Example #1
 *  _XmSFUpdateNavigatorsValues convenience function
        Widget sf,
        XmNavigatorData nav_data,
        Boolean notify)
    Cardinal i, num_nav_list ;
    Widget * nav_list ;
    Boolean inited ;

    /* there is a possibility that the SW was not inited for
       navigation business: APP_DEFINED where no scrollbar have
       been added yet */
    inited =  ((XmScrollFrameTrait) 
	       XmeTraitGet((XtPointer) XtClass(sf), XmQTscrollFrame))
	->getInfo(sf, NULL, &nav_list, &num_nav_list);

    if (!inited) return ;

    /* loop over the associated navigator list and call the change value
       method for each navigator */
    /* Updating the first navigator only if notify is True is not
       enough, since the dimension is pertinent */

    for (i=0; i < num_nav_list; i++) {
	Widget nav = nav_list[i] ;
	XmNavigatorSetValueProc	nav_setValue =
	     XmeTraitGet((XtPointer) XtClass(nav), XmQTnavigator))->setValue;

	nav_setValue(nav, nav_data, notify);
Example #2
File: Trait.c Project: att/uwin
 * XmeTraitGet finds out whether or not a given object has installed a given
 * trait. If it has installed, a pointer to the associated trait record is
 * returned, otherwise the result is NULL.
 * object	the object (a widget class) that you are inquiring about.
 * trait	the trait name.
extern XtPointer
XmeTraitGet(XtPointer obj, XrmQuark trait)
	int		i, j;
	WidgetClass	super;

	if (obj == NULL || trait == 0) {
		DEBUGOUT(_LtDebug(__FILE__, NULL, "XmeTraitGet(NULL)\n"));
		return NULL;

	DEBUGOUT(_LtDebug(__FILE__, NULL, "XmeTraitGet(%s,%s)\n",

	for (i=0; i<_num_traits; i++)
	    if (_traits[i].wc == (WidgetClass)obj)
		for (j=0; _traits[i].traits[j].trait && j<_traits[i].num; j++)
		    if (_traits[i].traits[j].trait == trait)
			/* We may have a removed trait here,
			 * search superclass for it */
			if (_traits[i].traits[j].traitrec == NULL)
				super = XtSuperclass(obj);
				return XmeTraitGet((XtPointer)super, trait);

			return _traits[i].traits[j].traitrec;

		    /* Not found, look in the superclass */
#if 1
		/* Sometimes XtSuperclass doesn't work. */
		/* Use its expansion instead */
		    super = ((WidgetClass)obj)->core_class.superclass;
		    super = XtSuperclass(obj);
		    return XmeTraitGet((XtPointer)super, trait);

		    /* Never reached */

	/* Widget Class not found */
	return NULL;
Example #3
static XmToolTipConfigTrait
ToolTipGetData (Widget w)
    Widget top = w;
    XmToolTipConfigTrait ttp;

    while (XtParent (top))
        top = XtParent (top);

    ttp = (XmToolTipConfigTrait) XmeTraitGet (top, XmQTtoolTipConfig);

    if (ttp != NULL && ttp->label == NULL && !top->core.being_destroyed)
        Widget shell;

        shell = XtVaCreateWidget ("TipShell",
                                  transientShellWidgetClass, top,
                                  XmNoverrideRedirect, True, NULL);

        ttp->label = XmCreateLabel (shell, "TipLabel", NULL, 0);
        XtManageChild (ttp->label);
#ifdef FIX_1388
        XtAddCallback(top, XmNdestroyCallback, (XtCallbackProc) ToolTipLabelDestroyCallback, (XtPointer) NULL);
    return ttp;
Example #4
 *  _XmNotifyChildrenVisual
 *	Loop through the child set of new and for any widget/gadget that has
 *	a CareParentVisual trait, call the redraw proc.
 *      The redraw proc will return True if the widget needs to have the
 *	parent redrawn as well.
        Widget cur,
        Widget new_w,
        Mask visual_flag)
   register int i;
   Widget child;
   Boolean redisplay = False;
   XmCareVisualTrait care_visual ;
   CompositeWidget cw = (CompositeWidget) new_w ;

   for (i = 0; i < cw->composite.num_children; i++) {
       child = cw->composite.children[i];

       if ((care_visual = (XmCareVisualTrait)
	    XmeTraitGet((XtPointer) XtClass(child),
			XmQTcareParentVisual)) != NULL)

	   redisplay |= care_visual->redraw(child, cur, new_w, visual_flag) ;


   return (redisplay);
Example #5
XmGetToolTipString (Widget w)
    XmToolTipTrait ttp;
    ttp = (XmToolTipTrait)XmeTraitGet(w, XmQTtoolTip);
    return ttp ? ttp->tool_tip_string : NULL;
Example #6
static Boolean 
        Widget current,
        Widget request,		/* unused */
        Widget new_w,
        ArgList args,		/* unused */
        Cardinal *num_args )	/* unused */
    Widget child ;
    XmDialogSavvyTrait trait ;

       && new_w->core.mapped_when_managed) {   
        if((child = GetRectObjKid ((CompositeWidget) new_w))
	   && !child->core.being_destroyed    ) {   
	    if ((trait = (XmDialogSavvyTrait)
		 XmeTraitGet((XtPointer) XtClass(child), 
			     XmQTdialogShellSavvy)) != NULL) {
		trait->callMapUnmapCB(child, True);	/* call Map callback */
            XtPopup(new_w, XtGrabNone) ;

    return (FALSE);
Example #7
void _XmToolTipRemove(Widget w)
    XmToolTipTrait ttp;

    _XmToolTipLeave(w, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    ttp = (XmToolTipTrait) XmeTraitGet(w, XmQTtoolTip);
    if (ttp != NULL) {
        XmeTraitSet(w, XmQTtoolTip, (XtPointer) NULL);
Example #8
XmSetToolTipString (Widget w,
                    XmString s)
    XmToolTipTrait ttp;
    ttp = (XmToolTipTrait)XmeTraitGet(w, XmQTtoolTip);
    if (!ttp) {
        ttp = (XmToolTipTrait)XtCalloc(1, sizeof(XmToolTipTraitRec));
        XmeTraitSet(w, XmQTtoolTip, ttp);
    if (ttp->tool_tip_string)
    ttp->tool_tip_string = XmStringCopy(s);
Example #9
static void ToolTipLabelDestroyCallback(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
    XmToolTipConfigTrait ttcp;

    ttcp = (XmToolTipConfigTrait) XmeTraitGet(w, XmQTtoolTipConfig);

    if (ttcp != NULL)
        if (ttcp->label != NULL) {
            Widget shell = XtParent(ttcp->label);
            ttcp->label = NULL;
Example #10
    static void
draw_unhighlight(XmEnhancedButtonWidget eb)
    GC manager_background_GC;

    eb->primitive.highlighted = False;
    eb->primitive.highlight_drawn = False;

    if (!XtWidth(eb) || !XtHeight(eb) || !eb->primitive.highlight_thickness)

    if (XmIsManager(eb->core.parent))
	XmSpecifyUnhighlightTrait UnhighlightT;

	if (((UnhighlightT = (XmSpecifyUnhighlightTrait) XmeTraitGet((XtPointer)
			    XtClass(eb->core.parent), XmQTspecifyUnhighlight))
		    != NULL) && (UnhighlightT->getUnhighlightGC != NULL))
	    /* if unhighlight trait in parent use specified GC... */
	    manager_background_GC =
		 UnhighlightT->getUnhighlightGC(eb->core.parent, (Widget) eb);
	    /* ...otherwise, use parent's background GC */
	    manager_background_GC = ((XmManagerWidget)
	manager_background_GC = ((XmManagerWidget)
	XmeDrawHighlight(XtDisplay(eb), XtWindow(eb),
			 0, 0, XtWidth(eb), XtHeight(eb),
	if (!eb->pushbutton.armed && eb->primitive.shadow_thickness)
	    XmeClearBorder(XtDisplay(eb), XtWindow(eb),
		    eb->core.width - 2 * eb->primitive.highlight_thickness,
		    eb->core.height - 2 * eb->primitive.highlight_thickness,
	XmeClearBorder(XtDisplay(eb), XtWindow(eb), 0, 0, XtWidth(eb),
		       XtHeight(eb), eb->primitive.highlight_thickness);
Example #11
static void ClassInitialize()
    baseClassExtRec.record_type = XmQmotif;

#if XmVersion == 2000
    /* Trait records */
    XmeTraitSet((XtPointer) xmtMenuWidgetClass, XmQTmenuSystem,
                (XtPointer) &_XmRC_menuSystemRecord);
#if XmVersion >= 2001
    /* Trait records */
    XmeTraitSet((XtPointer) xmtMenuWidgetClass, XmQTmenuSystem,
                XmeTraitGet ((XtPointer) xmRowColumnWidgetClass,
Example #12
static Widget 
        CompositeWidget p )
    Cardinal	i;
    Widget	*currKid;

    for (i = 0, currKid = p->composite.children;
	 i < p->composite.num_children; i++, currKid++) {
	if ((XtIsRectObj( *currKid)
	     /* The Input Method child is a CoreClass object; ignore it. */
	     && ((*currKid)->core.widget_class != coreWidgetClass)) ||
	    XmeTraitGet((XtPointer) XtClass(*currKid), XmQTdialogShellSavvy)) {
	    return (*currKid);
    return NULL;
Example #13
static void 
        Widget w )
    XmGadget g = (XmGadget) w ;
    XmSpecifyUnhighlightTrait UnhighlightT;
    GC manager_background_GC;

    g->gadget.highlighted = False ;
    g->gadget.highlight_drawn = False ;

    if ( g->rectangle.width == 0
	|| g->rectangle.height == 0
        || g->gadget.highlight_thickness == 0)
        return ;

    /* If unhighlight trait in parent use specified GC, else just clear area */
    if ( XmIsManager(g->object.parent)
        && ((UnhighlightT=(XmSpecifyUnhighlightTrait)XmeTraitGet((XtPointer)
	    XtClass(g->object.parent), XmQTspecifyUnhighlight)) != NULL)
	&& (UnhighlightT->getUnhighlightGC != NULL))
	/* Get and use parent's specified background GC for unhighlighting */
	manager_background_GC =
			UnhighlightT->getUnhighlightGC( g->object.parent, w);
        XmeDrawHighlight( XtDisplay( g), XtWindow( g),
			    g->rectangle.x, g->rectangle.y,
			    g->rectangle.width, g->rectangle.height,
			    g->gadget.highlight_thickness) ;
	XmeClearBorder( XtDisplay( g), XtWindow( g), 
			g->rectangle.x, g->rectangle.y, 
			g->rectangle.width, g->rectangle.height,
			g->gadget.highlight_thickness) ;

    return ;
Example #14
 *  _XmSFAddNavigator convenience function
 *    Entering here, sf is an initialized scrollframe, and 
 *    scroll_frame_data is always valid (but the move_cb field can be 
 *    NULL, for pure APP_DEFINED case support).
    Widget sf,
    Widget nav,
    Mask dimMask,
    XmScrollFrameData scroll_frame_data)
    XmNavigatorTrait nav_trait ;
    XmNavigatorDataRec nav_data ;

    if ((nav_trait = (XmNavigatorTrait) 
	 XmeTraitGet((XtPointer) XtClass(nav), XmQTnavigator)) != NULL) {
	/* check for NULL move_cb */
	if (scroll_frame_data->move_cb)
	    nav_trait -> changeMoveCB(nav, scroll_frame_data->move_cb,
				      (XtPointer) scroll_frame_data->scrollable,
				      True) ;

	nav_data.valueMask = NavDimMask ;
	nav_data.dimMask = dimMask ;
	nav_trait -> setValue(nav, &nav_data, False);

	if (scroll_frame_data->num_nav_list == 
	    scroll_frame_data->num_nav_slots) {
	    /* Allocate more space */
	    scroll_frame_data->num_nav_slots +=  2;
	    scroll_frame_data->nav_list = 
		(WidgetList) XtRealloc((char*)scroll_frame_data->nav_list,
			scroll_frame_data->num_nav_slots * sizeof(Widget));

	scroll_frame_data->nav_list[scroll_frame_data->num_nav_list] = nav;

    } else {
	XmeWarning(sf, SWMessage3);

Example #15
        Widget bb,
        XmString l_string,
	char *name,
        XmLabelStringLoc l_loc )
    Arg		        al[10] ;
    register Cardinal   ac = 0 ;
    Widget              button ;
    XmTakesDefaultTrait trait_default ;
    XmString            default_label_string_loc = NULL;

    if(    l_string    )
	    XtSetArg( al[ac], XmNlabelString, l_string) ; ac++ ;
	    default_label_string_loc = XmStringCreate(GetLabelString(l_loc),
	    XtSetArg( al[ac], XmNlabelString, default_label_string_loc); ac++;
    XtSetArg( al[ac], XmNstringDirection, BB_StringDirection( bb)) ; ac++ ;

    button = XmCreatePushButtonGadget( (Widget) bb, name, al, ac) ;

    trait_default = (XmTakesDefaultTrait) XmeTraitGet((XtPointer)
						      XmQTtakesDefault) ;
    if (trait_default) 
	trait_default->showAsDefault  (button, XmDEFAULT_READY);

    if (default_label_string_loc)

    return( button ) ;
Example #16
 *  _XmSFRemoveNavigator convenience function
    Widget sf,
    Widget nav,
    XmScrollFrameData scroll_frame_data)
    Cardinal	     position, i;
    XmNavigatorTrait nav_trait ;

    if ((nav_trait = (XmNavigatorTrait) 
	 XmeTraitGet((XtPointer) XtClass(nav), XmQTnavigator)) != NULL) {

	/* remove the move callback */
	if (scroll_frame_data->move_cb) 
	    nav_trait -> changeMoveCB(nav, scroll_frame_data->move_cb,
				(XtPointer) scroll_frame_data->scrollable,
				False) ;
    }  else {
	XmeWarning(sf, SWMessage4);
	return ;

    for (position = 0; position<scroll_frame_data->num_nav_list; position++) {
        if (scroll_frame_data->nav_list[position] == nav) {
    if (position == scroll_frame_data->num_nav_list) return;

    for (i = position; i < scroll_frame_data->num_nav_list; i++) {
        scroll_frame_data->nav_list[i] = scroll_frame_data->nav_list[i+1];

Example #17
 * border width and size and location are ty...
 * 1. We allow the border width of a XmDialogShell child to change
 *    size arbitrarily.
 * 2. The border width of the shell widget tracks the child's
 *    at all times, exactly.
 * 3. The width of the shell is kept exactly the same as the
 *    width of the child at all times.
 * 4. The child is always positioned at the location
 *    (- child_border, - child_border).
 * the net result is the child has a border width which is always
 * what the user asked for;  but none of it is ever seen, it's all
 * clipped by the shell (parent).  The user sees the border
 * of the shell which is the size he set the child's border to.
 * In the DEC window manager world the window manager does
 * exactly the same thing with the window it puts around the shell.
 * Hence the shell and child have a border width just as the user
 * set but the window manager overrides that and only a single
 * pixel border is displayed.  In a non-wm environment the child 
 * appears to have a border width, in reality this is the shell
 * widget border.  You wanted to know...
static void 
        Widget wid )
    XmDialogShellWidget shell = (XmDialogShellWidget) wid ;
     *  If the child went to unmanaged, call XtPopdown.
     *  If the child went to managed, call XtPopup.
    Widget	 child;
    XmWidgetExtData		extData = 
	_XmGetWidgetExtData((Widget) shell, XmSHELL_EXTENSION);
    XmVendorShellExtObject ve = (XmVendorShellExtObject)extData->widget;
    XmDialogSavvyTrait trait ;

    if (((child = GetRectObjKid((CompositeWidget) shell)) == NULL) ||

    trait = (XmDialogSavvyTrait) 
      XmeTraitGet((XtPointer) XtClass(child), XmQTdialogShellSavvy) ;
    /* MANAGED Case first ********/
    if (child->core.managed)  {
	XtWidgetGeometry	request;
	Position		kidX, kidY;
	Dimension		kidBW;
	Boolean		defaultPosition = True;

	 * temporary workaround for setkeyboard focus |||
	if (child != ve->vendor.old_managed)
		XtSetKeyboardFocus((Widget)shell, (Widget)child);
		ve->vendor.old_managed = (Widget)child;

	 * if the child isn't realized, then we need to realize it
	 * so we have a valid size. It will get created as a result
	 * so we  zero out it's position info so it'll
	 * be okay and then restore it.
	if (!XtIsRealized(child)) {
	    kidX = XtX(child);
	    kidY = XtY(child);
	    kidBW = XtBorderWidth(child);
	    XtX(child) = 0;
	    XtY(child) = 0;
	    XtBorderWidth(child) = 0;
	    /* Bug 4102306, This is an additional difference brought forward from motif 1.2 */
	    if (XtHeight(shell) != XtHeight(child))
	    /* End fix for Bug 4012306 */

	    XtX(child) = kidX;
	    XtY(child) = kidY;
	    XtBorderWidth(child) = kidBW;
	else if (trait) {
	     *  Move the window to 0,0
	     *  but don't tell the widget.  It thinks it's where
	     *  the shell is...
	    if ((XtX(child) != 0) || (XtY(child) != 0))
		XMoveWindow (XtDisplay(child), XtWindow(child), 0, 0);

	 * map callback should occur BEFORE child default positioning
	 * otherwise, widgets such as fileselection using map callback for
	 * correct sizing have default positioning done before the widget 
	 * grows to its correct dimensions

	if(shell->core.mapped_when_managed && trait ) { 
	    trait->callMapUnmapCB(child, True);	 /* call Map callback */

	 * Make sure that the shell has the same common parameters as 
	 * its child.  Then move the child so that the shell will 
	 * correctly surround it.
	request.request_mode = 0;
	if (trait) {
	    XtVaGetValues(child, XmNdefaultPosition, &defaultPosition, NULL);

	    if (defaultPosition && (ve->vendor.externalReposition)) {
		defaultPosition = False;
		XtVaSetValues(child, XmNdefaultPosition, False, NULL);

	if (XtX(child) && trait) {
	    kidX = XtX(child);
	    XtX(child) = 0;
	} else
	    kidX = XtX(shell);
	if (XtY(child) && trait) {
	    kidY = XtY(child);
	    XtY(child) = 0;
	} else
	    kidY = XtY(shell);

	if (XtBorderWidth(child) && trait) {
	    kidBW = XtBorderWidth(child);
	    XtBorderWidth(child) = 0;
	} else
	    kidBW = XtBorderWidth(shell);

	if (XtWidth (child) != XtWidth (shell)) {
	    request.request_mode |= CWWidth;
	    request.width = XtWidth(child);

	if (XtHeight (child) + ve->vendor.im_height != XtHeight (shell)) {
	    request.request_mode |= CWHeight;
	    request.height = XtHeight(child) + ve->vendor.im_height;
	if (trait) {
	    if (defaultPosition)  {
		if (request.x != kidX) request.request_mode |= CWX;
		if (request.y != kidY) request.request_mode |= CWY;
	    } else {
		if (kidX != XtX(shell)) {
		    request.request_mode |= CWX;
			request.x = 0;
			request.x = kidX;
		if (kidY != XtY(shell)) {
		    request.request_mode |= CWY;
			request.y = 0;
			request.y = kidY;
	} else {
	    if (kidX != XtX(shell)) {
		request.request_mode |= CWX;
		request.x = kidX;
	    if (kidY != XtY(shell)) {
		request.request_mode |= CWY;
		request.y = kidY;
	    if (kidBW != XtBorderWidth(shell)) {
		request.request_mode |= CWBorderWidth;
		request.border_width = kidBW;

	if (request.request_mode) {
	    unsigned int old_height = ve->vendor.im_height;
	    XtMakeGeometryRequest((Widget) shell, &request, &request);
            if (ve->vendor.im_height != old_height)
               request.request_mode = CWHeight;
               request.height = XtHeight(child) + ve->vendor.im_height;
               XtMakeGeometryRequest((Widget) shell, &request, &request);
	 * the grab_kind is handled in the popup_callback
	if(shell->core.mapped_when_managed    ) {   
	    XtPopup  ((Widget) shell, XtGrabNone);

    else {
        int i, j;
	 * Fix for CR5043, CR5758 and CR8825 -
	 * For nested Dialog Shells, it is necessary to unmanage
	 * dialog shell popups of the child of this dialog shell.
	for (i = 0; i < child->core.num_popups; i++) {
	  if (XmIsDialogShell(child->core.popup_list[i])) {
	    XmDialogShellWidget next_shell = 

	    for (j = 0; j < next_shell->composite.num_children; j++) {
	/* End Fix CR5043, CR5758 and CR8825 */
	 * take it down and then tell user
	XtPopdown((Widget) shell);
	if(trait ) { 
	    trait->callMapUnmapCB(child, False); /* call UnMap callback */

    XmeNavigChangeManaged((Widget) shell);
Example #18
 *									*
 *  InsertChild								*
 *									*
static void 
        Widget w )
    CompositeWidgetClass superclass = (CompositeWidgetClass)
	                xmMainWindowClassRec.core_class.superclass ;
    XmMainWindowWidget   mw = (XmMainWindowWidget ) w->core.parent;
    XmScrolledWindowConstraint nc = GetSWConstraint(w);
    XtWidgetProc insert_child;

    if (!XtIsRectObj(w)) return;

    /* Try to guess the nature of the child_type .
       If we're lucky, fine, otherwise, something bad might happens: the
       scrolledwindow can take it as a workwindow and possibly reparents
       it to the clipwindow.
       In the absence of a set childType constraint resource set, 
       there is not much we can do to avoid the problem */
    /* Note: auto created Separator were already labelled in Initialize */

    if (nc->child_type == (unsigned char) RESOURCE_DEFAULT) {
	XmMenuSystemTrait menuSTrait;

	if ((menuSTrait = (XmMenuSystemTrait) 
	     XmeTraitGet ((XtPointer) XtClass(w), XmQTmenuSystem)) != NULL) {
	    if (menuSTrait->type(w) == XmMENU_BAR && 
		!mw->mwindow.MenuBar) {	   
		/* If it's a menubar, and we don't have one yet, use it. */
		nc->child_type = XmMENU_BAR ;
	}  else 

	if (XmIsCommandBox(w)) {
	    if (!mw->mwindow.CommandWindow)   {		
		/* If it's a command, and we don't have one, get it */
		nc->child_type = XmCOMMAND_WINDOW ;
	} else 

	    /* new in 2.0 */
	if (XmIsMessageBox(w)) {
	    if (!mw->mwindow.Message)   {		
		nc->child_type = XmMESSAGE_WINDOW ;

    if (nc->child_type == XmMENU_BAR) {
	mw->mwindow.MenuBar = w;	
    } else
    if (nc->child_type == XmCOMMAND_WINDOW) {
	mw->mwindow.CommandWindow = w;
    } else
    if (nc->child_type == XmMESSAGE_WINDOW) {
	mw->mwindow.Message = w;

    /* call ScrolledWindow InsertChild directly, since it does nothing
       to the MainWindow known childType */
    insert_child = superclass->composite_class.insert_child;
