Example #1
  * @brief  Converts a line to an ARGB8888 pixel format.
  * @param  pSrc: Pointer to source buffer
  * @param  pDst: Output color  
  * @retval None
static void LCD_LL_ConvertLineToARGB8888(void *pSrc, void *pDst)
  static DMA2D_HandleTypeDef hdma2d_eval;  
  /* Enable DMA2D clock */
  /* Configure the DMA2D Mode, Color Mode and output offset */
  hdma2d_eval.Init.Mode         = DMA2D_M2M_PFC;
  hdma2d_eval.Init.ColorMode    = DMA2D_ARGB8888;
  hdma2d_eval.Init.OutputOffset = 0;     
  /* Foreground Configuration */
  hdma2d_eval.LayerCfg[1].AlphaMode = DMA2D_NO_MODIF_ALPHA;
  hdma2d_eval.LayerCfg[1].InputAlpha = 0xFF;
  hdma2d_eval.LayerCfg[1].InputColorMode = CM_RGB565;
  hdma2d_eval.LayerCfg[1].InputOffset = 0;
  hdma2d_eval.Instance = DMA2D; 
  /* DMA2D Initialization */
  if(HAL_DMA2D_Init(&hdma2d_eval) == HAL_OK) 
    if(HAL_DMA2D_ConfigLayer(&hdma2d_eval, 1) == HAL_OK) 
      if (HAL_DMA2D_Start(&hdma2d_eval, (uint32_t)pSrc, (uint32_t)pDst, BSP_LCD_GetXSize(), 1) == HAL_OK)
        /* Polling For DMA transfer */  
        HAL_DMA2D_PollForTransfer(&hdma2d_eval, 10);
  * @brief DMA2D MSP Initialization 
  *        This function configures the hardware resources used in this example: 
  *           - Peripheral's clock enable
  *           - Peripheral's GPIO Configuration  
  * @param hdma2d: DMA2D handle pointer
  * @retval None
void HAL_DMA2D_MspInit(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d)
  /*##-1- Enable peripherals and GPIO Clocks #################################*/

  /*##-2- NVIC configuration  ################################################*/  
  /* NVIC configuration for DMA2D transfer complete interrupt */
  HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(DMA2D_IRQn, 0, 0);
Example #3
void HAL_DMA2D_MspInit(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef* hdma2d)

  /* USER CODE BEGIN DMA2D_MspInit 0 */

  /* USER CODE END DMA2D_MspInit 0 */
    /* Peripheral clock enable */
  /* USER CODE BEGIN DMA2D_MspInit 1 */

  /* USER CODE END DMA2D_MspInit 1 */

  * @brief  Initializes the LTDC MSP.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
static void MspInit(void)
  GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_Init_Structure;

  /* Enable the LTDC and DMA2D clocks */

  /* Enable GPIOs clock */

  /*** LTDC Pins configuration ***/
  /* GPIOI configuration */
  GPIO_Init_Structure.Pin       = GPIO_PIN_12 | GPIO_PIN_13 | GPIO_PIN_14 | GPIO_PIN_15;
  GPIO_Init_Structure.Mode      = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
  GPIO_Init_Structure.Pull      = GPIO_NOPULL;
  GPIO_Init_Structure.Speed     = GPIO_SPEED_FAST;
  GPIO_Init_Structure.Alternate = GPIO_AF14_LTDC;
  HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOI, &GPIO_Init_Structure);

  /* GPIOJ configuration */
  GPIO_Init_Structure.Pin       = GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1 | GPIO_PIN_2 | GPIO_PIN_3 | \
                                  GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5 | GPIO_PIN_6 | GPIO_PIN_7 | \
                                  GPIO_PIN_8 | GPIO_PIN_9 | GPIO_PIN_10 | GPIO_PIN_11 | \
                                  GPIO_PIN_12 | GPIO_PIN_13 | GPIO_PIN_14 | GPIO_PIN_15;
  GPIO_Init_Structure.Mode      = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
  GPIO_Init_Structure.Pull      = GPIO_NOPULL;
  GPIO_Init_Structure.Speed     = GPIO_SPEED_FAST;
  GPIO_Init_Structure.Alternate = GPIO_AF14_LTDC;
  HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOJ, &GPIO_Init_Structure);

  /* GPIOK configuration */
  GPIO_Init_Structure.Pin       = GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1 | GPIO_PIN_2 | GPIO_PIN_3 | \
                                  GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5 | GPIO_PIN_6 | GPIO_PIN_7;
  GPIO_Init_Structure.Mode      = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
  GPIO_Init_Structure.Pull      = GPIO_NOPULL;
  GPIO_Init_Structure.Speed     = GPIO_SPEED_FAST;
  GPIO_Init_Structure.Alternate = GPIO_AF14_LTDC;
  HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOK, &GPIO_Init_Structure);
Example #5
  * @brief  Initializes the LTDC MSP.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
static void MspInit(void)
  GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
  /* Enable the LTDC and DMA2D Clock */
  /* Enable GPIOs clock */

  /* GPIOs Configuration */
   +                       LCD pins assignment                                   +
   |  LCD_TFT R2 <-> PC.10  |  LCD_TFT G2 <-> PA.06 |  LCD_TFT B2 <-> PD.06      |
   |  LCD_TFT R3 <-> PB.00  |  LCD_TFT G3 <-> PG.10 |  LCD_TFT B3 <-> PG.11      |
   |  LCD_TFT R4 <-> PA.11  |  LCD_TFT G4 <-> PB.10 |  LCD_TFT B4 <-> PG.12      |
   |  LCD_TFT R5 <-> PA.12  |  LCD_TFT G5 <-> PB.11 |  LCD_TFT B5 <-> PA.03      |
   |  LCD_TFT R6 <-> PB.01  |  LCD_TFT G6 <-> PC.07 |  LCD_TFT B6 <-> PB.08      |
   |  LCD_TFT R7 <-> PG.06  |  LCD_TFT G7 <-> PD.03 |  LCD_TFT B7 <-> PB.09      |
            |  LCD_TFT HSYNC <-> PC.06  | LCDTFT VSYNC <->  PA.04 |
            |  LCD_TFT CLK   <-> PG.07  | LCD_TFT DE   <->  PF.10 |

  /* GPIOA configuration */
  GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = GPIO_PIN_3 | GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_6 |
                           GPIO_PIN_11 | GPIO_PIN_12;
  GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
  GPIO_InitStructure.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
  GPIO_InitStructure.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FAST;
  GPIO_InitStructure.Alternate= GPIO_AF14_LTDC;
  HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);

 /* GPIOB configuration */
  GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = GPIO_PIN_8 | \
                           GPIO_PIN_9 | GPIO_PIN_10 | GPIO_PIN_11;
  HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);

 /* GPIOC configuration */
  GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = GPIO_PIN_6 | GPIO_PIN_7 | GPIO_PIN_10;
  HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStructure);

 /* GPIOD configuration */
  GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = GPIO_PIN_3 | GPIO_PIN_6;
  HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure);
 /* GPIOF configuration */
  GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = GPIO_PIN_10;
  HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOF, &GPIO_InitStructure);     

 /* GPIOG configuration */  
  GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = GPIO_PIN_6 | GPIO_PIN_7 | \
  HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOG, &GPIO_InitStructure);
  /* GPIOB configuration */  
  GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1;
  GPIO_InitStructure.Alternate= GPIO_AF9_LTDC;
  HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);

  /* GPIOG configuration */  
  GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = GPIO_PIN_10 | GPIO_PIN_12;
  HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOG, &GPIO_InitStructure);