Example #1
  void EpetraCrsGraph::getGlobalRowView(int GlobalRow, ArrayView<const int> &Indices) const { 

    int      numEntries;
    int    * eIndices;
    XPETRA_ERR_CHECK(graph_->ExtractGlobalRowView(GlobalRow, numEntries, eIndices));
    if (numEntries == 0) { eIndices = NULL; } // Cf. TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( p == 0 && size_in != 0 ) in Teuchos ArrayView constructor.

    Indices = ArrayView<const int>(eIndices, numEntries);
  //! Return a const, nonpersisting view of local indices in the given row.
  void getLocalRowView(LocalOrdinal LocalRow, ArrayView<const LocalOrdinal> &indices) const {

    int      numEntries;
    int    * eIndices;

    XPETRA_ERR_CHECK(graph_->ExtractMyRowView(LocalRow, numEntries, eIndices));
    if (numEntries == 0) { eIndices = NULL; } // Cf. TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPT( p == 0 && size_in != 0 ) in Teuchos ArrayView constructor.

    indices = ArrayView<const int>(eIndices, numEntries);
Example #3
  void EpetraCrsGraph::insertLocalIndices(int localRow, const ArrayView<const int> &indices) { 

    int* indices_rawPtr = const_cast<int*>(indices.getRawPtr()); // there is no const in the Epetra interface :(
    XPETRA_ERR_CHECK(graph_->InsertMyIndices(localRow, indices.size(), indices_rawPtr)); 