int main(){ int _cmm_1L; int _cmm_2L; X *_cmm_3L; (_cmm_1L=_cmm_1L); (_cmm_1L=(_cmm_1L+1)); (_cmm_2L=_cmm_2L); (_cmm_2L=(_cmm_2L+-1)); (_cmm_1L=(*_ICA(a,0,__FILE__,__LINE__))); (_cmm_2L=(*_ICA(a,1,__FILE__,__LINE__))); (_cmm_1L=(((X*)_CP(_cmm_3L,__FILE__,__LINE__))->a)); (_cmm_2L=(((X*)_CP(_cmm_3L,__FILE__,__LINE__))->b)); return 0; }
ThreadReturnType BaseTCPServer::TCPServerLoop(void* tmp) { #ifdef WIN32 SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL); #endif if (tmp == 0) { // ThrowError("BaseTCPServerLoop(): tmp = 0!"); THREAD_RETURN(NULL); } BaseTCPServer* tcps = (BaseTCPServer*) tmp; #ifndef WIN32 _log(COMMON__THREADS, "Starting TCPServerLoop with thread ID %d", pthread_self()); #endif tcps->MLoopRunning.lock(); while (tcps->RunLoop()) { _CP(BaseTCPServerLoop); Sleep(SERVER_LOOP_GRANULARITY); tcps->Process(); } tcps->MLoopRunning.unlock(); #ifndef WIN32 _log(COMMON__THREADS, "Ending TCPServerLoop with thread ID %d", pthread_self()); #endif THREAD_RETURN(NULL); }
int main(){ ((((Node*)_CP(n,__FILE__,__LINE__))->next)=n); ((((Node*)_CP(n,__FILE__,__LINE__))->prev)=n); (m=(((Node*)_CP((((Node*)_CP(n,__FILE__,__LINE__))->next),__FILE__,__LINE__))->prev)); Node *_cmm_1L; (_cmm_1L=m); ((((Node*)_CP(_cmm_1L,__FILE__,__LINE__))->next)=(((Node*)_CP((((Node*)_CP(_cmm_1L,__FILE__,__LINE__))->prev),__FILE__,__LINE__))->prev)); int _cmm_2L; (_cmm_2L=(((Node*)_CP(_cmm_1L,__FILE__,__LINE__))->val)); return 0; }
double MakeRandomFloat(double low, double high) { _CP(MakeRandomFloat); if(low == high) return(low); static bool seeded=0; double diff = high - low; if(!diff) return low; if(diff < 0) diff = 0 - diff; if(!seeded) { srand(time(0) * (time(0) % (int)diff)); seeded = true; } return (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX * diff + (low > high ? high : low)); }
EAPI Eina_Bool evas_smart_class_inherit_full(Evas_Smart_Class *sc, const Evas_Smart_Class *parent_sc, unsigned int parent_sc_size) { unsigned int off; /* api does not match abi! for now refuse as we only have 1 version */ if (parent_sc->version != EVAS_SMART_CLASS_VERSION) return EINA_FALSE; #define _CP(m) sc->m = parent_sc->m _CP(add); _CP(del); _CP(move); _CP(resize); _CP(show); _CP(hide); _CP(color_set); _CP(clip_set); _CP(clip_unset); _CP(calculate); _CP(member_add); _CP(member_del); #undef _CP sc->parent = parent_sc; off = sizeof(Evas_Smart_Class); if (parent_sc_size == off) return EINA_TRUE; memcpy(((char *)sc) + off, ((char *)parent_sc) + off, parent_sc_size - off); return EINA_TRUE; }
_MPT } int Quadrupole::GetIndex () const { _RID } const string& Quadrupole::GetType () const { _TYPESTR(Quadrupole) } ModelElement* Quadrupole::Copy () const { _CP(Quadrupole) } // Class Sextupole const int Sextupole::ID = UniqueIndex(); Sextupole::Sextupole (const string& id, double len, double dnB) : _RMC1(2) { } Sextupole::Sextupole (const string& id, double len, double B, double r0) : _RMC2(2) { }