 * Generate a multi-FstatAtomVector for given antenna-pattern functions.
 * Simply creates MultiFstatAtomVector and initializes with antenna-pattern function.
XLALGenerateMultiFstatAtomVector ( const MultiDetectorStateSeries *multiDetStates, 	/**< [in] multi-detector state series, only used for timestamps */
                                   const MultiAMCoeffs *multiAM				/**< input antenna-pattern functions {a_i, b_i} */
  /* check input consistency */
  if ( !multiDetStates || !multiDetStates->data ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: invalid NULL input in 'multiDetStates'\n", __func__ );
  if ( !multiAM || !multiAM->data || !multiAM->data[0] ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: invalid NULL input in 'mutiAM'\n", __func__ );

  UINT4 numDet = multiDetStates->length;
  if ( numDet != multiAM->length ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: inconsistent number of detectors in multiDetStates (%d) and multiAM (%d)\n", __func__, multiDetStates->length, multiAM->length );

  /* create multi-atoms vector */
  MultiFstatAtomVector *multiAtoms;
  if ( ( multiAtoms = XLALCalloc ( 1, sizeof(*multiAtoms) )) == NULL ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: XLALCalloc ( 1, %zu) failed.\n", __func__, sizeof(*multiAtoms) );
  multiAtoms->length = numDet;
  if ( ( multiAtoms->data = XLALCalloc ( numDet, sizeof(*multiAtoms->data) ) ) == NULL ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: XLALCalloc ( %d, %zu) failed.\n", __func__, numDet, sizeof(*multiAtoms->data) );
    XLALFree ( multiAtoms );

  /* loop over detectors and generate each atoms-vector individually */
  UINT4 X;
  for ( X=0; X < numDet; X ++ )
      if ( ( multiAtoms->data[X] = XLALGenerateFstatAtomVector ( multiDetStates->data[X], multiAM->data[X] )) == NULL ) {
        XLALPrintError ("%s: XLALGenerateFstatAtomVector() failed.\n", __func__ );
        XLALDestroyMultiFstatAtomVector ( multiAtoms );

    } /* for X < numDet */

  /* return result */
  return multiAtoms;

} /* XLALGenerateMultiFstatAtomVector() */
Example #2
// ----- local function definitions ----------
static int
XLALComputeFstatDemod ( FstatResults* Fstats,
                        const FstatCommon *common,
                        void *method_data
  // Check input
  XLAL_CHECK(method_data != NULL, XLAL_EFAULT);

  DemodMethodData *demod = (DemodMethodData*) method_data;
  // get internal timing info
  DemodTimingInfo *ti = &(demod->timingInfo);
  REAL8 tic = 0, toc = 0;

  // Get which F-statistic quantities to compute
  const FstatQuantities whatToCompute = Fstats->whatWasComputed;

  // handy shortcuts
  BOOLEAN returnAtoms = (whatToCompute & FSTATQ_ATOMS_PER_DET);
  PulsarDopplerParams thisPoint = Fstats->doppler;
  const REAL8 fStart = thisPoint.fkdot[0];
  const MultiSFTVector *multiSFTs = demod->multiSFTs;
  const MultiNoiseWeights *multiWeights = common->multiNoiseWeights;
  const MultiDetectorStateSeries *multiDetStates = common->multiDetectorStates;

  UINT4 numDetectors = multiSFTs->length;
  XLAL_CHECK ( multiDetStates->length == numDetectors, XLAL_EINVAL );
  XLAL_CHECK ( multiWeights==NULL || (multiWeights->length == numDetectors), XLAL_EINVAL );
  UINT4 numSFTs = 0;
  for ( UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X ++ ) {
    numSFTs += multiDetStates->data[X]->length;

  // initialize timing info struct
  if ( ti->collectTiming )
      XLAL_INIT_MEM ( (*ti) );
      ti->collectTiming = 1;

      ti->numDetectors = numDetectors;
      ti->numFreqBins = Fstats->numFreqBins;
      ti->numSFTs = numSFTs;

      tic = XLALGetCPUTime();

  MultiSSBtimes *multiSSB = NULL;
  MultiAMCoeffs *multiAMcoef = NULL;
  // ----- check if we have buffered SSB+AMcoef for current sky-position
  if ( (demod->prevAlpha == thisPoint.Alpha) && (demod->prevDelta == thisPoint.Delta ) &&
       (demod->prevMultiSSBtimes != NULL) && ( XLALGPSDiff(&demod->prevRefTime, &thisPoint.refTime) == 0 ) &&	// have SSB times for same reftime?
       (demod->prevMultiAMcoef != NULL)
    { // if yes ==> reuse
      multiSSB    = demod->prevMultiSSBtimes;
      multiAMcoef = demod->prevMultiAMcoef;
    { // if not, compute SSB + AMcoef for this skyposition
      SkyPosition skypos;
      skypos.longitude = thisPoint.Alpha;
      skypos.latitude  = thisPoint.Delta;
      XLAL_CHECK ( (multiSSB = XLALGetMultiSSBtimes ( multiDetStates, skypos, thisPoint.refTime, common->SSBprec )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
      XLAL_CHECK ( (multiAMcoef = XLALComputeMultiAMCoeffs ( multiDetStates, multiWeights, skypos )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

      // store these for possible later re-use in buffer
      XLALDestroyMultiSSBtimes ( demod->prevMultiSSBtimes );
      demod->prevMultiSSBtimes = multiSSB;
      demod->prevRefTime = thisPoint.refTime;
      XLALDestroyMultiAMCoeffs ( demod->prevMultiAMcoef );
      demod->prevMultiAMcoef = multiAMcoef;
      demod->prevAlpha = thisPoint.Alpha;
      demod->prevDelta = thisPoint.Delta;
    } // if could not reuse previously buffered quantites

  MultiSSBtimes *multiBinary = NULL;
  MultiSSBtimes *multiSSBTotal = NULL;
  // handle binary-orbital timing corrections, if applicable
  if ( thisPoint.asini > 0 )
      // compute binary time corrections to the SSB time delays and SSB time derivitive
      XLAL_CHECK ( XLALAddMultiBinaryTimes ( &multiBinary, multiSSB, &thisPoint ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
      multiSSBTotal = multiBinary;
      multiSSBTotal = multiSSB;

  if ( ti->collectTiming ) {
    toc = XLALGetCPUTime();
    ti->tauBary = (toc - tic);

  // ----- compute final Fstatistic-value -----
  REAL4 Ad = multiAMcoef->Mmunu.Ad;
  REAL4 Bd = multiAMcoef->Mmunu.Bd;
  REAL4 Cd = multiAMcoef->Mmunu.Cd;
  REAL4 Ed = multiAMcoef->Mmunu.Ed;;
  REAL4 Dd_inv = 1.0 / multiAMcoef->Mmunu.Dd;

  // ---------- Compute F-stat for each frequency bin ----------
  for ( UINT4 k = 0; k < Fstats->numFreqBins; k++ )
      // Set frequency to search at
      thisPoint.fkdot[0] = fStart + k * Fstats->dFreq;

      COMPLEX8 Fa = 0;       		// complex amplitude Fa
      COMPLEX8 Fb = 0;                 // complex amplitude Fb
      MultiFstatAtomVector *multiFstatAtoms = NULL;	// per-IFO, per-SFT arrays of F-stat 'atoms', ie quantities required to compute F-stat

      // prepare return of 'FstatAtoms' if requested
      if ( returnAtoms )
          XLAL_CHECK ( (multiFstatAtoms = XLALMalloc ( sizeof(*multiFstatAtoms) )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
          multiFstatAtoms->length = numDetectors;
          XLAL_CHECK ( (multiFstatAtoms->data = XLALMalloc ( numDetectors * sizeof(*multiFstatAtoms->data) )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
        } // if returnAtoms

      // loop over detectors and compute all detector-specific quantities
      for ( UINT4 X=0; X < numDetectors; X ++)
          COMPLEX8 FaX, FbX;
          FstatAtomVector *FstatAtoms = NULL;
          FstatAtomVector **FstatAtoms_p = returnAtoms ? (&FstatAtoms) : NULL;

          // call XLALComputeFaFb_...() function for the user-requested hotloop variant
          XLAL_CHECK ( (demod->computefafb_func) ( &FaX, &FbX, FstatAtoms_p, multiSFTs->data[X], thisPoint.fkdot,
                                                   multiSSBTotal->data[X], multiAMcoef->data[X], demod->Dterms ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

          if ( returnAtoms ) {
            multiFstatAtoms->data[X] = FstatAtoms;     // copy pointer to IFO-specific Fstat-atoms 'contents'

          XLAL_CHECK ( isfinite(creal(FaX)) && isfinite(cimag(FaX)) && isfinite(creal(FbX)) && isfinite(cimag(FbX)), XLAL_EFPOVRFLW );

          if ( whatToCompute & FSTATQ_FAFB_PER_DET )
              Fstats->FaPerDet[X][k] = FaX;
              Fstats->FbPerDet[X][k] = FbX;

          // compute single-IFO F-stats, if requested
          if ( whatToCompute & FSTATQ_2F_PER_DET )
              REAL4 AdX = multiAMcoef->data[X]->A;
              REAL4 BdX = multiAMcoef->data[X]->B;
              REAL4 CdX = multiAMcoef->data[X]->C;
              REAL4 EdX = 0;
              REAL4 DdX_inv = 1.0 / multiAMcoef->data[X]->D;

              // compute final single-IFO F-stat
              Fstats->twoFPerDet[X][k] = XLALComputeFstatFromFaFb ( FaX, FbX, AdX, BdX, CdX, EdX, DdX_inv );

            } // if FSTATQ_2F_PER_DET

          /* Fa = sum_X Fa_X */
          Fa += FaX;

          /* Fb = sum_X Fb_X */
          Fb += FbX;

        } // for  X < numDetectors

      if ( whatToCompute & FSTATQ_2F )
          Fstats->twoF[k] = XLALComputeFstatFromFaFb ( Fa, Fb, Ad, Bd, Cd, Ed, Dd_inv );

      // Return multi-detector Fa & Fb
      if ( whatToCompute & FSTATQ_FAFB )
          Fstats->Fa[k] = Fa;
          Fstats->Fb[k] = Fb;

      // Return F-atoms per detector
      if ( whatToCompute & FSTATQ_ATOMS_PER_DET )
          XLALDestroyMultiFstatAtomVector ( Fstats->multiFatoms[k] );
          Fstats->multiFatoms[k] = multiFstatAtoms;

    } // for k < Fstats->numFreqBins

  // this needs to be free'ed, as it's currently not buffered
  XLALDestroyMultiSSBtimes ( multiBinary );

  // Return amplitude modulation coefficients
  Fstats->Mmunu = demod->prevMultiAMcoef->Mmunu;

  // return per-detector antenna-pattern matrices
  for ( UINT4 X=0; X < numDetectors; X ++ )
      Fstats->MmunuX[X].Ad = multiAMcoef->data[X]->A;
      Fstats->MmunuX[X].Bd = multiAMcoef->data[X]->B;
      Fstats->MmunuX[X].Cd = multiAMcoef->data[X]->C;
      Fstats->MmunuX[X].Dd = multiAMcoef->data[X]->D;
      Fstats->MmunuX[X].Ed = 0;

  if ( ti->collectTiming ) {
    toc = XLALGetCPUTime();
    ti->tauTotal = (toc - tic);
    ti->tauF1NoBuf = ti->tauTotal / ( Fstats->numFreqBins * numDetectors );
    ti->tauF1Buf   = (ti->tauTotal - ti->tauBary) / ( Fstats->numFreqBins * numDetectors );

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} // XLALComputeFstatDemod()
Example #3
 * MAIN function
 * Generates samples of B-stat and F-stat according to their pdfs for given signal-params.
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  UserInput_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(uvar);
  ConfigVariables XLAL_INIT_DECL(cfg);

  vrbflg = 1;	/* verbose error-messages */

  /* turn off default GSL error handler */
  gsl_set_error_handler_off ();

  /* ----- register and read all user-variables ----- */
  if ( XLALInitUserVars( &uvar ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALInitUserVars() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
    return 1;

  /* do ALL cmdline and cfgfile handling */
  BOOLEAN should_exit = 0;
  if ( XLALUserVarReadAllInput ( &should_exit, argc, argv ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALUserVarReadAllInput() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
    return 1;
  if ( should_exit )
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if ( uvar.version ) {
    /* output verbose VCS version string if requested */
    CHAR *vcs;
    if ( (vcs = XLALGetVersionString (lalDebugLevel)) == NULL ) {
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s:XLALGetVersionString(%d) failed with errno=%d.\n", __func__, lalDebugLevel, xlalErrno );
      return 1;
    printf ( "%s\n", vcs );
    XLALFree ( vcs );
    return 0;

  /* ---------- Initialize code-setup ---------- */
  if ( XLALInitCode( &cfg, &uvar ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
    LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALInitCode() failed with error = %d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* compare IFO name for line injection with IFO list, find the corresponding index, or throw an error if not found */
  UINT4 numDetectors = cfg.multiDetStates->length;
  INT4 lineX = -1;
  if ( uvar.lineIFO ) {
    for ( UINT4 X=0; X < numDetectors; X++ ) {
      if ( strcmp( uvar.lineIFO, uvar.IFOs->data[X] ) == 0 )
        lineX = X;
    if ( lineX == -1 ) {
      XLALPrintError ("\nError in function %s, line %d : Could not match detector ID \"%s\" for line injection to any detector.\n\n", __func__, __LINE__, uvar.lineIFO);

  /* ----- prepare stats output ----- */
  FILE *fpStats = NULL;
  if ( uvar.outputStats )
      if ( (fpStats = fopen (uvar.outputStats, "wb")) == NULL)
	  LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "Error opening file '%s' for writing..\n\n", uvar.outputStats );
      fprintf (fpStats, "%s", cfg.logString );		/* write search log comment */
      if ( write_BSGL_candidate_to_fp ( fpStats, NULL, uvar.IFOs, NULL, uvar.computeBSGL ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) { /* write header-line comment */
    } /* if outputStats */

  /* ----- prepare injection params output ----- */
  FILE *fpInjParams = NULL;
  if ( uvar.outputInjParams )
      if ( (fpInjParams = fopen (uvar.outputInjParams, "wb")) == NULL)
	  LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "Error opening file '%s' for writing..\n\n", uvar.outputInjParams );
      fprintf (fpInjParams, "%s", cfg.logString );		/* write search log comment */
      if ( write_InjParams_to_fp ( fpInjParams, NULL, 0, uvar.outputMmunuX, numDetectors ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) { /* write header-line comment */
    } /* if outputInjParams */

  multiAMBuffer_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(multiAMBuffer);      /* prepare AM-buffer */

  /* ----- prepare BSGL computation */
  BSGLSetup *BSGLsetup = NULL;
  if ( uvar.computeBSGL )
      BOOLEAN useLogCorrection = TRUE;
      REAL4 *oLGX_p = NULL;
      if ( uvar.oLGX != NULL )
          XLAL_CHECK ( uvar.oLGX->length == numDetectors, XLAL_EINVAL, "Invalid input: length(oLGX) = %d differs from number of detectors (%d)'\n", uvar.oLGX->length, numDetectors );
          XLAL_CHECK ( XLALParseLinePriors ( &oLGX[0], uvar.oLGX ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
          oLGX_p = &oLGX[0];
      XLAL_CHECK ( ( BSGLsetup = XLALCreateBSGLSetup ( numDetectors, uvar.Fstar0, oLGX_p, useLogCorrection ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
    } // if computeBSGL

  /* ----- main MC loop over numDraws trials ---------- */
  INT4 i;
  for ( i=0; i < uvar.numDraws; i ++ )
      InjParams_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(injParamsDrawn);

      /* ----- generate signal random draws from ranges and generate Fstat atoms */
      MultiFstatAtomVector *multiAtoms;

      multiAtoms = XLALSynthesizeTransientAtoms ( &injParamsDrawn, cfg.skypos, cfg.AmpPrior, cfg.transientInjectRange, cfg.multiDetStates, cfg.SignalOnly, &multiAMBuffer, cfg.rng, lineX, cfg.multiNoiseWeights );
      XLAL_CHECK ( multiAtoms != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

      /* ----- if requested, output signal injection parameters into file */
      if ( fpInjParams && (write_InjParams_to_fp ( fpInjParams, &injParamsDrawn, uvar.dataStartGPS, uvar.outputMmunuX, numDetectors ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
      } /* if fpInjParams & failure*/

      /* initialise BSGLComponents structure and allocate memory */
      BSGLComponents XLAL_INIT_DECL(synthStats); /* struct containing multi-detector Fstat, single-detector Fstats, line-robust stat */
      synthStats.numDetectors = numDetectors;

      /* compute F- and BSGListics from atoms */
      UINT4 X;
      for ( X=0; X < numDetectors; X++ )    {
        synthStats.TwoFX[X] = XLALComputeFstatFromAtoms ( multiAtoms, X );
        if ( xlalErrno != 0 ) {
          XLALPrintError ("\nError in function %s, line %d : Failed call to XLALComputeFstatFromAtoms().\n\n", __func__, __LINE__);
          XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );

      synthStats.TwoF = XLALComputeFstatFromAtoms ( multiAtoms, -1 );
      if ( xlalErrno != 0 ) {
        XLALPrintError ("\nError in function %s, line %d : Failed call to XLALComputeFstatFromAtoms().\n\n", __func__, __LINE__);

      if ( uvar.computeBSGL ) {
        synthStats.log10BSGL = XLALComputeBSGL ( synthStats.TwoF, synthStats.TwoFX, BSGLsetup );
        XLAL_CHECK ( xlalErrno == 0, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALComputeBSGL() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );

      /* ----- if requested, output atoms-vector into file */
      if ( uvar.outputAtoms )

          FILE *fpAtoms;
          char *fnameAtoms;
          UINT4 len = strlen ( uvar.outputAtoms ) + 20;
          if ( (fnameAtoms = XLALCalloc ( 1, len )) == NULL ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to XLALCalloc ( 1, %d )\n", __func__, len );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );
          sprintf ( fnameAtoms, "%s_%04d_of_%04d.dat", uvar.outputAtoms, i + 1, uvar.numDraws );

          if ( ( fpAtoms = fopen ( fnameAtoms, "wb" )) == NULL ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to open atoms-output file '%s' for writing.\n", __func__, fnameAtoms );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );
	  fprintf ( fpAtoms, "%s", cfg.logString );	/* output header info */

	  if ( write_MultiFstatAtoms_to_fp ( fpAtoms, multiAtoms ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to write atoms to output file '%s'. xlalErrno = %d\n", __func__, fnameAtoms, xlalErrno );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );

          XLALFree ( fnameAtoms );
	  fclose (fpAtoms);
        } /* if outputAtoms */

      /* ----- if requested, output transient-cand statistics */
      if ( fpStats && write_BSGL_candidate_to_fp ( fpStats, &synthStats, uvar.IFOs, &injParamsDrawn, uvar.computeBSGL ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
        XLALPrintError ( "%s: write_transientCandidate_to_fp() failed.\n", __func__ );

      /* ----- free Memory */
      XLALDestroyMultiFstatAtomVector ( multiAtoms );

    } /* for i < numDraws */

  /* ----- close files ----- */
  if ( fpStats ) fclose ( fpStats );
  if ( fpInjParams ) fclose ( fpInjParams );

  /* ----- free memory ---------- */
  XLALDestroyMultiDetectorStateSeries ( cfg.multiDetStates );
  XLALDestroyMultiNoiseWeights ( cfg.multiNoiseWeights );
  XLALDestroyMultiAMCoeffs ( multiAMBuffer.multiAM );
  /* ----- free amplitude prior pdfs ----- */
  XLALDestroyPDF1D ( cfg.AmpPrior.pdf_h0Nat );
  XLALDestroyPDF1D ( cfg.AmpPrior.pdf_cosi );
  XLALDestroyPDF1D ( cfg.AmpPrior.pdf_psi );
  XLALDestroyPDF1D ( cfg.AmpPrior.pdf_phi0 );

  XLALFree ( BSGLsetup );
  BSGLsetup = NULL;

  if ( cfg.logString ) {
    XLALFree ( cfg.logString );
  gsl_rng_free ( cfg.rng );


  /* did we forget anything ? (doesn't cover gsl-memory!) */

  return 0;

} /* main() */
 * MAIN function
 * Generates samples of B-stat and F-stat according to their pdfs for given signal-params.
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  UserInput_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(uvar);
  ConfigVariables XLAL_INIT_DECL(cfg);		/**< various derived configuration settings */

  vrbflg = 1;	/* verbose error-messages */

  /* turn off default GSL error handler */
  gsl_set_error_handler_off ();

  /* ----- register and read all user-variables ----- */

  if ( XLALInitUserVars( &uvar ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALInitUserVars() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
    return 1;

  /* do ALL cmdline and cfgfile handling */
  if ( XLALUserVarReadAllInput ( argc, argv ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALUserVarReadAllInput() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
    return 1;

  if (uvar.help)	/* if help was requested, we're done here */
    return 0;

  if ( uvar.version ) {
    /* output verbose VCS version string if requested */
    CHAR *vcs;
    if ( (vcs = XLALGetVersionString (lalDebugLevel)) == NULL ) {
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s:XLALGetVersionString(%d) failed with errno=%d.\n", __func__, lalDebugLevel, xlalErrno );
      return 1;
    printf ( "%s\n", vcs );
    XLALFree ( vcs );
    return 0;

  /* ---------- Initialize code-setup ---------- */
  if ( XLALInitCode( &cfg, &uvar ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
    LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALInitCode() failed with error = %d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* ----- prepare stats output ----- */
  FILE *fpTransientStats = NULL;
  if ( uvar.outputStats )
      if ( (fpTransientStats = fopen (uvar.outputStats, "wb")) == NULL)
	  LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "Error opening file '%s' for writing..\n\n", uvar.outputStats );
      fprintf (fpTransientStats, "%s", cfg.logString );		/* write search log comment */
      if ( write_transientCandidate_to_fp ( fpTransientStats, NULL ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) { /* write header-line comment */
    } /* if outputStats */

  /* ----- prepare injection params output ----- */
  FILE *fpInjParams = NULL;
  if ( uvar.outputInjParams )
      if ( (fpInjParams = fopen (uvar.outputInjParams, "wb")) == NULL)
	  LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "Error opening file '%s' for writing..\n\n", uvar.outputInjParams );
      fprintf (fpInjParams, "%s", cfg.logString );		/* write search log comment */
      if ( write_InjParams_to_fp ( fpInjParams, NULL, 0, 0, 0 ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) { /* write header-line comment - options outputMmunuX and numDetectors not supported here, so pass defaults to deactivate them */
    } /* if outputInjParams */

  /* ----- main MC loop over numDraws trials ---------- */
  multiAMBuffer_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(multiAMBuffer);	  /* prepare AM-buffer */
  INT4 i;

  for ( i=0; i < uvar.numDraws; i ++ )
      InjParams_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(injParamsDrawn);

      /* ----- generate signal random draws from ranges and generate Fstat atoms */
      MultiFstatAtomVector *multiAtoms;
      multiAtoms = XLALSynthesizeTransientAtoms ( &injParamsDrawn, cfg.skypos, cfg.AmpPrior, cfg.transientInjectRange, cfg.multiDetStates, cfg.SignalOnly, &multiAMBuffer, cfg.rng, -1, NULL ); // options lineX and noise_weights not supported here, so pass defaults to deactivate them
      if ( multiAtoms ==NULL ) {
        LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALSynthesizeTransientAtoms() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

      /* ----- if requested, output signal injection parameters into file */
      if ( fpInjParams && (write_InjParams_to_fp ( fpInjParams, &injParamsDrawn, uvar.dataStartGPS, 0, 0 ) ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) { // options outputMmunuX and numDetectors not supported here, so pass defaults to deactivate them
      } /* if fpInjParams & failure*/

      /* ----- add meta-info on current transient-CW candidate */
      transientCandidate_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(cand);
      cand.doppler.Alpha = multiAMBuffer.skypos.longitude;
      cand.doppler.Delta = multiAMBuffer.skypos.latitude;
      cand.windowRange   = cfg.transientSearchRange;

      /* ----- if needed: compute transient-Bstat search statistic on these atoms */
      if ( fpTransientStats || uvar.outputFstatMap || uvar.outputPosteriors )
          /* compute Fstat map F_mn over {t0, tau} */
          if ( (cand.FstatMap = XLALComputeTransientFstatMap ( multiAtoms, cand.windowRange, uvar.useFReg)) == NULL ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: XLALComputeTransientFstatMap() failed with xlalErrno = %d.\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );
        } /* if we'll need the Fstat-map F_mn */

      /* ----- if requested compute marginalized Bayes factor */
      if ( fpTransientStats )
          cand.logBstat = XLALComputeTransientBstat ( cand.windowRange, cand.FstatMap );
          UINT4 err = xlalErrno;
          if ( err ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: XLALComputeTransientBstat() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", __func__, err );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );

          if ( uvar.SignalOnly )
              cand.FstatMap->maxF += 2;
              cand.logBstat += 2;

        } /* if Bstat requested */

      /* ----- if requested, compute parameter posteriors for {t0, tau} */
      pdf1D_t *pdf_t0  = NULL;
      pdf1D_t *pdf_tau = NULL;
      if ( fpTransientStats || uvar.outputPosteriors )
          if ( (pdf_t0 = XLALComputeTransientPosterior_t0 ( cand.windowRange, cand.FstatMap )) == NULL ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to compute t0-posterior\n", __func__ );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );
          if ( (pdf_tau = XLALComputeTransientPosterior_tau ( cand.windowRange, cand.FstatMap )) == NULL ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to compute tau-posterior\n", __func__ );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );
          /* get maximum-posterior estimate (MP) from the modes of these pdfs */
          cand.t0_MP = XLALFindModeOfPDF1D ( pdf_t0 );
          if ( xlalErrno ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: mode-estimation failed for pdf_t0. xlalErrno = %d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );
          cand.tau_MP =  XLALFindModeOfPDF1D ( pdf_tau );
          if ( xlalErrno ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: mode-estimation failed for pdf_tau. xlalErrno = %d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );

        } // if posteriors required

      /* ----- if requested, compute Ftotal over full data-span */
      if ( uvar.computeFtotal )
          transientFstatMap_t *FtotalMap;
          /* prepare special window to cover all the data with one F-stat calculation == Ftotal */
          transientWindowRange_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(winRangeAll);
          winRangeAll.type = TRANSIENT_NONE;

          BOOLEAN useFReg = false;
          if ( (FtotalMap = XLALComputeTransientFstatMap ( multiAtoms, winRangeAll, useFReg)) == NULL ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: XLALComputeTransientFstatMap() failed with xlalErrno = %d.\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );

          /* we only use twoFtotal = 2 * maxF from this single-Fstat calculation */
          REAL8 twoFtotal = 2.0 * FtotalMap->maxF;
          if ( uvar.SignalOnly )
            twoFtotal += 4;

          /* ugly hack: lacking a good container for twoFtotal, we borrow fkdot[3] for this here ;) [only used for paper-MCs] */
          cand.doppler.fkdot[3] = twoFtotal;

          /* good riddance .. */
          XLALDestroyTransientFstatMap ( FtotalMap );

        } /* if computeFtotal */

      /* ----- if requested, output atoms-vector into file */
      if ( uvar.outputAtoms )

          FILE *fpAtoms;
          char *fnameAtoms;
          UINT4 len = strlen ( uvar.outputAtoms ) + 20;
          if ( (fnameAtoms = XLALCalloc ( 1, len )) == NULL ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to XLALCalloc ( 1, %d )\n", __func__, len );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );
          sprintf ( fnameAtoms, "%s_%04d_of_%04d.dat", uvar.outputAtoms, i + 1, uvar.numDraws );

          if ( ( fpAtoms = fopen ( fnameAtoms, "wb" )) == NULL ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to open atoms-output file '%s' for writing.\n", __func__, fnameAtoms );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );
	  fprintf ( fpAtoms, "%s", cfg.logString );	/* output header info */

	  if ( write_MultiFstatAtoms_to_fp ( fpAtoms, multiAtoms ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to write atoms to output file '%s'. xlalErrno = %d\n", __func__, fnameAtoms, xlalErrno );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );

          XLALFree ( fnameAtoms );
	  fclose (fpAtoms);
        } /* if outputAtoms */

      /* ----- if requested, output Fstat-map over {t0, tau} */
      if ( uvar.outputFstatMap )
          FILE *fpFstatMap;
          char *fnameFstatMap;
          UINT4 len = strlen ( uvar.outputFstatMap ) + 20;
          if ( (fnameFstatMap = XLALCalloc ( 1, len )) == NULL ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to XLALCalloc ( 1, %d )\n", __func__, len );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );
          sprintf ( fnameFstatMap, "%s_%04d_of_%04d.dat", uvar.outputFstatMap, i + 1, uvar.numDraws );

          if ( ( fpFstatMap = fopen ( fnameFstatMap, "wb" )) == NULL ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to open Fstat-map output file '%s' for writing.\n", __func__, fnameFstatMap );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );
	  fprintf ( fpFstatMap, "%s", cfg.logString );	/* output header info */

          fprintf (fpFstatMap, "\nFstat_mn = \\\n" );
          if ( XLALfprintfGSLmatrix ( fpFstatMap, "%.9g", cand.FstatMap->F_mn ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: XLALfprintfGSLmatrix() failed.\n", __func__ );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );

          XLALFree ( fnameFstatMap );
	  fclose (fpFstatMap);

        } /* if outputFstatMap */

      /* ----- if requested, output posterior pdfs on transient params {t0, tau} into a file */
      if ( uvar.outputPosteriors )
          FILE *fpPosteriors;
          char *fnamePosteriors;
          UINT4 len = strlen ( uvar.outputPosteriors ) + 20;
          if ( (fnamePosteriors = XLALCalloc ( 1, len )) == NULL ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to XLALCalloc ( 1, %d )\n", __func__, len );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );
          sprintf ( fnamePosteriors, "%s_%04d_of_%04d.dat", uvar.outputPosteriors, i + 1, uvar.numDraws );

          if ( ( fpPosteriors = fopen ( fnamePosteriors, "wb" )) == NULL ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to open posteriors-output file '%s' for writing.\n", __func__, fnamePosteriors );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );
	  fprintf ( fpPosteriors, "%s", cfg.logString );	/* output header info */

          /* write them to file, using pdf-method */
	  if ( XLALOutputPDF1D_to_fp ( fpPosteriors, pdf_t0, "pdf_t0" ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to output t0-posterior to file '%s'.\n", __func__, fnamePosteriors );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );
	  if ( XLALOutputPDF1D_to_fp ( fpPosteriors, pdf_tau, "pdf_tau" ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
            XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to output tau-posterior to file '%s'.\n", __func__, fnamePosteriors );
            XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );

          /* free mem, close file */
          XLALFree ( fnamePosteriors );
	  fclose (fpPosteriors);

        } /* if outputPosteriors */

      /* ----- if requested, output transient-cand statistics */
      if ( fpTransientStats && write_transientCandidate_to_fp ( fpTransientStats, &cand ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
        XLALPrintError ( "%s: write_transientCandidate_to_fp() failed.\n", __func__ );

      /* ----- free Memory */
      XLALDestroyTransientFstatMap ( cand.FstatMap );
      XLALDestroyMultiFstatAtomVector ( multiAtoms );
      XLALDestroyPDF1D ( pdf_t0 );
      XLALDestroyPDF1D ( pdf_tau );

    } /* for i < numDraws */

  /* ----- close files ----- */
  if ( fpTransientStats) fclose ( fpTransientStats );
  if ( fpInjParams ) fclose ( fpInjParams );

  /* ----- free memory ---------- */
  XLALDestroyMultiDetectorStateSeries ( cfg.multiDetStates );
  XLALDestroyMultiAMCoeffs ( multiAMBuffer.multiAM );
  /* ----- free amplitude prior pdfs ----- */
  XLALDestroyPDF1D ( cfg.AmpPrior.pdf_h0Nat );
  XLALDestroyPDF1D ( cfg.AmpPrior.pdf_cosi );
  XLALDestroyPDF1D ( cfg.AmpPrior.pdf_psi );
  XLALDestroyPDF1D ( cfg.AmpPrior.pdf_phi0 );

  if ( cfg.logString ) XLALFree ( cfg.logString );
  gsl_rng_free ( cfg.rng );


  /* did we forget anything ? (doesn't cover gsl-memory!) */

  return 0;

} /* main() */
static int
  FstatResults* Fstats,
  const FstatInputData_Common *common,
  FstatInputData_Demod* demod

  // Check input

  // Get which F-statistic quantities to compute
  const FstatQuantities whatToCompute = Fstats->whatWasComputed;

  // Check which quantities can be computed
  XLAL_CHECK(!(whatToCompute & FSTATQ_FAFB_PER_DET), XLAL_EINVAL, "Demodulation does not currently support Fa & Fb per detector");

  // Set parameters to pass to ComputeFStat()
  demod->params.returnSingleF = (whatToCompute & FSTATQ_2F_PER_DET);
  demod->params.returnAtoms = (whatToCompute & FSTATQ_ATOMS_PER_DET);

  // Save local copy of doppler point and starting frequency
  PulsarDopplerParams thisPoint = Fstats->doppler;
  const REAL8 fStart = thisPoint.fkdot[0];

  // Call ComputeFStat() for each frequency bin
  for (UINT4 k = 0; k < Fstats->numFreqBins; ++k) {

    // Set frequency to search at
    thisPoint.fkdot[0] = fStart + k * Fstats->dFreq;

    // Call ComputeFStat()
    Fcomponents Fcomp;
    XLAL_CHECK ( ComputeFStat( &Fcomp, &thisPoint, demod->multiSFTs, common->multiWeights, demod->multiDetStates, &demod->params, &demod->buffer) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

    // Return multi-detector 2F
    if (whatToCompute & FSTATQ_2F) {
      Fstats->twoF[k] = 2.0 * Fcomp.F;   // *** Return value of 2F ***

    // Return multi-detector Fa & Fb
    if (whatToCompute & FSTATQ_FAFB) {
      Fstats->FaFb[k].Fa = Fcomp.Fa;
      Fstats->FaFb[k].Fb = Fcomp.Fb;

    // Return 2F per detector
    if (whatToCompute & FSTATQ_2F_PER_DET) {
      for (UINT4 X = 0; X < Fstats->numDetectors; ++X) {
        Fstats->twoFPerDet[X][k] = 2.0 * Fcomp.FX[X];   // *** Return value of 2F ***

    // Return Fa & Fb per detector
    if (whatToCompute & FSTATQ_FAFB_PER_DET) {
      XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFAILED, "Unimplemented!");

    // Return F-atoms per detector
    if (whatToCompute & FSTATQ_ATOMS_PER_DET) {
      Fstats->multiFatoms[k] = Fcomp.multiFstatAtoms;

  } // for k < Fstats->numFreqBins

  // Return amplitude modulation coefficients
  if (demod->buffer.multiAMcoef != NULL) {
    Fstats->Mmunu.Ad = demod->buffer.multiAMcoef->Mmunu.Ad;
    Fstats->Mmunu.Bd = demod->buffer.multiAMcoef->Mmunu.Bd;
    Fstats->Mmunu.Cd = demod->buffer.multiAMcoef->Mmunu.Cd;
    Fstats->Mmunu.Ed = 0;
    Fstats->Mmunu.Dd = demod->buffer.multiAMcoef->Mmunu.Dd;
    Fstats->Mmunu.Sinv_Tsft = demod->buffer.multiAMcoef->Mmunu.Sinv_Tsft;

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} // ComputeFstat_Demod()