Example #1
 * Test function to compute BSGL values from:
 * XLALComputeBSGL, from scratch
 * and from deprecated XLALComputeLineVeto and XLALComputeLineVetoArray
 * compare the results and exit if tolerance is violated.
XLALCompareBSGLComputations ( const REAL4 TwoF,			/**< multi-detector  Fstat */
			     const UINT4 numDetectors,		/**< number of detectors */
			     const REAL4Vector *TwoFX,		/**< vector of single-detector Fstats */
			     const REAL4 Fstar0,		/**< amplitude prior normalization for lines */
			     const REAL4 *oLGX,			/**< array of single-detector prior line odds ratio, can be NULL */
			     const REAL4 tolerance		/**< tolerance for comparisons */

  /* conversions between old (rho) and new (F*) notation, REAL4 and REAL8 */
  REAL8 LVrho = exp( 0.25 * ( Fstar0 + log(70.0) ) );
  REAL4 oLG = 0.0;
  REAL8Vector *oLGXREAL8 = NULL;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (oLGXREAL8 = XLALCreateREAL8Vector ( numDetectors )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  if ( oLGX ) {
    for ( UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X++ ) {
      oLGXREAL8->data[X] = (REAL8)oLGX[X];
      oLG += oLGX[X];
  else { /* if oLGX == NULL, assume oLGX=1/numDetectors for all X  ==> oLG = sumX oLGX = 1*/
    oLG = 1.0;
    for (UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X++) {
      oLGXREAL8->data[X] = 1.0/numDetectors; /* need to set this manually, as old functions still assume oLGX=1 instead */
  } // if ( oLGX == NULL )

  /* further parameter pre-conversions for XLALComputeLineVetoArray() */
  REAL8 logRhoTerm = Fstar0;
  REAL8 logoLGX[numDetectors];
  for (UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X++) {
    logoLGX[X] = log(oLGXREAL8->data[X]);

  /* compute BSGL "the pedestrian way", from Eq. (40) of Keitel, Prix, Papa, Leaci, Siddiqi, PR D 89, 064023 (2014),
   * explicit formula for numDet=2:
   * log10 BSGL = F - log ( e^F* + e^{F1}*oLG1/oLG + e^{F2}*oLG2/oLG )
  REAL8 BSGL_extcomp_terms[3];
  BSGL_extcomp_terms[0] = exp(Fstar0)/oLG;
  REAL8 BSGL_extcomp_maxterm = BSGL_extcomp_terms[0];
  for (UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X++) {
    BSGL_extcomp_terms[1+X] = exp(0.5*TwoFX->data[X]);
    if ( oLGX ) {
      BSGL_extcomp_terms[1+X] *= oLGX[X]/oLG;
    else {  /* oLGX=NULL is interpreted as oLGX[X]=1/numDetectors=0.5 for all X ==> oLG=1 */
      BSGL_extcomp_terms[1+X] *= 0.5/oLG;
    if ( BSGL_extcomp_terms[1+X] > BSGL_extcomp_maxterm ) {
      BSGL_extcomp_maxterm = BSGL_extcomp_terms[1+X];
  REAL4 log10BSGL_extcomp_notallterms = 0.5*TwoF - log(BSGL_extcomp_maxterm);
  REAL8 BSGL_extcomp_denom = 0.0;
  for (UINT4 X = 0; X < 1+numDetectors; X++) {
    BSGL_extcomp_denom += BSGL_extcomp_terms[X];
  REAL4 log10BSGL_extcomp_allterms = 0.5*TwoF - log( BSGL_extcomp_denom );

  /* these are not the log-Bayes-factor, as computed by XLALComputeBSGL(), so need to correct by log(1+1/oLG) */
  log10BSGL_extcomp_allterms    += log(1+1/oLG);
  log10BSGL_extcomp_notallterms += log(1+1/oLG);
  /* and actually switch to log10 */
  log10BSGL_extcomp_allterms    *= LAL_LOG10E;
  log10BSGL_extcomp_notallterms *= LAL_LOG10E;

  /* faster version: use only the leading term of the BSGL denominator sum */
  BSGLSetup *setup_noLogCorrection;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (setup_noLogCorrection = XLALCreateBSGLSetup ( numDetectors, Fstar0, oLGX, FALSE )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  REAL4 log10BSGL_XLAL_notallterms = XLALComputeBSGL ( TwoF, TwoFX->data, setup_noLogCorrection );
  XLAL_CHECK ( xlalErrno == 0, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALComputeBSGL() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );
  XLALFree ( setup_noLogCorrection ); setup_noLogCorrection = NULL;

  /* more precise version: use all terms of the BSGL denominator sum */
  BSGLSetup *setup_withLogCorrection;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (setup_withLogCorrection = XLALCreateBSGLSetup ( numDetectors, Fstar0, oLGX, TRUE )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  REAL4 log10BSGL_XLAL_allterms = XLALComputeBSGL ( TwoF, TwoFX->data, setup_withLogCorrection );
  XLAL_CHECK ( xlalErrno == 0, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALComputeBSGL() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );
  XLALFree ( setup_withLogCorrection ); setup_withLogCorrection = NULL;

  /* compute relative deviations */
  REAL4 diff_allterms    = fabs( log10BSGL_XLAL_allterms    - log10BSGL_extcomp_allterms    ) / ( 0.5 * ( log10BSGL_XLAL_allterms    + log10BSGL_extcomp_allterms    ));
  REAL4 diff_notallterms = fabs( log10BSGL_XLAL_notallterms - log10BSGL_extcomp_notallterms ) / ( 0.5 * ( log10BSGL_XLAL_notallterms + log10BSGL_extcomp_notallterms ));

  /* output results and deviations and return with error when tolerances are violated */
  printf ( "Externally recomputed     with  allterms: log10BSGL=%f\n",               log10BSGL_extcomp_allterms );
  printf ( "Externally recomputed     with !allterms: log10BSGL=%f\n",               log10BSGL_extcomp_notallterms );
  printf ( "XLALComputeBSGL()         with  allterms: log10BSGL=%f (rel. dev.: %f)", log10BSGL_XLAL_allterms,    diff_allterms );
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALCheckBSGLDifferences ( diff_allterms,    tolerance, "XLALComputeBSGL() with useAllTerms=TRUE" ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  printf ( "XLALComputeBSGL()         with !allterms: log10BSGL=%f (rel. dev.: %f)", log10BSGL_XLAL_notallterms, diff_notallterms );
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALCheckBSGLDifferences ( diff_notallterms, tolerance, "XLALComputeBSGL() with useAllTerms=TRUE" ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  /* also test against deprecated rho-notation functions for consistency
   * need to correct for different prior parametrization,
   * log(BSGL_new)=LV_old+log(1+oLG)
  REAL4 old_LV_corr = log(1+oLG);

  xlalErrno = 0;
  REAL4 log10BSGL_XLAL_rho_notallterms      = XLALComputeLineVeto      ( TwoF, TwoFX, LVrho, oLGXREAL8, FALSE );
  XLAL_CHECK ( xlalErrno == 0, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALComputeLineVeto() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );
  log10BSGL_XLAL_rho_notallterms += old_LV_corr;
  log10BSGL_XLAL_rho_notallterms *= LAL_LOG10E;

  xlalErrno = 0;
  REAL4 log10BSGL_XLAL_rhoarray_notallterms = XLALComputeLineVetoArray ( TwoF, numDetectors, TwoFX->data, logRhoTerm, logoLGX, FALSE );
  XLAL_CHECK ( xlalErrno == 0, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALComputeLineVetoArray() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );
  log10BSGL_XLAL_rhoarray_notallterms += old_LV_corr;
  log10BSGL_XLAL_rhoarray_notallterms *= LAL_LOG10E;

  xlalErrno = 0;
  REAL4 log10BSGL_XLAL_rho_allterms         = XLALComputeLineVeto      ( TwoF, TwoFX, LVrho, oLGXREAL8, TRUE );
  XLAL_CHECK ( xlalErrno == 0, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALComputeLineVeto() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );
  log10BSGL_XLAL_rho_allterms += old_LV_corr;
  log10BSGL_XLAL_rho_allterms *= LAL_LOG10E;

  xlalErrno = 0;
  REAL4 log10BSGL_XLAL_rhoarray_allterms    = XLALComputeLineVetoArray ( TwoF, numDetectors, TwoFX->data, logRhoTerm, logoLGX, TRUE );
  XLAL_CHECK ( xlalErrno == 0, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALComputeLineVetoArray() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );
  log10BSGL_XLAL_rhoarray_allterms += old_LV_corr;
  log10BSGL_XLAL_rhoarray_allterms *= LAL_LOG10E;

  REAL4 diff_rho_allterms         = fabs( log10BSGL_XLAL_rho_allterms         - log10BSGL_extcomp_allterms    ) / ( 0.5 * ( log10BSGL_XLAL_rho_allterms         + log10BSGL_extcomp_allterms ));
  REAL4 diff_rhoarray_allterms    = fabs( log10BSGL_XLAL_rhoarray_allterms    - log10BSGL_extcomp_allterms    ) / ( 0.5 * ( log10BSGL_XLAL_rhoarray_allterms    + log10BSGL_extcomp_allterms ));
  REAL4 diff_rho_notallterms      = fabs( log10BSGL_XLAL_rho_notallterms      - log10BSGL_extcomp_notallterms ) / ( 0.5 * ( log10BSGL_XLAL_rho_notallterms      + log10BSGL_extcomp_notallterms ));
  REAL4 diff_rhoarray_notallterms = fabs( log10BSGL_XLAL_rhoarray_notallterms - log10BSGL_extcomp_notallterms ) / ( 0.5 * ( log10BSGL_XLAL_rhoarray_notallterms + log10BSGL_extcomp_notallterms ));

  printf( "Legacy functions with rho-notation, corrected as BSGL_new=LV_old+log(1+oLG)=LV_old+%f:\n", old_LV_corr );
  printf ( "XLALComputeLineVeto()       with  allterms: BSGL=%f (rel. dev.: %f)", log10BSGL_XLAL_rho_allterms,         diff_rho_allterms );
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALCheckBSGLDifferences ( diff_rho_allterms,         tolerance, "XLALComputeLineVeto()       with useAllTerms=TRUE" )  == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  printf ( "XLALComputeLineVetoArray()  with  allterms: BSGL=%f (rel. dev.: %f)", log10BSGL_XLAL_rhoarray_allterms,    diff_rhoarray_allterms );
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALCheckBSGLDifferences ( diff_rhoarray_allterms,    tolerance, "XLALComputeLineVetoArray()  with useAllTerms=TRUE" )  == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  printf ( "XLALComputeLineVeto()       with !allterms: BSGL=%f (rel. dev.: %f)", log10BSGL_XLAL_rho_notallterms,      diff_rho_notallterms );
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALCheckBSGLDifferences ( diff_rho_notallterms,      tolerance, "XLALComputeLineVeto()       with useAllTerms=FALSE" ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  printf ( "XLALComputeLineVetoArray()  with !allterms: BSGL=%f (rel. dev.: %f)", log10BSGL_XLAL_rhoarray_notallterms, diff_rhoarray_notallterms );
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALCheckBSGLDifferences ( diff_rhoarray_notallterms, tolerance, "XLALComputeLineVetoArray()  with useAllTerms=FALSE" ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );


  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} /* XLALCompareBSGLComputations() */
 * Test function to compute LV-stat values both from scratch and by XLALComputeLineVeto,
 * compare the results and exit if tolerance is violated.
XLALCompareLVComputations ( const REAL4 TwoF,          /**< multi-detector  Fstat */
                            const REAL4Vector *TwoFX,  /**< vector of single-detector Fstats */
                            const REAL8 rhomaxline,    /**< amplitude prior normalization for lines */
                            const REAL8Vector *lX,     /**< vector of single-detector prior line odds ratio, default to lX=1 for all X if NULL */
                            const REAL4 tolerance_allterms, /**< tolerance for useAllTerms=TRUE */
                            const REAL4 tolerance_leadterm  /**< tolerance for useAllTerms=FALSE (usually higher) */

  /* compute LV-stat "the pedestrian way", explicit formula for numDet=2 */
  REAL4 LV_extcomp = 0.5*TwoF;
  if ( lX )
    LV_extcomp -= log( pow(rhomaxline,4)/70.0 + lX->data[0]*exp(0.5*TwoFX->data[0]) + lX->data[1]*exp(0.5*TwoFX->data[1]) );
  else /* lX=NULL is interpreted as l[X]=1 for all X */
    LV_extcomp -= log( pow(rhomaxline,4)/70.0 + exp(0.5*TwoFX->data[0]) + exp(0.5*TwoFX->data[1]) );

  /* faster version: use only the leading term of the LV denominator sum */
  BOOLEAN useAllTerms = FALSE;
  xlalErrno = 0;
  REAL4 LV_XLAL_leadterm = XLALComputeLineVeto ( TwoF, TwoFX, rhomaxline, lX, useAllTerms );
  if ( xlalErrno != 0 ) {
    XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALComputeLineVeto() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );
    return XLAL_FAILURE;

  /* more precise version: use all terms of the LV denominator sum */
  useAllTerms = TRUE;
  xlalErrno = 0;
  REAL4 LV_XLAL_allterms = XLALComputeLineVeto ( TwoF, TwoFX, rhomaxline, lX, useAllTerms );
  if ( xlalErrno != 0 ) {
    XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALComputeLineVeto() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );
    return XLAL_FAILURE;

  /* compute relative deviations */
  REAL4 diff_allterms = fabs( LV_XLAL_allterms - LV_extcomp ) / ( 0.5 * ( LV_XLAL_allterms + LV_extcomp ));
  REAL4 diff_leadterm = fabs( LV_XLAL_leadterm - LV_extcomp ) / ( 0.5 * ( LV_XLAL_leadterm + LV_extcomp ));

  /* output results and deviations and return with error when tolerances are violated */
  printf ("Externally recomputed             : LV=%f\n", LV_extcomp);
  printf ("XLALComputeLineVeto with allterms : LV=%f (rel. dev.: %f)", LV_XLAL_allterms, diff_allterms);
  if ( fabs(diff_allterms) <= tolerance_allterms )
    printf (" ==> OK!\n");
  else {
    printf (" ==> BAD!\n");
    XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFAILED, "\nTolerance %f exceeded for useAllTerms=TRUE!\n", tolerance_allterms );
    return XLAL_FAILURE;
  printf ("XLALComputeLineVeto with !allterms: LV=%f (rel. dev.: %f)", LV_XLAL_leadterm, diff_leadterm);
  if ( fabs(diff_leadterm) <= tolerance_leadterm )
    printf (" ==> OK!\n");
  else {
    printf (" ==> BAD!\n");
    XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFAILED, "\nTolerance %f exceeded for useAllTerms=FALSE!\n", tolerance_leadterm );
    return XLAL_FAILURE;

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} /* XLALStringVector_TEST() */