Example #1
 *  @brief rtems_timer_initiate_server
 *  This directive creates and starts the server for task-based timers.
 *  It must be invoked before any task-based timers can be initiated.
 *  @param[in] priority is the timer server priority
 *  @param[in] stack_size is the stack size in bytes
 *  @param[in] attribute_set is the timer server attributes
 *  @return This method returns RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL if successful and an
 *          error code otherwise.
rtems_status_code rtems_timer_initiate_server(
  uint32_t             priority,
  uint32_t             stack_size,
  rtems_attribute      attribute_set
  rtems_id              id;
  rtems_status_code     status;
  rtems_task_priority   _priority;
  static bool           initialized = false;
  bool                  tmpInitialized;
  Timer_server_Control *ts = &_Timer_server_Default;

   *  Make sure the requested priority is valid.  The if is
   *  structured so we check it is invalid before looking for
   *  a specific invalid value as the default.
  _priority = priority;
  if ( !_RTEMS_tasks_Priority_is_valid( priority ) ) {
    _priority = 0;

   *  Just to make sure this is only called once.
    tmpInitialized  = initialized;
    initialized = true;

  if ( tmpInitialized )

   *  Create the Timer Server with the name the name of "TIME".  The attribute
   *  RTEMS_SYSTEM_TASK allows us to set a priority to 0 which will makes it
   *  higher than any other task in the system.  It can be viewed as a low
   *  priority interrupt.  It is also always NO_PREEMPT so it looks like
   *  an interrupt to other tasks.
   *  We allow the user to override the default priority because the Timer
   *  Server can invoke TSRs which must adhere to language run-time or
   *  other library rules.  For example, if using a TSR written in Ada the
   *  Server should run at the same priority as the priority Ada task.
   *  Otherwise, the priority ceiling for the mutex used to protect the
   *  GNAT run-time is violated.
  status = rtems_task_create(
    _Objects_Build_name('T','I','M','E'),           /* "TIME" */
    _priority,            /* create with priority 1 since 0 is illegal */
    stack_size,           /* let user specify stack size */
    RTEMS_NO_PREEMPT,     /* no preempt is like an interrupt */
                          /* user may want floating point but we need */
                          /*   system task specified for 0 priority */
    attribute_set | RTEMS_SYSTEM_TASK,
    &id                   /* get the id back */
  if (status) {
    initialized = false;
    return status;

   *  Do all the data structure initialization before starting the
   *  Timer Server so we do not have to have a critical section.

   *  We work with the TCB pointer, not the ID, so we need to convert
   *  to a TCB pointer from here out.
  ts->thread = (Thread_Control *)_Objects_Get_local_object(

   *  Initialize the timer lists that the server will manage.
  _Chain_Initialize_empty( &ts->Interval_watchdogs.Chain );
  _Chain_Initialize_empty( &ts->TOD_watchdogs.Chain );

   *  Initialize the timers that will be used to control when the
   *  Timer Server wakes up and services the task-based timers.

   *  Initialize the pointer to the timer schedule method so applications that
   *  do not use the Timer Server do not have to pull it in.
  ts->schedule_operation = _Timer_server_Schedule_operation_method;

  ts->Interval_watchdogs.last_snapshot = _Watchdog_Ticks_since_boot;
  ts->TOD_watchdogs.last_snapshot = (Watchdog_Interval) _TOD_Seconds_since_epoch();

  ts->insert_chain = NULL;
  ts->active = false;

   * The default timer server is now available.
  _Timer_server = ts;

   *  Start the timer server
  status = rtems_task_start(
    (rtems_task_argument) ts

  #if defined(RTEMS_DEBUG)
     *  One would expect a call to rtems_task_delete() here to clean up
     *  but there is actually no way (in normal circumstances) that the
     *  start can fail.  The id and starting address are known to be
     *  be good.  If this service fails, something is weirdly wrong on the
     *  target such as a stray write in an ISR or incorrect memory layout.
    if (status) {
      initialized = false;

  return status;
int rtems_object_id_get_index(
  rtems_id id
  return _Objects_Get_index( id );
void _Objects_Extend_information(
  Objects_Information *information
  Objects_Control  *the_object;
  Chain_Control     Inactive;
  uint32_t          block_count;
  uint32_t          block;
  uint32_t          index_base;
  uint32_t          minimum_index;
  uint32_t          index;
  uint32_t          maximum;
  size_t            block_size;
  void             *new_object_block;
  bool              do_extend;

   *  Search for a free block of indexes. If we do NOT need to allocate or
   *  extend the block table, then we will change do_extend.
  do_extend     = true;
  minimum_index = _Objects_Get_index( information->minimum_id );
  index_base    = minimum_index;
  block         = 0;

  /* if ( information->maximum < minimum_index ) */
  if ( information->object_blocks == NULL )
    block_count = 0;
  else {
    block_count = information->maximum / information->allocation_size;

    for ( ; block < block_count; block++ ) {
      if ( information->object_blocks[ block ] == NULL ) {
        do_extend = false;
      } else
        index_base += information->allocation_size;

  maximum = (uint32_t) information->maximum + information->allocation_size;

   *  We need to limit the number of objects to the maximum number
   *  representable in the index portion of the object Id.  In the
   *  case of 16-bit Ids, this is only 256 object instances.
  if ( maximum > OBJECTS_ID_FINAL_INDEX ) {

   * Allocate the name table, and the objects and if it fails either return or
   * generate a fatal error depending on auto-extending being active.
  block_size = information->allocation_size * information->size;
  if ( information->auto_extend ) {
    new_object_block = _Workspace_Allocate( block_size );
    if ( !new_object_block )
  } else {
    new_object_block = _Workspace_Allocate_or_fatal_error( block_size );

   *  Do we need to grow the tables?
  if ( do_extend ) {
    ISR_Level         level;
    void            **object_blocks;
    uint32_t         *inactive_per_block;
    Objects_Control **local_table;
    void             *old_tables;
    size_t            block_size;

     *  Growing the tables means allocating a new area, doing a copy and
     *  updating the information table.
     *  If the maximum is minimum we do not have a table to copy. First
     *  time through.
     *  The allocation has :
     *      void            *objects[block_count];
     *      uint32_t         inactive_count[block_count];
     *      Objects_Control *local_table[maximum];
     *  This is the order in memory. Watch changing the order. See the memcpy
     *  below.

     *  Up the block count and maximum

     *  Allocate the tables and break it up.
    block_size = block_count *
           (sizeof(void *) + sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(Objects_Name *)) +
          ((maximum + minimum_index) * sizeof(Objects_Control *));
    object_blocks = (void**) _Workspace_Allocate( block_size );

    if ( !object_blocks ) {
      _Workspace_Free( new_object_block );

     *  Break the block into the various sections.
    inactive_per_block = (uint32_t *) _Addresses_Add_offset(
        object_blocks, block_count * sizeof(void*) );
    local_table = (Objects_Control **) _Addresses_Add_offset(
        inactive_per_block, block_count * sizeof(uint32_t) );

     *  Take the block count down. Saves all the (block_count - 1)
     *  in the copies.

    if ( information->maximum > minimum_index ) {

       *  Copy each section of the table over. This has to be performed as
       *  separate parts as size of each block has changed.

      memcpy( object_blocks,
              block_count * sizeof(void*) );
      memcpy( inactive_per_block,
              block_count * sizeof(uint32_t) );
      memcpy( local_table,
              (information->maximum + minimum_index) * sizeof(Objects_Control *) );
    } else {

       *  Deal with the special case of the 0 to minimum_index
      for ( index = 0; index < minimum_index; index++ ) {
        local_table[ index ] = NULL;

     *  Initialise the new entries in the table.
    object_blocks[block_count] = NULL;
    inactive_per_block[block_count] = 0;

    for ( index=index_base ;
          index < ( information->allocation_size + index_base );
          index++ ) {
      local_table[ index ] = NULL;

    _ISR_Disable( level );

    old_tables = information->object_blocks;

    information->object_blocks = object_blocks;
    information->inactive_per_block = inactive_per_block;
    information->local_table = local_table;
    information->maximum = (Objects_Maximum) maximum;
    information->maximum_id = _Objects_Build_id(

    _ISR_Enable( level );

    _Workspace_Free( old_tables );


   *  Assign the new object block to the object block table.
  information->object_blocks[ block ] = new_object_block;

   *  Initialize objects .. add to a local chain first.
    information->object_blocks[ block ],

   *  Move from the local chain, initialise, then append to the inactive chain
  index = index_base;

  while ((the_object = (Objects_Control *) _Chain_Get( &Inactive )) != NULL ) {

    the_object->id = _Objects_Build_id(

    _Chain_Append( &information->Inactive, &the_object->Node );


  information->inactive_per_block[ block ] = information->allocation_size;
  information->inactive =
    (Objects_Maximum)(information->inactive + information->allocation_size);