void CScrollBarWindow::_SetScrollInfo(_In_ CScrollInfo *lpsi)
    _scrollInfo = *lpsi;

    BOOL isEnable = (_scrollInfo.nMax > _scrollInfo.nPage);


    _scrollDir = SCROLL_NONE_DIR;

    _SetCurPos(_scrollInfo.nPos, -1);
Example #2
/* Channels configuration generated by customiser */
static `$channelsConfig`

* Function Name: `$INSTANCE_NAME`_Start
* Summary:
*  Performs all required initialization for this component
*  and enables the power. The power will be set to the appropriate
*  power based on the clock frequency.
* Parameters:
*  None.
* Return:
*  None.
* Global variables:
*  The `$INSTANCE_NAME`_initVar variable is used to indicate when/if initial
*  configuration of this component has happened. The variable is initialized to
*  zero and set to 1 the first time ADC_Start() is called. This allows for
*  component Re-Start without re-initialization in all subsequent calls to the
*  `$INSTANCE_NAME`_Start() routine.
*  If re-initialization of the component is required the variable should be set
*  to zero before call of `$INSTANCE_NAME`_Start() routine, or the user may call
*  `$INSTANCE_NAME`_Init() and `$INSTANCE_NAME`_Enable() as done in the
*  `$INSTANCE_NAME`_Start() routine.
void `$INSTANCE_NAME`_Start(void)
    /* If not Initialized then initialize all required hardware and software */
    if(`$INSTANCE_NAME`_initVar == 0u)
        `$INSTANCE_NAME`_initVar = 1u;
Example #3
bool STREAM::SetFlag(int flag, int value)
	return _Enable(flag, true, !!value);
Example #4
bool STREAM::Disable(int flag)
	return _Enable(flag, true, false);
Example #5
bool STREAM::Enable(int flag)
	return _Enable(flag, true, true);
Example #6
bool STREAM::IsEnabled(int flag)
	return _Enable(flag, false, false);