Example #1
void Y_add_next_file(int nArgs)
  Operand op;
  IOStream *file;
  HistoryInfo *history;
  char *filename= 0;
  int create;
  Symbol *stack= sp-nArgs+1;
  if (nArgs<1 || nArgs>3)
    YError("add_next_file takes exactly 1, 2, or 3 arguments");

  file= YGetFile(stack++);
  history= file->history;
  if (!history || history->nRecords<1)
    YError("file has no history records in add_next_file");
  create= (file->permissions&2)? 1 : 0;

  if (stack<=sp) {
    stack->ops->FormOperand(stack, &op);
    if (op.ops==&stringOps && !op.type.dims)
      filename= ((char **)op.value)[0];
    else if (op.ops!=&voidOps)
      YError("bad filename argument in add_next_file");
    if (stack<=sp) {
      stack->ops->FormOperand(stack, &op);
      if (op.ops!=&voidOps) create= (YGetInteger(stack)!=0);

  PushIntValue(AddNextFile(history, filename, create));
Example #2
void Y_add_variable(int nArgs)
  Operand op;
  IOStream *file;
  long address;
  char *name;
  StructDef *base;
  Symbol *stack= sp-nArgs+1;
  if (nArgs<4) YError("add_variable requires at least four arguments");

  file= YGetFile(stack++);
  address= YGetInteger(stack++);
  name= YGetString(stack++);

  stack->ops->FormOperand(stack, &op);
  if (op.ops==&structDefOps) base= op.value;
  else if (op.ops==&stringOps && !op.type.dims) {
    char *typeName= ((char **)op.value)[0];
    if (!typeName || !HashFind(&file->structTable, typeName, 0L))
      YError("4th argument refers to non-existent data type");
    base= file->structList[hashIndex];
  } else {
    YError("4th argument must be either string or struct definition");
    base= 0;

  nArgs-= 4;
  BuildDimList(stack, nArgs);

  AddVariable(file, address, name, base, tmpDims);
Example #3
void Y_add_record(int nArgs)
  IOStream *file;
  HistoryInfo *history;
  Dimension *dims;
  double *time= 0;
  long *ncyc= 0, *address= 0;
  long nRecs= 0;
  int flags;
  Symbol *stack= sp-nArgs+1;
  if (nArgs<1 || nArgs>4)
    YError("add_record requires between one and four arguments");

  file= YGetFile(stack++);
  if (stack<=sp) {
    time= YGet_D(stack++, 1, &dims);
    if (time) nRecs= TotalNumber(dims);
    if (stack<=sp) {
      ncyc= YGet_L(stack++, 1, &dims);
      if (ncyc) {
        if (nRecs) {
          if (nRecs!=TotalNumber(dims))
            YError("inconsistent number of ncycs in add_record");
        } else {
          nRecs= TotalNumber(dims);
      if (stack<=sp) {
        address= YGet_L(stack++, 1, &dims);
        if (address) {
          if (nRecs) {
            if (nRecs!=TotalNumber(dims))
              YError("inconsistent number of addresses in add_record");
          } else {
            nRecs= TotalNumber(dims);

  /* if this file has no history, add one */
  history= file->history;
  if (!history) history= AddHistory(file, 0L);

  /* if no records were specified, current record becomes none */
  if (!nRecs) history->recNumber= -1;

  /* add the specified records */
  flags= (time? 1 : 0)|(ncyc? 2 : 0);
  while (nRecs--) {
    AddRecord(history, flags, time? time[0]:0.0, ncyc? ncyc[0]:0L,
              (address && address[0]>=0)? address[0]:-1L);
    if (time) time++;
    if (ncyc) ncyc++;
    if (address) address++;
  if (history->nRecords>0) JumpRecord(history, history->nRecords-1);
Example #4
Y_set_vars(int nArgs)
  Symbol *stack = sp - nArgs + 1;
  IOStream *file, *child;
  char **vars, **rvars;
  long i, nvars, nrvars;
  Dimension *dims;
  if (nArgs<2 || nArgs>3 || !stack[0].ops || !stack[1].ops)
    YError("set_vars takes exactly two or three arguments");

  file = YGetFile(stack++);
  child = file->history? file->history->child : 0;
  vars = YGet_Q(stack++, 1, &dims);
  nvars = (vars&&dims)? (dims->next? -1 : dims->number) : 0;
  if (nArgs==3) {
    rvars = YGet_Q(stack++, 1, &dims);
    nrvars = (vars&&dims)? (dims->next? -1 : dims->number) : 0;
  } else {
    rvars = 0;
    nrvars = 0;
  if (nvars<0 || nrvars<0) YError("set_vars var lists must be 1D");
  if ((nvars && nvars!=file->dataTable.nItems) ||
      (nrvars && nrvars!=(child? child->dataTable.nItems : 0)))
    YError("set_vars var lists must match number of vars in file");

  if (nvars) {
    HashTable tmp;
    y_hashtmp *h = y_new_tmpobj(sizeof(y_hashtmp), y_zap_hashtmp);
    HashInit(&h->table, nvars);
    for (i=0 ; i<nvars ; i++)
      if (HashAdd(&h->table, vars[i], 0)) break;
    if (i<nvars) YError("duplicate names in set_vars static var list");
    if (p_signalling) p_abort();
    tmp = h->table;
    h->table = file->dataTable;
    file->dataTable = tmp;

  if (nrvars) {
    HashTable tmp;
    y_hashtmp *h = y_new_tmpobj(sizeof(y_hashtmp), y_zap_hashtmp);
    HashInit(&h->table, nvars);
    for (i=0 ; i<nrvars ; i++)
      if (HashAdd(&h->table, rvars[i], 0)) break;
    if (i<nrvars) YError("duplicate names in set_vars record var list");
    if (p_signalling) p_abort();
    tmp = h->table;
    h->table = child->dataTable;
    child->dataTable = tmp;
Example #5
void Y__write(int nArgs)
    Symbol *keySymbols[1];
    Symbol *stack= YGetKeywords(sp-nArgs+1, nArgs, wrtKeys, keySymbols);
    IOStream *file= 0;
    long address= 0;
    int got_address= 0;
    Symbol *object= 0;
    Operand op;
    StructDef *base;
    char *type;

    while (stack<=sp) {
        if (!stack->ops) {
            stack+= 2;
        if (!file) {
            file= YGetFile(stack);
            if (file->history) file= file->history->child;
        } else if (!got_address) {
            got_address= 1;
            address= YGetInteger(stack);
        } else if (!object) {
            object= stack;
        } else {
            object= 0;
    if (!object) YError("_write takes exactly three arguments");

    sp->ops->FormOperand(object, &op);
    if (!op.ops->isArray)
        YError("third argument to _write must be array or scalar data");
    if (YNotNil(keySymbols[0])) type= YGetString(keySymbols[0]);
    else type= StructName(op.type.base);
    if (!HashFind(&file->structTable, type, 0L))
        YError("data type of third argument to _write undefined for this file");
    base= file->structList[hashIndex];

    if (op.type.base==&charStruct) {
        /* special case type char, to have a way to do literal writes */
        YcWrite(file, op.value, address, op.type.number);

    } else {
        YWrite(op.value, address, base, op.type.number, (Strider *)0);

Example #6
void Y_add_member(int nArgs)
  Operand op;
  IOStream *file;
  long offset;
  char *structName, *name;
  StructDef *memType, *base;
  Symbol *stack= sp-nArgs+1;
  if (nArgs<5) YError("add_member requires at least five arguments");

  file= YGetFile(stack++);
  structName= YGetString(stack++);
  offset= YGetInteger(stack++);
  name= YGetString(stack++);

  stack->ops->FormOperand(stack, &op);
  if (op.ops==&structDefOps) memType= op.value;
  else if (op.ops==&stringOps && !op.type.dims) {
    char *typeName= ((char **)op.value)[0];
    if (!HashFind(&file->structTable, typeName, 0L))
      YError("5th argument refers to non-existent data type");
    memType= file->structList[hashIndex];
  } else {
    YError("5th argument must be either string or struct definition");
    memType= 0;

  if (HashFind(&file->structTable, structName, 0L))
    base= file->structList[hashIndex];
    base= AddStruct(file, structName, 0L);

  if (!base) YError("unable to create given struct_name in add_member");

  nArgs-= 5;
  BuildDimList(stack, nArgs);

  if (AddMember(base, offset, name, memType, tmpDims))
    YError("add_member failed -- duplicate member name?");

Example #7
void Y_install_struct(int nArgs)
  IOStream *file;
  long size= 0, align= 0, order= 0, *layout= 0;
  Dimension *dims;
  FPLayout fpLayout;
  char *structName;
  StructDef *base, *model;
  Symbol *stack= sp-nArgs+1;
  if (nArgs!=2 && nArgs!=5 && nArgs!=6)
    YError("install_struct requires 2, 5, or 6 arguments");

  file= YGetFile(stack++);
  structName= YGetString(stack++);

  if (nArgs>2) {
    size= YGetInteger(stack++);
    align= YGetInteger(stack++);
    order= YGetInteger(stack++);
    if (nArgs==6) {
      layout= YGet_L(stack, 1, &dims);
      if (!layout || TotalNumber(dims)!=7)
        YError("layout argument must be array of 7 longs in install_struct");
      fpLayout.sgnAddr= (int)layout[0];
      fpLayout.expAddr= (int)layout[1];
      fpLayout.expSize= (int)layout[2];
      fpLayout.manAddr= (int)layout[3];
      fpLayout.manSize= (int)layout[4];
      fpLayout.manNorm= (int)layout[5];
      fpLayout.expBias= layout[6];

  if (HashFind(&file->structTable, structName, 0L)) {
    if (hashIndex<=6 && nArgs<=2)
      YError("install_struct cannot change primitive type into a struct");
    base= file->structList[hashIndex];
    if (hashIndex>=8 && base->dataOps)
      YError("install_struct cannot redefine non-primitive data type");
    model= base->model;
    if (model) while (model->model) model= model->model;
    base->dataOps= 0;
  } else {
    base= AddStruct(file, structName, 0L);
    model= 0;

  if (!base) YError("unable to create given struct_name in install_struct");

  if (nArgs>2) {
    int addressType= 1;
    if (order>=size && size>1) {
      order= 0;
      addressType= 2;
    if (DefinePrimitive(base, size, (int)align, addressType, (int)order,
                        layout? &fpLayout : 0, model, (Converter *)0))
      YError("failed to define primitive data type in add_member");

  InstallStruct(base, (StructDef *)0);

Example #8
void Y_edit_times(int nArgs)
  Symbol *stack= sp-nArgs+1;
  IOStream *file;
  HistoryInfo *history;
  int *ifiles;
  long *offsets;
  Dimension *dims;
  long nKeep, *keepList= 0;
  double *newTimes= 0, *times, bad= 0.0;
  long *newNcycs= 0, *ncycs, nbad= 0;
  long i, nRecs, j;
  if (nArgs<1) YError("edit_times needs at least one argument");

  file= YGetFile(stack);
  history= file->history;
  if (!history)
    YError("binary file in edit_times has no history records");
  ifiles= history->ifile;
  offsets= history->offset;
  times= history->time;
  ncycs= history->ncyc;
  nRecs= history->nRecords;

  /* collect keepList, newTimes, and newNcycs arguments */
  nKeep= 0;
  if (nArgs>1) {
    long lastKept= -1;
    keepList= YGet_L(stack, 1, &dims);
    if (keepList) nKeep= TotalNumber(dims);
    else nKeep= 0;
    for (i=0 ; i<nKeep ; i++) {
      if (keepList[i]<0 || keepList[i]>=nRecs || keepList[i]<=lastKept)
        YError("keep_list out of range or not increasing in edit_times");
      lastKept= keepList[i];
    if (nArgs>2) {
      newTimes= YGet_D(stack, 1, &dims);
      i= TotalNumber(dims);
      if (newTimes && (nKeep? (i!=nKeep) : (i!=nRecs)))
        YError("new_times has wrong length in edit_times");
      if (nArgs>3) {
        newNcycs= YGet_L(stack, 1, &dims);
        i= TotalNumber(dims);
        if (newNcycs && (nKeep? (i!=nKeep) : (i!=nRecs)))
          YError("new_ncycs has wrong length in edit_times");

  /* find appropriate bad value to mark records to be deleted */
  if (times) {
    bad= times[0];
    for (i=1 ; i<nRecs ; i++) if (times[i]>bad) bad= times[i];
    if (bad>0.5) bad*= 1.001;
    else if (bad<-0.5) bad*= 0.999;
    else bad= 1.0;
  } else if (ncycs) {
    nbad= ncycs[0];
    for (i=1 ; i<nRecs ; i++) if (ncycs[i]>nbad) nbad= ncycs[i];

  /* mark the records to be deleted (if any) */
  if (!keepList) nKeep= nRecs;
  if (!keepList && !newTimes && !newNcycs) {
    /* filter to record lists to force strictly increasing times or ncycs */
    if (times) {
      double downTo;
      downTo= times[nRecs-1];
      for (i=nRecs-2 ; i>=0 ; i--) {
        if (times[i]<downTo) downTo= times[i];
        else { times[i]= bad; nKeep--; }  /* mark records to be deleted */
    } else if (ncycs) {
      long downTo;
      downTo= ncycs[nRecs-1];
      for (i=nRecs-2 ; i>=0 ; i--) {
        if (ncycs[i]<downTo) downTo= ncycs[i];
        else { ncycs[i]= nbad; nKeep--; }  /* mark records to be deleted */

  /* delete requested records */
  if (nKeep && nKeep<nRecs) {
    if (keepList) {
      for (i=0 ; i<nKeep ; i++) {
        j= keepList[i];
        ifiles[i]= ifiles[j];
        offsets[i]= offsets[j];
        if (times) times[i]= times[j];
        if (ncycs) ncycs[i]= ncycs[j];
      history->nRecords= nRecs= nKeep;

    } else if (times) {
      for (i=j=0 ; i<nRecs ; i++) {
        if (times[i]!=bad) {
          ifiles[j]= ifiles[i];
          offsets[j]= offsets[i];
          if (ncycs) ncycs[j]= ncycs[i];
          times[j++]= times[i];
      history->nRecords= nRecs= j;

    } else if (ncycs) {
      for (i=j=0 ; i<nRecs ; i++) {
        if (ncycs[i]!=nbad) {
          ifiles[j]= ifiles[i];
          offsets[j]= offsets[i];
          ncycs[j++]= ncycs[i];
      history->nRecords= nRecs= j;

  /* install new times */
  if (newTimes && nRecs>0) {
    if (!times) times = history->time =
    for (i=0 ; i<nRecs ; i++) times[i]= newTimes[i];

  /* install new ncycs */
  if (newNcycs && nRecs>0) {
    if (!ncycs) ncycs = history->ncyc =
    for (i=0 ; i<nRecs ; i++) ncycs[i]= newNcycs[i];