Example #1
/***	TMP3_ReadIIC
**	Parameters:
**		InstancePtr - PmodTMP3 object to initialize
**		reg			- Register to read from
**		Data		- Pointer to recieve buffer
**		nData		- Number of data values to read
**	Return Value:
**		none
**	Errors:
**		none
**	Description:
**		Reads nData data bytes from register reg
void TMP3_ReadIIC(PmodTMP3* InstancePtr, u8 reg, u8 *Data, int nData)
	int Status;
	Status = XIic_Start(&InstancePtr->TMP3Iic);
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
	if (InstancePtr->currentRegister!=reg){
		//XIic_MasterSend(&InstancePtr->TMP3Iic, &reg, 1);
		XIic_Send(InstancePtr->TMP3Iic.BaseAddress, InstancePtr->chipAddr, &reg, 1, XII_REPEATED_START_OPTION);
		//XIic_MasterRecv(&InstancePtr->TMP3Iic, Data, nData);
	XIic_Recv(InstancePtr->TMP3Iic.BaseAddress, InstancePtr->chipAddr, Data, nData, XIIC_STOP);

	//XIic_MasterSend(&InstancePtr->TMP3Iic, &reg, 2);
	//XIic_MasterRecv(&InstancePtr->TMP3Iic, Data, nData);

	Status = XIic_Stop(&InstancePtr->TMP3Iic);
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
* The function reads the temperature of the IIC temperature sensor on the
* IIC bus using the low-level driver.
* @param	IicBaseAddress is the base address of the device.
* @param	TempSensorAddress is the address of the Temperature Sensor device
*		on the IIC bus.
* @param	TemperaturePtr is the databyte read from the temperature sensor.
* @return	The number of bytes read from the temperature sensor, normally one
*		byte if successful.
* @note		None.
int LowLevelTempSensorExample(u32 IicBaseAddress,
				u8  TempSensorAddress,
				u8 *TemperaturePtr)
	int ByteCount;

	ByteCount = XIic_Recv(IicBaseAddress, TempSensorAddress,
				TemperaturePtr, 1, XIIC_STOP);

	return ByteCount;
Example #3
int read_i2c_reg(u32 i2c_driver, u8 i2c_addr, u8 regaddr, u8* prdvalue) {
  // uses low-level driver to read from an i2c register
  // returns 1 if read successful, otherwise 0
  u8 wrbuf[4];

  unsigned int xcount;
  wrbuf[0] = regaddr;

  xcount = XIic_Send(i2c_driver, i2c_addr, &wrbuf[0], 1, XIIC_STOP);
  if (xcount != 1) {
	xil_printf("?I2C Send Error on Register Read\r\n");
	return 0;
  xcount = XIic_Recv(i2c_driver, i2c_addr, &wrbuf[0], 1, XIIC_STOP);
  *prdvalue = wrbuf[0];
  if (xcount == 1)
	return 1;
  else {
	xil_printf("?I2C Recv Error on Register Read\r\n");
	return 0;
Example #4
 * Function to read one byte (8-bits) from the register space of audio controller.
 * @param	u8RegAddr is the LSB part of the register address (0x40xx).
 * @param	u8RxData is the returned value
 * @return	XST_SUCCESS if the desired number of bytes have been read from the controller
 * 			XST_FAILURE otherwise
XStatus fnAudioReadFromReg(u8 u8RegAddr, u8 *u8RxData) {

	u8 u8TxData[2];
	u8 u8BytesSent, u8BytesReceived;

	u8TxData[0] = 0x40;
	u8TxData[1] = u8RegAddr;

	u8BytesSent = XIic_Send(XPAR_IIC_0_BASEADDR, IIC_SLAVE_ADDR, u8TxData, 2, XIIC_STOP);
	//check if all the bytes where sent
	if (u8BytesSent != 2)
		return XST_FAILURE;

	u8BytesReceived = XIic_Recv(XPAR_IIC_0_BASEADDR, IIC_SLAVE_ADDR, u8RxData, 1, XIIC_STOP);
	//check if there are missing bytes
	if (u8BytesReceived != 1)
		return XST_FAILURE;

	return XST_SUCCESS;
Example #5
 * Configures audio codes's internal PLL. With MCLK = 12.288 MHz it configures the
 * PLL for a VCO frequency = 49.152 MHz.
 * @param	none.
 * @return	XST_SUCCESS if PLL is locked
XStatus fnAudioPllConfig() {

	u8 u8TxData[8], u8RxData[6];
	int Status;

	Status = fnAudioWriteToReg(R0_CLOCK_CONTROL, 0x0E);
	if (Status == XST_FAILURE)
		if (Demo.u8Verbose)
			xil_printf("\r\nError: could not write R0_CLOCK_CONTROL (0x0E)");
		return XST_FAILURE;

	// Write 6 bytes to R1
	// For setting the PLL with a MCLK = 12.288 MHz the datasheet suggests the
	// following configuration 0xXXXXXX2001
	u8TxData[0] = 0x40;
	u8TxData[1] = 0x02;
	u8TxData[2] = 0x00; // byte 1
	u8TxData[3] = 0x7D; // byte 2
	u8TxData[4] = 0x00; // byte 3
	u8TxData[5] = 0x0C; // byte 4
	u8TxData[6] = 0x20; // byte 5
	u8TxData[7] = 0x01; // byte 6

	if (Status != 8)
		if (Demo.u8Verbose)
			xil_printf("\r\nError: could not send data to R1_PLL_CONTROL (0xXXXXXX2001)");
		return XST_FAILURE;
	// Poll PLL Lock bit
	u8TxData[0] = 0x40;
	u8TxData[1] = 0x02;

	//Wait for the PLL to lock
	do {

		if(Demo.u8Verbose) {
			xil_printf("\nAudio PLL R1 = 0x%x%x%x%x%x%x", u8RxData[0], u8RxData[1],
				u8RxData[2], u8RxData[3], u8RxData[4], u8RxData[5]);
	while((u8RxData[5] & 0x02) == 0);

	//Set COREN
	Status = fnAudioWriteToReg(R0_CLOCK_CONTROL, 0x0F);
	if (Status == XST_FAILURE)
		if (Demo.u8Verbose)
			xil_printf("\r\nError: could not write R0_CLOCK_CONTROL (0x0F)");
		return XST_FAILURE;

	return XST_SUCCESS;