P1(PUBLIC pascal trap, Fract, FracSqrt, Fract, x) /* IMIV-64 */ { Extended z; z = sqrt(Frac2X(x)); return X2Frac(&z); }
P1(PUBLIC pascal trap, Fract, FracSin, Fixed, x) /* IMIV-64 */ { Extended z; LONGINT oct; if (x < 0) x += (-(x+1) / (POVER4 * 8) + 1) * POVER4 * 8; oct = x / POVER4 % 8; x %= POVER4 * 4; switch (oct) { case 0: z = sin(Fix2X(x)); break; case 1: z = cos(Fix2X(POVER4 * 2 - x)); break; case 2: z = cos(Fix2X(x - POVER4 * 2)); break; case 3: z = sin(Fix2X(POVER4 * 4 - x)); break; case 4: z = -sin(Fix2X(x)); break; case 5: z = -cos(Fix2X(POVER4 * 2 - x)); break; case 6: z = -cos(Fix2X(x - POVER4 * 2)); break; case 7: z = -sin(Fix2X(POVER4 * 4 - x)); break; } return X2Frac(&z); }
// Draws the current ATSUI data. Takes a GrafPtr as an argument so // that it can handle printing as well as drawing into a window. // void DrawATSUIStuff(GrafPtr drawingPort) { GrafPtr savedPort; Rect portBounds, quarterRect2, quarterRect3; float windowHeight, quarter; CGContextRef context; TXNTextBoxOptionsData optionsData; Boolean needToUseCGStrokeMethod; // Set up the GrafPort GetPort(&savedPort); SetPort(drawingPort); GetPortBounds(drawingPort, &portBounds); EraseRect(&portBounds); // Divide the window into vertical quarters, and draw the text in the middle two quarters windowHeight = portBounds.bottom - portBounds.top; quarter = windowHeight / 4.0; MacSetRect(&quarterRect2, portBounds.left, portBounds.top + quarter, portBounds.right, portBounds.bottom - (quarter * 2.0)); FrameRect(&quarterRect2); MacSetRect(&quarterRect3, portBounds.left, portBounds.top + (quarter * 2.0), portBounds.right, portBounds.bottom - quarter); FrameRect(&quarterRect3); // Set up the CGContext if (gNewCG) QDBeginCGContext(drawingPort, &context); else CreateCGContextForPort(drawingPort, &context); // Setup the options to pass into TXNDrawUnicodeTextBox optionsData.optionTags = kTXNUseCGContextRefMask | kTXNSetFlushnessMask | kTXNUseFontFallBackMask; optionsData.flushness = X2Frac(0.5); // Center the text horizontally, just for this demo. optionsData.options = (void *)context; // This parameter really needs to be renamed, see 3198383. // Draw the text once without the extr bold verify_noerr( TXNDrawUnicodeTextBox(gText, gLength, &quarterRect2, gStyle, &optionsData) ); // ---------------------------------------------------------- // // Here is where we change the setting to do the extra stroke // The value of gStrokeThicknessFactor determines how thick the extra stroke is. // The "standard" value used by ATSUI is 0.024; // this was changed to 0.044 for bug 3189696, // and will probably be changed back, so if you // want the extra stroke, you will have to do it // manually, as is done below. // // The extra stroke method: // - will look good on-screen when CG anti-aliasing is ON // - will look good when printing // - will *NOT* look good on-screen when CG anti-aliasing is OFF // (just use kATSUQDBoldfaceTag in that case) // needToUseCGStrokeMethod = gCurrentlyPrinting || IsAntiAliased(gPointSize); if ( needToUseCGStrokeMethod ) { CGContextSaveGState(context); CGContextSetTextDrawingMode(context, kCGTextFillStroke); CGContextSetLineWidth(context, gStrokeThicknessFactor * Fix2X(gPointSize)); // You might want to call CGContextSetStrokeColor() here, // just to make certain it is the same as the text/fill color. } else MySetBoldfaceTag(gStyle); // This will look very strong on-screen when CG anti-aliasing is off // Draw the text again with the extra bold for comparison verify_noerr( TXNDrawUnicodeTextBox(gText, gLength, &quarterRect3, gStyle, &optionsData) ); // Undo the previous CG text mode setting if ( needToUseCGStrokeMethod ) CGContextRestoreGState(context); else MyClearBoldfaceTag(gStyle); // Tear down the CGContext since we are done with it if (gNewCG) QDEndCGContext(drawingPort, &context); else CGContextRelease(context); // Restore the GrafPort SetPort(savedPort); }