  int i;
  /*-- setup --*/

  XMLTriple_t*     triple = XMLTriple_createWith("test","","");
  XMLToken_t *token = XMLToken_createWithText("This is text");
  /*-- test of setting triple with NULL value -- */
  i = XMLToken_setTriple(token, NULL);

  fail_unless ( i == LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT);

  /*-- test of setting triple -- */
  i =   XMLToken_setTriple(token, triple);

  fail_unless ( i == LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION);

  /*-- teardown --*/


START_TEST (test_SyntaxChecker_validXHTML)
  SBMLNamespaces_t *NS24 = SBMLNamespaces_create(2,4);
  SBMLNamespaces_t *NS31 = SBMLNamespaces_create(3,1);

  XMLToken_t *toptoken;
  XMLNode_t *topnode;
  XMLTriple_t * toptriple = XMLTriple_createWith("notes", "", "");

  XMLToken_t *token;
  XMLNode_t *node;
  XMLTriple_t * triple = XMLTriple_createWith("p", "", "");
  XMLAttributes_t * att = XMLAttributes_create ();
  XMLNamespaces_t *ns = XMLNamespaces_create();
  XMLNamespaces_add(ns, "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "");
  XMLToken_t *tt = XMLToken_createWithText("This is my text");
  XMLNode_t *n1 = XMLNode_createFromToken(tt);

  toptoken = XMLToken_createWithTripleAttr(toptriple, att);
  topnode = XMLNode_createFromToken(toptoken);

  token = XMLToken_createWithTripleAttrNS(triple, att, ns);
  node = XMLNode_createFromToken(token);
  XMLNode_addChild(node, n1);
  XMLNode_addChild(topnode, node);

  fail_unless( SyntaxChecker_hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax(topnode, NULL) == 1 );
  fail_unless( SyntaxChecker_hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax(topnode, NS24) == 1 );
  fail_unless( SyntaxChecker_hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax(topnode, NS31) == 1 );

  triple = XMLTriple_createWith("html", "", "");
  token = XMLToken_createWithTripleAttrNS(triple, att, ns);
  node = XMLNode_createFromToken(token);
  XMLNode_addChild(node, n1);
  XMLNode_removeChild(topnode, 0);
  XMLNode_addChild(topnode, node);

  fail_unless( SyntaxChecker_hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax(topnode, NULL) == 1 );
  fail_unless( SyntaxChecker_hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax(topnode, NS24) == 0 );
  fail_unless( SyntaxChecker_hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax(topnode, NS31) == 1 );

  triple = XMLTriple_createWith("html", "", "");

  token = XMLToken_createWithTripleAttrNS(triple, att, ns);
  node = XMLNode_createFromToken(token);
  XMLNode_addChild(node, n1);
  XMLNode_removeChild(topnode, 0);
  XMLNode_addChild(topnode, node);

  fail_unless( SyntaxChecker_hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax(topnode, NULL) == 0 );
  fail_unless( SyntaxChecker_hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax(topnode, NS24) == 0 );
  fail_unless( SyntaxChecker_hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax(topnode, NS31) == 0 );