int main()

    XIOModule_Initialize(&gpo, XPAR_IOMODULE_0_DEVICE_ID); // Initialize the GPO module

			XPAR_IOMODULE_0_DEVICE_ID); // register the interrupt handler

	XIOModule_Start(&gpo); // start the GPO module

	XIOModule_Connect(&gpo, XIN_IOMODULE_FIT_1_INTERRUPT_INTR, timerTick,
			NULL); // register timerTick() as our interrupt handler
	XIOModule_Enable(&gpo, XIN_IOMODULE_FIT_1_INTERRUPT_INTR); // enable the interrupt

	microblaze_enable_interrupts(); // enable global interrupts

	u8 leds = 0;
	while (1){
		// write the LED value to port 1 (you can have up to 4 ports)
		XIOModule_DiscreteWrite(&gpo, 1, leds++);
		xil_printf("%d", leds);
		delay(500); // delay one half second
    return 0;
Example #2
* This function connects the interrupt handler of the IO Module to the
* processor.  This function is separate to allow it to be customized for each
* application.  Each processor or RTOS may require unique processing to connect
* the interrupt handler.
* @param    None.
* @return   None.
* @note     None.
XStatus SetUpInterruptSystem(XIOModule *XIOModuleInstancePtr)
    XStatus Status;

     * Connect a device driver handler that will be called when an interrupt
     * for the device occurs, the device driver handler performs the specific
     * interrupt processing for the device
    Status = XIOModule_Connect(XIOModuleInstancePtr, IOMODULE_DEVICE_ID,
                               (XInterruptHandler) DeviceDriverHandler,
                               (void *)0);
    if (Status != XST_SUCCESS)
        return XST_FAILURE;

     * Start the IO Module such that interrupts are enabled for all devices
     * that cause interrupts.
    Status = XIOModule_Start(XIOModuleInstancePtr);
    if (Status != XST_SUCCESS)
        return XST_FAILURE;

     * Enable interrupts for the device and then cause interrupts so the
     * handlers will be called.
    XIOModule_Enable(XIOModuleInstancePtr, IOMODULE_DEVICE_ID);

     * Initialize the exception table.

     * Register the IO module interrupt handler with the exception table.
		 (void*) 0);

     * Enable exceptions.

    return XST_SUCCESS;