static void cliprdr_get_clipboard(XEvent* e) { Atom type; unsigned long len, bytes_left, dummy; int format, result; unsigned char *data; log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[cliprdr_get_clipboard]: " "New owner %i", e->xselection.requestor); XGetWindowProperty (e->xselection.display, e->xselection.requestor, e->, 0, 0, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &len, &bytes_left, &data); // Check Format list if (type == XA_ATOM || format == 32) { result = XGetWindowProperty (e->xselection.display, e->xselection.requestor, e->, 0, bytes_left, 0, XA_ATOM, &type, &format, &len, &dummy, &data); if (result == Success) { int i = 0; Atom atom; for (i = 0; i < len ; i++) { atom = ((Atom*)data)[i]; log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[cliprdr_get_clipboard]: " "format : %s", XGetAtomName(display, atom)); if (clipboard_format_supported(&clipboard, atom)) { clipboard_add_current_clipboard_format(&clipboard, atom); } } if (clipboard_current_clipboard_size(&clipboard) > 0) { atom = clipboard_get_current_clipboard_format(&clipboard, 0); log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[cliprdr_get_clipboard]: " "Request for format %s", XGetAtomName(display, atom)); XConvertSelection(display, clipboard_atom, atom, xrdp_clipboard, wclip, CurrentTime); XSync (e->xselectionclear.display, False); } return; } log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[cliprdr_get_clipboard]: " "Failed to parse atom list"); return; } // DATA is There log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[cliprdr_get_clipboard]: " "Data type : %s\n", XGetAtomName(e->xselection.display, e->; if (bytes_left > 0 && clipboard_format_supported(&clipboard, e-> { unsigned char* clipboard_data = NULL; int clipboard_size = 0; result = XGetWindowProperty(e->xselection.display, e->xselection.requestor, e->, 0, bytes_left, 0, e->, &type, &format, &len, &dummy, &data); if (result == Success) { log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_PLUS, "vchannel_cliprdr[cliprdr_get_clipboard]: " "New data in clipboard: %s", data); int index = -1; index = clipboard_get_current_clipboard_format_index(&clipboard, e->; // Don't forget the null terminated character clipboard_data = g_malloc(bytes_left + 1, 1); clipboard_size = bytes_left; g_memcpy(clipboard_data, data, bytes_left); log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[cliprdr_get_clipboard]: " "clipboard %s[%i] updated with '%s'", XGetAtomName(display, e->, index, data); clipboard_add_current_clipboard_data(&clipboard, clipboard_data, clipboard_size, e->; if (index < (clipboard_current_clipboard_size(&clipboard) - 1)) { Atom format = clipboard_get_current_clipboard_format(&clipboard, index + 1); log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[cliprdr_get_clipboard]: " "Request for format %s", XGetAtomName(display, format)); XConvertSelection(display, clipboard_atom, format, xrdp_clipboard, wclip, CurrentTime); XSync (e->xselectionclear.display, False); } else { XSetSelectionOwner(display, clipboard_atom, wclip, CurrentTime); XSync(display, False); // File content is not supported for now if ((! clipboard_current_clipboard_format_exist(&clipboard, format_file_gnome_atom)) && (! clipboard_current_clipboard_format_exist(&clipboard, format_file_text_uri_list_atom))) cliprdr_send_format_list(); } } else { log_message(l_config, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "vchannel_cliprdr[cliprdr_get_clipboard]: " "Failed to get clipboard content"); } XFree (data); } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { GdkDisplay *display = NULL; int estatus; char *child_argv[] = { LIBEXECDIR "/gnome-session-check-accelerated-helper", NULL }; Window rootwin; glong is_accelerated; GError *error = NULL; gtk_init (NULL, NULL); display = gdk_display_get_default (); rootwin = gdk_x11_get_default_root_xwindow (); is_accelerated_atom = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "_GNOME_SESSION_ACCELERATED"); { Atom type; gint format; gulong nitems; gulong bytes_after; guchar *data; read: gdk_x11_display_error_trap_push (display); XGetWindowProperty (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display), rootwin, is_accelerated_atom, 0, G_MAXLONG, False, XA_CARDINAL, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after, &data); gdk_x11_display_error_trap_pop_ignored (display); if (type == XA_CARDINAL) { glong *is_accelerated_ptr = (glong*) data; if (*is_accelerated_ptr == ACCEL_CHECK_RUNNING) { /* Test in progress, wait */ if (wait_for_property_notify ()) goto read; /* else fall through and do the check ourselves */ } else { return (*is_accelerated_ptr == 0 ? 1 : 0); } } } /* We don't have the property or it's the wrong type. * Try to compute it now. */ /* First indicate that a test is in progress */ is_accelerated = ACCEL_CHECK_RUNNING; XChangeProperty (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display), rootwin, is_accelerated_atom, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (guchar *) &is_accelerated, 1); gdk_display_sync (display); estatus = 1; if (!g_spawn_sync (NULL, (char**)child_argv, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &estatus, &error)) { is_accelerated = FALSE; g_printerr ("gnome-session-check-accelerated: Failed to run helper: %s\n", error->message); g_clear_error (&error); } else { is_accelerated = (estatus == 0); if (!is_accelerated) g_printerr ("gnome-session-check-accelerated: Helper exited with code %d\n", estatus); } if (is_accelerated) { XChangeProperty (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display), rootwin, is_accelerated_atom, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (guchar *) &is_accelerated, 1); } gdk_display_sync (display); return is_accelerated ? 0 : 1; }
struct SceneIO * request_composer_scene(void) { char *filename; time_t time_1, time_2; unsigned long nitems, left; int format, *ready, ready2; Atom type; if (TheDisplay == NULL) { TheDisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL); GET_COMPOSER_DATA = XInternAtom(TheDisplay, "Get Composer Data", FALSE); NAME_OF_COMPOSER_FILE = XInternAtom(TheDisplay, "Name of Composer File", FALSE); COMPOSER_DATA_READY = XInternAtom(TheDisplay, "Composer Data Ready", FALSE); } /* Reset the shared flag that indicates progress */ ready2 = COMPOSER_EXPORT_REQUESTED; ready = &ready2; XChangeProperty(TheDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(TheDisplay), COMPOSER_DATA_READY, XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned const char *)ready, 1); /* Ask for the data to be sent */ ready2 = TRUE; XChangeProperty(TheDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(TheDisplay), GET_COMPOSER_DATA, XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned const char *)ready, 1); time(&time_1); while (*ready != COMPOSER_EXPORT_DONE) { if (XGetWindowProperty(TheDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(TheDisplay), COMPOSER_DATA_READY, 0, sizeof(int), FALSE, XA_INTEGER, &type, &format, &nitems, &left, (unsigned char **)(&ready)) != Success) { return NULL; } /* Use two timeouts: a short timeout until we get a response * (so we know that composer is running), and a longer timeout to save * the scene (don''t want an infinite timeout in case composer crashed). */ time(&time_2); /* printf( "time = %d, ready = %d\n", time_2 - time_1, *ready ); */ if (((long)time_2 - (long)time_1) > (*ready == COMPOSER_EXPORT_SENDING ? TIME_OUT_DONE : TIME_OUT_SEND )) { printf ("\nUnable to find 'composer'. Reading from file: ./%s\n", COMPOSER_DEFAULT_EXPORT_NAME); return read_scene(COMPOSER_DEFAULT_EXPORT_NAME); } } /* Get the filename that the scene was saved in */ XGetWindowProperty(TheDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(TheDisplay), NAME_OF_COMPOSER_FILE, 0, PATH_MAX, FALSE, XA_STRING, &type, &format, &nitems, &left, (unsigned char **)(&filename)); return read_scene(filename); }
static void handle_event(XEvent * event) { XWindowAttributes wa; /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event entered\n");*/ set_window(event->xany.window); if (event->type == MotionNotify) { /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=MotionNotify\n");*/ handle_motion_event((XMotionEvent *)event); motion = 1; return; } make_busy_cursors(); switch (event->type) { case DestroyNotify: /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=DestroyNotify\n");*/ break; case Expose: /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=Expose\n");*/ XGetWindowAttributes(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, &wa); if ((gWindow->width == 0 && gWindow->height == 0) || (wa.width != gWindow->width || wa.height != gWindow->height)) { gWindow->width = wa.width; gWindow->height = wa.height; display_page(gWindow->page); gWindow->fWindowHashTable = gWindow->page->fLinkHashTable; } else /** just redraw the thing **/ expose_page(gWindow->page); XFlush(gXDisplay); clear_exposures(gWindow->fMainWindow); clear_exposures(gWindow->fScrollWindow); break; case ButtonPress: /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=ButtonPress\n");*/ handle_button(event->xbutton.button, (XButtonEvent *)event); XFlush(gXDisplay); if (gWindow) { while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, Expose, event)); while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(gXDisplay, gWindow->fScrollWindow, Expose, event)); } break; case KeyPress: /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=KeyPress\n");*/ handle_key(event); if (gWindow) { while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, Expose, event)); while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(gXDisplay, gWindow->fScrollWindow, Expose, event)); } break; case MapNotify: /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=MapNotify\n");*/ create_window(); break; case SelectionNotify: /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=SelectionNotify\n");*/ /* this is in response to a previous request in an input area */ if ( gSavedInputAreaLink ) { XSelectionEvent *pSelEvent; Atom dataProperty; pSelEvent = (XSelectionEvent *) event; dataProperty = XInternAtom(gXDisplay, "PASTE_SELECTION", False); /* change the input focus */ /* change_input_focus(gSavedInputAreaLink); */ /* try to get the selection as a window property */ if ( pSelEvent->requestor == gWindow->fMainWindow && pSelEvent->selection == XA_PRIMARY && /* pSelEvent->time == CurrentTime && */ pSelEvent->target == XA_STRING && pSelEvent->property == dataProperty ) { Atom actual_type; int actual_format; unsigned long nitems, leftover; char *pSelection = NULL; if (Success == XGetWindowProperty(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, pSelEvent->property, 0L, 100000000L, True, AnyPropertyType, &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, &leftover, (unsigned char **) &pSelection) ) { char *pBuffer; InputItem *item = gSavedInputAreaLink->reference.string; for (pBuffer = pSelection; *pBuffer; ++pBuffer) add_buffer_to_sym(pBuffer, item); XFree(pSelection); } } /* clear the link info */ gSavedInputAreaLink = NULL; } break; default: /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=default\n");*/ break; } }
PUBLIC void get_scrap(int type, int *dstlen, char **dst) { scrap_type format; *dstlen = -1; format = convert_format(type); #if defined(X11_SCRAP) /* * */ { Window owner; Atom selection; Atom seln_type; int seln_format; unsigned long nbytes; unsigned long overflow; char *src; owner = XGetSelectionOwner(SDL_Display, XA_PRIMARY); if ( (owner == None) || (owner == SDL_Window) ) { owner = DefaultRootWindow(SDL_Display); selection = XA_CUT_BUFFER0; } else { int selection_response = 0; SDL_Event event; owner = SDL_Window; selection = XInternAtom(SDL_Display, "SDL_SELECTION", False); XConvertSelection(SDL_Display, XA_PRIMARY, format, selection, owner, CurrentTime); while ( ! selection_response ) { SDL_WaitEvent(&event); if ( event.type == SDL_SYSWMEVENT ) { #if SDL_MAJOR_VERSION == 0 && SDL_MINOR_VERSION < 9 XEvent xevent = event.syswm.msg->xevent; #else XEvent xevent = event.syswm.msg->event.xevent; #endif if ( (xevent.type == SelectionNotify) && (xevent.xselection.requestor == owner) ) selection_response = 1; } else { /* FIXME: dropped event? */; } } } if ( XGetWindowProperty(SDL_Display, owner, selection, 0, INT_MAX/4, False, format, &seln_type, &seln_format, &nbytes, &overflow, (unsigned char **)&src) == Success ) { if ( seln_type == format ) { char *mem; *dstlen = convert_scrap(type, NULL, src, nbytes); mem = sdl_ReallocHandle(dst, *dstlen); if ( mem == NULL ) *dstlen = -1; else convert_scrap(type, mem, src, nbytes); } XFree(src); } } #elif defined(WIN_SCRAP) /* * */ if ( IsClipboardFormatAvailable(format) && OpenClipboard(SDL_Window) ) { HANDLE hMem; char *src; hMem = GetClipboardData(format); if ( hMem != NULL ) { char *mem; src = (char *)GlobalLock(hMem); *dstlen = convert_scrap(type, NULL, src, 0); mem = sdl_ReallocHandle(dst, *dstlen); if ( mem == NULL ) *dstlen = -1; else convert_scrap(type, mem, src, 0); GlobalUnlock(hMem); } CloseClipboard(); } #endif /* scrap type */ }
void GrabWindow(Window target) { char *temp; Window Junk,root; unsigned int tw,th,border_width,depth; int x,y; char *prop = NULL; Atom actual = None; int actual_format; unsigned long nitems, bytesafter; XUnmapWindow(dpy,target); XSync(dpy,0); XGetGeometry(dpy,target,&root,&x,&y, (unsigned int *)&tw,(unsigned int *)&th, (unsigned int *)&border_width, (unsigned int *)&depth); XSync(dpy,0); XTranslateCoordinates(dpy, target, Root, 0, 0, &x,&y, &Junk); CreateWindow(x,y,tw,th); XSetWindowBorderWidth(dpy,target,0); XReparentWindow(dpy,target, holder_win,0,0); XMapWindow(dpy,target); XSelectInput(dpy,target, PropertyChangeMask|StructureNotifyMask| ColormapChangeMask); if(XFetchName(dpy, target, &temp)==0) temp = NULL; if (XGetWindowProperty (dpy, target, XA_WM_ICON_NAME, 0, MAX_ICON_NAME_LEN, False, XA_STRING, &actual,&actual_format, &nitems, &bytesafter, (unsigned char **) &prop) == Success && (prop != NULL)) { change_icon_name(prop); XFree(prop); } change_window_name(temp); { XWMHints *wmhints; wmhints = XGetWMHints(dpy,target); if(wmhints != NULL) { XSetWMHints(dpy,main_win, wmhints); XFree(wmhints); } } { XWindowAttributes xwa; if(XGetWindowAttributes(dpy,target, &xwa) != 0) { XSetWindowColormap(dpy,main_win,xwa.colormap); } } XMapWindow(dpy,main_win); RedrawWindow(target); XFree(temp); }
DockWnd::DockWnd(QWidget *main) : QWidget(NULL) { #ifndef WIN32 wharfIcon = NULL; #endif connect(this, SIGNAL(toggleWin()), main, SLOT(toggleShow())); connect(this, SIGNAL(showPopup(QPoint)), main, SLOT(showPopup(QPoint))); connect(pClient, SIGNAL(event(ICQEvent*)), this, SLOT(processEvent(ICQEvent*))); connect(pClient, SIGNAL(messageRead(ICQMessage*)), this, SLOT(messageRead(ICQMessage*))); connect(pClient, SIGNAL(messageReceived(ICQMessage*)), this, SLOT(messageReceived(ICQMessage*))); connect(pMain, SIGNAL(iconChanged()), this, SLOT(reset())); m_state = 0; showIcon = State; QTimer *t = new QTimer(this); connect(t, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timer())); t->start(800); bool bWMDock = false; #ifndef WIN32 Atom r_type; int r_format; unsigned long count, bytes_remain; unsigned char *prop = NULL, *prop2 = NULL; Atom _XA_WIN_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK = XInternAtom(qt_xdisplay(), XA_WIN_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK, False); int p = XGetWindowProperty(qt_xdisplay(), qt_xrootwin(), _XA_WIN_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK, 0, 1, False, XA_CARDINAL, &r_type, &r_format, &count, &bytes_remain, &prop); if (p == Success && prop && r_type == XA_CARDINAL && r_format == 32 && count == 1) { Window n = *(long *) prop; p = XGetWindowProperty(qt_xdisplay(), n, _XA_WIN_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK, 0, 1, False, XA_CARDINAL, &r_type, &r_format, &count, &bytes_remain, &prop2); if (p == Success && prop2 && r_type == XA_CARDINAL && r_format == 32 && count == 1) bWMDock = true; } if (prop) XFree(prop); if (prop2) XFree(prop2); #endif #ifdef USE_KDE log(L_DEBUG, "WM props? %u", bWMDock); if (!bWMDock) KWin::setSystemTrayWindowFor( winId(), main->topLevelWidget()->winId()); #endif needToggle = false; #ifdef WIN32 QWidget::hide(); QWidget::setIcon(Pict(pClient->getStatusIcon())); gDock = this; oldDockProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongW(winId(), GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)DockWindowProc); if (oldDockProc == 0) oldDockProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongA(winId(), GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)DockWindowProc); NOTIFYICONDATAA notifyIconData; notifyIconData.cbSize = sizeof(notifyIconData); notifyIconData.hIcon = topData()->winIcon; notifyIconData.hWnd = winId(); notifyIconData.szTip[0] = 0; notifyIconData.uCallbackMessage = WM_DOCK; notifyIconData.uFlags = NIF_MESSAGE | NIF_ICON | NIF_TIP; notifyIconData.uID = 0; Shell_NotifyIconA(NIM_ADD, ¬ifyIconData); #else if (!bWMDock){ setBackgroundMode(X11ParentRelative); setIcon(Pict(pClient->getStatusIcon())); #ifdef USE_KDE show(); #else hide(); #endif }else{ wharfIcon = new WharfIcon(this); Display *dsp = x11Display(); WId win = winId(); XWMHints *hints; XClassHint classhint; classhint.res_name = (char*)"sim"; classhint.res_class = (char*)"sim"; XSetClassHint(dsp, win, &classhint); hints = XGetWMHints(dsp, win); hints->initial_state = WithdrawnState; hints->icon_x = 0; hints->icon_y = 0; hints->icon_window = wharfIcon->winId(); hints->window_group = win; hints->flags = WindowGroupHint | IconWindowHint | IconPositionHint | StateHint; XSetWMHints(dsp, win, hints); XFree( hints ); XSetCommand(dsp, winId(), _argv, _argc); resize(64, 64); show(); } #endif loadUnread(); reset(); }
static int _x11_clip_filter(const SDL_Event *ev) { XSelectionRequestEvent *req; XEvent sevent; Atom seln_type; int seln_format; unsigned long nbytes; unsigned long overflow; unsigned char *seln_data; unsigned char *src; if (ev->type != SDL_SYSWMEVENT) return 1; if (ev->syswm.msg->event.xevent.type == SelectionNotify) { sevent = ev->syswm.msg->event.xevent; if (sevent.xselection.requestor == SDL_Window) { lock_display(); src = NULL; if (XGetWindowProperty(SDL_Display, SDL_Window, atom_sel, 0, 9000, False, XA_STRING, (Atom *)&seln_type, (int *)&seln_format, (unsigned long *)&nbytes, (unsigned long *)&overflow, (unsigned char **)&src) == Success) { if (seln_type == XA_STRING) { if (_current_selection != _current_clipboard) { free(_current_clipboard); } _current_clipboard = mem_alloc(nbytes+1); memcpy(_current_clipboard, (char*)src, nbytes); _current_clipboard[nbytes] = 0; _string_paste(CLIPPY_BUFFER, _current_clipboard); _widget_owner[CLIPPY_BUFFER] = _widget_owner[CLIPPY_SELECT]; } XFree(src); } unlock_display(); } return 1; } else if (ev->syswm.msg->event.xevent.type == PropertyNotify) { sevent = ev->syswm.msg->event.xevent; return 1; } else if (ev->syswm.msg->event.xevent.type != SelectionRequest) { return 1; } req = &ev->syswm.msg->event.xevent.xselectionrequest; sevent.xselection.type = SelectionNotify; sevent.xselection.display = req->display; sevent.xselection.selection = req->selection; = None; = None; sevent.xselection.requestor = req->requestor; sevent.xselection.time = req->time; if (XGetWindowProperty(SDL_Display, DefaultRootWindow(SDL_Display), XA_CUT_BUFFER0, 0, 9000, False, req->target, &, &seln_format, &nbytes, &overflow, &seln_data) == Success) { if ( == req->target) { if ( == XA_STRING) { if (nbytes && seln_data[nbytes-1] == '\0') nbytes--; } XChangeProperty(SDL_Display, req->requestor, req->property,, seln_format, PropModeReplace, seln_data, nbytes); = req->property; } XFree(seln_data); } XSendEvent(SDL_Display,req->requestor,False,0,&sevent); XSync(SDL_Display, False); return 1; }
EWMHWindowType ewmh_get_window_type(Window w) { Atom rt; Atom *type; int fmt; unsigned long n; unsigned long extra; int i; EWMHWindowType ret; i = XGetWindowProperty(dpy, w, ewmh_atom[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE], 0, 100, False, XA_ATOM, &rt, &fmt, &n, &extra, (unsigned char **)&type); if (i != Success || type == NULL) return WTypeNone; ret = WTypeNone; for (; n; n--) { if (type[n - 1] == ewmh_atom[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP]) { ret = WTypeDesktop; break; } if (type[n - 1] == ewmh_atom[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK]) { ret = WTypeDock; break; } if (type[n - 1] == ewmh_atom[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR]) { ret = WTypeToolbar; break; } if (type[n - 1] == ewmh_atom[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU]) { ret = WTypeMenu; break; } if (type[n - 1] == ewmh_atom[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY]) { ret = WTypeUtility; break; } if (type[n - 1] == ewmh_atom[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH]) { ret = WTypeSplash; break; } if (type[n - 1] == ewmh_atom[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG]) { ret = WTypeDialog; break; } if (type[n - 1] == ewmh_atom[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL]) { ret = WTypeNormal; break; } } XFree(type); return ret; }
void find_window_r (guint32 pid, Window window, Display *display, Atom atom_pid, guint32 level, GSList **result) { Atom actual_type_return; int actual_format_return; unsigned long nitems_return; unsigned long bytes_after_return; unsigned char *prop_return; guint32 pid_of_window = 0; XWindowAttributes window_attributes; WindowInfoEx *wix = NULL; WindowInfo *wi = NULL; Window dummy; int x, y; if (Success != XGetWindowProperty (display, window, atom_pid, 0, 1, False, XA_CARDINAL, &actual_type_return, &actual_format_return, &nitems_return, &bytes_after_return, &prop_return)) return; if (prop_return != NULL) { pid_of_window = *(guint32 *) prop_return; XFree (prop_return); } if (pid_of_window == pid) { Atom _NET_WM_NAME = XInternAtom (display, "_NET_WM_NAME", False); Atom UTF8_STRING = XInternAtom (display, "UTF8_STRING", False); // printf ("[%i shocker] %*sFound window %p for pid %i\n", getpid (), level, " ", (void *) window, pid); XGetWindowAttributes (display, window, &window_attributes); if (window_attributes.map_state != IsViewable || window_attributes.c_class != InputOutput) { // printf ("[%i shocker] WindowHelper_GetWindowInfo (%i): Window %x isn't viewable and inputoutput.\n", getpid (), pid, (int) window); goto recurse; } XTranslateCoordinates (display, window, window_attributes.root, -window_attributes.border_width, -window_attributes.border_width, &x, &y, &dummy); wix = (WindowInfoEx *) g_malloc0 (sizeof (WindowInfoEx)); wix->window = window; wi = &wix->wi; // This is not entirely correct: we're not taking into account the title bar of the window wi->windowLeft = x - window_attributes.border_width; wi->windowTop = y - window_attributes.border_width; wi->windowWidth = window_attributes.width; wi->windowHeight = window_attributes.height; wi->windowRight = wi->windowLeft + wi->windowWidth; wi->windowBottom = wi->windowTop + wi->windowBottom; wi->clientLeft = x; wi->clientTop = y; wi->clientWidth = window_attributes.width - window_attributes.border_width * 2; wi->clientHeight = window_attributes.height - window_attributes.border_width * 2; wi->clientRight = wi->clientLeft + wi->clientWidth; wi->clientBottom = wi->clientTop + wi->clientHeight; // Get window name XGetWindowProperty (display, window, _NET_WM_NAME, 0, MAX_WINDOW_TITLE / 4, False, UTF8_STRING, &actual_type_return, &actual_format_return, &nitems_return, &bytes_after_return, &prop_return); if (nitems_return > 0 && prop_return != NULL) { memcpy (wi->title, prop_return, MIN (nitems_return, MAX_WINDOW_TITLE - 1)); } *result = g_slist_prepend (*result, wix); return; } recurse: // printf ("[%i shocker] %*sFound window %p is not in pid %i\n", getpid (), level, " ", (void *) window, pid); // Recurse into children Window root_return; Window parent_return; Window *children; unsigned int n_children; if (0 != (XQueryTree (display, window, &root_return, &parent_return, &children, &n_children))) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_children; i++) { find_window_r (pid, children [i], display, atom_pid, level + 1, result); } } }
static gboolean skype_connect() { Window root; Atom skype_inst; Atom type_ret; int format_ret; unsigned long nitems_ret; unsigned long bytes_after_ret; unsigned char *prop; int status; x11_error_code = 0; XSetErrorHandler(x11_error_handler); skype_debug_info("skype_x11", "Set the XErrorHandler\n"); #ifdef USE_XVFB_SERVER if (!getenv("SKYPEDISPLAY")) setenv("SKYPEDISPLAY", ":25", 0); #endif if (getenv("SKYPEDISPLAY")) disp = XOpenDisplay(getenv("SKYPEDISPLAY")); else disp = XOpenDisplay(getenv("DISPLAY")); if (disp == NULL) { skype_debug_info("skype_x11", "Couldn't open display\n"); return FALSE; } skype_debug_info("skype_x11", "Opened display\n"); message_start = XInternAtom( disp, "SKYPECONTROLAPI_MESSAGE_BEGIN", False ); message_continue = XInternAtom( disp, "SKYPECONTROLAPI_MESSAGE", False ); root = DefaultRootWindow( disp ); win = XCreateSimpleWindow( disp, root, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, BlackPixel( disp, DefaultScreen( disp ) ), BlackPixel( disp, DefaultScreen( disp ) )); XFlush(disp); if (win == -1) { XCloseDisplay(disp); skype_debug_info("skype_x11", "Could not create X11 messaging window\n"); return FALSE; } skype_debug_info("skype_x11", "Created X11 messaging window\n"); skype_inst = XInternAtom(disp, "_SKYPE_INSTANCE", True); if (skype_inst == None) { XDestroyWindow(disp, win); XCloseDisplay(disp); win = (Window)-1; skype_win = (Window)-1; skype_debug_info("skype_x11", "Could not create skype Atom\n"); return FALSE; } skype_debug_info("skype_x11", "Created skype Atom\n"); status = XGetWindowProperty(disp, root, skype_inst, 0, 1, False, XA_WINDOW, &type_ret, &format_ret, &nitems_ret, &bytes_after_ret, &prop); if(status != Success || format_ret != 32 || nitems_ret < 1) { XDestroyWindow(disp, win); XCloseDisplay(disp); win = (Window)-1; XFree(prop); skype_win = (Window)-1; skype_debug_info("skype", "Skype instance not found\n"); return FALSE; } skype_debug_info("skype_x11", "Skype instance found\n"); skype_win = * (const unsigned long *) prop & 0xffffffff; XFree(prop); run_loop = TRUE; skype_debug_info("skype_x11", "Charging lasers...\n"); receiving_thread = g_thread_create((GThreadFunc)receive_message_loop, NULL, FALSE, NULL); return TRUE; }
char *x11_get_wm_name(Display *dpy) { Atom XA_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK = XInternAtom(g_x11_dpy, "_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK", False); Atom XA_NET_WM_NAME = XInternAtom(g_x11_dpy, "_NET_WM_NAME", False); Atom XA_UTF8_STRING = XInternAtom(g_x11_dpy, "UTF8_STRING", False); int status; Atom type; int format; unsigned long nitems; unsigned long bytes_after; unsigned char *propdata; char *title; Window window; if (!XA_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK || !XA_NET_WM_NAME) return NULL; status = XGetWindowProperty(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), XA_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK, 0, 1, False, XA_WINDOW, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after, &propdata); if (status == Success && propdata) window = ((Window *) propdata)[0]; else return NULL; XFree(propdata); status = XGetWindowProperty(dpy, window, XA_NET_WM_NAME, 0, 8192, False, XA_UTF8_STRING, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after, &propdata); if (status == Success && propdata) { title = strdup((char *) propdata); } else return NULL; XFree(propdata); return title; }
// // I_GetClipboardText // // by Denis Lukianov - 20 Mar 2006 // Cross-platform clipboard functionality // std::string I_GetClipboardText (void) { #ifdef X11 std::string ret; Display *dis = XOpenDisplay(NULL); int screen = DefaultScreen(dis); if(!dis) { Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "I_GetClipboardText: XOpenDisplay failed"); return ""; } XLockDisplay(dis); Window WindowEvents = XCreateSimpleWindow(dis, RootWindow(dis, screen), 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, BlackPixel(dis, screen), BlackPixel(dis, screen)); if(XGetSelectionOwner(dis, XA_PRIMARY) != None) { if(!XConvertSelection(dis, XA_PRIMARY, XA_STRING, XA_PRIMARY, WindowEvents, CurrentTime)) { XDestroyWindow(dis, WindowEvents); XUnlockDisplay(dis); XCloseDisplay(dis); Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "I_GetClipboardText: XConvertSelection failed"); return ""; } XFlush (dis); // Wait for the reply for(;;) { XEvent e; XNextEvent(dis, &e); if(e.type == SelectionNotify) break; } Atom type; int format, result; u_long len, bytes_left, temp; u_char *data; result = XGetWindowProperty(dis, WindowEvents, XA_PRIMARY, 0, 0, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &len, &bytes_left, &data); if(result != Success) { XDestroyWindow(dis, WindowEvents); XUnlockDisplay(dis); XCloseDisplay(dis); Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "I_GetClipboardText: XGetWindowProperty failed(1)"); return ""; } if(!bytes_left) { XDestroyWindow(dis, WindowEvents); Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "I_GetClipboardText: Len was: %d", len); XUnlockDisplay(dis); XCloseDisplay(dis); return ""; } result = XGetWindowProperty(dis, WindowEvents, XA_PRIMARY, 0, bytes_left, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &len, &temp, &data); if(result != Success) { XDestroyWindow(dis, WindowEvents); XUnlockDisplay(dis); XCloseDisplay(dis); Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "I_GetClipboardText: XGetWindowProperty failed(2)"); return ""; } ret = std::string((const char *)data, len); XFree(data); } XDestroyWindow(dis, WindowEvents); XUnlockDisplay(dis); XCloseDisplay(dis); return ret; #endif #ifdef WIN32 std::string ret; if(!IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT)) return ""; if(!OpenClipboard(NULL)) return ""; HANDLE hClipboardData = GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT); if(!hClipboardData) { CloseClipboard(); return ""; } const char *cData = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(GlobalLock(hClipboardData)); u_int uiSize = static_cast<u_int>(GlobalSize(hClipboardData)); if(cData && uiSize) { for(size_t i = 0; i < uiSize; i++) { if(!cData[i]) { uiSize = i; break; } } ret = std::string(cData, uiSize); } GlobalUnlock(hClipboardData); CloseClipboard(); return ret; #endif #ifdef OSX ScrapRef scrap; Size size; int err = GetCurrentScrap(&scrap); if(err) { Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "GetCurrentScrap error: %d", err); return ""; } err = GetScrapFlavorSize(scrap, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TEXT'), &size); if(err) { Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "GetScrapFlavorSize error: %d", err); return ""; } char *data = new char[size+1]; err = GetScrapFlavorData(scrap, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TEXT'), &size, data); data[size] = 0; if(err) { Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "GetScrapFlavorData error: %d", err); delete[] data; } std::string ret(data); delete[] data; return ret; #endif return ""; }
DockWnd::DockWnd(DockPlugin *plugin, const char *icon, const char *text) : QWidget(NULL, "dock", WType_TopLevel | WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NoBorder | WStyle_StaysOnTop), EventReceiver(LowPriority) { #ifndef WIN32 #ifndef QT_MACOSX_VERSION wharfIcon = NULL; #endif #endif m_plugin = plugin; setMouseTracking(true); bNoToggle = false; bBlink = false; m_state = icon; blinkTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(blinkTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(blink())); #ifdef WIN32 hShell = NULL; setIcon(icon); QWidget::hide(); gDock = this; if (IsWindowUnicode(winId())){ (HMODULE&)hShell = LoadLibraryA("shell32.dll"); if (hShell) (DWORD&)_Shell_NotifyIconW = (DWORD)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hShell, "Shell_NotifyIconW"); } if (IsWindowUnicode(winId()) && _Shell_NotifyIconW){ oldDockProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongW(winId(), GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)DockWindowProc); NOTIFYICONDATAW notifyIconData; notifyIconData.cbSize = sizeof(notifyIconData); notifyIconData.hIcon = topData()->winIcon; notifyIconData.hWnd = winId(); notifyIconData.szTip[0] = 0; notifyIconData.uCallbackMessage = WM_DOCK; notifyIconData.uFlags = NIF_MESSAGE | NIF_ICON | NIF_TIP; notifyIconData.uID = 0; _Shell_NotifyIconW(NIM_ADD, ¬ifyIconData); }else{ oldDockProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongA(winId(), GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)DockWindowProc); NOTIFYICONDATAA notifyIconData; notifyIconData.cbSize = sizeof(notifyIconData); notifyIconData.hIcon = topData()->winIcon; notifyIconData.hWnd = winId(); notifyIconData.szTip[0] = 0; notifyIconData.uCallbackMessage = WM_DOCK; notifyIconData.uFlags = NIF_MESSAGE | NIF_ICON | NIF_TIP; notifyIconData.uID = 0; Shell_NotifyIconA(NIM_ADD, ¬ifyIconData); } #else setMinimumSize(22, 22); resize(22, 22); #ifndef QT_MACOSX_VERSION bInit = false; inTray = false; inNetTray = false; Display *dsp = x11Display(); WId win = winId(); bool bEnlightenment = false; QWidget tmp; Atom enlightenment_desktop = XInternAtom(dsp, "ENLIGHTENMENT_DESKTOP", false); WId w = tmp.winId(); Window p, r; Window *c; unsigned int nc; while (XQueryTree(dsp, w, &r, &p, &c, &nc)){ if (c && nc > 0) XFree(c); if (! p) { log(L_WARN, "No parent"); break; } unsigned char *data_ret = NULL; Atom type_ret; int i_unused; unsigned long l_unused; if ((XGetWindowProperty(dsp, p, enlightenment_desktop, 0, 1, False, XA_CARDINAL, &type_ret, &i_unused, &l_unused, &l_unused, &data_ret) == Success) && (type_ret == XA_CARDINAL)) { if (data_ret) XFree(data_ret); bEnlightenment = true; log(L_DEBUG, "Detect Enlightenment"); break; } if (p == r) break; w = p; } if (bEnlightenment){ bInit = true; resize(48, 48); setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); move(m_plugin->getDockX(), m_plugin->getDockY()); MWMHints mwm; mwm.flags = MWM_HINTS_DECORATIONS; mwm.functions = 0; mwm.decorations = 0; mwm.inputMode = 0; mwm.status = 0; Atom a = XInternAtom(dsp, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", False); XChangeProperty(dsp, win, a, a, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&mwm, sizeof(MWMHints) / 4); XStoreName(dsp, win, "SIM"); XClassHint *xch = XAllocClassHint(); xch->res_name = (char*)"SIM"; xch->res_class = (char*)"Epplet"; XSetClassHint(dsp, win, xch); XFree(xch); XSetIconName(dsp, win, "SIM"); unsigned long val = (1 << 0) /* | (1 << 9) */ ; a = XInternAtom(dsp, "_WIN_STATE", False); XChangeProperty(dsp, win, a, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&val, 1); val = 2; a = XInternAtom(dsp, "_WIN_LAYER", False); XChangeProperty(dsp, win, a, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&val, 1); val = (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 5); a = XInternAtom(dsp, "_WIN_HINTS", False); XChangeProperty(dsp, win, a, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&val, 1); win_name = "SIM"; win_version = VERSION; win_info = ""; while (!comms_win) { ECommsSetup(dsp); sleep(1); } char s[256]; snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "set clientname %s", win_name); ECommsSend(s); snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "set version %s", win_version); ECommsSend(s); snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "set info %s", win_info); ECommsSend(s); ESYNC; set_background_properties(this); setIcon(icon); show(); return; } wharfIcon = new WharfIcon(this); #endif setBackgroundMode(X11ParentRelative); setIcon(icon); #ifndef QT_MACOSX_VERSION XClassHint classhint; classhint.res_name = (char*)"sim"; classhint.res_class = (char*)"Wharf"; XSetClassHint(dsp, win, &classhint); Screen *screen = XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(dsp); int screen_id = XScreenNumberOfScreen(screen); char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S%d", screen_id); Atom selection_atom = XInternAtom(dsp, buf, false); XGrabServer(dsp); Window manager_window = XGetSelectionOwner(dsp, selection_atom); if (manager_window != None) XSelectInput(dsp, manager_window, StructureNotifyMask); XUngrabServer(dsp); XFlush(dsp); if (manager_window != None){ inNetTray = true; if (!send_message(dsp, manager_window, SYSTEM_TRAY_REQUEST_DOCK, win, 0, 0)){ inNetTray = false; } } Atom kde_net_system_tray_window_for_atom = XInternAtom(dsp, "_KDE_NET_WM_SYSTEM_TRAY_WINDOW_FOR", false); long data[1]; data[0] = 0; XChangeProperty(dsp, win, kde_net_system_tray_window_for_atom, XA_WINDOW, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)data, 1); XWMHints *hints; hints = XGetWMHints(dsp, win); hints->initial_state = WithdrawnState; hints->icon_x = 0; hints->icon_y = 0; hints->icon_window = wharfIcon->winId(); hints->window_group = win; hints->flags = WindowGroupHint | IconWindowHint | IconPositionHint | StateHint; XSetWMHints(dsp, win, hints); XFree( hints ); Event eArgc(EventArgc); int argc = (int)eArgc.process(); Event eArgv(EventArgv); char **argv = (char**)eArgv.process(); XSetCommand(dsp, win, argv, argc); if (!inNetTray){ move(-21, -21); resize(22, 22); } #endif show(); #endif setTip(text); reset(); }
void gui_main_loop (void) { XEvent event; struct gui_instance *gi; while (0 == XNextEvent (GUI_display, &event)) { if (0 == (gi = find_instance (event.xany.window))) continue; if (XFilterEvent (&event, gi->window)) continue; if (gi->definition.x11_event) gi->definition.x11_event (gi, &event); switch (event.type) { case KeyPress: gi->last_event = event.xkey.time; if (gi->definition.key_pressed) { wchar_t text[32]; Status status; KeySym key_sym; int len; len = XwcLookupString (gi->xic, &event.xkey, text, sizeof (text) / sizeof (text[0]) - 1, &key_sym, &status); text[len] = 0; if (status == XLookupNone) return; gi->definition.key_pressed (gi, (status == XLookupKeySym || status == XLookupBoth) ? key_sym : 0, (status == XLookupChars || status == XLookupBoth) ? text : NULL, event.xkey.state); } break; case KeyRelease: gi->last_event = event.xkey.time; if (gi->definition.key_released) { KeySym key_sym; key_sym = XLookupKeysym (&event.xkey, 0); gi->definition.key_released (gi, key_sym); } break; case MotionNotify: gi->last_event = event.xmotion.time; if (gi->definition.mouse_moved) gi->definition.mouse_moved (gi, event.xmotion.x, event.xmotion.y); break; case ButtonPress: gi->last_event = event.xbutton.time; if (gi->definition.button_pressed) gi->definition.button_pressed (gi, event.xbutton.button - 1, event.xbutton.state); break; case ButtonRelease: gi->last_event = event.xbutton.time; if (gi->definition.button_released) gi->definition.button_released (gi, event.xbutton.button - 1, event.xbutton.state); break; case ConfigureNotify: while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent (GUI_display, gi->window, ConfigureNotify, &event)) { /* Do nothing */ } if (gi->width == event.xconfigure.width && gi->height == event.xconfigure.height) break; gi->width = event.xconfigure.width; gi->height = event.xconfigure.height; configure_window (gi); XClearArea (GUI_display, gi->window, 0, 0, 0, 0, True); break; case NoExpose: break; case Expose: { int minx = event.xexpose.x; int miny = event.xexpose.y; int maxx = minx + event.xexpose.width; int maxy = miny + event.xexpose.height; while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent (GUI_display, gi->window, Expose, &event)) { if (event.xexpose.x < minx) minx = event.xexpose.x; if (event.xexpose.y < miny) miny = event.xexpose.y; if (event.xexpose.x + event.xexpose.width > maxx) maxx = event.xexpose.x + event.xexpose.width; if (event.xexpose.y + event.xexpose.height > maxx) maxx = event.xexpose.y + event.xexpose.height; } gi->repaint_waiting = 0; if (!gi->back_buffer) configure_window (gi); gi->definition.paint (gi, minx, miny, maxx - minx, maxy - miny); XRenderComposite (GUI_display, PictOpSrc, gi->back_buffer, None, gi->front_buffer, minx, miny, 0, 0, minx, miny, maxx - minx, maxy - miny); } break; case ClientMessage: if ([0] == xa_wm_delete_window) gi->definition.destroy (gi); break; case SelectionRequest: { XSelectionRequestEvent* request; XSelectionEvent response; enum gui_clipboard clipboard; int ret; request = &event.xselectionrequest; if (request->selection == XA_PRIMARY) clipboard = GUI_PRIMARY_SELECTION; else if (request->selection == XA_SECONDARY) clipboard = GUI_SECONDARY_SELECTION; else if (request->selection == xa_clipboard) clipboard = GUI_CLIPBOARD; else break; if (!gi->clipboards[clipboard].length) break; if (request->target != XA_STRING && request->target != xa_utf8_string) break; if (request->property == None) request->property = request->target; response.type = SelectionNotify; response.send_event = True; response.display = GUI_display; response.requestor = request->requestor; response.selection = request->selection; = request->target; = None; response.time = request->time; ret = XChangeProperty (GUI_display, request->requestor, request->property, request->target, 8, PropModeReplace, gi->clipboards[clipboard].data, gi->clipboards[clipboard].length); if (ret != BadAlloc && ret != BadAtom && ret != BadValue && ret != BadWindow) = request->property; XSendEvent (request->display, request->requestor, False, NoEventMask, (XEvent*) &response); } break; case SelectionNotify: { unsigned char* prop; unsigned long nitems, bytes_after; Atom type; int format, result; result = XGetWindowProperty (GUI_display, gi->window, xa_prop_paste, 0, 0, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after, &prop); if (result != Success) break; XFree (prop); result = XGetWindowProperty (GUI_display, gi->window, xa_prop_paste, 0, bytes_after, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after, &prop); if (result != Success) break; if (gi->definition.paste && type == xa_utf8_string && format == 8) { gi->definition.paste (gi, (const char*) prop, nitems); } XFree (prop); } break; } } }
/** * gdk_x11_screen_supports_net_wm_hint: * @screen: (type GdkX11Screen): the relevant #GdkScreen. * @property: a property atom. * * This function is specific to the X11 backend of GDK, and indicates * whether the window manager supports a certain hint from the * [Extended Window Manager Hints]( specification. * * When using this function, keep in mind that the window manager * can change over time; so you shouldn’t use this function in * a way that impacts persistent application state. A common bug * is that your application can start up before the window manager * does when the user logs in, and before the window manager starts * gdk_x11_screen_supports_net_wm_hint() will return %FALSE for every property. * You can monitor the window_manager_changed signal on #GdkScreen to detect * a window manager change. * * Returns: %TRUE if the window manager supports @property * * Since: 2.2 **/ gboolean gdk_x11_screen_supports_net_wm_hint (GdkScreen *screen, GdkAtom property) { gulong i; GdkX11Screen *x11_screen; NetWmSupportedAtoms *supported_atoms; GdkDisplay *display; Atom atom; g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen), FALSE); x11_screen = GDK_X11_SCREEN (screen); display = x11_screen->display; if (!G_LIKELY (GDK_X11_DISPLAY (display)->trusted_client)) return FALSE; supported_atoms = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (screen), "gdk-net-wm-supported-atoms"); if (!supported_atoms) { supported_atoms = g_new0 (NetWmSupportedAtoms, 1); g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (screen), "gdk-net-wm-supported-atoms", supported_atoms, cleanup_atoms); } fetch_net_wm_check_window (screen); if (x11_screen->wmspec_check_window == None) return FALSE; if (x11_screen->need_refetch_net_supported) { /* WM has changed since we last got the supported list, * refetch it. */ Atom type; gint format; gulong bytes_after; x11_screen->need_refetch_net_supported = FALSE; if (supported_atoms->atoms) XFree (supported_atoms->atoms); supported_atoms->atoms = NULL; supported_atoms->n_atoms = 0; XGetWindowProperty (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display), x11_screen->xroot_window, gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "_NET_SUPPORTED"), 0, G_MAXLONG, False, XA_ATOM, &type, &format, &supported_atoms->n_atoms, &bytes_after, (guchar **)&supported_atoms->atoms); if (type != XA_ATOM) return FALSE; } if (supported_atoms->atoms == NULL) return FALSE; atom = gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom_for_display (display, property); for (i = 0; i < supported_atoms->n_atoms; i++) { if (supported_atoms->atoms[i] == atom) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void Loop(Window target) { Window root; int x,y,border_width,depth; XEvent Event; int tw,th; char *temp; char *prop = NULL; Atom actual = None; int actual_format; unsigned long nitems, bytesafter; while(1) { XNextEvent(dpy,&Event); switch(Event.type) { case Expose: exposed = 1; RedrawWindow(target); break; case ConfigureNotify: XGetGeometry(dpy,main_win,&root,&x,&y, (unsigned int *)&tw,(unsigned int *)&th, (unsigned int *)&border_width, (unsigned int *)&depth); if((tw != Width)||(th!= Height)) { XResizeWindow(dpy,holder_win,tw-BAR_WIDTH-PAD_WIDTH3, th-BAR_WIDTH-PAD_WIDTH3); Width = tw; Height = th; if(target_y_offset + Height - BAR_WIDTH > target_height) target_y_offset = target_height - Height + BAR_WIDTH; if(target_y_offset < 0) target_y_offset = 0; if(target_x_offset < 0) target_x_offset = 0; if(target_x_offset + Width - BAR_WIDTH > target_width) target_x_offset = target_width - Width + BAR_WIDTH; XMoveWindow(dpy,target,-target_x_offset, -target_y_offset); exposed = 1; RedrawWindow(target); } break; case ButtonPress: if((Event.xbutton.y > Height-BAR_WIDTH) && (Event.xbutton.x < SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH+PAD_WIDTH3)) { motion = LEFT; exposed = 2; RedrawWindow(target); } else if((Event.xbutton.y > Height-BAR_WIDTH) && (Event.xbutton.x > Width-BAR_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH-2) && (Event.xbutton.x < Width-BAR_WIDTH)) { motion = RIGHT; exposed = 2; RedrawWindow(target); } else if((Event.xbutton.y < SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH+PAD_WIDTH3) && (Event.xbutton.x > Width-BAR_WIDTH)) { motion = TOP; exposed = 2; RedrawWindow(target); } else if((Event.xbutton.y > Height-BAR_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH-2) && (Event.xbutton.y < Height-BAR_WIDTH)&& (Event.xbutton.x > Width-BAR_WIDTH)) { motion = BOTTOM; exposed = 2; RedrawWindow(target); } else if((Event.xbutton.x > Width - BAR_WIDTH)&& (Event.xbutton.y < Height- BAR_WIDTH)) { motion = VERTICAL; target_y_offset=(Event.xbutton.y-PAD_WIDTH3-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH)* target_height/ (Height-BAR_WIDTH-PAD_WIDTH3 - 2*SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH); if(target_y_offset+Height-BAR_WIDTH -PAD_WIDTH3 > target_height) target_y_offset = target_height - Height+BAR_WIDTH+PAD_WIDTH3; if(target_y_offset < 0) target_y_offset = 0; XMoveWindow(dpy,target,-target_x_offset, -target_y_offset); RedrawWindow(target); } else if((Event.xbutton.y > Height- BAR_WIDTH ) && (Event.xbutton.x < Width- BAR_WIDTH)) { motion=HORIZONTAL; target_x_offset=(Event.xbutton.x -PAD_WIDTH3-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH)* target_width/ (Width-BAR_WIDTH-PAD_WIDTH3-2*SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH); if(target_x_offset < 0) target_x_offset = 0; if(target_x_offset + Width - BAR_WIDTH -PAD_WIDTH3> target_width) target_x_offset = target_width - Width + BAR_WIDTH+PAD_WIDTH3; XMoveWindow(dpy,target,-target_x_offset, -target_y_offset); RedrawWindow(target); } else if((Event.xbutton.y > Height- BAR_WIDTH ) && (Event.xbutton.x > Width- BAR_WIDTH)) { exposed = 2; motion=QUIT; } RedrawWindow(target); break; case ButtonRelease: if((Event.xbutton.y > Height- BAR_WIDTH ) && (Event.xbutton.x > Width- BAR_WIDTH)&& (motion==QUIT)) { XUnmapWindow(dpy,main_win); XReparentWindow(dpy,target,Root,x,y); XSync(dpy,0); exit(0); } if((motion == LEFT)&&(Event.xbutton.y > Height-BAR_WIDTH) && (Event.xbutton.x < SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH+PAD_WIDTH3)) { target_x_offset -= (Width-BAR_WIDTH-PAD_WIDTH2); if(target_x_offset < 0) target_x_offset = 0; XMoveWindow(dpy,target,-target_x_offset, -target_y_offset); motion = NONE; exposed = 2; } else if((motion == RIGHT)&&(Event.xbutton.y > Height-BAR_WIDTH) && (Event.xbutton.x > Width-BAR_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH-2) && (Event.xbutton.x < Width-BAR_WIDTH)) { target_x_offset += (Width-BAR_WIDTH-PAD_WIDTH2); if(target_x_offset+Width-BAR_WIDTH -PAD_WIDTH3 > target_width) target_x_offset = target_width - Width+BAR_WIDTH+PAD_WIDTH3; XMoveWindow(dpy,target,-target_x_offset, -target_y_offset); motion = NONE; exposed = 2; } else if((motion == TOP)&& (Event.xbutton.y<SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH+PAD_WIDTH3)&& (Event.xbutton.x > Width-BAR_WIDTH)) { target_y_offset -= (Height-BAR_WIDTH-PAD_WIDTH2); if(target_y_offset < 0) target_y_offset = 0; XMoveWindow(dpy,target,-target_x_offset, -target_y_offset); motion = NONE; exposed = 2; } else if((motion == BOTTOM)&& (Event.xbutton.y > Height-BAR_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH-2) && (Event.xbutton.y < Height-BAR_WIDTH)&& (Event.xbutton.x > Width-BAR_WIDTH)) { target_y_offset += (Height-BAR_WIDTH-PAD_WIDTH2); if(target_y_offset+Height-BAR_WIDTH -PAD_WIDTH3 > target_height) target_y_offset = target_height - Height+BAR_WIDTH+PAD_WIDTH3; XMoveWindow(dpy,target,-target_x_offset, -target_y_offset); motion = NONE; exposed = 2; } if(motion == VERTICAL) { target_y_offset=(Event.xbutton.y-PAD_WIDTH3-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH)*target_height/ (Height-BAR_WIDTH-PAD_WIDTH3 - 2*SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH); if(target_y_offset+Height-BAR_WIDTH -PAD_WIDTH3 > target_height) target_y_offset = target_height - Height+BAR_WIDTH+PAD_WIDTH3; if(target_y_offset < 0) target_y_offset = 0; XMoveWindow(dpy,target,-target_x_offset, -target_y_offset); } if(motion == HORIZONTAL) { target_x_offset=(Event.xbutton.x -PAD_WIDTH3-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH)* target_width/ (Width-BAR_WIDTH-PAD_WIDTH3-2*SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH); if(target_x_offset < 0) target_x_offset = 0; if(target_x_offset + Width - BAR_WIDTH -PAD_WIDTH3> target_width) target_x_offset = target_width - Width + BAR_WIDTH+PAD_WIDTH3; XMoveWindow(dpy,target,-target_x_offset, -target_y_offset); } RedrawWindow(target); motion = NONE; break; case MotionNotify: if((motion == LEFT)&&((Event.xmotion.y < Height-BAR_WIDTH) || (Event.xmotion.x > SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH+PAD_WIDTH3))) { motion = NONE; exposed = 2; } else if((motion == RIGHT)&&((Event.xmotion.y < Height-BAR_WIDTH) || (Event.xmotion.x < Width-BAR_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH-2) || (Event.xmotion.x > Width-BAR_WIDTH))) { motion = NONE; exposed = 2; } else if((motion == TOP)&& ((Event.xmotion.y>SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH+PAD_WIDTH3)|| (Event.xmotion.x < Width-BAR_WIDTH))) { motion = NONE; exposed = 2; } else if((motion == BOTTOM)&& ((Event.xmotion.y < Height-BAR_WIDTH-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH-2) || (Event.xmotion.y > Height-BAR_WIDTH)|| (Event.xmotion.x < Width-BAR_WIDTH))) { motion = NONE; exposed = 2; } if(motion == VERTICAL) { target_y_offset=(Event.xmotion.y-PAD_WIDTH3-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH)* target_height/ (Height-BAR_WIDTH-PAD_WIDTH3-2*SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH); if(target_y_offset+Height-BAR_WIDTH -PAD_WIDTH3 > target_height) target_y_offset = target_height - Height+BAR_WIDTH+PAD_WIDTH3; if(target_y_offset < 0) target_y_offset = 0; XMoveWindow(dpy,target,-target_x_offset, -target_y_offset); } if(motion == HORIZONTAL) { target_x_offset=(Event.xmotion.x -PAD_WIDTH3-SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH)* target_width/ (Width-BAR_WIDTH-PAD_WIDTH3-2*SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH); if(target_x_offset < 0) target_x_offset = 0; if(target_x_offset + Width - BAR_WIDTH -PAD_WIDTH3> target_width) target_x_offset = target_width - Width + BAR_WIDTH+PAD_WIDTH3; XMoveWindow(dpy,target,-target_x_offset, -target_y_offset); } if((motion == QUIT)&& ((Event.xbutton.y < Height- BAR_WIDTH )|| (Event.xbutton.x < Width- BAR_WIDTH))) { motion = NONE; exposed = 2; } RedrawWindow(target); break; case ClientMessage: if ((Event.xclient.format==32) && ([0]==wm_del_win)) { DeadPipe(1); } break; case PropertyNotify: if(Event.xproperty.atom == XA_WM_NAME) { if(XFetchName(dpy, target, &temp)==0) temp = NULL; change_window_name(temp); } else if (Event.xproperty.atom == XA_WM_ICON_NAME) { if (XGetWindowProperty (dpy, target, Event.xproperty.atom, 0, MAX_ICON_NAME_LEN, False, XA_STRING, &actual,&actual_format, &nitems, &bytesafter, (unsigned char **) &prop) == Success && (prop != NULL)) change_icon_name(prop); } else if(Event.xproperty.atom == XA_WM_HINTS) { XWMHints *wmhints; wmhints = XGetWMHints(dpy,target); XSetWMHints(dpy,main_win, wmhints); XFree(wmhints); } else if(Event.xproperty.atom == XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS) { /* don't do Normal Hints. They alter the size of the window */ } else if (Event.xproperty.atom == _XA_WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS) { } break; case DestroyNotify: DeadPipe(1); break; case UnmapNotify: break; case MapNotify: XMapWindow(dpy,main_win); break; case FocusIn: XSetInputFocus(dpy,target,RevertToParent,CurrentTime); break; case ColormapNotify: { XWindowAttributes xwa; if(XGetWindowAttributes(dpy,target, &xwa) != 0) { XSetWindowColormap(dpy,main_win,xwa.colormap); } } break; default: break; } } return; }
static void get_work_area (GdkScreen *screen, GdkRectangle *area) { GdkX11Screen *x11_screen = GDK_X11_SCREEN (screen); Atom workarea; Atom type; Window win; int format; gulong num; gulong leftovers; gulong max_len = 4 * 32; guchar *ret_workarea = NULL; long *workareas; int result; int disp_screen; int desktop; Display *display; display = GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (gdk_screen_get_display (screen)); disp_screen = GDK_SCREEN_XNUMBER (screen); workarea = XInternAtom (display, "_NET_WORKAREA", True); /* Defaults in case of error */ area->x = 0; area->y = 0; area->width = gdk_screen_get_width (screen) / x11_screen->window_scale; area->height = gdk_screen_get_height (screen) / x11_screen->window_scale; if (!gdk_x11_screen_supports_net_wm_hint (screen, gdk_atom_intern_static_string ("_NET_WORKAREA"))) return; if (workarea == None) return; win = XRootWindow (display, disp_screen); result = XGetWindowProperty (display, win, workarea, 0, max_len, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &num, &leftovers, &ret_workarea); if (result != Success || type == None || format == 0 || leftovers || num % 4 != 0) goto out; desktop = get_current_desktop (screen); if (desktop + 1 > num / 4) /* fvwm gets this wrong */ goto out; workareas = (long *) ret_workarea; area->x = workareas[desktop * 4]; area->y = workareas[desktop * 4 + 1]; area->width = workareas[desktop * 4 + 2]; area->height = workareas[desktop * 4 + 3]; area->x /= x11_screen->window_scale; area->y /= x11_screen->window_scale; area->width /= x11_screen->window_scale; area->height /= x11_screen->window_scale; out: if (ret_workarea) XFree (ret_workarea); }
static void event_clientmessageevent(XEvent *e) { XClientMessageEvent *ev = &e->xclient; struct client *c; struct _systray *sy; int type = 0; while(type < net_last && W->net_atom[type] != ev->message_type) ++type; /* * Systray message * _NET_WM_SYSTRAY_TRAY_OPCODE */ if(ev->window == W-> && type == net_system_tray_opcode) { if(ev->data.l[1] == XEMBED_EMBEDDED_NOTIFY) { systray_add(ev->data.l[2]); systray_update(); } else if(ev->data.l[1] == XEMBED_REQUEST_FOCUS) { if((sy = systray_find(ev->data.l[2]))) ewmh_send_message(sy->win, sy->win, "_XEMBED", XEMBED_FOCUS_IN, XEMBED_FOCUS_CURRENT, 0, 0, 0); } } else if(ev->window == W->root) { /* WMFS message */ if(ev->data.l[4]) { /* Manage _WMFS_FUNCTION && _WMFS_CMD */ if(type == wmfs_function || type == wmfs_cmd) { Atom rt; int d; long unsigned int len, il; unsigned char *ret = NULL, *ret_cmd = NULL; void (*func)(Uicb); if(XGetWindowProperty(EVDPY(e), W->root, W->net_atom[wmfs_function], 0, 65536, False, W->net_atom[utf8_string], &rt, &d, &len, &il, &ret) == Success && ret && ((func = uicb_name_func((char*)ret)))) { if(XGetWindowProperty(EVDPY(e), W->root, W->net_atom[wmfs_cmd], 0, 65536, False, W->net_atom[utf8_string], &rt, &d, &len, &il, &ret_cmd) == Success && len && ret_cmd) { func((Uicb)ret_cmd); XFree(ret_cmd); } else func(NULL); XFree(ret); } } } if(type == net_active_window) if((sy = systray_find(ev->data.l[0]))) XSetInputFocus(W->dpy, sy->win, RevertToNone, CurrentTime); } switch(type) { /* _NET_WM_STATE */ case net_wm_state: if((c = client_gb_win(ev->window))) ewmh_manage_state(ev->data.l, c); break; /* _NET_CLOSE_WINDOW */ case net_close_window: if((c = client_gb_win(ev->window))) client_close(c); break; /* _NET_WM_DESKTOP */ case net_wm_desktop: break; } }
char *osd_get_clipboard_text(void) { SDL_SysWMinfo info; Display* display; Window our_win; Window selection_win; Atom data_type; int data_format; unsigned long nitems; unsigned long bytes_remaining; unsigned char* prop; char* result; XEvent event; Uint32 t0, t1; Atom types[2]; int i; /* get & validate SDL sys-wm info */ SDL_VERSION(&info.version); if ( ! SDL_GetWMInfo( &info ) ) return NULL; if ( info.subsystem != SDL_SYSWM_X11 ) return NULL; if ( (display = == NULL ) return NULL; if ( (our_win = == None ) return NULL; /* request data to owner */ selection_win = XGetSelectionOwner( display, XA_PRIMARY ); if ( selection_win == None ) return NULL; /* first, try UTF-8, then latin-1 */ types[0] = XInternAtom( display, "UTF8_STRING", False ); types[1] = XA_STRING; /* latin-1 */ for ( i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(types); i++ ) { XConvertSelection( display, XA_PRIMARY, types[i], types[i], our_win, CurrentTime ); /* wait for SelectionNotify, but no more than 100 ms */ t0 = t1 = SDL_GetTicks(); while ( 1 ) { if ( XCheckTypedWindowEvent( display, our_win, SelectionNotify, &event ) ) break; SDL_Delay( 1 ); t1 = SDL_GetTicks(); if ( t1 - t0 > 100 ) return NULL; } if ( == None ) continue; /* get property & check its type */ if ( XGetWindowProperty( display, our_win, types[i], 0, 65536, False, types[i], &data_type, &data_format, &nitems, &bytes_remaining, &prop ) != Success ) continue; if ( ! prop ) continue; if ( (data_format != 8) || (data_type != types[i]) ) { XFree( prop ); continue; } /* return a copy & free original */ if (prop != NULL) { result = (char *) osd_malloc_array(strlen((char *)prop)+1); strcpy(result, (char *)prop); } else result = NULL; XFree( prop ); return result; } return NULL; }
/* Retrieves the contents of a selections. Arguments are: * * A display that has been opened. * A window * An event to process * The selection to return * The target(UTF8_STRING or XA_STRING) to return * A pointer to a char array to put the selection into. * A pointer to a long to record the length of the char array * A pointer to an int to record the context in which to process the event * Returns ONE if retrieval of selection data is complete, or ZERO otherwise. */ static int xcout(Display*dpy, Window win, XEvent evt, Atom sel, Atom trg, uchar**txt, ulong*len, uint*ctx) { static Atom prop; /* for other windows to put their selection into */ static Atom inc; Atom prop_type; Atom atomUTF8String; int prop_fmt; uchar *buffer; /* buffer for XGetWindowProperty to dump data into */ ulong prop_size; ulong prop_items; uchar *ltxt = *txt; /* local buffer of text to return */ if (!prop) { prop = XInternAtom(dpy, "XCLIP_OUT", False); } if (!inc) { inc = XInternAtom(dpy, "INCR", False); } switch (*ctx) { case XCLIB_XCOUT_NONE: { /* there is no context, do an XConvertSelection() */ if (*len > 0) { /* initialise return length to 0 */ free(*txt); *len = 0; } XConvertSelection(dpy, sel, trg, prop, win, CurrentTime); /* send selection request */ *ctx = XCLIB_XCOUT_SENTCONVSEL; return (0); } case XCLIB_XCOUT_SENTCONVSEL: { atomUTF8String = XInternAtom(dpy, "UTF8_STRING", False); if (evt.type != SelectionNotify) return (0); /* fallback to XA_STRING when UTF8_STRING failed */ if (trg == atomUTF8String && == None) { *ctx = XCLIB_XCOUT_FALLBACK; return (0); } /* find the size and format of the data in property */ XGetWindowProperty( dpy, win, prop, 0, 0, False, AnyPropertyType, &prop_type, &prop_fmt, &prop_items, &prop_size, &buffer ); XFree(buffer); if (prop_type == inc) { XDeleteProperty(dpy, win, prop); /* start INCR mechanism by deleting property */ XFlush(dpy); *ctx = XCLIB_XCOUT_INCR; return (0); } /* if not incr, and not format == 8, it's nothing we understand anyway. */ if (prop_fmt != 8) { *ctx = XCLIB_XCOUT_NONE; return (0); } /* not using INCR mechanism, just read the property */ XGetWindowProperty( dpy, win, prop, 0, (long) prop_size, False, AnyPropertyType, &prop_type, &prop_fmt, &prop_items, &prop_size, &buffer ); /* finished with property, delete it */ XDeleteProperty(dpy, win, prop); /* copy the buffer to the pointer for returned data */ ltxt = (uchar*) malloc(prop_items); memcpy(ltxt, buffer, prop_items); /* set the length of the returned data */ *len = prop_items; *txt = ltxt; /* free the buffer */ XFree(buffer); *ctx = XCLIB_XCOUT_NONE; /* complete contents of selection fetched, return 1 */ return (1); } case XCLIB_XCOUT_INCR: { /* To use the INCR method, we delete the property with the selection in it, wait for an event indicating that the property has been created, then read it, delete it, etc. */ if (evt.type != PropertyNotify) { return (0); } if (evt.xproperty.state != PropertyNewValue) { return (0); } /* check size and format of the property */ XGetWindowProperty( dpy, win, prop, 0, 0, False, AnyPropertyType, &prop_type, &prop_fmt, &prop_items, &prop_size, &buffer ); if (prop_fmt != 8) { /* property is not text, deleting tells other client to send next property */ XFree(buffer); XDeleteProperty(dpy, win, prop); return (0); } if (prop_size == 0) { /* no more data, exit from loop */ XFree(buffer); XDeleteProperty(dpy, win, prop); *ctx = XCLIB_XCOUT_NONE; return (1); /* INCR transfer completed */ } XFree(buffer); /* if we have come this far, the propery contains text, and we know the size. */ XGetWindowProperty( dpy, win, prop, 0, (long) prop_size, False, AnyPropertyType, &prop_type, &prop_fmt, &prop_items, &prop_size, &buffer ); /* allocate memory to accommodate data in *txt */ if (*len == 0) { *len = prop_items; ltxt = (uchar*) malloc(*len); } else { *len += prop_items; ltxt = (uchar*) realloc(ltxt, *len); } memcpy(<xt[*len - prop_items], buffer, prop_items); /* add data to ltxt */ *txt = ltxt; XFree(buffer); XDeleteProperty(dpy, win, prop); /* delete property to get the next item */ XFlush(dpy); return (0); } } return (0); }
NS_IMETHODIMP compzillaWindow::GetProperty (PRUint32 iprop, nsIPropertyBag2 **bag2) { *bag2 = nsnull; Atom prop = (Atom)iprop; nsISupports *bag; nsCOMPtr<nsIWritablePropertyBag2> wbag; nsCOMPtr<nsIPropertyBag2> rbag; nsresult rv = CallCreateInstance(";1", &bag); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } wbag = do_QueryInterface (bag); rbag = do_QueryInterface (bag); #define SET_BAG() do { \ NS_ADDREF (rbag); \ *bag2 = rbag; \ } while (0) #define SET_PROP(_bag, _type, _key, _val) \ (_bag)->SetPropertyAs##_type (NS_LITERAL_STRING (_key), _val) switch (prop) { // ICCCM properties case XA_WM_NAME: case XA_WM_ICON_NAME: { // XXX this is missing some massaging, since the WM_NAME // property isn't in utf8, but in some locale character set // (latin1? who knows). Check the gtk+ source on how to // handle this. nsCAutoString str; if (NS_OK == GetUTF8StringProperty (prop, str)) { SET_BAG (); SET_PROP(wbag, AUTF8String, "text", str); } break; } case XA_WM_HINTS: { XWMHints *wmHints; wmHints = XGetWMHints (mDisplay, mWindow); if (wmHints) { SET_BAG (); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "wmHints.flags", wmHints->flags); SET_PROP(wbag, Bool, "wmHints.input", wmHints->input); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "wmHints.initialState", wmHints->initial_state); SET_PROP(wbag, Uint32, "wmHints.iconPixmap", wmHints->icon_pixmap); SET_PROP(wbag, Uint32, "wmHints.iconWindow", wmHints->icon_window); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "wmHints.iconX", wmHints->icon_x); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "wmHints.iconY", wmHints->icon_y); SET_PROP(wbag, Uint32, "wmHints.iconMask", wmHints->icon_mask); SET_PROP(wbag, Uint32, "wmHints.windowGroup", wmHints->window_group); XFree (wmHints); } break; } case XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS: { XSizeHints sizeHints; long supplied; // XXX check return value XGetWMNormalHints (mDisplay, mWindow, &sizeHints, &supplied); SET_BAG (); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.flags", sizeHints.flags); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.x", sizeHints.x); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.y", sizeHints.y); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.width", sizeHints.width); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.height", sizeHints.height); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.minWidth", sizeHints.min_width); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.minHeight", sizeHints.min_height); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.maxWidth", sizeHints.max_width); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.maxHeight", sizeHints.max_height); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.widthInc", sizeHints.width_inc); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.heightInc", sizeHints.height_inc); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.minAspect.x", sizeHints.min_aspect.x); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.minAspect.y", sizeHints.min_aspect.y); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.maxAspect.x", sizeHints.max_aspect.x); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.maxAspect.y", sizeHints.max_aspect.y); if ((supplied & (PBaseSize|PWinGravity)) != 0) { SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.baseWidth", sizeHints.base_width); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.baseHeight", sizeHints.base_height); SET_PROP(wbag, Int32, "sizeHints.winGravity", sizeHints.win_gravity); } break; } case XA_WM_CLASS: { // 2 strings, separated by a \0 char *instance, *_class; Atom actual_type; int format; unsigned long nitems; unsigned long bytes_after_return; unsigned char *data; XGetWindowProperty (mDisplay, mWindow, (Atom)prop, 0, BUFSIZ, false, XA_STRING, &actual_type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after_return, &data); instance = (char*)data; _class = instance + strlen (instance) + 1; SET_BAG (); SET_PROP (wbag, ACString, "instanceName", nsCAutoString (instance)); SET_PROP (wbag, ACString, "className", nsCAutoString (_class)); XFree (data); break; } case XA_WM_TRANSIENT_FOR: { // the parent X window's canvas element break; } case XA_WM_CLIENT_MACHINE: { nsCAutoString str; if (NS_OK == GetUTF8StringProperty (prop, str)) { SET_BAG (); SET_PROP(wbag, AUTF8String, "text", str); } } default: // ICCCM properties which don't have predefined atoms if (prop == atoms.x.WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS) { // if we ever support this, shoot me.. } else if (prop == atoms.x.WM_PROTOCOLS) { // an array of Atoms. } // non - ICCCM properties go here // EWMH properties else if (prop == atoms.x._NET_WM_NAME || prop == atoms.x._NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME || prop == atoms.x._NET_WM_ICON_NAME || prop == atoms.x._NET_WM_VISIBLE_ICON_NAME) { // utf8 encoded string nsCAutoString str; if (NS_OK == GetUTF8StringProperty (prop, str)) { SET_BAG (); SET_PROP(wbag, AUTF8String, "text", str); } } else if (prop == atoms.x._NET_WM_DESKTOP) { } else if (prop == atoms.x._NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE) { // XXX _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE is actually an array of atoms, not just 1. // this also needs fixing in the JS. PRUint32 atom; if (NS_OK == GetAtomProperty (prop, &atom)) { SET_BAG (); SET_PROP(wbag, Uint32, "atom", atom); } } else if (prop == atoms.x._NET_WM_STATE) { } else if (prop == atoms.x._NET_WM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS) { } else if (prop == atoms.x._NET_WM_STRUT) { PRUint32 *cards; PRUint32 nitems; if (NS_OK == GetCardinalListProperty (prop, &cards, 4)) { SET_BAG (); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "left", cards[0]); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "right", cards[1]); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "top", cards[2]); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "bottom", cards[3]); XFree (cards); } } else if (prop == atoms.x._NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL) { PRUint32 *cards; PRUint32 nitems; if (NS_OK == GetCardinalListProperty (prop, &cards, 12)) { SET_BAG (); SET_PROP (wbag, Bool, "partial", true); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "left", cards[0]); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "right", cards[1]); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "top", cards[2]); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "bottom", cards[3]); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "leftStartY", cards[4]); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "leftEndY", cards[5]); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "rightStartY", cards[6]); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "rightEndY", cards[7]); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "topStartX", cards[8]); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "topEndX", cards[9]); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "bottomStartX", cards[10]); SET_PROP (wbag, Uint32, "bottomEndX", cards[11]); XFree (cards); } } else if (prop == atoms.x._NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY) { PRUint32 *cards; PRUint32 nitems; if (NS_OK == GetCardinalListProperty (prop, &cards, 4)) { SET_BAG (); SET_PROP (wbag, Bool, "partial", false); SET_PROP(wbag, Uint32, "x", cards[0]); SET_PROP(wbag, Uint32, "y", cards[1]); SET_PROP(wbag, Uint32, "width", cards[2]); SET_PROP(wbag, Uint32, "height", cards[3]); XFree (cards); } } else if (prop == atoms.x._NET_WM_ICON) { Atom actual_type; int format; unsigned long nitems; unsigned long bytes_after_return; unsigned char *data; if (XGetWindowProperty (mDisplay, mWindow, prop, 0, BUFSIZ, false, XA_CARDINAL, &actual_type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after_return, &data) == Success) { nsCAutoString dataStr; dataStr.Assign ((char *) data, (format / 8) * nitems); SET_BAG (); SET_PROP(wbag, ACString, "data", dataStr); XFree (data); } } else if (prop == atoms.x._NET_WM_PID) { } else if (prop == atoms.x._NET_WM_HANDLED_ICONS) { } else if (prop == atoms.x._NET_WM_USER_TIME) { } else if (prop == atoms.x._NET_FRAME_EXTENTS) { } break; } #undef SET_PROP #undef SET_BAG return NS_OK; }
const QRect XfitMan::availableGeometry(int screen) const { QDesktopWidget *d = QApplication::desktop(); if (screen < 0 || screen >= d->screenCount()) screen = d->primaryScreen(); QRect available = d->screenGeometry(screen); // Iterate over all the client windows and subtract from the available // area the space they reserved on the edges (struts). // Note: _NET_WORKAREA is not reliable as it exposes only one // rectangular area spanning all screens. Display *display = QX11Info::display(); int x11Screen = d->isVirtualDesktop() ? DefaultScreen(display) : screen; Atom ret; int format, status; uchar* data = 0; ulong nitems, after; status = XGetWindowProperty(display, QX11Info::appRootWindow(x11Screen), atom("_NET_CLIENT_LIST"), 0L, ~0L, False, XA_WINDOW, &ret, &format, &nitems, &after, &data); if (status == Success && ret == XA_WINDOW && format == 32 && nitems) { const QRect desktopGeometry = d->rect(); Window* xids = (Window*) data; for (quint32 i = 0; i < nitems; ++i) { ulong nitems2; uchar* data2 = 0; status = XGetWindowProperty(display, xids[i], atom("_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL"), 0, 12, False, XA_CARDINAL, &ret, &format, &nitems2, &after, &data2); if (status == Success && ret == XA_CARDINAL && format == 32 && nitems2 == 12) { ulong* struts = (ulong*) data2; QRect left(desktopGeometry.x(), desktopGeometry.y() + struts[4], struts[0], struts[5] - struts[4]); if (available.intersects(left)) available.setX(left.width()); QRect right(desktopGeometry.x() + desktopGeometry.width() - struts[1], desktopGeometry.y() + struts[6], struts[1], struts[7] - struts[6]); if (available.intersects(right)) available.setWidth(right.x() - available.x()); QRect top(desktopGeometry.x() + struts[8], desktopGeometry.y(), struts[9] - struts[8], struts[2]); if (available.intersects(top)) available.setY(top.height()); QRect bottom(desktopGeometry.x() + struts[10], desktopGeometry.y() + desktopGeometry.height() - struts[3], struts[11] - struts[10], struts[3]); if (available.intersects(bottom)) available.setHeight(bottom.y() - available.y()); } if (data2) XFree(data2); } } if (data) XFree(data); return available; }
static int SetXi18nSelectionOwner(Xi18n i18n_core) { Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy; Window ims_win = i18n_core->address.im_window; Window root = RootWindow (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy)); Atom realtype; int realformat; unsigned long bytesafter; long *data=NULL; unsigned long length; Atom atom; int i; int found; int forse = False; char buf[256]; (void)sprintf(buf, "@server=%s", i18n_core->address.im_name); if ((atom = XInternAtom(dpy, buf, False)) == 0) return False; i18n_core->address.selection = atom; if (XIM_Servers == None) XIM_Servers = XInternAtom (dpy, XIM_SERVERS, False); /*endif*/ XGetWindowProperty (dpy, root, XIM_Servers, 0L, 1000000L, False, XA_ATOM, &realtype, &realformat, &length, &bytesafter, (unsigned char **) (&data)); if (realtype != None && (realtype != XA_ATOM || realformat != 32)) { if (data != NULL) XFree ((char *) data); return False; } found = False; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (data[i] == atom) { Window owner; found = True; if ((owner = XGetSelectionOwner (dpy, atom)) != ims_win) { if (owner == None || forse == True) XSetSelectionOwner (dpy, atom, ims_win, CurrentTime); else return False; } break; } } if (found == False) { XSetSelectionOwner (dpy, atom, ims_win, CurrentTime); XChangeProperty (dpy, root, XIM_Servers, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModePrepend, (unsigned char *) &atom, 1); } else { /* * We always need to generate the PropertyNotify to the Root Window */ XChangeProperty (dpy, root, XIM_Servers, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModePrepend, (unsigned char *) data, 0); } if (data != NULL) XFree ((char *) data); /* Intern "LOCALES" and "TRANSOPORT" Target Atoms */ i18n_core->address.Localename = XInternAtom (dpy, LOCALES, False); i18n_core->address.Transportname = XInternAtom (dpy, TRANSPORT, False); return (XGetSelectionOwner (dpy, atom) == ims_win); }
bool CWinSystemX11::HasWindowManager() { Window wm_check; unsigned char *data; int status, real_format; Atom real_type, prop; unsigned long items_read, items_left; prop = XInternAtom(m_dpy, "_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK", True); if (prop == None) return false; status = XGetWindowProperty(m_dpy, DefaultRootWindow(m_dpy), prop, 0L, 1L, False, XA_WINDOW, &real_type, &real_format, &items_read, &items_left, &data); if(status != Success || ! items_read) { if(status == Success) XFree(data); return false; } wm_check = ((Window*)data)[0]; XFree(data); status = XGetWindowProperty(m_dpy, wm_check, prop, 0L, 1L, False, XA_WINDOW, &real_type, &real_format, &items_read, &items_left, &data); if(status != Success || !items_read) { if(status == Success) XFree(data); return false; } if(wm_check != ((Window*)data)[0]) { XFree(data); return false; } XFree(data); prop = XInternAtom(m_dpy, "_NET_WM_NAME", True); if (prop == None) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"Window Manager Name: "); return true; } status = XGetWindowProperty(m_dpy, wm_check, prop, 0L, (~0L), False, AnyPropertyType, &real_type, &real_format, &items_read, &items_left, &data); if(status == Success && items_read) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"Window Manager Name: %s", data); } else CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"Window Manager Name: "); if(status == Success) XFree(data); return true; }
static int DeleteXi18nAtom(Xi18n i18n_core) { Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy; Window root = RootWindow (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy)); Atom realtype; int realformat; unsigned long bytesafter; long *data=NULL; unsigned long length; Atom atom; int i, ret; int found; char buf[256]; (void)sprintf(buf, "@server=%s", i18n_core->address.im_name); if ((atom = XInternAtom(dpy, buf, False)) == 0) return False; i18n_core->address.selection = atom; if (XIM_Servers == None) XIM_Servers = XInternAtom (dpy, XIM_SERVERS, False); XGetWindowProperty (dpy, root, XIM_Servers, 0L, 1000000L, False, XA_ATOM, &realtype, &realformat, &length, &bytesafter, (unsigned char **) (&data)); if (realtype != XA_ATOM || realformat != 32) { if (data != NULL) XFree ((char *) data); return False; } found = False; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (data[i] == atom) { found = True; break; } } if (found == True) { for (i=i+1; i<length; i++) data[i-1] = data[i]; XChangeProperty (dpy, root, XIM_Servers, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)data, length-1); ret = True; } else { XChangeProperty (dpy, root, XIM_Servers, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModePrepend, (unsigned char *)data, 0); ret = False; } if (data != NULL) XFree ((char *) data); return ret; }
int GetMWMHints(Window w, MotifWmHints *mwmHints) { int success; Atom actual_type; int actual_format; unsigned long nitems; unsigned long bytes_after; unsigned long *prop = NULL; /* Defaults for when not found */ mwmHints->flags = 0; mwmHints->functions = 0; mwmHints->decorations = 0; #ifdef FULL_MWM_DATA mwmHints->input_mode = 0; mwmHints->status = 0; #endif if(MOTIF_WM_HINTS == (Atom)None) { MOTIF_WM_HINTS = XInternAtom(dpy, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", True); } success = XGetWindowProperty( dpy, w, MOTIF_WM_HINTS, 0, 5, /* long_offset, long long_length, */ False, /* Bool delete, */ AnyPropertyType,/* Atom req_type */ &actual_type, /* Atom *actual_type_return, */ &actual_format, /* int *actual_format_return, */ &nitems, /* unsigned long *nitems_return, */ &bytes_after, /* unsigned long * */ (unsigned char **)&prop); /* unsigned char ** */ if(success == Success && actual_type == MOTIF_WM_HINTS && actual_format == 32 && nitems >= 3) { mwmHints->flags = (int)prop[0]; mwmHints->functions = (int)prop[1]; mwmHints->decorations = (int)prop[2]; #ifdef FULL_MWM_DATA mwmHints->input_mode = (int)prop[3]; mwmHints->status = (int)prop[4]; #endif if(mwmHints->flags & MWM_HINTS_FUNCTIONS) { if(mwmHints->functions & MWM_FUNC_ALL) { mwmHints->functions ^= ~0; } } if(mwmHints->flags & MWM_HINTS_DECORATIONS) { if(mwmHints->decorations & MWM_DECOR_ALL) { mwmHints->decorations ^= ~0; } } success = True; } else { success = False; } if(prop != NULL) { XFree(prop); } return success; }
QString AutoTypePlatformX11::windowTitle(Window window, bool useBlacklist) { QString title; Atom type; int format; unsigned long nitems; unsigned long after; unsigned char* data = Q_NULLPTR; // the window manager spec says we should read _NET_WM_NAME first, then fall back to WM_NAME int retVal = XGetWindowProperty(m_dpy, window, m_atomNetWmName, 0, 1000, false, m_atomUtf8String, &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &data); if ((retVal == 0) && data) { title = QString::fromUtf8(reinterpret_cast<char*>(data)); } else { XTextProperty textProp; retVal = XGetTextProperty(m_dpy, window, &textProp, m_atomWmName); if ((retVal != 0) && textProp.value) { char** textList = Q_NULLPTR; int count; if (textProp.encoding == m_atomUtf8String) { title = QString::fromUtf8(reinterpret_cast<char*>(textProp.value)); } else if ((XmbTextPropertyToTextList(m_dpy, &textProp, &textList, &count) == 0) && textList && (count > 0)) { title = QString::fromLocal8Bit(textList[0]); } else if (textProp.encoding == m_atomString) { title = QString::fromLocal8Bit(reinterpret_cast<char*>(textProp.value)); } if (textList) { XFreeStringList(textList); } } if (textProp.value) { XFree(textProp.value); } } if (data) { XFree(data); } if (useBlacklist && !title.isEmpty()) { if (window == m_rootWindow) { return QString(); } QString className = windowClassName(window); if (m_classBlacklist.contains(className)) { return QString(); } QList<Window> keepassxWindows = widgetsToX11Windows(QApplication::topLevelWidgets()); if (keepassxWindows.contains(window)) { return QString(); } } return title; }
/* * Backend for f.identify and f.version: Fills in the Info array with the * appropriate bits for ctwm and the window specified (if any), and * sizes/pops up the InfoWindow. * * Notably, the bits of Info aren't written into the window during this * process; that happens later as a result of the expose event. */ static void Identify(TwmWindow *t) { int i, n, twidth, width, height; int x, y; unsigned int wwidth, wheight, bw, depth; Window junk; int px, py, dummy; unsigned udummy; unsigned char *prop; unsigned long nitems, bytesafter; Atom actual_type; int actual_format; XRectangle inc_rect; XRectangle logical_rect; char *ctopts; /* * Include some checking we don't blow out _LINES. We use snprintf() * exclusively to avoid blowing out _SIZE. * * In an ideal world, we'd probably fix this to be more dynamically * allocated, but this will do for now. */ n = 0; #define CHKN do { \ if(n > (INFO_LINES - 3)) { \ fprintf(stderr, "Overflowing Info[] on line %d\n", n); \ sprintf(Info[n++], "(overflow)"); \ goto info_dismiss; \ } \ } while(0) snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "Twm version: %s", TwmVersion); CHKN; if(VCSRevision) { snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "VCS Revision: %s", VCSRevision); CHKN; } ctopts = ctopts_string(", "); snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "Compile time options : %s", ctopts); free(ctopts); CHKN; Info[n++][0] = '\0'; CHKN; if(t) { XGetGeometry(dpy, t->w, &JunkRoot, &JunkX, &JunkY, &wwidth, &wheight, &bw, &depth); XTranslateCoordinates(dpy, t->w, Scr->Root, 0, 0, &x, &y, &junk); snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "Name = \"%s\"", t->name); CHKN; snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "Class.res_name = \"%s\"", t->class.res_name); CHKN; snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "Class.res_class = \"%s\"", t->class.res_class); CHKN; Info[n++][0] = '\0'; CHKN; snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "Geometry/root (UL) = %dx%d+%d+%d (Inner: %dx%d+%d+%d)", wwidth + 2 * (bw + t->frame_bw3D), wheight + 2 * (bw + t->frame_bw3D) + t->title_height, x - (bw + t->frame_bw3D), y - (bw + t->frame_bw3D + t->title_height), wwidth, wheight, x, y); CHKN; snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "Geometry/root (LR) = %dx%d-%d-%d (Inner: %dx%d-%d-%d)", wwidth + 2 * (bw + t->frame_bw3D), wheight + 2 * (bw + t->frame_bw3D) + t->title_height, Scr->rootw - (x + wwidth + bw + t->frame_bw3D), Scr->rooth - (y + wheight + bw + t->frame_bw3D), wwidth, wheight, Scr->rootw - (x + wwidth), Scr->rooth - (y + wheight)); CHKN; snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "Border width = %d", bw); CHKN; snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "3D border width = %d", t->frame_bw3D); CHKN; snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "Depth = %d", depth); CHKN; if(t->vs && t->vs->wsw && t->vs->wsw->currentwspc) { snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "Virtual Workspace = %s", t->vs->wsw->currentwspc->name); CHKN; } snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "OnTopPriority = %d", OtpEffectiveDisplayPriority(t)); CHKN; if(t->icon != NULL) { int iwx, iwy; XGetGeometry(dpy, t->icon->w, &JunkRoot, &iwx, &iwy, &wwidth, &wheight, &bw, &depth); Info[n++][0] = '\0'; CHKN; snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "IconGeom/root = %dx%d+%d+%d", wwidth, wheight, iwx, iwy); CHKN; snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "IconGeom/intern = %dx%d+%d+%d", t->icon->w_width, t->icon->w_height, t->icon->w_x, t->icon->w_y); CHKN; snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "IconBorder width = %d", bw); CHKN; snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "IconDepth = %d", depth); CHKN; } if(XGetWindowProperty(dpy, t->w, XA_WM_CLIENT_MACHINE, 0L, 64, False, XA_STRING, &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, &bytesafter, &prop) == Success) { if(nitems && prop) { snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "Client machine = %s", (char *)prop); XFree(prop); CHKN; } } Info[n++][0] = '\0'; CHKN; } #undef CHKN info_dismiss: snprintf(Info[n++], INFO_SIZE, "Click to dismiss...."); /* * OK, it's all built now. */ /* figure out the width and height of the info window */ height = n * (Scr->DefaultFont.height + 2); width = 1; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { XmbTextExtents(Scr->DefaultFont.font_set, Info[i], strlen(Info[i]), &inc_rect, &logical_rect); twidth = logical_rect.width; if(twidth > width) { width = twidth; } } /* Unmap if it's currently up, while we muck with it */ if(Scr->InfoWindow.mapped) { XUnmapWindow(dpy, Scr->; /* Don't really need to bother since we're about to reset, but... */ Scr->InfoWindow.mapped = false; } /* Stash the new number of lines */ Scr->InfoWindow.lines = n; width += 10; /* some padding */ height += 10; /* some padding */ if(XQueryPointer(dpy, Scr->Root, &JunkRoot, &JunkChild, &dummy, &dummy, &px, &py, &udummy)) { px -= width / 2; py -= height / 3; } else { px = py = 0; } { RArea area = RAreaNew(px, py, width, height); int min_x, min_y, max_bottom, max_right; RLayoutFindLeftRightEdges(Scr->Layout, &area, &min_x, &max_right); if(px < min_x) { px = min_x; } else if(px + width - 1 > max_right) { px = max_right - width + 1; } RLayoutFindTopBottomEdges(Scr->Layout, &area, &min_y, &max_bottom); if(py < min_y) { py = min_y; } else if(py + height - 1 > max_bottom) { py = max_bottom - height + 1; } } XMoveResizeWindow(dpy, Scr->, px, py, width, height); XMapRaised(dpy, Scr->; Scr->InfoWindow.mapped = true; Scr->InfoWindow.width = width; Scr->InfoWindow.height = height; }
void getwindowproperties(Display *display, Window window, char **process, char **title) { Atom pid_atom, name1_atom, name2_atom, class_atom; Atom type; int format; unsigned long nitems, after; unsigned char *data = NULL; pid_t pid = 0; char *name1 = NULL, *name2 = NULL, *class = NULL; Window parent = 0, root = 0; Window *children = NULL; unsigned int nchildren; do { pid_atom = XInternAtom(display, SO"_NET_WM_PID", True); if((pid_atom == BadAlloc) || (pid_atom == BadValue)) break; name1_atom = XInternAtom(display, SO"_NET_WM_NAME", True); if((name1_atom == BadAlloc) || (name1_atom == BadValue)) break; name2_atom = XInternAtom(display, SO"WM_NAME", True); if((name2_atom == BadAlloc) || (name2_atom == BadValue)) break; class_atom = XInternAtom(display, SO"WM_CLASS", True); if((class_atom == BadAlloc) || (class_atom == BadValue)) break; while(window && (window != root)) { if(!pid) { XGetWindowProperty(display, window, pid_atom, 0, 1, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &data); if(data) { pid = *(pid_t *)data; XFree(data); } } if(!name1) { XGetWindowProperty(display, window, name1_atom, 0, 256, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &data); if(data) { name1 = strdup((char *)data); XFree(data); } } if(!name2 && !name1) { XGetWindowProperty(display, window, name2_atom, 0, 256, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &data); if(data) { name2 = strdup((char *)data); XFree(data); } } if(!class) { XGetWindowProperty(display, window, class_atom, 0, 16, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &data); if(data) { class = strdup((char *)((unsigned long)strchr((char *)data, '\0') + 1)); XFree(data); } } if(pid && name1 && class) break; if(!XQueryTree(display, window, &root, &parent, &children, &nchildren)) break; if(children) { XFree(children); children = NULL; } window = parent; } asprintf(process, "%s (%u)", class ? class : SO"Unknown", pid ? pid : 0); *title = strdup(name1 ? name1 : (name2 ? name2 : "")); } while(0); if(name1) free(name1); if(name2) free(name2); if(class) free(class); return; }