#include "pch.h" #include <SetupAPI.h> HRESULT RetrieveDevicePath( _Out_bytecap_(BufLen) LPTSTR DevicePath, _In_ ULONG BufLen, _Out_opt_ PBOOL FailureDeviceNotFound ); HRESULT OpenDevice( _Out_ PDEVICE_DATA DeviceData, _Out_opt_ PBOOL FailureDeviceNotFound ) /*++ Routine description: Open all needed handles to interact with the device. If the device has multiple USB interfaces, this function grants access to only the first interface. If multiple devices have the same device interface GUID, there is no guarantee of which one will be returned. Arguments: DeviceData - Struct filled in by this function. The caller should use the
{ return 0xFFFFFFFF; } return Clip->RectCount; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY CLIPOBJ_bEnum( _In_ CLIPOBJ *pco, _In_ ULONG cj, _Out_bytecap_(cj) ULONG *pulEnumRects) { const RECTL* src; XCLIPOBJ* Clip = CONTAINING_RECORD(pco, XCLIPOBJ, ClipObj); ULONG nCopy; ENUMRECTS* pERects = (ENUMRECTS*)pulEnumRects; // Calculate how many rectangles we should copy nCopy = min( Clip->EnumMax - Clip->EnumPos, min( Clip->RectCount - Clip->EnumPos, (cj - sizeof(ULONG)) / sizeof(RECTL))); if(nCopy == 0) { return FALSE; }