Example #1
   Terminate a decrypting OCB state
   @param ocb    The OCB state
   @param ct     The ciphertext (if any)
   @param ctlen  The length of the ciphertext (octets)
   @param pt     [out] The plaintext
   @param tag    The authentication tag (to compare against)
   @param taglen The length of the authentication tag provided
   @param stat    [out] The result of the tag comparison
   @return CRYPT_OK if the process was successful regardless if the tag is valid
int ocb_done_decrypt(ocb_state *ocb,
                     const unsigned char *ct,  unsigned long ctlen,
                           unsigned char *pt,
                     const unsigned char *tag, unsigned long taglen, int *stat)
   int err;
   unsigned char *tagbuf;
   unsigned long tagbuflen;

   LTC_ARGCHK(ocb  != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(pt   != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(ct   != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(tag  != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(stat != NULL);

   /* default to failed */
   *stat = 0;

   /* allocate memory */
   if (tagbuf == NULL) {
      return CRYPT_MEM;

   tagbuflen = MAXBLOCKSIZE;
   if ((err = s_ocb_done(ocb, ct, ctlen, pt, tagbuf, &tagbuflen, 1)) != CRYPT_OK) {
      goto LBL_ERR;

   if (taglen <= tagbuflen && XMEM_NEQ(tagbuf, tag, taglen) == 0) {
      *stat = 1;

   err = CRYPT_OK;
   zeromem(tagbuf, MAXBLOCKSIZE);


   return err;
   Decrypt a block of memory and verify the provided MAC tag with EAX
   @param cipher     The index of the cipher desired
   @param key        The secret key
   @param keylen     The length of the key (octets)
   @param nonce      The nonce data (use once) for the session
   @param noncelen   The length of the nonce data.
   @param header     The session header data
   @param headerlen  The length of the header (octets)
   @param ct         The ciphertext
   @param ctlen      The length of the ciphertext (octets)
   @param pt         [out] The plaintext
   @param tag        The authentication tag provided by the encoder
   @param taglen     [in/out] The length of the tag (octets)
   @param stat       [out] The result of the decryption (1==valid tag, 0==invalid)
   @return CRYPT_OK if successful regardless of the resulting tag comparison
int eax_decrypt_verify_memory(int cipher,
    const unsigned char *key,    unsigned long keylen,
    const unsigned char *nonce,  unsigned long noncelen,
    const unsigned char *header, unsigned long headerlen,
    const unsigned char *ct,     unsigned long ctlen,
          unsigned char *pt,
          unsigned char *tag,    unsigned long taglen,
          int           *stat)
   int            err;
   eax_state     *eax;
   unsigned char *buf;
   unsigned long  buflen;

   LTC_ARGCHK(stat != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(key  != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(pt   != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(ct   != NULL);
   LTC_ARGCHK(tag  != NULL);

   /* default to zero */
   *stat = 0;

   /* limit taglen */
   taglen = MIN(taglen, MAXBLOCKSIZE);

   /* allocate ram */
   buf = XMALLOC(taglen);
   eax = XMALLOC(sizeof(*eax));
   if (eax == NULL || buf == NULL) {
      if (eax != NULL) {
      if (buf != NULL) {
      return CRYPT_MEM;

   if ((err = eax_init(eax, cipher, key, keylen, nonce, noncelen, header, headerlen)) != CRYPT_OK) {
      goto LBL_ERR;

   if ((err = eax_decrypt(eax, ct, pt, ctlen)) != CRYPT_OK) {
      goto LBL_ERR;

   buflen = taglen;
   if ((err = eax_done(eax, buf, &buflen)) != CRYPT_OK) {
      goto LBL_ERR;

   /* compare tags */
   if (buflen >= taglen && XMEM_NEQ(buf, tag, taglen) == 0) {
      *stat = 1;

   err = CRYPT_OK;
   zeromem(buf, taglen);
   zeromem(eax, sizeof(*eax));


   return err;
Example #3
int ecc_dp_set_by_oid(ltc_ecc_set_type *dp, unsigned long *oid, unsigned long oidsize)
  int i;
  unsigned long len;

  for(i=0; ltc_ecc_sets[i].size != 0; i++) {
    if ((oidsize == ltc_ecc_sets[i].oid.OIDlen) &&
        (XMEM_NEQ(oid, ltc_ecc_sets[i].oid.OID, sizeof(unsigned long) * ltc_ecc_sets[i].oid.OIDlen) == 0)) {
  if (ltc_ecc_sets[i].size == 0) return CRYPT_INVALID_ARG; /* not found */

  /* a */
  len = (unsigned long)strlen(ltc_ecc_sets[i].A);
  if ((dp->A = XMALLOC(1+len)) == NULL)         goto cleanup1;
  strncpy(dp->A, ltc_ecc_sets[i].A, 1+len);
  /* b */
  len = (unsigned long)strlen(ltc_ecc_sets[i].B);
  if ((dp->B = XMALLOC(1+len)) == NULL)         goto cleanup2;
  strncpy(dp->B, ltc_ecc_sets[i].B, 1+len);
  /* order */
  len = (unsigned long)strlen(ltc_ecc_sets[i].order);
  if ((dp->order = XMALLOC(1+len)) == NULL)     goto cleanup3;
  strncpy(dp->order, ltc_ecc_sets[i].order, 1+len);
  /* prime */
  len = (unsigned long)strlen(ltc_ecc_sets[i].prime);
  if ((dp->prime = XMALLOC(1+len)) == NULL)     goto cleanup4;
  strncpy(dp->prime, ltc_ecc_sets[i].prime, 1+len);
  /* gx */
  len = (unsigned long)strlen(ltc_ecc_sets[i].Gx);
  if ((dp->Gx = XMALLOC(1+len)) == NULL)        goto cleanup5;
  strncpy(dp->Gx, ltc_ecc_sets[i].Gx, 1+len);
  /* gy */
  len = (unsigned long)strlen(ltc_ecc_sets[i].Gy);
  if ((dp->Gy = XMALLOC(1+len)) == NULL)        goto cleanup6;
  strncpy(dp->Gy, ltc_ecc_sets[i].Gy, 1+len);
  /* cofactor & size */
  dp->cofactor = ltc_ecc_sets[i].cofactor;
  dp->size = ltc_ecc_sets[i].size;
  /* name */
  len = (unsigned long)strlen(ltc_ecc_sets[i].name);
  if ((dp->name = XMALLOC(1+len)) == NULL)      goto cleanup7;
  strncpy(dp->name, ltc_ecc_sets[i].name, 1+len);
  /* oid */
  dp->oid.OIDlen = ltc_ecc_sets[i].oid.OIDlen;
  XMEMCPY(dp->oid.OID, ltc_ecc_sets[i].oid.OID, dp->oid.OIDlen * sizeof(dp->oid.OID[0]));
  /* done - success */
  return CRYPT_OK;

  return CRYPT_MEM;
   Decrypt and compare the tag with OCB
   @param cipher     The index of the cipher desired
   @param key        The secret key
   @param keylen     The length of the secret key (octets)
   @param nonce      The session nonce (length of the block size of the block cipher)
   @param noncelen   The length of the nonce (octets)
   @param adata      The AAD - additional associated data
   @param adatalen   The length of AAD (octets)
   @param ct         The ciphertext
   @param ctlen      The length of the ciphertext (octets)
   @param pt         [out] The plaintext
   @param tag        The tag to compare against
   @param taglen     The length of the tag (octets)
   @param stat       [out] The result of the tag comparison (1==valid, 0==invalid)
   @return CRYPT_OK if successful regardless of the tag comparison
int ocb3_decrypt_verify_memory(int cipher,
    const unsigned char *key,    unsigned long keylen,
    const unsigned char *nonce,  unsigned long noncelen,
    const unsigned char *adata,  unsigned long adatalen,
    const unsigned char *ct,     unsigned long ctlen,
          unsigned char *pt,
    const unsigned char *tag,    unsigned long taglen,
          int           *stat)
   int            err;
   ocb3_state     *ocb;
   unsigned char *buf;
   unsigned long  buflen;

   LTC_ARGCHK(stat    != NULL);

   /* default to zero */
   *stat = 0;

   /* limit taglen */
   taglen = MIN(taglen, MAXBLOCKSIZE);

   /* allocate memory */
   buf = XMALLOC(taglen);
   ocb = XMALLOC(sizeof(ocb3_state));
   if (ocb == NULL || buf == NULL) {
      if (ocb != NULL) {
      if (buf != NULL) {
      return CRYPT_MEM;

   if ((err = ocb3_init(ocb, cipher, key, keylen, nonce, noncelen, taglen)) != CRYPT_OK) {
      goto LBL_ERR;

   if (adata != NULL || adatalen != 0) {
      if ((err = ocb3_add_aad(ocb, adata, adatalen)) != CRYPT_OK) {
         goto LBL_ERR;

   if ((err = ocb3_decrypt_last(ocb, ct, ctlen, pt)) != CRYPT_OK) {
      goto LBL_ERR;

   buflen = taglen;
   if ((err = ocb3_done(ocb, buf, &buflen)) != CRYPT_OK) {
      goto LBL_ERR;

   /* compare tags */
   if (buflen >= taglen && XMEM_NEQ(buf, tag, taglen) == 0) {
      *stat = 1;

   err = CRYPT_OK;

   zeromem(ocb, sizeof(ocb3_state));

   return err;