bool IniFile::WritePassword(char *value) { //WriteInt("UltraVNC", "passwdsize",sizeof(value)); //vnclog.Print(LL_INTERR, VNCLOG("%s \n"),myInifile); return (FALSE != WritePrivateProfileStruct("UltraVNC","passwd", value,8,myInifile)); }
BOOL CSpecialApp::CleanUltraEdit_Clean(int iType,LPCTSTR lpcszPath) { CString strPath = lpcszPath; g_regClean.ConvetPath(strPath); CSimpleArray<CString> vec_String; if(SplitCString1(strPath,vec_String,'|')< 3) { return FALSE; } if (TRUE !=WritePrivateProfileStruct(vec_String[1],vec_String[2], NULL, 0,vec_String[0])) { DWORD dwErrCode = GetLastError(); if (dwErrCode == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) //系统找不到指定文件 { return TRUE; } else if (dwErrCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { g_fnScanFileError(g_pMain,iType,lpcszPath,0,0); } else { g_fnScanFileError(g_pMain,iType,lpcszPath,0,0); } } return TRUE; }
void regSetBinaryValue(const char *key, char *value, int count) { if(regEnabled) { LONG res = RegSetValueEx(vbKey, key, NULL, REG_BINARY, (const UCHAR *)value, count); } else { CString k = key; k += "Count"; wsprintf(buffer, "%u", count); WritePrivateProfileString(VBA_PREF, k, buffer, *regVbaPath); WritePrivateProfileStruct(VBA_PREF, key, value, count, *regVbaPath); } }
static void regExportSettingsToINI(HKEY key, const char *section) { char valueName[256]; int index = 0; while(1) { DWORD nameSize = 256; DWORD size = 2048; DWORD type; LONG res = RegEnumValue(key, index, valueName, &nameSize, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)buffer, &size); if(res == ERROR_SUCCESS) { switch(type) { case REG_DWORD: { char temp[256]; wsprintf(temp, "%u", *((DWORD *)buffer)); WritePrivateProfileString(section, valueName, temp, *regVbaPath); } break; case REG_SZ: WritePrivateProfileString(section, valueName, buffer, *regVbaPath); break; case REG_BINARY: { char temp[256]; wsprintf(temp, "%u", size); CString k = valueName; k += "Count"; WritePrivateProfileString(section, k, temp, *regVbaPath); WritePrivateProfileStruct(section, valueName, buffer, size, *regVbaPath); } break; } index++; } else break; } }
static void idaapi term(void) { msg("LoadMap: Plugin terminate.\n"); // Write the plugin's options to ini file _VERIFY(WritePrivateProfileStruct(g_szLoadMapSection, g_szOptionsKey, &g_options, sizeof(g_options), g_szIniPath)); }
void PersistColors() { char str[256]; sprintf(str, "%d %d", g_crGradStart, g_crGradEnd); WritePrivateProfileString(SWS_INI, GRADIENT_COLOR_KEY, str, get_ini_file()); #ifdef _WIN32 WritePrivateProfileStruct("REAPER", "custcolors", g_custColors, sizeof(g_custColors), get_ini_file()); #else SetCustomColors(g_custColors); #endif }
void SaveDefaultConfig(HWND hwndDlg) { char data[1024]; SinkSaveState(hwndDlg,data); int l=SinkGetConfigSize(); char *desc="raw encoder defaults"; const char *fn=get_ini_file(); char buf[64]; sprintf(buf,"%d",l); WritePrivateProfileString(desc,"default_size",buf,fn); WritePrivateProfileStruct(desc,"default",data,l,fn); }
long FASTCALL RegSetValueExRecursive( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpValueName, DWORD Reserved, DWORD dwType, CONST BYTE* lpData, DWORD cbData ) { TCHAR szBuffer[ 256 ]; R_ASSERT( lstrlen( lpValueName ) < countof( szBuffer ) ); (void)lstrcpy( szBuffer, lpValueName ); LPTSTR pszBuffer = szBuffer; LPTSTR pszLast = szBuffer; while( *pszBuffer ) { if( *pszBuffer == _T('\\') || *pszBuffer == _T('/') ) { pszLast = pszBuffer; lpValueName = pszLast + 1; } pszBuffer++; } if(!regEnabled) { if(WritePrivateProfileStruct("Viewer", lpValueName, (LPVOID)lpData, cbData, regGetINIPath())) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } return -1; } bool m_bNeedToCloseKey = false; if( pszLast != szBuffer ) { *pszLast = _T('\000'); HKEY hkeyTemp; long lRet = RegOpenKey( hKey, szBuffer, &hkeyTemp ); if( lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { lRet = RegCreateKey( hKey, szBuffer, &hkeyTemp ); if( lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return lRet; } hKey = hkeyTemp; m_bNeedToCloseKey = true; } long lRet = RegSetValueEx( hKey, lpValueName, Reserved, dwType, lpData, cbData ); if( m_bNeedToCloseKey ) { R_VERIFY( RegCloseKey( hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ); } return lRet; }
void regExportSettingsToINI() { char valueName[256]; if(vbKey != NULL) { int index = 0; while(1) { DWORD nameSize = 256; DWORD size = 2048; DWORD type; LONG res = RegEnumValue(vbKey, index, valueName, &nameSize, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)buffer, &size); if(res == ERROR_SUCCESS) { switch(type) { case REG_DWORD: { char temp[256]; wsprintf(temp, "%u", *((DWORD *)buffer)); WritePrivateProfileString(VBA_PREF, valueName, temp, regVbaPath); } break; case REG_SZ: WritePrivateProfileString(VBA_PREF, valueName, buffer, regVbaPath); break; case REG_BINARY: WritePrivateProfileStruct(VBA_PREF, valueName, buffer, size, regVbaPath); break; } index++; } else break; } } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // iniファイルにデータを書き込む // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int WriteIniFileData( char *vname, char *data, int size, char *sec_name, char *ini_fname ) { int ret; if( ini_fname==NULL){ if(IniFileName[0]==0){ ini_fname = "default.ini"; }else{ ini_fname = IniFileName; } } ret = !WritePrivateProfileStruct( sec_name, vname, data, size, ini_fname ); return ret; }
void regSetBinaryValue(char *key, char *value, int count) { if(regEnabled) { LONG res = RegSetValueEx(vbKey, key, NULL, REG_BINARY, (const UCHAR *)value, count); } else { WritePrivateProfileStruct(VBA_PREF, key, value, count, regVbaPath); } }
bool //PGM IniFile::WritePassword2(char *value) //PGM { //PGM return (FALSE != WritePrivateProfileStruct("UltraVNC","passwd2", value,8,myInifile)); //PGM } //PGM
//一键清理方案 BOOL CSpecialApp::CleanUltraEdit(int iType,LPCTSTR lpcszAppPath) { BOOL retval = FALSE; CString strPath = lpcszAppPath; g_regClean.ConvetPath(strPath); WritePrivateProfileSection(_T("Replace History"),NULL,strPath); WritePrivateProfileSection(_T("Recent File List"),NULL,strPath); WritePrivateProfileSection(_T("Find Hex History"),NULL,strPath); WritePrivateProfileSection(_T("Find History"),NULL,strPath); TCHAR* szBuffer = NULL; TCHAR szKey[1024] = {0}; CString strKey = _T(""); CString strKeyName = _T(""); CString strKeyValue = _T(""); int nBufferSize; szBuffer = new TCHAR[65536]; if (!szBuffer) goto clean0; nBufferSize = GetPrivateProfileSection( _T("Open Files"), szBuffer, 65536, strPath ); for (int n = 0, i = 0; n < nBufferSize; n++) { if (szBuffer[n] == 0) { szKey[i] = 0; strKey = szKey; strKeyName = strKey.Left(strKey.Find('=')); strKeyValue = strKey.Mid(strKey.Find('=') + 1); int iLen = (int)wcslen(_T("Open File")); if ((-1!=strKeyName.Find(_T("Open File"))&&(strKeyName.GetLength()>iLen))) { if ((strKeyName.GetAt(iLen)>='0'&&strKeyName.GetAt(iLen)<='9')) { WritePrivateProfileStruct(_T("Open Files"),strKeyName, NULL, 0,lpcszAppPath); } } i = 0; } else { szKey[i] = szBuffer[n]; i++; } } ZeroMemory(szBuffer, 65536); nBufferSize = GetPrivateProfileSection( _T("Recent Projects"), szBuffer, 65536, strPath ); for (int n = 0, i = 0; n < nBufferSize; n++) { if (szBuffer[n] == 0) { szKey[i] = 0; strKey = szKey; strKeyName = strKey.Left(strKey.Find('=')); strKeyValue = strKey.Mid(strKey.Find('=') + 1); int iLen = (int)wcslen(_T("Recent Project ")); if ((-1!=strKeyName.Find(_T("Recent Project "))&&(strKeyName.GetLength()>iLen))) { // if ((strKeyName.GetAt(iLen)>='0'&&strKeyName.GetAt(iLen)<='9')) // { WritePrivateProfileStruct(_T("Open Files"),strKeyName, NULL, 0,lpcszAppPath); // } } i = 0; } else { szKey[i] = szBuffer[n]; i++; } } retval = TRUE; clean0: if (szBuffer) { delete[] szBuffer; szBuffer = NULL; } return retval; }
bool CBaseIni::WriteStruct( LPCTSTR lpszAppName, LPCTSTR lpszKeyName, void * pStruct, unsigned int nSizeStruct ) { return WritePrivateProfileStruct( lpszAppName, lpszKeyName, pStruct, nSizeStruct, m_strFileName.c_str() ) == TRUE; }