, &errNum), NULL); /* Create domain or convex hull of the union of the two given object * domains. */ if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { WlzObject *uObj = NULL, *xObj = NULL; errNum = WlzRCCMakeT(o, t, WLZ_RCCTOIDX_O0O1U); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { uObj = WlzAssignObject(t[WLZ_RCCTOIDX_O0O1U], NULL); } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { xObj = WlzAssignObject( WlzObjToConvexHull(uObj, &errNum), NULL); } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { cObj = WlzAssignObject( WlzConvexHullToObj(xObj, o[0]->type, &errNum), NULL); } (void )WlzFreeObj(xObj); (void )WlzFreeObj(uObj); } /* Dilate the two given objects and find the ntersection of the * dilated domains with each other and the convex hull computed * above. Within his domain compute the distances. */ if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { WlzObject *tObj = NULL, *rObj = NULL; tObj = WlzAssignObject( WlzStructDilation(o[i], sObj, &errNum), NULL); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { rObj = WlzAssignObject( WlzIntersect2(tObj, cObj, &errNum), NULL); } (void )WlzFreeObj(tObj); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { dObj[i] = WlzAssignObject( WlzDistanceTransform(rObj, o[!i], WLZ_OCTAGONAL_DISTANCE, 0.0, maxDist, &errNum), NULL); } (void )WlzFreeObj(rObj); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { WlzPixelV bgdV; bgdV.type = WLZ_GREY_INT; bgdV.v.inv = maxDist; errNum = WlzSetBackground(dObj[i], bgdV); } if(errNum != WLZ_ERR_NONE) { break; } } } /* Find the domain which is equi-distant from the two given objects, * within the xDist range and within the convex hull of the union of * the two given object's domains. */ (void )WlzFreeObj(sObj); sObj = NULL; if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { WlzLong vol = 0; WlzObject *qObj = NULL, *tObj = NULL; qObj = WlzAssignObject( WlzImageArithmetic(dObj[0], dObj[1], WLZ_BO_EQ, 0, &errNum), NULL); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { WlzPixelV thrV; thrV.type = WLZ_GREY_INT; thrV.v.inv = 1; tObj = WlzAssignObject( WlzThreshold(qObj, thrV, WLZ_THRESH_HIGH, &errNum), NULL); } /* Check that the eqi-distant domain is of a reasonable size ie has * a area or volume greater than half the maximum distance. */ if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { vol = WlzVolume(tObj, &errNum); if((maxDist / 2) >= vol) { empty = 1; } } if((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && !empty) { WlzObject *mObj; WlzPixelV tmpV; tmpV.type = WLZ_GREY_INT; tmpV.v.inv = 0; mObj = WlzAssignObject( WlzGreyTemplate(dObj[0], tObj, tmpV, &errNum), NULL); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { tmpV.v.inv = 1; eObj = WlzAssignObject( WlzThreshold(mObj, tmpV, WLZ_THRESH_HIGH, &errNum), NULL); } (void )WlzFreeObj(mObj); } (void )WlzFreeObj(tObj); (void )WlzFreeObj(qObj); if((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && !empty) { WlzLong vol; vol = WlzVolume(eObj, &errNum); if((maxDist / 2) >= vol) { empty = 1; } } } (void )WlzFreeObj(cObj); (void )WlzFreeObj(sObj); (void )WlzFreeObj(dObj[0]); (void )WlzFreeObj(dObj[1]); } /* Compute a quantised distance histogram in which equi-distant distances * are quantized to integer values. */ if((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && !empty) { if((dHist = (int *)AlcCalloc(maxDist + 1, sizeof(int))) == NULL) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_MEM_ALLOC; } } if((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && !empty) { if(eObj->type == WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ) { errNum = WlzRCCCompDistHist2D(maxDist, dHist, eObj); } else { errNum = WlzRCCCompDistHist3D(maxDist, dHist, eObj); } #ifdef WLZ_RCC_DEBUG_OST { FILE *fP; fP = fopen("WLZ_RCC_DEBUG_OST.wlz", "w"); (void )WlzWriteObj(fP, eObj); (void )fclose(fP); } #endif } WlzFreeObj(eObj); if((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && !empty) { int i, n, s, nq; /* Compute the median, first and third quantile offset distances, * the ratio of median to the median plus inner inter-quantile range. */ n = 0; for(i = 0; i < maxDist; ++i) { n += dHist[i]; } i = 0; s = 0; nq = n / 4; while(s < nq) { s += dHist[i++]; } q[0] = i; nq = n / 2; while(s < nq) { s += dHist[i++]; } q[1] = i; nq = (3 * n) / 4; while(s < nq) { s += dHist[i++]; } q[2] = i; } AlcFree(dHist); *dQ0 = q[0]; *dQ1 = q[1]; *dQ2 = q[2]; return(errNum); }
void install_paint_reference_object( WlzObject *obj) { Widget toggle; WlzPixelV bckgrnd; WlzPixelV min, max, Min, Max; WlzErrorNum errNum=WLZ_ERR_NONE; if( globals.orig_obj != NULL ){ WlzFreeObj( globals.orig_obj ); } globals.orig_obj = WlzAssignObject(obj, &errNum); obj = NULL; /* check input object for grey-value type convert if necessary */ if( errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE ){ bckgrnd = WlzGetBackground(globals.orig_obj, &errNum); Min.type = WLZ_GREY_INT; Max.type = WLZ_GREY_INT; Min.v.inv = 0; Max.v.inv = 255; } if( errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE ){ switch( bckgrnd.type ){ case WLZ_GREY_LONG: WlzGreyRange(globals.orig_obj, &min, &max); if( (min.v.lnv < 0) || (max.v.lnv > 255) ){ if((obj = WlzConvertPix(globals.orig_obj, WLZ_GREY_INT, &errNum))){ WlzGreySetRange(obj, min, max, Min, Max, 0); bckgrnd = WlzGetBackground(obj, &errNum); } } break; case WLZ_GREY_INT: WlzGreyRange(globals.orig_obj, &min, &max); if( (min.v.inv < 0) || (max.v.inv > 255) ){ obj = WlzConvertPix(globals.orig_obj, WLZ_GREY_INT, &errNum); WlzGreySetRange(obj, min, max, Min, Max, 0); bckgrnd = WlzGetBackground(obj, &errNum); } break; case WLZ_GREY_SHORT: WlzGreyRange(globals.orig_obj, &min, &max); if( (min.v.shv < 0) || (max.v.shv > 255) ){ if((obj = WlzConvertPix(globals.orig_obj, WLZ_GREY_SHORT, &errNum))){ WlzGreySetRange(obj, min, max, Min, Max, 0); bckgrnd = WlzGetBackground(obj, &errNum); } } break; case WLZ_GREY_FLOAT: WlzGreyRange(globals.orig_obj, &min, &max); if( (min.v.flv < 0) || (max.v.flv > 255) ){ if((obj = WlzConvertPix(globals.orig_obj, WLZ_GREY_INT, &errNum))){ WlzGreySetRange(obj, min, max, Min, Max, 0); bckgrnd = WlzGetBackground(obj, &errNum); } } break; case WLZ_GREY_DOUBLE: WlzGreyRange(globals.orig_obj, &min, &max); if( (min.v.dbv < 0) || (max.v.dbv > 255) ){ if((obj = WlzConvertPix(globals.orig_obj, WLZ_GREY_INT, &errNum))){ WlzGreySetRange(obj, min, max, Min, Max, 0); bckgrnd = WlzGetBackground(obj, &errNum); } } break; default: case WLZ_GREY_UBYTE: break; } } /* copy for later transform for display purposes, the original is kept for IP purposes note pixconvert loses the background value */ if( errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE ){ if( globals.obj != NULL ){ WlzFreeObj( globals.obj ); } if( obj ){ globals.obj = WlzAssignObject(WlzConvertPix(obj, WLZ_GREY_UBYTE, &errNum), NULL); WlzFreeObj(globals.orig_obj); globals.orig_obj = WlzAssignObject(obj, NULL); } else { globals.obj = WlzAssignObject(WlzConvertPix(globals.orig_obj, WLZ_GREY_UBYTE, &errNum), NULL); } } if( errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE ){ min.type = WLZ_GREY_UBYTE; max.type = WLZ_GREY_UBYTE; Min.type = WLZ_GREY_UBYTE; Max.type = WLZ_GREY_UBYTE; min.v.ubv = 0; max.v.ubv = 255; Min.v.ubv = globals.cmapstruct->gmin; Max.v.ubv = globals.cmapstruct->gmax; errNum = WlzGreySetRange(globals.obj, min, max, Min, Max, 0); } /* also convert the background values */ if( errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE ){ /* min = WlzGetBackground(globals.orig_obj, NULL);*/ WlzValueConvertPixel(&bckgrnd, bckgrnd, WLZ_GREY_INT); max.type = WLZ_GREY_INT; max.v.inv = ((bckgrnd.v.inv * (Max.v.ubv - Min.v.ubv)) / 255) + Min.v.ubv; WlzSetBackground(globals.obj, max); /* fill blank planes here - should be a resource option */ if( (toggle = XtNameToWidget(read_obj_dialog, "*.fill_blanks")) ){ Boolean fill_blanks, min_domain; XtVaGetValues(toggle, XmNset, &fill_blanks, NULL); if( fill_blanks ){ if( (toggle = XtNameToWidget(read_obj_dialog, "*.min_domain")) ){ XtVaGetValues(toggle, XmNset, &min_domain, NULL); if( min_domain ){ WlzFillBlankPlanes(globals.obj, 1); } else { WlzFillBlankPlanes(globals.obj, 0); } } else { WlzFillBlankPlanes(globals.obj, 1); } } } /* setup the display list and properties dialog */ setup_ref_display_list_cb(read_obj_dialog, NULL, NULL); setup_obj_props_cb(read_obj_dialog, NULL, NULL); } /* log the object size */ if( (errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && globals.logfileFp ){ char strBuf[64]; sprintf(strBuf, "(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)", globals.obj->domain.p->kol1, globals.obj->domain.p->line1, globals.obj->domain.p->plane1, globals.obj->domain.p->lastkl, globals.obj->domain.p->lastln, globals.obj->domain.p->lastpl); MAPaintLogData("BoundingBox", strBuf, 0, NULL); sprintf(strBuf, "%d", (int) WlzVolume(globals.obj, NULL)); MAPaintLogData("Volume", strBuf, 0, NULL); } if( errNum != WLZ_ERR_NONE ){ MAPaintReportWlzError(globals.topl, "install_paint_reference_object", errNum); } return; }
void warpSetSignalDomain( WlzIVertex2 *selVtx) { WlzErrorNum errNum=WLZ_ERR_NONE; WlzPixelV threshV, threshV1; WlzObject *obj, *obj1; WlzUInt combineMode; /* image processing sequence */ if( warpGlobals.sgnlThreshObj == NULL ){ warpSetSignalThreshObj(); } if( warpGlobals.sgnlThreshObj ){ obj1 = WlzAssignObject(warpGlobals.sgnlThreshObj, &errNum); } else { return; } /* threshold the resultant image */ if( errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE ){ switch( warpGlobals.thresholdType ){ case WLZ_RGBA_THRESH_NONE: break; case WLZ_RGBA_THRESH_SINGLE: threshV.type = WLZ_GREY_INT; threshV.v.inv = warpGlobals.threshRangeLow; if( obj1 ){ /* clear signal object */ if( warpGlobals.sgnlObj ){ WlzFreeObj(warpGlobals.sgnlObj); } if((obj = WlzThreshold(obj1, threshV, WLZ_THRESH_HIGH, &errNum)) && (WlzVolume(obj, &errNum) > 0)){ obj = WlzAssignObject(obj, &errNum); WlzFreeObj(obj1); threshV.v.inv = warpGlobals.threshRangeHigh + 1; if((obj1 = WlzThreshold(obj, threshV, WLZ_THRESH_LOW, &errNum)) && (WlzVolume(obj1, &errNum) > 0)){ warpGlobals.sgnlObj = WlzAssignObject(obj1, &errNum); } else { if( obj1 ){ WlzFreeObj(obj1); } warpGlobals.sgnlObj = NULL; } WlzFreeObj(obj); } else { if( obj ) { WlzFreeObj(obj); } WlzFreeObj(obj1); warpGlobals.sgnlObj = NULL; } } break; case WLZ_RGBA_THRESH_MULTI: /* clear signal object */ if( warpGlobals.sgnlObj ){ WlzFreeObj(warpGlobals.sgnlObj); } /* set the thresholds and combine mode */ threshV.type = WLZ_GREY_RGBA; WLZ_RGBA_RGBA_SET(threshV.v.rgbv, warpGlobals.threshRangeRGBLow[0], warpGlobals.threshRangeRGBLow[1], warpGlobals.threshRangeRGBLow[2], 255); threshV1.type = WLZ_GREY_RGBA; WLZ_RGBA_RGBA_SET(threshV1.v.rgbv, warpGlobals.threshRangeRGBHigh[0], warpGlobals.threshRangeRGBHigh[1], warpGlobals.threshRangeRGBHigh[2], 255); WLZ_RGBA_RGBA_SET(combineMode, WLZ_BO_AND, WLZ_BO_AND, WLZ_BO_AND, 255); /* use multi-threshold */ if((obj = WlzRGBAMultiThreshold(obj1, threshV, threshV1, combineMode, &errNum))){ if( WlzIsEmpty(obj, &errNum) ){ WlzFreeObj(obj); warpGlobals.sgnlObj = NULL; } else { warpGlobals.sgnlObj = WlzAssignObject(obj, &errNum); } } else { warpGlobals.sgnlObj = NULL; } WlzFreeObj(obj1); break; case WLZ_RGBA_THRESH_BOX: /* clear signal object */ if( warpGlobals.sgnlObj ){ WlzFreeObj(warpGlobals.sgnlObj); } /* use box-threshold */ if((obj = WlzRGBABoxThreshold(obj1, warpGlobals.lowRGBPoint, warpGlobals.highRGBPoint, &errNum))){ if( WlzIsEmpty(obj, &errNum) ){ WlzFreeObj(obj); warpGlobals.sgnlObj = NULL; } else { warpGlobals.sgnlObj = WlzAssignObject(obj, &errNum); } } else { warpGlobals.sgnlObj = NULL; } WlzFreeObj(obj1); break; case WLZ_RGBA_THRESH_SLICE: /* clear signal object */ if( warpGlobals.sgnlObj ){ WlzFreeObj(warpGlobals.sgnlObj); } /* use slice-threshold */ if((obj = WlzRGBASliceThreshold(obj1, warpGlobals.lowRGBPoint, warpGlobals.highRGBPoint, &errNum))){ if( WlzIsEmpty(obj, &errNum) ){ WlzFreeObj(obj); warpGlobals.sgnlObj = NULL; } else { warpGlobals.sgnlObj = WlzAssignObject(obj, &errNum); } } else { warpGlobals.sgnlObj = NULL; } WlzFreeObj(obj1); break; case WLZ_RGBA_THRESH_SPHERE: /* clear signal object */ if( warpGlobals.sgnlObj ){ WlzFreeObj(warpGlobals.sgnlObj); } /* use Ellipsoid-threshold */ if((obj = WlzRGBAEllipsoidThreshold(obj1, warpGlobals.lowRGBPoint, warpGlobals.highRGBPoint, warpGlobals.colorEllipseEcc, &errNum))){ if( WlzIsEmpty(obj, &errNum) ){ WlzFreeObj(obj); warpGlobals.sgnlObj = NULL; } else { warpGlobals.sgnlObj = WlzAssignObject(obj, &errNum); } } else { warpGlobals.sgnlObj = NULL; } WlzFreeObj(obj1); break; default: errNum = WLZ_ERR_PARAM_DATA; if( obj1 ){ WlzFreeObj(obj1); } if( warpGlobals.sgnlObj ){ WlzFreeObj(warpGlobals.sgnlObj); warpGlobals.sgnlObj = NULL; } break; } } /* check for local mode */ if( warpGlobals.sgnlObj && !warpGlobals.globalThreshFlg ){ if( selVtx != NULL ){ warpGlobals.globalThreshVtx = *selVtx; } /* extract a local domain if the vertex is sensible */ if( warpGlobals.globalThreshVtx.vtX != -10000 ){ WlzObject **objs=NULL; int i, numObjs; double x, y; obj1 = NULL; x = warpGlobals.globalThreshVtx.vtX; y = warpGlobals.globalThreshVtx.vtY; errNum = WlzLabel(warpGlobals.sgnlObj, &numObjs, &objs, 8192, 0, WLZ_4_CONNECTED); if( (errNum == WLZ_ERR_INT_DATA) && (numObjs == 8192) ){ WlzObject *tmpObj1, *tmpObj2; WlzDomain domain; WlzValues values; /* try again, smaller domain */ for(i=0; i < numObjs; i++){ WlzFreeObj( objs[i] ); } AlcFree((void *) objs); objs = NULL; numObjs = 0; domain.i = WlzMakeIntervalDomain(WLZ_INTERVALDOMAIN_RECT, y - 80, y + 80, x - 80, x + 80, &errNum); values.core = NULL; if((tmpObj1 = WlzMakeMain(warpGlobals.sgnlObj->type, domain, values, NULL, NULL, &errNum))){ if((tmpObj2 = WlzIntersect2(warpGlobals.sgnlObj, tmpObj1, &errNum))){ tmpObj2->values = WlzAssignValues(warpGlobals.sgnlObj->values, NULL); errNum = WlzLabel(warpGlobals.sgnlObj, &numObjs, &objs, 8192, 0, WLZ_4_CONNECTED); WlzFreeObj(tmpObj2); if((errNum == WLZ_ERR_INT_DATA) && (numObjs == 8192) ){ errNum = WLZ_ERR_NONE; } } WlzFreeObj(tmpObj1); } } if( errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE ){ for(i=0; i < numObjs; i++){ if( WlzInsideDomain( objs[i], 0.0, y, x, NULL ) ){ obj1 = WlzMakeMain(objs[i]->type, objs[i]->domain, objs[i]->values, NULL, NULL, NULL); obj1 = WlzAssignObject(obj1, NULL); } WlzFreeObj( objs[i] ); } AlcFree((void *) objs); } if( obj1 ){ WlzFreeObj(warpGlobals.sgnlObj); warpGlobals.sgnlObj = obj1; } } else { WlzFreeObj(warpGlobals.sgnlObj); warpGlobals.sgnlObj = NULL; } } /* check for increment mode */ if( warpGlobals.incrThreshFlg && sgnlIncrObj() ){ if( warpGlobals.sgnlObj ){ if((obj1 = WlzUnion2(warpGlobals.sgnlObj, sgnlIncrObj(), &errNum))){ WlzFreeObj(warpGlobals.sgnlObj); warpGlobals.sgnlObj = WlzAssignObject(obj1, &errNum); } } else { warpGlobals.sgnlObj = WlzAssignObject(sgnlIncrObj(), &errNum); } } if( errNum != WLZ_ERR_NONE ){ MAPaintReportWlzError(globals.topl, "warpSetSignalDomain", errNum); } return; }
int main( int argc, char **argv) { WlzObject *obj1, *obj2; int verboseFlg=0; char *nameStr; double xsize=1.0, ysize=1.0, zsize=1.0; int i, j; double dist, minDist; double dist1, dist2, dist3, dist4; int numVtxs1, numVtxs2; WlzDVertex3 *edgeVtxs1, *edgeVtxs2; WlzDVertex3 cmVtx1, cmVtx2; double vol1, vol2; double mass1, mass2; WlzErrorNum errNum=WLZ_ERR_NONE; /* check input arguments */ nameStr = argv[0]; argv++; argc--; while( argc > 0 ) { switch( argv[0][1] ) { case 'h': usage(nameStr); return 0; case 'v': verboseFlg = 1; break; default: usage(nameStr); return 1; } argc--; argv++; } /* read the objects */ if((obj1 = WlzReadObj(stdin, NULL)) && (obj2 = WlzReadObj(stdin, NULL)) ){ if( obj1->type != obj2->type ){ return 1; } if((obj1->type != WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ) && (obj1->type != WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ)){ usage(nameStr); return 1; } /* get edge vertices */ numVtxs1 = WlzEdgeVertices(obj1, &edgeVtxs1, NULL); numVtxs2 = WlzEdgeVertices(obj2, &edgeVtxs2, NULL); /* renormalise with pixel sizes */ if( obj1->type == WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ ){ xsize = obj1->domain.p->voxel_size[0]; ysize = obj1->domain.p->voxel_size[1]; zsize = obj1->domain.p->voxel_size[2]; for(i=0; i < numVtxs1; i++){ edgeVtxs1[i].vtX *= xsize; edgeVtxs1[i].vtY *= ysize; edgeVtxs1[i].vtZ *= zsize; } for(i=0; i < numVtxs2; i++){ edgeVtxs2[i].vtX *= xsize; edgeVtxs2[i].vtY *= ysize; edgeVtxs2[i].vtZ *= zsize; } } /* get centre of mass vertices */ if( obj1->type == WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ ){ WlzDVertex2 vtx2; vtx2 = WlzCentreOfMass2D(obj1, 0, &mass1, &errNum); cmVtx1.vtX = vtx2.vtX; cmVtx1.vtY = vtx2.vtY; cmVtx1.vtZ = 0.0; vtx2 = WlzCentreOfMass2D(obj2, 0, &mass2, &errNum); cmVtx2.vtX = vtx2.vtX; cmVtx2.vtY = vtx2.vtY; cmVtx2.vtZ = 0.0; } else { cmVtx1 = WlzCentreOfMass3D(obj1, 0, &mass1, &errNum); cmVtx2 = WlzCentreOfMass3D(obj2, 0, &mass2, &errNum); cmVtx1.vtX *= xsize; cmVtx1.vtY *= ysize; cmVtx1.vtZ *= zsize; cmVtx2.vtX *= xsize; cmVtx2.vtY *= ysize; cmVtx2.vtZ *= zsize; } /* find distance between centres of mass */ dist1 = vtxDist(cmVtx1, cmVtx2); /* find cm 1 to surface 2 dist */ if( numVtxs2 > 0 ){ minDist = vtxDist(cmVtx1, edgeVtxs2[0]); for(j=0; j < numVtxs2; j++){ dist = vtxDist(cmVtx1, edgeVtxs2[j]); if( dist < minDist ){ minDist = dist; } } dist2 = minDist; if( !WlzInsideDomain(obj2, cmVtx1.vtZ/zsize, cmVtx1.vtY/ysize, cmVtx1.vtX/xsize, &errNum) ){ dist2 *= -1.0; } } else { dist2 = 0.0; } /* find surface 1 to cm 2 dist */ if( numVtxs1 > 0 ){ minDist = vtxDist(cmVtx2, edgeVtxs1[0]); for(j=0; j < numVtxs1; j++){ dist = vtxDist(cmVtx2, edgeVtxs1[j]); if( dist < minDist ){ minDist = dist; } } dist3 = minDist; if( !WlzInsideDomain(obj1, cmVtx2.vtZ/zsize, cmVtx2.vtY/ysize, cmVtx2.vtX/xsize, &errNum) ){ dist3 *= -1.0; } } else { dist3 = 0.0; } /* find min distance between surfaces */ if( (numVtxs1 > 0) && (numVtxs2 > 0) ){ minDist = vtxDist(edgeVtxs1[0], edgeVtxs2[0]); for(i=0; i < numVtxs1; i++){ for(j=0; j < numVtxs2; j++){ dist = vtxDist(edgeVtxs1[i], edgeVtxs2[j]); if( dist < minDist ){ minDist = dist; } } } dist4 = minDist; } else { dist4 = 0.0; } /* get the volumes */ if( obj1->type == WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ ){ vol1 = WlzArea(obj1, &errNum); vol2 = WlzArea(obj2, &errNum); } else { vol1 = WlzVolume(obj1, &errNum); vol2 = WlzVolume(obj2, &errNum); vol1 *= xsize*ysize*zsize; vol2 *= xsize*ysize*zsize; } /* print it */ fprintf(stdout, "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n", vol1, vol2, mass1, mass2, dist1, dist2, dist3, dist4); } return 0; }
/*! * \return Woolz error code. * \ingroup WlzBinaryOps * \brief Splits the reference object into component objects cliped * from the reference object, with the bounding box of each * of the component objects determined using the pre-processed * object. The component objects are returned in size order. * \param refObj Reference object. * \param ppObj Pre-processed object which is * normalised to values in the range * 0 - 255 as WlzUByte greys. * \param bWidth Border width. * \param bgdFrac Minimum fraction of values which are * background values, with range * [0.0+ - 1.0-]. * \param sigma Histogram smoothing parameter used * by WlzHistogramCnvGauss(). * \param compThrMethod Method for computing threshold, used * in call to WlzCompThresholdVT(). * \param nReqComp Number of required components. * \param dstNComp Destination pointer for the number of * components extracted, must not be NULL. * \param dstComp Destination pointer for the extracted * components, must not be NULL. */ WlzErrorNum WlzSplitObj(WlzObject *refObj, WlzObject *ppObj, int bWidth, double bgdFrac, double sigma, WlzCompThreshType compThrMethod, int nReqComp, int *dstNComp, WlzObject ***dstComp) { int dim, idC; WlzObject *hObj = NULL, *tObj = NULL; WlzObject **comp = NULL; WlzBox box; WlzPixelV tV; WlzSplitObjData split; WlzThresholdType tType; WlzConnectType lCon; WlzErrorNum errNum = WLZ_ERR_NONE; const int maxComp = 1024; split.nLComp = 0; split.compI = NULL; split.lCompSz = NULL; split.lComp = NULL; if((refObj == NULL) || (ppObj == NULL)) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_OBJECT_NULL; } else if((refObj->domain.core == NULL) || (ppObj->domain.core == NULL)) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_DOMAIN_NULL; } else if((refObj->values.core == NULL) || (ppObj->values.core == NULL)) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_VALUES_NULL; } else if(refObj->type != ppObj->type) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_OBJECT_TYPE; } else if((dstNComp == NULL) || (dstComp == NULL)) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_PARAM_NULL; } else if((bgdFrac < DBL_EPSILON) || (bgdFrac > (1.0 - DBL_EPSILON))) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_PARAM_DATA; } else { switch(refObj->type) { case WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ: dim = 2; lCon = WLZ_8_CONNECTED; break; case WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ: dim = 3; lCon = WLZ_26_CONNECTED; break; default: errNum = WLZ_ERR_OBJECT_TYPE; break; } } /* Compute threshold value and type from histogram. */ if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { hObj = WlzAssignObject( WlzHistogramObj(ppObj, 256, 0.0, 1.0, &errNum), NULL); } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { errNum = WlzHistogramCnvGauss(hObj, sigma, 0); } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { errNum = WlzCompThresholdVT(hObj, compThrMethod, bgdFrac, 0.0, 0.0, &tV, &tType); } (void )WlzFreeObj(hObj); hObj = NULL; /* Threshold object. */ if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { tObj = WlzAssignObject( WlzThreshold(ppObj, tV, tType, &errNum), NULL); } /* Label to get connected components. */ if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { errNum = WlzLabel(tObj, &(split.nLComp), &(split.lComp), maxComp, 0, lCon); } /* Sort connected components by size. */ if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(split.nLComp < nReqComp) { nReqComp = split.nLComp; } if(((split.compI = (int *)AlcMalloc(sizeof(int) * split.nLComp)) == NULL) || ((split.lCompSz = (int *)AlcMalloc(sizeof(int) * split.nLComp)) == NULL)) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_MEM_ALLOC; } } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { idC = 0; while((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && (idC < split.nLComp)) { split.compI[idC] = idC; split.lCompSz[idC] = (dim == 2)? WlzArea(split.lComp[idC], &errNum): WlzVolume(split.lComp[idC], &errNum); ++idC; } } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { /* Sort component indices by component size. */ AlgQSort(split.compI, split.nLComp, sizeof(int), &split, WlzSplitObjSortSzFn); /* Allocate array for cliped component objects. */ if((comp = (WlzObject **)AlcCalloc(sizeof(WlzObject *), split.nLComp)) == NULL) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_MEM_ALLOC; } } /* Compute bounding box and clip objects from the reference object. */ if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { idC = 0; while((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && (idC < nReqComp)) { if(dim == 2) { box.i2 = WlzBoundingBox2I(split.lComp[split.compI[idC]], &errNum); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { box.i2.xMin -= bWidth; box.i2.yMin -= bWidth; box.i2.xMax += bWidth; box.i2.yMax += bWidth; comp[idC] = WlzClipObjToBox2D(refObj, box.i2, &errNum); } } else /* dim == 3 */ { box.i3 = WlzBoundingBox3I(split.lComp[split.compI[idC]], &errNum); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { box.i3.xMin -= bWidth; box.i3.yMin -= bWidth; box.i3.zMin -= bWidth; box.i3.xMax += bWidth; box.i3.yMax += bWidth; box.i3.zMax += bWidth; comp[idC] = WlzClipObjToBox3D(refObj, box.i3, &errNum); } } ++idC; } } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { *dstNComp = nReqComp; *dstComp = comp; } /* Free temporary storage. */ if(split.lComp) { for(idC = 0; idC < split.nLComp; ++idC) { (void )WlzFreeObj(split.lComp[idC]); } AlcFree(split.lComp); } AlcFree(split.compI); AlcFree(split.lCompSz); (void )WlzFreeObj(tObj); return(errNum); }
/*! * \return Woolz error code. * \ingroup WlzBinaryOps * \brief Splits the given montage object into component objects * clipped from the montage object. The montage object * must be composed of component images embedded in a * background, with little variation in the background * values. * \param mObj Montage object, which must be either * a WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ or a * WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ with values. * \param gapV Value for the uniform background. * Must be either WLZ_GREY_INT or * WLZ_GREY_RGBA. * \param tol Tolerance (fraction) for the * variation in background values. * \param bWidth Additional boundary width added * to detected images before they are * clipped. * \param minArea Minimum area for a valid component * image, must be greater than zero. * \param maxComp Maximum number of components. * \param dstNComp Destination pointer for the number of * components extracted, must not be NULL. * \param dstComp Destination pointer for the extracted * components, must not be NULL. */ WlzErrorNum WlzSplitMontageObj(WlzObject *mObj, WlzPixelV gapV, double tol, int bWidth, int minArea, int maxComp, int *dstNComp, WlzObject ***dstComp) { int id0, id1, area, nLComp = 0; WlzObject *gObj = NULL, *tObj = NULL; WlzObject **lComp; WlzGreyType objG; WlzBox box; WlzPixelV gapLV, gapHV; WlzConnectType lCon; int tI[8]; WlzErrorNum errNum = WLZ_ERR_NONE; tol = WLZ_CLAMP(tol, 0.0, 1.0); if(mObj == NULL) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_OBJECT_NULL; } else if(minArea < 1) { errNum = WLZ_ERR_PARAM_DATA; } else { switch(mObj->type) { case WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ: lCon = WLZ_4_CONNECTED; break; case WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ: lCon = WLZ_6_CONNECTED; break; default: errNum = WLZ_ERR_OBJECT_TYPE; break; } } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { objG = WlzGreyTypeFromObj(mObj, &errNum); } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { switch(gapV.type) { case WLZ_GREY_INT: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case WLZ_GREY_RGBA: break; default: errNum = WLZ_ERR_GREY_TYPE; break; } } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { if(objG == WLZ_GREY_RGBA) { if(gapV.type != WLZ_GREY_RGBA) { (void )WlzValueConvertPixel(&gapV, gapV, WLZ_GREY_RGBA); } } else { if(gapV.type != WLZ_GREY_INT) { (void )WlzValueConvertPixel(&gapV, gapV, WLZ_GREY_INT); } } gapLV.type = gapHV.type = gapV.type; if(gapV.type == WLZ_GREY_INT) { tI[0] = gapV.v.inv * tol; gapLV.v.inv = gapV.v.inv - tI[0]; gapHV.v.inv = gapV.v.inv + tI[0]; tObj = WlzThreshold(mObj, gapLV, WLZ_THRESH_HIGH, &errNum); if((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && (tObj != NULL)) { gObj = WlzThreshold(tObj, gapHV, WLZ_THRESH_LOW, &errNum); } (void )WlzFreeObj(tObj); tObj = NULL; } else /* gapV.type == WLZ_GREY_RGBA */ { tI[0] = WLZ_RGBA_RED_GET(gapV.v.rgbv); tI[1] = (int )floor((double )(tI[0]) * tol); tI[2] = tI[0] - tI[1]; tI[5] = tI[0] + tI[1]; tI[0] = WLZ_RGBA_GREEN_GET(gapV.v.rgbv); tI[1] = (int )floor((double )(tI[0]) * tol); tI[3] = tI[0] - tI[1]; tI[6] = tI[0] + tI[1]; tI[0] = WLZ_RGBA_BLUE_GET(gapV.v.rgbv); tI[1] = (int )floor((double )(tI[0]) * tol); tI[4] = tI[0] - tI[1]; tI[7] = tI[0] + tI[1]; tI[2] = WLZ_CLAMP(tI[2], 0, 255); tI[3] = WLZ_CLAMP(tI[3], 0, 255); tI[4] = WLZ_CLAMP(tI[4], 0, 255); WLZ_RGBA_RGBA_SET(gapLV.v.rgbv, tI[2], tI[3], tI[4], 255); tI[5] = WLZ_CLAMP(tI[5], 0, 255); tI[6] = WLZ_CLAMP(tI[6], 0, 255); tI[7] = WLZ_CLAMP(tI[7], 0, 255); WLZ_RGBA_RGBA_SET(gapHV.v.rgbv, tI[5], tI[6], tI[7], 255); gObj = WlzRGBABoxThreshold(mObj, gapLV, gapHV, &errNum); } } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { tObj = WlzDiffDomain(mObj, gObj, &errNum); } (void )WlzFreeObj(gObj); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { errNum = WlzLabel(tObj, &nLComp, &lComp, maxComp, 0, lCon); } (void )WlzFreeObj(tObj); if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { /* Get rid of small objects using minArea as the threshold. */ id0 = 0; id1 = 0; while(id0 < nLComp) { switch((*(lComp + id0))->type) { case WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ: area = WlzArea(*(lComp + id0), NULL); break; case WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ: area = WlzVolume(*(lComp + id0), NULL); break; default: area = 0; break; } if(area >= minArea) { *(lComp + id1) = *(lComp + id0); ++id1; } else { (void )WlzFreeObj(*(lComp + id0)); *(lComp + id0) = NULL; } ++id0; } nLComp = id1; } if(errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) { /* Clip rectangular objects from the montage object. */ id0 = 0; while((errNum == WLZ_ERR_NONE) && (id0 < nLComp)) { if(tObj->type == WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ) { box.i2 = WlzBoundingBox2I(*(lComp + id0), &errNum); box.i2.xMin -= bWidth; box.i2.yMin -= bWidth; box.i2.xMax += bWidth; box.i2.yMax += bWidth; (void )WlzFreeObj(*(lComp + id0)); *(lComp + id0) = WlzClipObjToBox2D(mObj, box.i2, &errNum); } else /* tObj->type == WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ */ { box.i3 = WlzBoundingBox3I(*(lComp + id0), &errNum); box.i3.xMin -= bWidth; box.i3.yMin -= bWidth; box.i3.zMin -= bWidth; box.i3.xMax += bWidth; box.i3.yMax += bWidth; box.i3.zMax += bWidth; (void )WlzFreeObj(*(lComp + id0)); *(lComp + id0) = WlzClipObjToBox3D(mObj, box.i3, &errNum); } ++id0; } } *dstNComp = nLComp; *dstComp = lComp; return(errNum); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { WlzObject *obj; FILE *inFile; char optList[] = "nh"; int option; int count, vol; int numericFlg=0; const char *errMsg; WlzErrorNum errNum = WLZ_ERR_NONE; /* read the argument list and check for an input file */ opterr = 0; while( (option = getopt(argc, argv, optList)) != EOF ){ switch( option ){ case '~': /* dummy to avoid compiler warning */ break; case 'n': numericFlg = 1; break; case 'h': default: usage(argv[0]); return( 1 ); } } inFile = stdin; if( optind < argc ){ if( (inFile = fopen(*(argv+optind), "r")) == NULL ){ if( numericFlg ){ fprintf(stdout, "0\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open file %s\n", argv[0], *(argv+optind)); usage(argv[0]); } return( 1 ); } } count = 0; while( (obj = WlzReadObj(inFile, NULL)) != NULL ) { count++; switch( obj->type ) { case WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ: if(((vol = WlzVolume(obj , &errNum)) < 0) || (errNum != WLZ_ERR_NONE)){ if( numericFlg ){ fprintf(stdout, "0\n"); } else { (void )WlzStringFromErrorNum(errNum, &errMsg); fprintf(stderr, "%s: Object %d: error in calculating the volume (%s).\n", *argv, count, errMsg); } return 1 ; } else { if( numericFlg ){ fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", vol); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Object %d: number of voxels = %d\n", count, vol); } } break; case WLZ_EMPTY_OBJ: if( numericFlg ){ fprintf(stdout, "0\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Object %d: number of voxels = %d\n", count, 0); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Object %d: not 3D object type\n", count); break; } WlzFreeObj( obj ); } return( 0 ); }