//! Returns the Frobenius norm of the matrix.
 typename ScalarTraits< Scalar >::magnitudeType getFrobeniusNorm() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("TpetraRowMatrix::getFrobeniusNorm"); return mtx_->getFrobeniusNorm(); }
  void EpetraMultiVector::normWeighted(const MultiVector<double,int,int> &weights, const Teuchos::ArrayView<Teuchos::ScalarTraits<double>::magnitudeType> &norms) const {

    XPETRA_DYNAMIC_CAST(const EpetraMultiVector, weights, eWeights, "This Xpetra::EpetraMultiVector method only accept Xpetra::EpetraMultiVector as input arguments.");
    vec_->NormWeighted(*eWeights.getEpetra_MultiVector(), norms.getRawPtr());
 std::string EpetraMultiVector::description() const {
   TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(1, Xpetra::Exceptions::NotImplemented, "TODO");
   return "TODO";
 //! Return a simple one-line description of this object.
 std::string description() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::description"); return "NotImplemented"; }
  void EpetraMultiVector::dot(const MultiVector<double,int,int> &A, const Teuchos::ArrayView<double> &dots) const {

    XPETRA_DYNAMIC_CAST(const EpetraMultiVector, A, eA, "This Xpetra::EpetraMultiVector method only accept Xpetra::EpetraMultiVector as input arguments.");
    vec_->Dot(*eA.getEpetra_MultiVector(), dots.getRawPtr());
 //! Whether the graph is locally upper triangular.
 bool isUpperTriangular() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::isUpperTriangular"); return graph_->UpperTriangular(); }
 //! Whether fillComplete() has been called and the graph is in compute mode.
 bool isFillComplete() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::isFillComplete"); return graph_->Filled(); }
 //! Returns the communicator.
 RCP< const Comm< int > >  getComm() const {
   return toXpetra (graph_->Comm ());
 //! Returns the exporter associated with this graph.
 RCP< const Export< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > > getExporter() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::getExporter"); return toXpetra<GlobalOrdinal,Node>(graph_->Exporter()); }
  //! Insert local indices into the graph.
  void insertLocalIndices(const LocalOrdinal localRow, const ArrayView< const LocalOrdinal> &indices) {

    int* indices_rawPtr = const_cast<int*>(indices.getRawPtr()); // there is no const in the Epetra interface :(
    XPETRA_ERR_CHECK(graph_->InsertMyIndices(localRow, indices.size(), indices_rawPtr));
 //! Remove all graph indices from the specified local row.
 void removeLocalIndices(LocalOrdinal localRow) { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::removeLocalIndices"); graph_->RemoveMyIndices(localRow); }
 //! Returns the number of rows owned on the calling node.
 size_t getNodeNumRows() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("TpetraRowMatrix::getNodeNumRows"); return mtx_->getNodeNumRows(); }
 //! Returns the number of global columns in this matrix.
 Tpetra::global_size_t getGlobalNumCols() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("TpetraRowMatrix::getGlobalNumCols"); return mtx_->getGlobalNumCols(); }
 //! Returns the Map that describes the column distribution in this matrix.
 const Teuchos::RCP< const Map< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > >  getColMap() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("TpetraRowMatrix::getColMap"); return toXpetra(mtx_->getColMap()); }
 //! Maximum number of entries in all rows owned by the calling process.
 size_t getNodeMaxNumRowEntries() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::getNodeMaxNumRowEntries"); return graph_->MaxNumIndices(); }
 //! Returns the index base for global indices for this graph.
 GlobalOrdinal getIndexBase() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::getIndexBase"); return (GlobalOrdinal) graph_->IndexBase64(); }
 //! Whether the graph has a column Map.
 bool hasColMap() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::hasColMap"); return graph_->HaveColMap(); }
 //! Returns the global number of entries in the graph.
 global_size_t getGlobalNumEntries() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::getGlobalNumEntries"); return graph_->NumGlobalEntries64(); }
 //! Whether column indices are stored using global indices on the calling process.
 bool isGloballyIndexed() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::isGloballyIndexed"); return graph_->IndicesAreGlobal(); }
 //! Returns the local number of entries in the graph.
 size_t getNodeNumEntries() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::getNodeNumEntries"); return graph_->NumMyEntries(); }
 //! Returns true if storage has been optimized.
 bool isStorageOptimized() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::isStorageOptimized"); return graph_->StorageOptimized(); }
 //! Returns the current number of allocated entries for this node in the specified global row .
 size_t getNumAllocatedEntriesInGlobalRow(GlobalOrdinal globalRow) const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::getNumAllocatedEntriesInGlobalRow"); return graph_->NumAllocatedGlobalIndices(globalRow); }
 //! Access function for the Tpetra::Map this DistObject was constructed with.
 Teuchos::RCP< const Map< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > > getMap() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::getMap"); return toXpetra<GlobalOrdinal,Node>(graph_->Map()); }
 //! Returns the current number of allocated entries on this node in the specified local row.
 size_t getNumAllocatedEntriesInLocalRow(LocalOrdinal localRow) const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::getNumAllocatedEntriesInLocalRow"); return graph_->NumAllocatedMyIndices(localRow); }
 void EpetraMultiVector::normInf(const Teuchos::ArrayView< Teuchos::ScalarTraits< Scalar >::magnitudeType > &norms) const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraMultiVector::normInf"); vec_->NormInf(norms.getRawPtr()); }
 //! Returns the number of global diagonal entries, based on global row/column index comparisons.
 global_size_t getGlobalNumDiags() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::getGlobalNumDiags"); return graph_->NumGlobalDiagonals64(); }
 void EpetraMultiVector::meanValue(const Teuchos::ArrayView<double> &means) const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraMultiVector::meanValue"); vec_->MeanValue(means.getRawPtr()); } //TODO: modify ArrayView size ??
 //! Returns the number of local diagonal entries, based on global row/column index comparisons.
 size_t getNodeNumDiags() const { XPETRA_MONITOR("EpetraCrsGraphT::getNodeNumDiags"); return graph_->NumMyDiagonals(); }
 void EpetraMultiVector::describe(Teuchos::FancyOStream &out, const Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel) const {
 //! Extract a const, non-persisting view of local indices in a specified row of the matrix.
 void getLocalRowView(LocalOrdinal LocalRow, ArrayView< const LocalOrdinal > &indices, ArrayView< const Scalar > &values) const { XPETRA_MONITOR("TpetraRowMatrix::getLocalRowView"); mtx_->getLocalRowView(LocalRow, indices, values); }