Example #1
void smprActProcPairReq(smpCcb_t *pCcb, smpMsg_t *pMsg)
  dmSecPairIndEvt_t   pairInd;
  uint8_t             *p;

  /* allocate scratch buffer */
  if (pCcb->pScr == NULL)
    if ((pCcb->pScr = WsfBufAlloc(sizeof(smpScratch_t))) == NULL)
      /* alloc failed; cancel pairing */
      pMsg->hdr.status = SMP_ERR_UNSPECIFIED;
      pMsg->hdr.event = SMP_MSG_API_CANCEL_REQ;
      smpSmExecute(pCcb, pMsg);
    /* should not happen */
    SMP_TRACE_ERR0("pScr already allocated");

  /* set connection busy */
  DmConnSetIdle(pCcb->connId, DM_IDLE_SMP_PAIR, DM_CONN_BUSY);

  p = pMsg->data.pPacket + L2C_PAYLOAD_START;

  /* store packet for later */
  memcpy(pCcb->pairReq, p, SMP_PAIR_REQ_LEN);

  /* parse packet to callback event structure */
  p++;    /* skip command code */
  p++;    /* skip IO capabilities */
  BSTREAM_TO_UINT8(pairInd.oob, p);
  BSTREAM_TO_UINT8(pairInd.auth, p);
  p++;    /* skip max key len */
  BSTREAM_TO_UINT8(pairInd.iKeyDist, p);
  BSTREAM_TO_UINT8(pairInd.rKeyDist, p);

  /* call app callback */
  pairInd.hdr.param = pCcb->connId;
  pairInd.hdr.event = DM_SEC_PAIR_IND;
  DmSmpCbackExec((dmEvt_t *) &pairInd);
Example #2
void attsProcPrepWriteReq(attCcb_t *pCcb, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pPacket)
  uint8_t         *pBuf;
  uint8_t         *p;
  attsAttr_t      *pAttr;
  attsGroup_t     *pGroup;
  attsPrepWrite_t *pPrep;
  uint16_t        handle;
  uint16_t        offset;
  uint16_t        writeLen;
  uint8_t         err = ATT_SUCCESS;

  /* parse handle and offset, calculate write length */
  BSTREAM_TO_UINT16(handle, pPacket);
  BSTREAM_TO_UINT16(offset, pPacket);
  writeLen = len - ATT_PREP_WRITE_REQ_LEN;    /* length of value being written */

  /* find attribute */
  if ((pAttr = attsFindByHandle(handle, &pGroup)) == NULL)
    /* attribute not found */
    err = ATT_ERR_HANDLE;
  /* verify permissions */
  else if ((err = attsPermissions(pCcb->connId, ATTS_PERMIT_WRITE,
                               handle, pAttr->permissions)) != ATT_SUCCESS)
    /* err has been set; fail */
  /* verify offset is allowed */
  else if ((offset != 0) && ((pAttr->settings & ATTS_SET_ALLOW_OFFSET) == 0))
    err = ATT_ERR_NOT_LONG;
  /* verify write length, fixed length */
  else if (((pAttr->settings & ATTS_SET_VARIABLE_LEN) == 0) &&
           (writeLen != pAttr->maxLen))
    err = ATT_ERR_LENGTH;
  /* verify prepare write queue limit not reached */
  else if (WsfQueueCount(&pCcb->prepWriteQueue) >= pAttCfg->numPrepWrites)
  /* allocate new buffer to hold prepared write */
  else if ((pPrep = WsfBufAlloc(sizeof(attsPrepWrite_t) - 1 + writeLen)) == NULL)
  else if ((pAttr->settings & ATTS_SET_WRITE_CBACK) &&
          (pGroup->writeCback != NULL))
    err = (*pGroup->writeCback)(pCcb->connId, handle, ATT_PDU_PREP_WRITE_REQ, 0, writeLen,
                                pPacket, pAttr);

  if (err == ATT_SUCCESS)
    /* copy data to new buffer and queue it */
    pPrep->writeLen = writeLen;
    pPrep->handle = handle;
    pPrep->offset = offset;
    memcpy(pPrep->packet, pPacket, writeLen);
    WsfQueueEnq(&pCcb->prepWriteQueue, pPrep);

    /* allocate response buffer */
    if ((pBuf = attMsgAlloc(L2C_PAYLOAD_START + ATT_PREP_WRITE_RSP_LEN + writeLen)) != NULL)
      /* build and send PDU */
      p = pBuf + L2C_PAYLOAD_START;
      UINT16_TO_BSTREAM(p, handle);
      UINT16_TO_BSTREAM(p, offset);
      memcpy(p, pPacket, writeLen);

      L2cDataReq(L2C_CID_ATT, pCcb->handle, (ATT_PREP_WRITE_RSP_LEN + writeLen), pBuf);

  if (err)
    attsErrRsp(pCcb->handle, ATT_PDU_PREP_WRITE_REQ, handle, err);