Example #1

Skins aren't actually stored in the file, only a reference
is saved out to the header file.
static void process_skin(char *name, char *savename)
	byte	*palette;
	byte	*pixels;
	int		width, height;
	byte	*cropped;
	int		y;
	// load the image
	printf ("loading %s\n", name);
	Load256Image (name, &pixels, &palette, &width, &height);
	RemapZero (pixels, palette, width, height);

	// crop it to the proper size
	cropped = malloc (model.skinwidth*model.skinheight);
	for (y=0 ; y<model.skinheight ; y++)
		memcpy (cropped+y*model.skinwidth,
			pixels+y*width, model.skinwidth);

	// save off the new image
	printf ("saving %s\n", savename);
	CreatePath (savename);
	WritePCXfile (savename, cropped, model.skinwidth,
		model.skinheight, palette);

	free (pixels);
	free (palette);
	free (cropped);
Example #2
void SCR_ScreenShot_f (void) 
	int     	i; 
	char		pcxname[80]; 
	char		checkname[MAX_OSPATH];

// find a file name to save it to 
#if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (MACOSX)
        qboolean	success = false;

#endif /* __APPLE__ || MACOSX */
	for (i=0 ; i<=99 ; i++) 
		pcxname[5] = i/10 + '0'; 
		pcxname[6] = i%10 + '0'; 
#if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (MACOSX)
		snprintf (checkname, MAX_OSPATH, "%s/%s", com_gamedir, pcxname);
		sprintf (checkname, "%s/%s", com_gamedir, pcxname);
#endif /* __APPLE__ || MACOSX */
		if (Sys_FileTime(checkname) == -1)
			break;	// file doesn't exist
	if (i==100) 
#if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (MACOSX)
		Con_Printf ("SCR_ScreenShot_f: Couldn't create a PNG file\n");
		Con_Printf ("SCR_ScreenShot_f: Couldn't create a PCX file\n");
#endif /* __APPLE__ || MACOSX */
// save the pcx file 
	D_EnableBackBufferAccess ();	// enable direct drawing of console to back
									//  buffer

#if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (MACOSX)
        success = WritePNGFile (checkname, vid.buffer, vid.width, vid.height, vid.rowbytes, host_basepal);
	D_DisableBackBufferAccess ();	// for adapters that can't stay mapped in
                                        //  for linear writes all the time
        if (success == true)
            Con_Printf ("Wrote %s\n", pcxname);
	WritePCXfile (pcxname, vid.buffer, vid.width, vid.height, vid.rowbytes, host_basepal);
	D_DisableBackBufferAccess ();	// for adapters that can't stay mapped in
                                        //  for linear writes all the time
	Con_Printf ("Wrote %s\n", pcxname);
#endif /* __APPLE__ ||ÊMACOSX */
Example #3
// M_ScreenShot
void M_ScreenShot (void)
    int		i;
    byte*	linear;
    char	lbmname[12];
    // munge planar buffer to linear
    linear = screens[2];
    I_ReadScreen (linear);
    // find a file name to save it to
    for (i=0 ; i<=99 ; i++)
	lbmname[4] = i/10 + '0';
	lbmname[5] = i%10 + '0';
	if (access(lbmname,0) == -1)
	    break;	// file doesn't exist
    if (i==100)
	I_Error ("M_ScreenShot: Couldn't create a PCX");
    // save the pcx file
    WritePCXfile (lbmname, linear,
		  (byte*)W_CacheLumpName ("PLAYPAL",PU_CACHE));
    players[consoleplayer].message = "screen shot";
Example #4
void M_ScreenShot (void)
	int     i;
	byte    *linear;
	char    lbmname[12];
	byte *pal;

#ifdef _WATCOMC_
	extern  byte *pcscreen;
// munge planar buffer to linear
#ifdef _WATCOMC_
	linear = pcscreen;
	linear = screen;
// find a file name to save it to

	for (i=0 ; i<=99 ; i++)
		lbmname[5] = i/10 + '0';
		lbmname[6] = i%10 + '0';
		if (access(lbmname,0) == -1)
			break;  // file doesn't exist
	if (i==100)
		I_Error ("M_ScreenShot: Couldn't create a PCX");

// save the pcx file
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
	pal = (byte *)Z_Malloc(768, PU_STATIC, NULL);
	outp(0x3c7, 0);
	for(i = 0; i < 768; i++)
		*(pal+i) = inp(0x3c9)<<2;
	pal = (byte *)W_CacheLumpName("PLAYPAL", PU_CACHE);

	WritePCXfile (lbmname, linear, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT
		, pal);

	P_SetMessage(&players[consoleplayer], "SCREEN SHOT", false);
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
Example #5

   $grab filename x y width height
void Cmd_Grab( void ){
	int xl,yl,w,h,y;
	byte            *cropped;
	char savename[1024];
	char dest[1024];

	GetToken( qfalse );

	if ( token[0] == '/' || token[0] == '\\' ) {
		sprintf( savename, "%s%s.pcx", writedir, token + 1 );
		sprintf( savename, "%spics/%s.pcx", writedir, token );

	if ( g_release ) {
		if ( token[0] == '/' || token[0] == '\\' ) {
			sprintf( dest, "%s.pcx", token + 1 );
			sprintf( dest, "pics/%s.pcx", token );

		ReleaseFile( dest );

	GetToken( qfalse );
	xl = atoi( token );
	GetToken( qfalse );
	yl = atoi( token );
	GetToken( qfalse );
	w = atoi( token );
	GetToken( qfalse );
	h = atoi( token );

	if ( xl < 0 || yl < 0 || w < 0 || h < 0 || xl + w > byteimagewidth || yl + h > byteimageheight ) {
		Error( "GrabPic: Bad size: %i, %i, %i, %i",xl,yl,w,h );

	// crop it to the proper size
	cropped = malloc( w * h );
	for ( y = 0 ; y < h ; y++ )
		memcpy( cropped + y * w, byteimage + ( y + yl ) * byteimagewidth + xl, w );

	// save off the new image
	printf( "saving %s\n", savename );
	CreatePath( savename );
	WritePCXfile( savename, cropped, w, h, lbmpalette );

	free( cropped );
Example #6
void R_ScreenShot_f (void) 
	int			i; 
	char		pcxname[80]; 
	char		checkname[MAX_OSPATH];
	FILE		*f;
	byte		palette[768];

	// create the scrnshots directory if it doesn't exist
	Com_sprintf (checkname, sizeof(checkname), "%s/scrnshot", ri.FS_Gamedir());
	Sys_Mkdir (checkname);

// find a file name to save it to 
	for (i=0 ; i<=99 ; i++) 
		pcxname[5] = i/10 + '0'; 
		pcxname[6] = i%10 + '0'; 
		Com_sprintf (checkname, sizeof(checkname), "%s/scrnshot/%s", ri.FS_Gamedir(), pcxname);
		f = fopen (checkname, "r");
		if (!f)
			break;	// file doesn't exist
		fclose (f);
	if (i==100) 
		ri.Con_Printf (PRINT_ALL, "R_ScreenShot_f: Couldn't create a PCX"); 

	// turn the current 32 bit palette into a 24 bit palette
	for (i=0 ; i<256 ; i++)
		palette[i*3+0] = sw_state.currentpalette[i*4+0];
		palette[i*3+1] = sw_state.currentpalette[i*4+1];
		palette[i*3+2] = sw_state.currentpalette[i*4+2];

// save the pcx file 

	WritePCXfile (checkname, vid.buffer, vid.width, vid.height, vid.rowbytes,

	ri.Con_Printf (PRINT_ALL, "Wrote %s\n", checkname);
Example #7
void Cmd_Environment( void ){
	char name[1024];
	int i, x, y;
	byte image[256 * 256];
	byte    *tga;

	GetToken( qfalse );

	if ( g_release ) {
		for ( i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )
			sprintf( name, "env/%s%s.pcx", token, suf[i] );
			ReleaseFile( name );
			sprintf( name, "env/%s%s.tga", token, suf[i] );
			ReleaseFile( name );
	// get the palette

	sprintf( name, "%senv/", gamedir );
	CreatePath( name );

	// convert the images
	for ( i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )
		sprintf( name, "%senv/%s%s.tga", gamedir, token, suf[i] );
		printf( "loading %s...\n", name );
		LoadTGA( name, &tga, NULL, NULL );

		for ( y = 0 ; y < 256 ; y++ )
			for ( x = 0 ; x < 256 ; x++ )
				image[y * 256 + x] = FindColor( tga[( y * 256 + x ) * 4 + 0],tga[( y * 256 + x ) * 4 + 1],tga[( y * 256 + x ) * 4 + 2] );
		free( tga );
		sprintf( name, "%senv/%s%s.pcx", writedir, token, suf[i] );
		if ( FileTime( name ) != -1 ) {
			printf( "%s already exists, not overwriting.\n", name );
			WritePCXfile( name, image, 256, 256, colormap_palette );
Example #8

Will save either an lbm or pcx, depending on extension.
void Save256Image(const char *name, byte * pixels, byte * palette, int width, int height)
	char            ext[128];

	ExtractFileExtension(name, ext);
	if(!Q_stricmp(ext, "lbm"))
		WriteLBMfile(name, pixels, width, height, palette);
	else if(!Q_stricmp(ext, "pcx"))
		WritePCXfile(name, pixels, width, height, palette);
		Error("%s doesn't have a known image extension", name);
Example #9
void SCR_ScreenShot_f (void) 
	int     i; 
	char		pcxname[80]; 
	char		checkname[MAX_OSPATH];

	sprintf (checkname, "%s/shots", com_gamedir);
	Sys_mkdir (checkname);
// find a file name to save it to 
	for (i=0 ; i<=99 ; i++) 
		pcxname[11] = i/10 + '0'; 
		pcxname[12] = i%10 + '0'; 
		sprintf (checkname, "%s/%s", com_gamedir, pcxname);
		if (Sys_FileTime(checkname) == -1)
			break;	// file doesn't exist
	if (i==100) 
		Con_Printf ("SCR_ScreenShot_f: Couldn't create a PCX file\n"); 

// save the pcx file 
	D_EnableBackBufferAccess ();	// enable direct drawing of console to back
									//  buffer

	WritePCXfile (pcxname, vid.buffer, vid.width, vid.height, vid.rowbytes,

	D_DisableBackBufferAccess ();	// for adapters that can't stay mapped in
									//  for linear writes all the time

	Con_Printf ("Wrote %s\n", pcxname);
Example #10
SCR_ScreenShot_f (void)
	char        pcxname[MAX_OSPATH];

	// find a file name to save it to 
	if (!COM_NextFilename (pcxname, "qf", ".pcx")) {
		Con_Printf ("SCR_ScreenShot_f: Couldn't create a PCX");

	// enable direct drawing of console to back buffer
	D_EnableBackBufferAccess ();

	// save the pcx file
	WritePCXfile (pcxname, vid.buffer, vid.width, vid.height, vid.rowbytes,
				  host_basepal, false, false);

	// for adapters that can't stay mapped in for linear writes all the time
	D_DisableBackBufferAccess ();

	Con_Printf ("Wrote %s\n", pcxname);
Example #11
// M_ScreenShot
void M_ScreenShot (void)
  int	i;
  byte*	linear;
  char	pcxname [6];
  char	lbmname [80];

  // munge planar buffer to linear
  linear = screens[2];
  I_ReadScreen (linear);

  // I only want the first four characters as I now use a four digit index...
  memcpy (pcxname, screenshot_messages[SC_FILENAME], 4);
  pcxname [4] = 0;

  // find a file name to save it to
    sprintf (lbmname, "%s"DIRSEP"%s%04u"EXTSEP"pcx", basedefaultdir, pcxname, i);
  } while (access(lbmname,0) != -1);	// file doesn't exist

  // save the pcx file
  WritePCXfile (lbmname, linear,
		W_CacheLumpName ("PLAYPAL",PU_CACHE));
#ifdef __riscos
  set_riscos_filetype (lbmname, 0x697);

  players[consoleplayer].message = HU_printf ("%s - %s", screenshot_messages[SC_MESSAGE], lbmname);
  printf ("%s\n", players[consoleplayer].message);
Example #12
SCR_RSShot_f (void)
	int         x, y;
	unsigned char *src, *dest;
	char        pcxname[80];
	unsigned char *newbuf;
	int         w, h;
	int         dx, dy, dex, dey, nx;
	int         r, b, g;
	int         count;
	float       fracw, frach;
	char        st[80];
	time_t      now;

	if (CL_IsUploading ())
		return;							// already one pending

	if (cls.state < ca_onserver)
		return;							// gotta be connected

	Con_Printf ("Remote screen shot requested.\n");

	snprintf (pcxname, sizeof (pcxname), "rss.pcx");

	// save the pcx file 
	D_EnableBackBufferAccess ();		// enable direct drawing of console
	// to back
	// buffer

	w = (vid.width < RSSHOT_WIDTH) ? vid.width : RSSHOT_WIDTH;
	h = (vid.height < RSSHOT_HEIGHT) ? vid.height : RSSHOT_HEIGHT;

	fracw = (float) vid.width / (float) w;
	frach = (float) vid.height / (float) h;

	newbuf = calloc (1, w * h);

	for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
		dest = newbuf + (w * y);

		for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
			r = g = b = 0;

			dx = x * fracw;
			dex = (x + 1) * fracw;
			if (dex == dx)
				dex++;					// at least one
			dy = y * frach;
			dey = (y + 1) * frach;
			if (dey == dy)
				dey++;					// at least one

			count = 0;
			for ( /* */ ; dy < dey; dy++) {
				src = vid.buffer + (vid.rowbytes * dy) + dx;
				for (nx = dx; nx < dex; nx++) {
					r += host_basepal[*src * 3];
					g += host_basepal[*src * 3 + 1];
					b += host_basepal[*src * 3 + 2];
			r /= count;
			g /= count;
			b /= count;
			*dest++ = MipColor (r, g, b);

	time (&now);
	strcpy (st, ctime (&now));
	st[strlen (st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - strlen (st) * 8, 0, w);

	strncpy (st, cls.servername, sizeof (st));
	st[sizeof (st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - strlen (st) * 8, 10, w);

	strncpy (st, name->string, sizeof (st));
	st[sizeof (st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - strlen (st) * 8, 20, w);

	WritePCXfile (pcxname, newbuf, w, h, w, host_basepal, true, false);

	free (newbuf);

	D_DisableBackBufferAccess ();		// for adapters that can't stay
	// mapped in
	// for linear writes all the time

	Con_Printf ("Wrote %s\n", pcxname);
	Con_Printf ("Sending shot to server...\n");
Example #13
SCR_RSShot_f (void)
	int         x, y;
	unsigned char *src, *dest;
	char        pcxname[80];
	unsigned char *newbuf;
	int         w, h;
	int         dx, dy, dex, dey, nx;
	int         r, b, g;
	int         count;
	float       fracw, frach;
	char        st[80];
	time_t      now;

	if (CL_IsUploading ())
		return;							// already one pending

	if (cls.state < ca_onserver)
		return;							// gotta be connected

	Con_Printf ("Remote screen shot requested.\n");

	snprintf (pcxname, sizeof (pcxname), "rss.pcx");

	// save the pcx file 
	newbuf = malloc (glheight * glwidth * 3);

	glReadPixels (glx, gly, glwidth, glheight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,

	w = (vid.width < RSSHOT_WIDTH) ? glwidth : RSSHOT_WIDTH;
	h = (vid.height < RSSHOT_HEIGHT) ? glheight : RSSHOT_HEIGHT;

	fracw = (float) glwidth / (float) w;
	frach = (float) glheight / (float) h;

	for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
		dest = newbuf + (w * 3 * y);

		for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
			r = g = b = 0;

			dx = x * fracw;
			dex = (x + 1) * fracw;
			if (dex == dx)
				dex++;					// at least one
			dy = y * frach;
			dey = (y + 1) * frach;
			if (dey == dy)
				dey++;					// at least one

			count = 0;
			for ( /* */ ; dy < dey; dy++) {
				src = newbuf + (glwidth * 3 * dy) + dx * 3;
				for (nx = dx; nx < dex; nx++) {
					r += *src++;
					g += *src++;
					b += *src++;
			r /= count;
			g /= count;
			b /= count;
			*dest++ = r;
			*dest++ = b;
			*dest++ = g;

	// convert to eight bit
	for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
		src = newbuf + (w * 3 * y);
		dest = newbuf + (w * y);

		for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
			*dest++ = MipColor (src[0], src[1], src[2]);
			src += 3;

	time (&now);
	strcpy (st, ctime (&now));
	st[strlen (st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - strlen (st) * 8, h - 1, w);

	strncpy (st, cls.servername, sizeof (st));
	st[sizeof (st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - strlen (st) * 8, h - 11, w);

	strncpy (st, name->string, sizeof (st));
	st[sizeof (st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - strlen (st) * 8, h - 21, w);

	WritePCXfile (pcxname, newbuf, w, h, w, host_basepal, true, true);

	free (newbuf);

	Con_Printf ("Wrote %s\n", pcxname);
	Con_Printf ("Sending shot to server...\n");
Example #14
void Cmd_SpriteFrame( void ){
	int y,xl,yl,xh,yh,w,h;
	dsprframe_t     *pframe;
	int ox, oy;
	byte            *cropped;
	char savename[1024];

	GetToken( false );
	xl = atoi( token );
	GetToken( false );
	yl = atoi( token );
	GetToken( false );
	w = atoi( token );
	GetToken( false );
	h = atoi( token );

	// origin offset is optional
	if ( TokenAvailable() ) {
		GetToken( false );
		ox = atoi( token );
		GetToken( false );
		oy = atoi( token );
		ox = w / 2;
		oy = h / 2;

	if ( ( xl & 0x07 ) || ( yl & 0x07 ) || ( w & 0x07 ) || ( h & 0x07 ) ) {
		Error( "Sprite dimensions not multiples of 8\n" );

	if ( ( w > 256 ) || ( h > 256 ) ) {
		Error( "Sprite has a dimension longer than 256" );

	xh = xl + w;
	yh = yl + h;

	if ( sprite.numframes >= MAX_SPRFRAMES ) {
		Error( "Too many frames; increase MAX_SPRFRAMES\n" );

	pframe = &frames[sprite.numframes];
	pframe->width = w;
	pframe->height = h;
	pframe->origin_x = ox;
	pframe->origin_y = oy;
	sprintf( pframe->name, "%s_%i.pcx", spritename, sprite.numframes );
	sprintf( savename, "%s%s_%i.pcx", gamedir, spritename, sprite.numframes );

	if ( g_release ) {
		ReleaseFile( pframe->name );

	// crop it to the proper size
	cropped = malloc( w * h );
	for ( y = 0 ; y < h ; y++ )
		memcpy( cropped + y * w, byteimage + ( y + yl ) * byteimagewidth + xl, w );

	// save off the new image
	printf( "saving %s\n", savename );
	CreatePath( savename );
	WritePCXfile( savename, cropped, w, h, lbmpalette );

	free( cropped );
Example #15

   $colormap filename

   the brightes colormap is first in the table (FIXME: reverse this now?)

   64 rows of 256 : lightmaps
   256 rows of 256 : translucency table
void Cmd_Colormap( void ){
	int levels, brights;
	int l, c;
	float frac, red, green, blue;
	float range;
	byte    *cropped, *lump_p;
	char savename[1024];
	char dest[1024];

	colormap_issued = qtrue;
	if ( !g_release ) {
		memcpy( colormap_palette, lbmpalette, 768 );

	if ( !TokenAvailable() ) { // just setting colormap_issued

	GetToken( qfalse );
	sprintf( savename, "%spics/%s.pcx", writedir, token );

	if ( g_release ) {
		sprintf( dest, "pics/%s.pcx", token );
		ReleaseFile( dest );

	range = 2;
	levels = 64;
	brights = 1;    // ignore 255 (transparent)

	cropped = malloc( ( levels + 256 ) * 256 );
	lump_p = cropped;

// shaded levels
	for ( l = 0; l < levels; l++ )
		frac = range - range * (float)l / ( levels - 1 );
		for ( c = 0 ; c < 256 - brights ; c++ )
			red = lbmpalette[c * 3];
			green = lbmpalette[c * 3 + 1];
			blue = lbmpalette[c * 3 + 2];

			red = (int)( red * frac + 0.5 );
			green = (int)( green * frac + 0.5 );
			blue = (int)( blue * frac + 0.5 );

// note: 254 instead of 255 because 255 is the transparent color, and we
// don't want anything remapping to that
// don't use color 0, because NT can't remap that (or 255)
			*lump_p++ = BestColor( red,green,blue, 1, 254 );

		// fullbrights allways stay the same
		for ( ; c < 256 ; c++ )
			*lump_p++ = c;

// 66% transparancy table
	for ( l = 0; l < 255; l++ )
		for ( c = 0 ; c < 255 ; c++ )
			red = lbmpalette[c * 3] * 0.33 + lbmpalette[l * 3] * 0.66;
			green = lbmpalette[c * 3 + 1] * 0.33 + lbmpalette[l * 3 + 1] * 0.66;
			blue = lbmpalette[c * 3 + 2] * 0.33 + lbmpalette[l * 3 + 2] * 0.66;

			*lump_p++ = BestColor( red,green,blue, 1, 254 );
		*lump_p++ = 255;
	for ( c = 0 ; c < 256 ; c++ )
		*lump_p++ = 255;

	// save off the new image
	printf( "saving %s\n", savename );
	CreatePath( savename );
	WritePCXfile( savename, cropped, 256, levels + 256, lbmpalette );

	free( cropped );
Example #16
void M_ScreenShot (const char *filename)
	FILE *file;
	FString autoname;
	bool writepcx = (stricmp (screenshot_type, "pcx") == 0);	// PNG is the default

	// find a file name to save it to
	if (filename == NULL || filename[0] == '\0')
#if !defined(unix) && !defined(__APPLE__)
		if (Args->CheckParm ("-cdrom"))
			autoname = CDROM_DIR "\\";
			size_t dirlen;
			autoname = Args->CheckValue("-shotdir");
			if (autoname.IsEmpty())
				autoname = screenshot_dir;
			dirlen = autoname.Len();
			if (dirlen == 0)
#ifdef unix
				autoname = "~/" GAME_DIR "/screenshots/";
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
				char cpath[PATH_MAX];
				FSRef folder;
				if (noErr == FSFindFolder(kUserDomain, kDocumentsFolderType, kCreateFolder, &folder) &&
					noErr == FSRefMakePath(&folder, (UInt8*)cpath, PATH_MAX))
					autoname << cpath << "/" GAME_DIR "/Screenshots/";
					autoname = "~";
				autoname = progdir;
			else if (dirlen > 0)
				if (autoname[dirlen-1] != '/' && autoname[dirlen-1] != '\\')
					autoname += '/';
		autoname = NicePath(autoname);
		if (!FindFreeName (autoname, writepcx ? "pcx" : "png"))
			Printf ("M_ScreenShot: Delete some screenshots\n");
		autoname = filename;
		DefaultExtension (autoname, writepcx ? ".pcx" : ".png");

	// save the screenshot
	const BYTE *buffer;
	int pitch;
	ESSType color_type;

	screen->GetScreenshotBuffer(buffer, pitch, color_type);
	if (buffer != NULL)
		PalEntry palette[256];

		if (color_type == SS_PAL)
		file = fopen (autoname, "wb");
		if (file == NULL)
			Printf ("Could not open %s\n", autoname.GetChars());
		if (writepcx)
			WritePCXfile(file, buffer, palette, color_type,
				screen->GetWidth(), screen->GetHeight(), pitch);
			WritePNGfile(file, buffer, palette, color_type,
				screen->GetWidth(), screen->GetHeight(), pitch);

		if (!screenshot_quiet)
			int slash = -1;
			if (!longsavemessages) slash = autoname.LastIndexOfAny(":/\\");
			Printf ("Captured %s\n", autoname.GetChars()+slash+1);
		if (!screenshot_quiet)
			Printf ("Could not create screenshot.\n");
Example #17
void M_ScreenShot (const char *filename)
	FileWriter *file;
	FString autoname;
	bool writepcx = (stricmp (screenshot_type, "pcx") == 0);	// PNG is the default

	// find a file name to save it to
	if (filename == NULL || filename[0] == '\0')
		size_t dirlen;
		autoname = Args->CheckValue("-shotdir");
		if (autoname.IsEmpty())
			autoname = screenshot_dir;
		dirlen = autoname.Len();
		if (dirlen == 0)
			autoname = M_GetScreenshotsPath();
			dirlen = autoname.Len();
		if (dirlen > 0)
			if (autoname[dirlen-1] != '/' && autoname[dirlen-1] != '\\')
				autoname += '/';
		autoname = NicePath(autoname);
		if (!FindFreeName (autoname, writepcx ? "pcx" : "png"))
			Printf ("M_ScreenShot: Delete some screenshots\n");
		autoname = filename;
		DefaultExtension (autoname, writepcx ? ".pcx" : ".png");

	// save the screenshot
	const BYTE *buffer;
	int pitch;
	ESSType color_type;

	screen->GetScreenshotBuffer(buffer, pitch, color_type);
	if (buffer != NULL)
		PalEntry palette[256];

		if (color_type == SS_PAL)
		file = FileWriter::Open(autoname);
		if (file == NULL)
			Printf ("Could not open %s\n", autoname.GetChars());
		if (writepcx)
			WritePCXfile(file, buffer, palette, color_type,
				screen->GetWidth(), screen->GetHeight(), pitch);
			WritePNGfile(file, buffer, palette, color_type,
				screen->GetWidth(), screen->GetHeight(), pitch);
		delete file;

		if (!screenshot_quiet)
			int slash = -1;
			if (!longsavemessages) slash = autoname.LastIndexOfAny(":/\\");
			Printf ("Captured %s\n", autoname.GetChars()+slash+1);
		if (!screenshot_quiet)
			Printf ("Could not create screenshot.\n");
Example #18
void SCR_RSShot_f (void) 
	int     	x, y;
	unsigned char	*src, *dest;
	char		pcxname[80];
#if 0
        int		i;
	char		checkname[MAX_OSPATH];
	unsigned char		*newbuf; //, *srcbuf;
//	int srcrowbytes;
	int w, h;
	int dx, dy, dex, dey, nx;
	int r, b, g;
	int count;
	float fracw, frach;
	char st[80];
	time_t now;

	if (CL_IsUploading())
		return; // already one pending

	if (cls.state < ca_onserver)
		return; // gotta be connected

	if (!scr_allowsnap.value) {
		MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd);
		SZ_Print (&cls.netchan.message, "snap\n");
		Con_Printf("Refusing remote screen shot request.\n");

	Con_Printf("Remote screen shot requested.\n");

#if 0
// find a file name to save it to 
	for (i=0 ; i<=99 ; i++) 
		pcxname[6] = i/10 + '0'; 
		pcxname[7] = i%10 + '0'; 
#if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (MACOSX)
		snprintf (checkname, MAX_OSPATH, "%s/%s", com_gamedir, pcxname);
		sprintf (checkname, "%s/%s", com_gamedir, pcxname);
#endif /* __APPLE__ || MACOSX */
		if (Sys_FileTime(checkname) == -1)
			break;	// file doesn't exist
	if (i==100) 
		Con_Printf ("SCR_ScreenShot_f: Couldn't create a PCX"); 
// save the pcx file 
	D_EnableBackBufferAccess ();	// enable direct drawing of console to back
									//  buffer

	w = (vid.width < RSSHOT_WIDTH) ? vid.width : RSSHOT_WIDTH;
	h = (vid.height < RSSHOT_HEIGHT) ? vid.height : RSSHOT_HEIGHT;

	fracw = (float)vid.width / (float)w;
	frach = (float)vid.height / (float)h;

	newbuf = malloc(w*h);

	for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
		dest = newbuf + (w * y);

		for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
			r = g = b = 0;

			dx = x * fracw;
			dex = (x + 1) * fracw;
			if (dex == dx) dex++; // at least one
			dy = y * frach;
			dey = (y + 1) * frach;
			if (dey == dy) dey++; // at least one

			count = 0;
			for (/* */; dy < dey; dy++) {
				src = vid.buffer + (vid.rowbytes * dy) + dx;
				for (nx = dx; nx < dex; nx++) {
					r += host_basepal[*src * 3];
					g += host_basepal[*src * 3+1];
					b += host_basepal[*src * 3+2];
			r /= count;
			g /= count;
			b /= count;
			*dest++ = MipColor(r, g, b);

	strcpy(st, ctime(&now));
	st[strlen(st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - ((int) strlen(st))*8, 0, w);

	strncpy(st, cls.servername, sizeof(st));
	st[sizeof(st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - ((int) strlen(st))*8, 10, w);

	strncpy(st, name.string, sizeof(st));
	st[sizeof(st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - ((int) strlen(st))*8, 20, w);

	WritePCXfile (pcxname, newbuf, w, h, w, host_basepal, true);


	D_DisableBackBufferAccess ();	// for adapters that can't stay mapped in
									//  for linear writes all the time

//	Con_Printf ("Wrote %s\n", pcxname);
	Con_Printf ("Sending shot to server...\n");
Example #19

Skins aren't actually stored in the file, only a reference
is saved out to the header file.
void Cmd_Skin (void)
	byte	*palette;
	byte	*pixels;
	int		width, height;
	byte	*cropped;
	int		y;
	char	name[1024], savename[1024];

	GetScriptToken (false);

	if (model.num_skins == MAX_MD2SKINS)
		Error ("model.num_skins == MAX_MD2SKINS");

	if (g_skipmodel)

#if 1
	sprintf (name, "%s/%s.pcx", cddir, token);
	sprintf (savename, "%s/!%s.pcx", g_outputDir, token);
	sprintf (g_skins[model.num_skins], "%s/!%s.pcx", cdpartial, token);
	sprintf (name, "%s/%s.lbm", cdarchive, token);
	strcpy (name, ExpandPathAndArchive( name ) );
//	sprintf (name, "%s/%s.lbm", cddir, token);

	if (ScriptTokenAvailable())
		GetScriptToken (false);
		sprintf (g_skins[model.num_skins], "%s.pcx", token);
		sprintf (savename, "%s%s.pcx", g_outputDir, g_skins[model.num_skins]);
		sprintf (savename, "%s/%s.pcx", g_outputDir, token);
		sprintf (g_skins[model.num_skins], "%s/%s.pcx", cdpartial, token);


	if (g_skipmodel || g_release || g_archive)

	// load the image
	printf ("loading %s\n", name);
	Load256Image (name, &pixels, &palette, &width, &height);
//	RemapZero (pixels, palette, width, height);

	// crop it to the proper size
	cropped = (byte *) SafeMalloc (model.skinwidth*model.skinheight, "Cmd_Skin");
	for (y=0 ; y<model.skinheight ; y++)
		memcpy (cropped+y*model.skinwidth,
			pixels+y*width, model.skinwidth);

	// save off the new image
	printf ("saving %s\n", savename);
	CreatePath (savename);
	WritePCXfile (savename, cropped, model.skinwidth,
		model.skinheight, palette);

	free (pixels);
	free (palette);
	free (cropped);
Example #20
void R_ScreenShot_f (void) 
	int			i; 
// >>> FIX: For Nintendo Wii using devkitPPC / libogc
// Allocating in big stack. Stack in this device is pretty small:
	//char		pcxname[80]; 
	//char		checkname[MAX_OSPATH];
	//FILE		*f;
	//byte		palette[768];
	FILE		*f;
	char*		pcxname = Sys_BigStackAlloc(80, "R_ScreenShot_f"); 
	char*		checkname = Sys_BigStackAlloc(MAX_OSPATH, "R_ScreenShot_f");
	byte*		palette = Sys_BigStackAlloc(768, "R_ScreenShot_f");
// <<< FIX

	// create the scrnshots directory if it doesn't exist
// >>> FIX: For Nintendo Wii using devkitPPC / libogc
// Adjusting for previous fix:
	//Com_sprintf (checkname, sizeof(checkname), "%s/scrnshot", ri.FS_Gamedir());
	Com_sprintf (checkname, MAX_OSPATH, "%s/scrnshot", ri.FS_Gamedir());
// <<< FIX
	Sys_Mkdir (checkname);

// find a file name to save it to 
	for (i=0 ; i<=99 ; i++) 
		pcxname[5] = i/10 + '0'; 
		pcxname[6] = i%10 + '0'; 
// >>> FIX: For Nintendo Wii using devkitPPC / libogc
// Adjusting for previous fix:
		//Com_sprintf (checkname, sizeof(checkname), "%s/scrnshot/%s", ri.FS_Gamedir(), pcxname);
		Com_sprintf (checkname, MAX_OSPATH, "%s/scrnshot/%s", ri.FS_Gamedir(), pcxname);
// <<< FIX
		f = fopen (checkname, "r");
		if (!f)
			break;	// file doesn't exist
		fclose (f);
	if (i==100) 
		ri.Con_Printf (PRINT_ALL, "R_ScreenShot_f: Couldn't create a PCX"); 
// >>> FIX: For Nintendo Wii using devkitPPC / libogc
// Deallocating from previous fix:
		Sys_BigStackFree(80 + MAX_OSPATH + 768, "R_ScreenShot_f"); 
// <<< FIX

	// turn the current 32 bit palette into a 24 bit palette
	for (i=0 ; i<256 ; i++)
		palette[i*3+0] = sw_state.currentpalette[i*4+0];
		palette[i*3+1] = sw_state.currentpalette[i*4+1];
		palette[i*3+2] = sw_state.currentpalette[i*4+2];

// save the pcx file 

	WritePCXfile (checkname, vid.buffer, vid.width, vid.height, vid.rowbytes,

	ri.Con_Printf (PRINT_ALL, "Wrote %s\n", checkname);

// >>> FIX: For Nintendo Wii using devkitPPC / libogc
// Deallocating from previous fix:
	Sys_BigStackFree(80 + MAX_OSPATH + 768, "R_ScreenShot_f"); 
// <<< FIX