Example #1
void Grid::AdjacentCost( void* node, std::vector< StateCost > *neighbors ) 
	int x, y;
	const int dx[8] = { 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1 };
	const int dy[8] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1 };
	const float cost[8] = { 1.0f, 1.41f, 1.0f, 1.41f, 1.0f, 1.41f, 1.0f, 1.41f };

	NodeToXY( node, &x, &y );

	for( int i=0; i<8; ++i ) {
		int nx = x + dx[i];
		int ny = y + dy[i];

		int pass = Passable( nx, ny );
		if ( pass >0 ) {
			StateCost nodeCost = { XYToNode( nx, ny ), cost[i] };
			neighbors->push_back( nodeCost );
			// Normal floor
			StateCost nodeCost = { XYToNode( nx, ny ), FLT_MAX };
			neighbors->push_back( nodeCost );
Example #2
PathComponent::PathPool computePath(const AbsTile& startPos, const AbsTile& lastPos, micropather::MicroPather* pather)
    if (startPos == lastPos || !isPositionValid(startPos) || !isPositionValid(lastPos))
        return PathComponent::PathPool {};

    TealAssert(pather, "Pather is null, cannot compute path !");

    // Compute the path with the position and the move component.
    std::vector<void*> voidPath;
    float totalCost {}; // In case of debugging

    int result = pather->Solve(XYToNode(startPos.x, startPos.y),
                               XYToNode(lastPos.x, lastPos.y),
                               &voidPath, &totalCost); // returns the absolute position, not difference.

    if (result != 0 || voidPath.empty())
        return PathComponent::PathPool {};

    // Path done, in void*. Let's add it to the entity's path, in integers
    int oldX {};
    int oldY {};

    PathComponent::PathPool newPath;

    for (std::size_t i { 1 }; i < voidPath.size(); ++i) // First tile is actually the start position
        auto node = voidPath[i];

        unsigned absX {}, absY {}; // Absolute position, not difference
        NodeToXY(node, absX, absY);

        int startX { int(startPos.x) };
        int startY { int(startPos.y) };

        if (i > 1) // If i == 1 we use the initial position
        {          // Else we use the position micropather generated before
            startX = oldX;
            startY = oldY;

        int diffX { startX - int(absX) },
            diffY { startY - int(absY) }; // Difference now, but reversed

        diffX = -diffX; // Ok
        diffY = -diffY;

        newPath.push_back(XYToDir({ diffX, diffY }, isLineEven(startY)));

        oldX = int(absX);
        oldY = int(absY);

    return newPath;
Example #3
int Grid::SetPos( int nx, int ny ) 
	int result = MicroPather::NO_SOLUTION;
	if ( Passable( nx, ny ) == 1 )
		float totalCost;
		if ( showConsidered )
		result = pather->Solve( XYToNode( playerX, playerY ), XYToNode( nx, ny ), &path, &totalCost );

		if ( result == MicroPather::SOLVED ) {
			playerX = nx;
			playerY = ny;

			//Log* pathLog = LogManager::getSingleton().createLog( "pathDebug_"+LogManager::number(pathIt)+".log", false, true);
			//Log* pathLog2 = LogManager::getSingleton().createLog( "pathReduceDebug_"+LogManager::number(pathIt)+".log", false, true);

			for( int k=0; k<path.size(); ++k ) {
				bool toInsert=true;
				for(int l=0; l<toDeleteList.size(); l++){
					int x, y;
					NodeToXY( path[k], &x, &y );
					Cell_grid c;
					c.x = x;
					c.y = y;
					pathCell.insert( pathCell.end(), c);
	return result;