Example #1
KeyboardLayout::_GetPair(const parse_state& state, const char*& data,
	BString& name, BString& value)
	// Get name
	name = "";
	while (data[0] != '\0' && data[0] != '=') {
		name += data[0];

	if (data[0] != '=') {
		_Error(state, "no valid pair");
		return false;

	// Skip sign

	// Get value
	value = "";
	while (data[0] != '\0' && data[0] != '\n') {
		value += data[0];

	_Trim(name, false);
	_Trim(value, true);

	return true;
Example #2
void SFStatement::TrimParameter()
	for (SQLUSMALLINT i = 0; i < m_usBindParam; i++)
		if (m_arrayParamType[i] == SQL_C_CHAR && m_arrayParamInd[i] != SQL_NULL_DATA)

		if (m_arrayParamType[i] == SQL_C_TCHAR && m_arrayParamInd[i] != SQL_NULL_DATA)
Example #3
void ESceneLightTools::AppendLightControl(LPCSTR nm, u32* idx)
	AnsiString name = nm; _Trim(name);
    if (name.IsEmpty()) return;
	if (FindLightControl(name.c_str())) return;
	lcontrols.push_back	(xr_rtoken(name.c_str(),idx?*idx:lcontrol_last_idx++));
Example #4
LPSTR _GetItem(LPCSTR src, int index, LPSTR dst, u32 const dst_size, char separator, LPCSTR def, bool trim)
    LPCSTR ptr;
    ptr = _SetPos(src, index, separator);
    if (ptr) _CopyVal(ptr, dst, separator);
    else xr_strcpy(dst, dst_size, def);
    if (trim) _Trim(dst);
    return dst;
Example #5
LPCSTR _GetItem(LPCSTR src, int index, xr_string& dst, char separator, LPCSTR def, bool trim)
    LPCSTR ptr;
    ptr = _SetPos(src, index, separator);
    if (ptr) _CopyVal(ptr, dst, separator);
    else dst = def;
    if (trim) _Trim(dst);
    return dst.c_str();
Example #6
void SFStatement::TrimColumn()
	for (SQLUSMALLINT i = 0; i < m_usBindCol; i++)
		if (m_arrayColType[i] == SQL_C_CHAR && m_arrayColInd[i] != SQL_NULL_DATA)
Example #7
void _SequenceToList(LPSTRVec& lst, LPCSTR in, char separator)
	int t_cnt=_GetItemCount(in,separator);
	string1024 T;
	for (int i=0; i<t_cnt; i++){
        if (xr_strlen(T)) lst.push_back(xr_strdup(T));
Example #8
void _SequenceToList(SStringVec& lst, LPCSTR in, char separator)
	lst.clear	();
	int t_cnt	= _GetItemCount(in,separator);
	xr_string	T;
	for (int i=0; i<t_cnt; i++){
		_Trim	(T);
		if (T.size()) lst.push_back(T.c_str());
Example #9
void _SequenceToList(AStringVec& lst, LPCSTR in, char separator)
	int t_cnt=_GetItemCount(in,separator);
	AnsiString T;
	for (int i=0; i<t_cnt; i++){
        if (!T.IsEmpty()) lst.push_back(T);
Example #10
void CEditableObject::VerifyMeshNames()
	int idx=0;
	string1024 	nm,pref; 
    for(EditMeshIt m_def=m_Meshes.begin();m_def!=m_Meshes.end();m_def++){
		strcpy	(pref,(*m_def)->m_Name.size()?(*m_def)->m_Name.c_str():"mesh");
        _Trim	(pref);
		strcpy	(nm,pref);
		while (FindMeshByName(nm,*m_def))
Example #11
bool LexicsCutter::_ProcessLine(char* szLine, std::string& line) const
    // Check for UTF8 prefix and comments
    if (strlen(szLine) >= 3)
        if (szLine[0] == '\xEF' && szLine[1] == '\xBB' && szLine[2] == '\xBF')
            strncpy(&szLine[0], &szLine[3], strlen(szLine) - 3);

    if (strlen(szLine) >= 2)
        if (szLine[0] == '/' && szLine[1] == '/')
            return false;

    // Check for empty string
    line = szLine;
    _Trim(line, "\x0A\x0D\x20");
    if (line.empty())
        return false;

    // Process line without CR/LF
    line = szLine;
    _Trim(line, "\x0A\x0D");
    return true;
Example #12
KeyboardLayout::_GetTerm(const char*& data, const char* delimiter,
	BString& term, bool closingBracketAllowed)
	// Get term
	term = "";
	while (data[0] != '\0' && strchr(delimiter, data[0]) == NULL
		&& data[0] != '\n' && data[0] != '#'
		&& (!closingBracketAllowed || data[0] != ']')) {
		term += data[0];

	if (data[0] == '\0' && delimiter[0])
		return false;

	_Trim(term, true);
	return true;
Example #13
void	CInifile::Load(IReader* F, LPCSTR path)
    Sect		*Current = 0;
    string4096	str;
    string4096	str2;

    BOOL bInsideSTR = FALSE;

    while (!F->eof())
        F->r_string		(str,sizeof(str));
        _Trim			(str);
        LPSTR comm		= strchr(str,';');
        LPSTR comm_1	= strchr(str,'/');

        if(comm_1 && (*(comm_1+1)=='/') && ((!comm) || (comm && (comm_1<comm) )) )
            comm = comm_1;

#ifdef DEBUG
        LPSTR comment	= 0;
        if (comm)
            char quot = '"';
            bool in_quot = false;

            LPCSTR q1		= strchr(str,quot);
            if(q1 && q1<comm)
                LPCSTR q2 = strchr(++q1,quot);
                if(q2 && q2>comm)
                    in_quot = true;

                *comm		= 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
                comment		= comm+1;

        if (str[0] && (str[0]=='#') && strstr(str,"#include")) //handle includes
            string_path		inc_name;
            R_ASSERT		(path&&path[0]);
            if (_GetItem	(str,1,inc_name,'"'))
                string_path	fn,inc_path,folder;
                strconcat	(sizeof(fn),fn,path,inc_name);
                _splitpath	(fn,inc_path,folder, 0, 0 );
                strcat		(inc_path,folder);
                IReader* I 	= FS.r_open(fn);
                R_ASSERT3(I,"Can't find include file:", inc_name);
                Load		(I,inc_path);
                FS.r_close	(I);
        else if (str[0] && (str[0]=='[')) //new section ?
            // insert previous filled section
            if (Current)
                //store previous section
                RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),*Current->Name,sect_pred);
                if ((I!=DATA.end())&&((*I)->Name==Current->Name))
                    xrDebug::Fatal(DEBUG_INFO, "Duplicate section '%s' found.", *Current->Name);
                DATA.insert		(I,Current);
            Current				= new Sect();
            Current->Name		= 0;
            // start new section
            R_ASSERT3(strchr(str,']'),"Bad ini section found: ",str);
            LPCSTR inherited_names = strstr(str,"]:");
            if (0!=inherited_names)
                VERIFY2				(m_flags.test(eReadOnly),"Allow for readonly mode only.");
                inherited_names		+= 2;
                int cnt				= _GetItemCount(inherited_names);

                for (int k=0; k<cnt; ++k)
                    xr_string	tmp;
                    _GetItem	(inherited_names,k,tmp);
                    Sect& inherited_section = r_section(tmp.c_str());
                    for (SectIt_ it =inherited_section.Data.begin(); it!=inherited_section.Data.end(); it++)
                        insert_item	(Current,*it);
            *strchr(str,']') 	= 0;
            Current->Name 		= strlwr(str+1);
        else // name = value
            if (Current)
                string4096			value_raw;
                char*		name	= str;
                char*		t		= strchr(name,'=');
                if (t)
                    *t				= 0;
                    _Trim			(name);
                    strcpy_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw), t);
                    bInsideSTR		= _parse(str2, value_raw);
                    if(bInsideSTR)//multiline str value
                            strcat_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw),"\r\n");
                            string4096		str_add_raw;
                            F->r_string		(str_add_raw, sizeof(str_add_raw));
                            R_ASSERT2		(
                                xr_strlen(value_raw) + xr_strlen(str_add_raw) < sizeof(value_raw),
                                    "Incorrect inifile format: section[%s], variable[%s]. Odd number of quotes (\") found, but should be even.",
                            strcat_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw),str_add_raw);
                            bInsideSTR		= _parse(str2, value_raw);
                                if( is_empty_line_now(F) )
                                    strcat_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw),"\r\n");
                } else
                    _Trim	(name);
                    str2[0]	= 0;

                Item		I;
                I.first		= (name[0]?name:NULL);
                I.second	= (str2[0]?str2:NULL);
#ifdef DEBUG
                I.comment	= m_flags.test(eReadOnly)?0:comment;

                if (m_flags.test(eReadOnly))
                    if (*I.first)							insert_item	(Current,I);
                } else
                    if	(
                        || *I.second
#ifdef DEBUG
                        || *I.comment
                        insert_item	(Current,I);
    if (Current)
        RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),*Current->Name,sect_pred);
        if ((I!=DATA.end())&&((*I)->Name==Current->Name))
            xrDebug::Fatal(DEBUG_INFO, "Duplicate section '%s' found.", *Current->Name);
        DATA.insert		(I,Current);
Example #14
void ProcessLTX(LPCSTR tgt_name, LPCSTR params, BOOL bFast)
	xr_string		ltx_name;
	LPCSTR ltx_nm	= strstr(params,".ltx");				VERIFY(ltx_nm!=0);
	string_path		ltx_fn;
	string_path		tmp;
	strncpy			(tmp,params,ltx_nm-params); tmp[ltx_nm-params]=0;
	_Trim			(tmp);
	strcat			(tmp,".ltx");
	strcpy			(ltx_fn,tmp);

	// append ltx path (if exist)
	string_path		fn,dr,di;
	_splitpath		(ltx_fn,dr,di,0,0);
	strconcat		(sizeof(fn),fn,dr,di);  
	if (0!=fn[0])
		FS.append_path	("ltx_path",fn,0,false);
	if (!FS.exist(ltx_fn)&&!FS.exist(ltx_fn,"$app_root$",tmp)) 
		Debug.fatal	(DEBUG_INFO,"ERROR: Can't find ltx file: '%s'",ltx_fn);

	CInifile ltx	(ltx_fn);
	printf			("Processing LTX...\n");

	BOOL make_pack	= ltx.line_exist("options","make_pack") ? ltx.r_bool("options","make_pack") : true;
	LPCSTR copy_path= ltx.line_exist("options","copy_path") ? ltx.r_string("options","copy_path") : 0;
	if (ltx.line_exist("options","exclude_exts"))

	xr_vector<char*> list;
	xr_vector<char*> fl_list;
	CInifile::Sect& if_sect	= ltx.r_section("include_folders");
	for (CInifile::SectCIt if_it=if_sect.Data.begin(); if_it!=if_sect.Data.end(); if_it++)
		BOOL ifRecurse		= CInifile::IsBOOL(if_it->second.c_str());
		u32 folder_mask		= FS_ListFolders | (ifRecurse?0:FS_RootOnly);

		string_path path;
		LPCSTR _path		= 0==xr_strcmp(if_it->first.c_str(),".\\")?"":if_it->first.c_str();
		strcpy				(path,_path);
		u32 path_len		= xr_strlen(path);
		if ((0!=path_len)&&(path[path_len-1]!='\\')) strcat(path,"\\");

		Log					("");
		OUT_LOG				("Processing folder: '%s'",path);
		BOOL efRecurse;
		BOOL val			= IsFolderAccepted(ltx,path,efRecurse);
		if (val || (!val&&!efRecurse))
			if (val)		ProcessFolder	(list,path);

			xr_vector<char*>*	i_fl_list	= FS.file_list_open	("$target_folder$",path,folder_mask);
			if (!i_fl_list)
				Log			("ERROR: Unable to open folder list:", path);

			xr_vector<char*>::iterator it	= i_fl_list->begin();
			xr_vector<char*>::iterator itE	= i_fl_list->end();
			for (;it!=itE;++it){ 
				xr_string tmp_path	= xr_string(path)+xr_string(*it);
				bool val		= IsFolderAccepted(ltx,tmp_path.c_str(),efRecurse);
				if (val)
					Msg			("+F: %s",tmp_path.c_str());
					// collect files
					if (ifRecurse) 
						ProcessFolder (list,tmp_path.c_str());
					Msg			("-F: %s",tmp_path.c_str());
			FS.file_list_close	(i_fl_list);
			Msg					("-F: %s",path);
	// compress
		CInifile::Sect& if_sect	= ltx.r_section("include_files");
		for (CInifile::SectCIt if_it=if_sect.Data.begin(); if_it!=if_sect.Data.end(); if_it++)
				  list.push_back	(xr_strdup(if_it->first.c_str()));
	CompressList	(tgt_name,&list,&fl_list,bFast,make_pack,copy_path);

	// free
	xr_vector<char*>::iterator it	= list.begin();
	xr_vector<char*>::iterator itE	= list.end();
	for (;it!=itE;++it) xr_free(*it);
	it				= fl_list.begin();
	itE				= fl_list.end();
	for (;it!=itE;++it) xr_free(*it);

Example #15
void	CInifile::Load(IReader* F, LPCSTR path)
	Sect		*Current = 0;
	string4096	str;
	string4096	str2;

	while (!F->eof())
		F->r_string		(str,sizeof(str));
		_Trim			(str);
		LPSTR semi	= strchr(str,';');
		LPSTR semi_1	= strchr(str,'/');
		if(semi_1 && (*(semi_1+1)=='/') && ((!semi) || (semi && (semi_1<semi) )) ){
			semi = semi_1;

#ifdef DEBUG
		LPSTR comment	= 0;
		if (semi) {
			*semi		= 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
			comment		= semi+1;

        if (str[0] && (str[0]=='#') && strstr(str,"#include")){
        	string64	inc_name;	
			R_ASSERT	(path&&path[0]);
        	if (_GetItem	(str,1,inc_name,'"')){
            	string_path	fn,inc_path,folder;
                strconcat	(sizeof(fn),fn,path,inc_name);
				_splitpath	(fn,inc_path,folder, 0, 0 );
				strcat		(inc_path,folder);
            	IReader* I 	= FS.r_open(fn); R_ASSERT3(I,"Can't find include file:", inc_name);
            	Load		(I,inc_path);
                FS.r_close	(I);
        }else if (str[0] && (str[0]=='[')){
			// insert previous filled section
			if (Current){
				RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),*Current->Name,sect_pred);
				if ((I!=DATA.end())&&((*I)->Name==Current->Name))
					Debug.fatal(DEBUG_INFO,"Duplicate section '%s' found.",*Current->Name);
				DATA.insert		(I,Current);
			Current				= xr_new<Sect>();
			Current->Name		= 0;
			// start new section
			R_ASSERT3(strchr(str,']'),"Bad ini section found: ",str);
			LPCSTR inherited_names = strstr(str,"]:");
			if (0!=inherited_names){
				VERIFY2			(bReadOnly,"Allow for readonly mode only.");
				inherited_names	+= 2;
				int cnt			= _GetItemCount(inherited_names);
				for (int k=0; k<cnt; ++k){
					xr_string	tmp;
					_GetItem	(inherited_names,k,tmp);
					Sect& inherited_section = r_section(tmp.c_str());
					for (SectIt_ it =inherited_section.Data.begin(); it!=inherited_section.Data.end(); it++)
						insert_item	(Current,*it);
			*strchr(str,']') 	= 0;
			Current->Name 		= strlwr(str+1);
		} else {
			if (Current){
				char*		name	= str;
				char*		t		= strchr(name,'=');
				if (t)		{
					*t		= 0;
					_Trim	(name);
					_parse	(str2,++t);
				} else {
					_Trim	(name);
					str2[0]	= 0;

				Item		I;
				I.first		= (name[0]?name:NULL);
				I.second	= (str2[0]?str2:NULL);
#ifdef DEBUG
				I.comment	= bReadOnly?0:comment;

				if (bReadOnly) {
					if (*I.first)							insert_item	(Current,I);
				} else {
					if	(
							|| *I.second 
#ifdef DEBUG
							|| *I.comment
						insert_item	(Current,I);
	if (Current)
		RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),*Current->Name,sect_pred);
		if ((I!=DATA.end())&&((*I)->Name==Current->Name))
			Debug.fatal(DEBUG_INFO,"Duplicate section '%s' found.",*Current->Name);
		DATA.insert		(I,Current);
Example #16
void CTexture::Load		()
	flags.bLoaded					= true;
	desc_cache						= 0;
	if (pSurface)					return;

	flags.bUser						= false;
	flags.MemoryUsage				= 0;
	if (0==stricmp(*cName,"$null"))	return;
	if (0!=strstr(*cName,"$user$"))	
		flags.bUser	= true;

	Preload							();
#ifndef _EDITOR
	if (!g_dedicated_server)
		// Check for OGM
		string_path			fn;
		if (FS.exist(fn,"$game_textures$",*cName,".ogm"))
			// AVI
			pTheora		= new CTheoraSurface();
			m_play_time	= 0xFFFFFFFF;

			if (!pTheora->Load(fn)) 
				FATAL				("Can't open video stream");
				flags.MemoryUsage	= pTheora->Width(true)*pTheora->Height(true)*4;
				pTheora->Play		(TRUE,Device.dwTimeContinual);

				// Now create texture
				ID3DTexture2D*	pTexture = 0;
				u32 _w = pTheora->Width(false);
				u32 _h = pTheora->Height(false);

				HRESULT hrr = HW.pDevice->CreateTexture(
					_w, _h, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &pTexture, NULL );

				pSurface = pTexture;
				if (FAILED(hrr))
					FATAL		("Invalid video stream");
					R_CHK		(hrr);
					xr_delete	(pTheora);
					pSurface	= 0;

		else if (FS.exist(fn,"$game_textures$",*cName,".avi"))
			// AVI
			pAVI = new CAviPlayerCustom();

			if (!pAVI->Load(fn)) 
				FATAL				("Can't open video stream");
				flags.MemoryUsage	= pAVI->m_dwWidth*pAVI->m_dwHeight*4;

				// Now create texture
				ID3DTexture2D*	pTexture = 0;
				HRESULT hrr = HW.pDevice->CreateTexture(
				pSurface	= pTexture;
				if (FAILED(hrr))
					FATAL		("Invalid video stream");
					R_CHK		(hrr);
					xr_delete	(pAVI);
					pSurface = 0;

		else if (FS.exist(fn,"$game_textures$",*cName,".seq"))
			// Sequence
			string256 buffer;
			IReader* _fs		= FS.r_open(fn);

			flags.seqCycles	= FALSE;
			_fs->r_string	(buffer,sizeof(buffer));
			if (0==stricmp	(buffer,"cycled"))
				flags.seqCycles	= TRUE;
				_fs->r_string	(buffer,sizeof(buffer));
			u32 fps	= atoi(buffer);
			seqMSPF		= 1000/fps;

			while (!_fs->eof())
				_Trim		(buffer);
				if (buffer[0])	
					// Load another texture
					u32	mem  = 0;
					pSurface = ::RImplementation.texture_load	(buffer,mem);
					if (pSurface)	
						// pSurface->SetPriority	(PRIORITY_LOW);
						seqDATA.push_back		(pSurface);
						flags.MemoryUsage		+= mem;
			pSurface	= 0;
			FS.r_close	(_fs);
			// Normal texture
			u32	mem  = 0;
			pSurface = ::RImplementation.texture_load	(*cName,mem);

			// Calc memory usage and preload into vid-mem
			if (pSurface) {
				// pSurface->SetPriority	(PRIORITY_NORMAL);
				flags.MemoryUsage		=	mem;
	PostLoad	()		;