Example #1
Ang3 CCinematicInput::UpdateAdditiveCameraInputWithController( const SUpdateContext& updateCtx, const Ang3& rawControllerInput )
	if (updateCtx.m_recenter)
		Ang3 finalControllerAnglesLimited = rawControllerInput;

		//Yaw angle (Z axis)
		finalControllerAnglesLimited.z = -clamp_tpl((float)__fsel(finalControllerAnglesLimited.z, finalControllerAnglesLimited.z * updateCtx.m_lookRightLimit, finalControllerAnglesLimited.z * updateCtx.m_lookLeftLimit), -updateCtx.m_lookLeftLimit, updateCtx.m_lookRightLimit);		

		//Pitch angle (X axis)
		finalControllerAnglesLimited.x *= (g_pGameCVars->cl_invertController == 0) ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
		finalControllerAnglesLimited.x = clamp_tpl((float)__fsel(finalControllerAnglesLimited.x, finalControllerAnglesLimited.x * updateCtx.m_lookUpLimit, finalControllerAnglesLimited.x * updateCtx.m_lookDownLimit), -updateCtx.m_lookDownLimit, updateCtx.m_lookUpLimit);

		//No roll allowed
		finalControllerAnglesLimited.y = 0.0f;

		Interpolate(m_controllerAccumulatedAngles, finalControllerAnglesLimited, 2.5f, updateCtx.m_frameTime);
		Ang3 finalControllerAnglesLimited = m_controllerAccumulatedAngles;

		finalControllerAnglesLimited.x += ( (rawControllerInput.x * updateCtx.m_frameTime * 1.5f) * ((g_pGameCVars->cl_invertController == 0) ? 1.0f : -1.0f) );
		finalControllerAnglesLimited.z -= (rawControllerInput.z * updateCtx.m_frameTime * 1.5f);

		finalControllerAnglesLimited.x = clamp_tpl(finalControllerAnglesLimited.x, -updateCtx.m_lookDownLimit, updateCtx.m_lookUpLimit);
		finalControllerAnglesLimited.z = clamp_tpl(finalControllerAnglesLimited.z, -updateCtx.m_lookLeftLimit, updateCtx.m_lookRightLimit);

		finalControllerAnglesLimited.y = 0.0f;

		m_controllerAccumulatedAngles = finalControllerAnglesLimited;

	return m_controllerAccumulatedAngles;
int CVehicleUsableActionFlip::OnEvent(int eventType, SVehicleEventParams &eventParams)
	if (IPhysicalEntity* pPhysics = m_pVehicle->GetEntity()->GetPhysics())
		if (eventType == eVAE_IsUsable)
			return 1;
		else if (eventType == eVAE_OnUsed)
			if (m_pVehicle->IsFlipped())
				IEntity* pEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(eventParams.entityId);
				if (pEntity)
					static const float speed = 3.f;

					// Decide which axis to turn around
					pe_status_pos      physPos;
					pe_status_dynamics physDyn;
					const Vec3 xAxis = physPos.q.GetColumn0();
					const Vec3 yAxis = physPos.q.GetColumn1();

					if (fabsf(yAxis.z) > 0.6f)
						// Standing on its nose or tail
						// Rotate about the x
						m_localAngVel.Set(speed * (float)__fsel(yAxis.z, -1.f, +1.f), 0.f, 0.f);
						// Rotate about the y (away from the user)
						const Vec3 centre    = physPos.pos + (physPos.BBox[0] + physPos.BBox[1]) * 0.5f;
						const Vec3 entityPos = pEntity->GetWorldPos();
						m_localAngVel.Set(0.f, speed * (float)__fsel((entityPos - centre).dot(xAxis), +1.f, -1.f), 0.f);

					// Start the update
					m_pVehicle->SetObjectUpdate(this, IVehicle::eVOU_AlwaysUpdate);

					// Inform the vehicle that flipping has started
					SVehicleEventParams params;
					params.bParam = true;
					m_pVehicle->BroadcastVehicleEvent(eVE_BeingFlipped, params);
			return 0;

	return 0;
void CVehicleMountedWeapon::CorrectRipperEntityPosition(float timeStep)
	IVehicle *pVehicle = gEnv->pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIVehicleSystem()->GetVehicle(m_vehicleId);
		const IEntity* pVehicleEnt = pVehicle->GetEntity();

		Vec3 posDiff(ZERO);
		IActor* pOwner = GetOwnerActor();
		if (pOwner && pOwner->IsPlayer())
			CPlayer* pPlayer	 = static_cast<CPlayer*>(pOwner); 
			const Matrix34& wMat = pVehicleEnt->GetWorldTM(); 
			Vec3 vehiclePos		 = wMat.GetTranslation();
			Vec3 currWSpaceRipUserOffset = wMat.TransformPoint(m_localRipUserOffset);

			posDiff = currWSpaceRipUserOffset - m_previousWSpaceOffsetPosition;

			// Don't want to overwrite anyone else changes with an absolute 'set'
			pOwner->GetEntity()->SetPos(pOwner->GetEntity()->GetWorldPos() + posDiff); 

			m_previousWSpaceOffsetPosition = currWSpaceRipUserOffset;

			//Update view limit direction based on change in vehicle rotation
				SViewLimitParams &viewLimits = pPlayer->GetActorParams().viewLimits;
				if(viewLimits.GetViewLimitRangeH()) //Don't do this unless we are currently horizontally constrained
					Quat vehicleRotation(wMat);
					Quat rotationChange = vehicleRotation * m_previousVehicleRotation.GetInverted();

					Vec3 viewLimitDir = rotationChange * viewLimits.GetViewLimitDir();
					viewLimitDir.z = 0.f;

					viewLimits.SetViewLimit(viewLimitDir, 0.01f, 0.01f, 0.f, 0.f, SViewLimitParams::eVLS_Item);

					m_previousVehicleRotation = vehicleRotation;

				//Reset the pitch/roll view angles over time
				Quat viewDirFinal = pPlayer->GetViewQuatFinal();
				Ang3 viewAngles(viewDirFinal);
				float xAdjustment = (float)__fsel(viewAngles.x, max(-viewAngles.x, -0.5f * timeStep), min(-viewAngles.x, 0.5f * timeStep));
				float yAdjustment = (float)__fsel(viewAngles.y, max(-viewAngles.y, -0.5f * timeStep), min(-viewAngles.y, 0.5f * timeStep));

				if(xAdjustment || yAdjustment)
					pPlayer->AddViewAngles(Ang3(xAdjustment, yAdjustment, 0.f));
void CWeapon::NetUpdateFireMode(SEntityUpdateContext& ctx)
    // CGunTurret and CVehicleWeapon overide NetAllowUpdate to perform their own checks.
        m_netNextShot -= ctx.fFrameTime;

            return;	// reloading, bail

        if((!m_isFiringStarted) && (m_isFiring || m_shootCounter > 0))
            m_isFiringStarted = true;
            m_netNextShot = 0.f;
            EnableUpdate(true, eIUS_FireMode);

            if(m_shootCounter > 0 && m_netNextShot <= 0.0f)
                // Aside from the prediction handle, needed for the server, NetShoot/Ex parameters
                // are no longer used, these will need removing when the client->server RMI's are tided up
                m_fm->NetShoot(Vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), 0);

                //if fireRate == 0.0f, set m_netNextShot to 0.0f, otherwise increment by 60.f / fireRate.
                //	fres used to avoid microcoded instructions, fsel to avoid branching - Rich S
                const float fRawFireRate		= m_fm->GetFireRate();
                const float fFireRateSelect = -fabsf(fRawFireRate);
                const float fFireRateForDiv = (float)__fsel(fFireRateSelect, 1.0f, fRawFireRate);
                const float fNextShot				= (float)__fsel(fFireRateSelect, 0.0f, m_netNextShot + (60.f * __fres(fFireRateForDiv)));
                m_netNextShot = fNextShot;

        if(m_isFiringStarted && !m_isFiring && m_shootCounter <= 0)
            m_isFiringStarted = false;
            EnableUpdate(false, eIUS_FireMode);

        // this needs to happen here, or NetStopFire interrupts the animation
        if(m_doMelee && m_melee)
            m_doMelee= false;

Example #5
void CPlayerRotation::ProcessNormal( float frameTime )
	//create a matrix perpendicular to the ground
	Vec3 up(0,0,1);
	//..or perpendicular to the linked object Z
	SLinkStats *pLinkStats = &m_player.m_linkStats;
	if (pLinkStats->linkID && pLinkStats->flags & SLinkStats::LINKED_FREELOOK)
		IEntity *pLinked = pLinkStats->GetLinked();
		if (pLinked)
			up = pLinked->GetRotation().GetColumn2();
	const Vec3 right(m_baseQuat.GetColumn0());
	const Vec3 forward((up % right).GetNormalized());


	const Ang3 vNewDeltaAngles = m_deltaAngles * m_player.m_stats.flashBangStunMult;

	m_player.DebugGraph_AddValue("AimDeltaH", vNewDeltaAngles.z);
	m_player.DebugGraph_AddValue("AimDeltaV", vNewDeltaAngles.x);

	Ang3 newViewAngles;
	newViewAngles.Set(m_viewAngles.x + vNewDeltaAngles.x, m_viewAngles.y, m_viewAngles.z + vNewDeltaAngles.z);
	newViewAngles += m_externalAngles;

	//These values need to be used because the player rotation is a quat and quaternions wrap on 720 degrees
	newViewAngles.z = (float)__fsel(  newViewAngles.z - (2.0f * gf_PI2),  newViewAngles.z - (4.0f * gf_PI2), newViewAngles.z);
	newViewAngles.z = (float)__fsel(-(newViewAngles.z + (2.0f * gf_PI2)), newViewAngles.z + (4.0f * gf_PI2), newViewAngles.z);
	m_viewAngles = newViewAngles;
	if (m_player.CanTurnBody())
		m_baseQuat = Quat::CreateRotationZ(newViewAngles.z);
	newViewAngles.y += m_viewRoll;
	m_deltaAngles = vNewDeltaAngles;

Example #6
void CCinematicInput::UpdateAdditiveCameraInput(IScriptSystem *pScriptSystem, float frameTime)
	float lookUpLimit = 0.0f, lookDownLimit = 0.0f;
	float lookLeftLimit = 0.0f, lookRightLimit = 0.0f;

	pScriptSystem->GetGlobalValue("Cinematic_CameraLookUp", lookUpLimit);
	pScriptSystem->GetGlobalValue("Cinematic_CameraLookDown", lookDownLimit);
	pScriptSystem->GetGlobalValue("Cinematic_CameraLookLeft", lookLeftLimit);
	pScriptSystem->GetGlobalValue("Cinematic_CameraLookRight", lookRightLimit);

	lookUpLimit = DEG2RAD(lookUpLimit);
	lookDownLimit = DEG2RAD(lookDownLimit);
	lookLeftLimit = DEG2RAD(lookLeftLimit);
	lookRightLimit = DEG2RAD(lookRightLimit);

	CActor *pClientActor = static_cast<CActor *>(g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetClientActor());

		CRY_ASSERT(pClientActor->GetActorClass() == CPlayer::GetActorClassType());
		CPlayer *pClientPlayer = static_cast<CPlayer *>(pClientActor);

		IPlayerInput *pIPlayerInput = pClientPlayer->GetPlayerInput();

		if(pIPlayerInput && pIPlayerInput->GetType() == IPlayerInput::PLAYER_INPUT)
			CPlayerInput *pPlayerInput = static_cast<CPlayerInput *>(pIPlayerInput);

			Ang3 rawMouseInput = pPlayerInput->GetRawMouseInput() * 0.25f;
			rawMouseInput.z = - rawMouseInput.z;
			rawMouseInput.x *= (g_pGameCVars->cl_invertMouse == 0) ? 1.0f : -1.0f;

			Ang3 rawControllerInput = pPlayerInput->GetRawControllerInput() + rawMouseInput;
			//Yaw angle (Z axis)
			rawControllerInput.z = -clamp((float)__fsel(rawControllerInput.z, rawControllerInput.z * lookRightLimit, rawControllerInput.z * lookLeftLimit), -lookLeftLimit, lookRightLimit);
			//Pitch angle (X axis)
			rawControllerInput.x *= (g_pGameCVars->cl_invertController == 0) ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
			rawControllerInput.x = clamp((float)__fsel(rawControllerInput.x, rawControllerInput.x * lookUpLimit, rawControllerInput.x * lookDownLimit), -lookDownLimit, lookUpLimit);
			//No roll allowed
			rawControllerInput.y = 0.0f;

			Interpolate(m_currentRawInputAngles, rawControllerInput, 2.5f, frameTime);

			IView *pActiveView = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIViewSystem()->GetActiveView();

// Adjust the aim dir before we pass it to the torsoAim pose modifier, this allows us
// to have the weapon deviate from the camera in certain circumstances
// Should only be called once per frame as it time-steps internal vars
void CLocalPlayerComponent::AdjustTorsoAimDir(float fFrameTime, Vec3 &aimDir)
	const f32 HALF_PI = gf_PI * 0.5f;
	float newElevLimit = HALF_PI;

	const f32 MIN_FLATTEN_LEVEL		= -0.3f;
	const f32 MAX_FLATTEN_LEVEL		= -0.1f;
	const f32 TARGET_FLATTEN_ELEV	= -0.2f;

	if (g_pGameCVars->pl_swimAlignArmsToSurface && m_rPlayer.IsSwimming() && (m_rPlayer.m_playerStateSwim_WaterTestProxy.GetRelativeWaterLevel() > MIN_FLATTEN_LEVEL))
		newElevLimit = (m_rPlayer.m_playerStateSwim_WaterTestProxy.GetRelativeWaterLevel() - MIN_FLATTEN_LEVEL) / (MAX_FLATTEN_LEVEL - MIN_FLATTEN_LEVEL);
		newElevLimit = LERP(gf_PI * 0.5f, TARGET_FLATTEN_ELEV, clamp_tpl(newElevLimit, 0.0f, 1.0f));

	float limitDelta = LIMIT_CHANGE_RATE * fFrameTime;
	float limitDiff	 = newElevLimit - m_stapElevLimit;
	float smoothedLimit = (float) __fsel(fabs_tpl(limitDiff) - limitDelta, m_stapElevLimit + (fsgnf(limitDiff) * limitDelta), newElevLimit);
	m_stapElevLimit = smoothedLimit;

	if (smoothedLimit < HALF_PI)
		//--- Need to limit, convert to yaw & elev, limit & then convert back
		float yaw, elev;
		float xy = aimDir.GetLengthSquared2D();
		if (xy > 0.001f)
			yaw = atan2_tpl(aimDir.y,aimDir.x);
			elev = asin_tpl(clamp_tpl(aimDir.z, -1.f, +1.f));
			yaw = 0.f;
			elev = (float)__fsel(aimDir.z, +1.f, -1.f) * (gf_PI*0.5f);

		elev = min(elev, smoothedLimit);

		float sinYaw, cosYaw;
		float sinElev, cosElev;

		sincos_tpl(yaw, &sinYaw, &cosYaw);
		sincos_tpl(elev, &sinElev, &cosElev);

		aimDir.x = cosYaw * cosElev;
		aimDir.y = sinYaw * cosElev;
		aimDir.z = sinElev;
Example #8
void CScopeReticule::Update(CWeapon* pWeapon)
	if (!m_scopeReticuleMaterial || (m_blinkFrequency==0.f))

	const float frequency = (float)__fsel(-m_blinkFrequency, 12.0f, m_blinkFrequency);
	const float maxOpacity = 0.99f;
	float opacity = maxOpacity;
	if (!pWeapon->CanFire() && !pWeapon->IsDeselecting())
		opacity = (float)__fsel(cry_fmod(gEnv->pTimer->GetCurrTime(), 1.0f/frequency)*frequency-0.5f, maxOpacity, 0.0f);
	m_disabledTimeOut = max(m_disabledTimeOut - gEnv->pTimer->GetFrameTime(), 0.0f);
	opacity = (float)__fsel(-m_disabledTimeOut, opacity, 0.0f);

	m_scopeReticuleMaterial->SetGetMaterialParamFloat("opacity", opacity, false);
Example #9
void CMFXForceFeedbackEffect::Execute(SMFXRunTimeEffectParams& params)

	if (params.playflags & MFX_PLAY_FORCEFEEDBACK)
		float distanceToPlayerSqr = FLT_MAX;
		IActor *pClientActor = gEnv->pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetClientActor();
		if (pClientActor)
			distanceToPlayerSqr = (pClientActor->GetEntity()->GetWorldPos() - params.pos).GetLengthSquared();

		const float testDistanceSqr = clamp_tpl(distanceToPlayerSqr, m_forceFeedbackParams.intensityFallOffMinDistanceSqr, m_forceFeedbackParams.intensityFallOffMaxDistanceSqr);
		const float minMaxDiffSqr = m_forceFeedbackParams.intensityFallOffMaxDistanceSqr - m_forceFeedbackParams.intensityFallOffMinDistanceSqr;
		float effectIntensity = (float)__fsel(-minMaxDiffSqr, 0.0f, 1.0f - (testDistanceSqr - m_forceFeedbackParams.intensityFallOffMinDistanceSqr) / (minMaxDiffSqr + FLT_EPSILON));
		effectIntensity *= effectIntensity;
		if (effectIntensity > 0.01f)
			IForceFeedbackSystem* pForceFeedback = CCryAction::GetCryAction()->GetIForceFeedbackSystem();
			ForceFeedbackFxId fxId = pForceFeedback->GetEffectIdByName(m_forceFeedbackParams.forceFeedbackEventName.c_str());
			pForceFeedback->PlayForceFeedbackEffect(fxId, SForceFeedbackRuntimeParams(effectIntensity, 0.0f));

void CGameRulesRSSpawning::UpdateFriendlyPlayerPositionsAndMultipliers( SUsefulSpawnData& spawnData, TPositionList& FriendlyPlayerPositions, TMultiplierList& FriendlyPlayerMultipliers )
	int				idx								= 0;
	EntityId	friendlyPlayerId	= 0;

	const float fCurrentTime = gEnv->pTimer->GetFrameStartTime().GetMilliSeconds();
	const float fDurationWithNoProximityPenalty = 5.0f * 1000.0f;

	while( friendlyPlayerId = m_pGameRules->GetTeamActivePlayer(spawnData.playerTeamId, idx++))
		const IEntity * pFriendlyPlayer = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(friendlyPlayerId);

		float fPlayerScoreMultiplier = 1.0f;

		TPlayerDataMap::iterator it = m_playerValues.find(friendlyPlayerId);
		if (it != m_playerValues.end())
			SPlayerData& friendlyPlayerData = it->second;

			float fTimeSinceRevived = fCurrentTime - friendlyPlayerData.lastRevivedTime;

			//If the player has spawned within fDurationWithNoProximityPenalty seconds, there is no
			//	score penalty for spawners near them, to encourage groups spawning together
			fPlayerScoreMultiplier = (float)__fsel(fTimeSinceRevived - fDurationWithNoProximityPenalty, 1.0f, 0.0f);


void CPlayerStateSwim_WaterTestProxy::RayTestBottomLevel( const CPlayer& player, const Vec3& referencePosition, float maxRelevantDepth )

	const float terrainWorldZ = gEnv->p3DEngine->GetTerrainElevation(referencePosition.x, referencePosition.y);

	int rayFlags = geom_colltype_player<<rwi_colltype_bit | rwi_stop_at_pierceable;
	int entityFlags = ent_terrain|ent_static|ent_sleeping_rigid|ent_rigid;
	const float padding = 0.2f;
	// NOTE: Terrain is above m_referencePos, so m_referencePos is probably inside a voxel or something.
	const float fPosWorldDiff = referencePosition.z - terrainWorldZ;
	float rayLength = (float)__fsel(fPosWorldDiff, min(maxRelevantDepth, fPosWorldDiff), maxRelevantDepth) + (padding * 2.0f);

	//We should not have entered this function if still waiting for the last result
	CRY_ASSERT(m_bottomLevelRayID == 0); 

	m_bottomLevelRayID = g_pGame->GetRayCaster().Queue(
		player.IsClient() ? RayCastRequest::HighPriority : RayCastRequest::MediumPriority,
		RayCastRequest(referencePosition + Vec3(0,0,padding), Vec3(0,0,-rayLength),
		functor(*this, &CPlayerStateSwim_WaterTestProxy::OnRayCastBottomLevelDataReceived));
void CVehicleSeatActionOrientateBoneToView::PrePhysUpdate( const float deltaTime )
	Vec3 lookPos = GetCurrentLookPosition();
	Vec3 aimPos = GetDesiredAimPosition();

	const Ang3 desiredViewAngles = GetDesiredViewAngles(lookPos, aimPos);

	//Rotating between -Pi and Pi and need to catch the cross over from one to the other to make sure smoothing is in correct direction
	float yawDif = m_BoneOrientationAngles.z - desiredViewAngles.z;
	if(fabs(yawDif) > gf_PI)
		m_BoneOrientationAngles.z += (float)__fsel(m_BoneOrientationAngles.z, -2.f * gf_PI, 2.f * gf_PI);

	SmoothCD<Ang3>(m_BoneOrientationAngles, m_BoneSmoothingRate, deltaTime, desiredViewAngles, m_Sluggishness);

	IAnimationPoseModifierPtr modPtr = m_poseModifier;
	m_pVehicle->GetEntity()->GetCharacter(0)->GetISkeletonAnim()->PushPoseModifier(2, modPtr, "VehicleSeat");

	Quat vehicleRotation = m_pVehicle->GetEntity()->GetWorldRotation();

	Quat headOrientation;

	Quat finalheadOrientation = vehicleRotation.GetInverted()*headOrientation*m_BoneBaseOrientation;
	m_poseModifier->PushOrientation(m_MoveBoneId, IAnimationOperatorQueue::eOp_Override, finalheadOrientation);
float CRecoil::GetMaxRecoil() const
	float scale = 1.0f;
	if (IsHoldingBreath())
		scale = (float)__fsel(-m_recoilParams.recoil_holdBreathActive_m, 1.0f, m_recoilParams.recoil_holdBreathActive_m);
	return m_recoilParams.max_recoil * scale;
Example #14
void CC4Projectile::UpdateLight(float fFrameTime, bool forceColorChange)
	const Matrix34& mat = GetEntity()->GetWorldTM();

	SC4ExplosiveParams* pExplosiveParams = m_pAmmoParams->pC4ExplosiveParams;

	if(pExplosiveParams->pulseBeatsPerSecond > 0.f)
		float fNewPulseTimer = m_pulseTimer + (fFrameTime * pExplosiveParams->pulseBeatsPerSecond);

		float timerScaledToWavelength = fNewPulseTimer * gf_PI;
		timerScaledToWavelength = (float)__fsel(timerScaledToWavelength - gf_PI2, timerScaledToWavelength - gf_PI2, timerScaledToWavelength);

		float finalMult = sinf(timerScaledToWavelength) * 0.5f + 0.5f;

		finalMult *= 1.0f - pExplosiveParams->pulseMinColorMultiplier;
		finalMult += pExplosiveParams->pulseMinColorMultiplier;
		m_pulseTimer = fNewPulseTimer;
		CDLight& light = m_pLightSource->GetLightProperties();
		light.SetLightColor(ColorF(m_armed && m_OnSameTeam ? pExplosiveParams->armedLightColour * finalMult : pExplosiveParams->disarmedLightColour * finalMult));
	else if(forceColorChange)
		CDLight& light = m_pLightSource->GetLightProperties();
		light.SetLightColor(ColorF(m_armed && m_OnSameTeam ? pExplosiveParams->armedLightColour : pExplosiveParams->disarmedLightColour));
void CRecoil::RecoilShoot(bool firstShot, float maxRecoil)
	float attack = firstShot ? m_recoilParams.first_attack : m_recoilParams.attack;
	attack = (float)__fsel(attack, attack, m_recoilParams.attack);
	m_attack = attack;
	m_recoil_time = m_recoilParams.recoil_time;
	if (m_recoil_time == 0.0f)
		m_recoil = clamp(m_recoil + m_attack, 0.0f, maxRecoil);

	Vec2 direction = Vec2(ZERO);
	const int recoilHintsCount = m_pRecoilHints ? m_pRecoilHints->hints.size() : 0;
	if (recoilHintsCount > 0)
		direction = m_pRecoilHints->hints[m_recoil_dir_idx];
		m_recoil_dir_idx = (m_recoil_dir_idx+1) % recoilHintsCount;

	const Vec3 randomDirectionAdd = Vec3(

	m_recoil_dir = direction.GetNormalized() + randomDirectionAdd;

	CRecoilDebugDraw::AddRecoilPoint(m_recoil_dir, m_recoil);
Example #16
void CPlayerRotation::ProcessNormalRoll( float frameTime )
	//apply lean/roll
	float rollAngleGoal(0);
	const Vec3 velocity = m_player.GetActorPhysics().velocity;
	const float speed2( velocity.len2());

	if ((speed2 > 0.01f) && m_player.m_stats.inAir)
		const float maxSpeed = m_player.GetStanceMaxSpeed(STANCE_STAND);
		const float maxSpeedInverse = (float)__fsel(-maxSpeed, 1.0f, __fres(maxSpeed + FLT_EPSILON));
		const Vec3 velVec = velocity * maxSpeedInverse;

		const float dotSide(m_viewQuat.GetColumn0() * velVec);

		rollAngleGoal -= DEG2RAD(dotSide * 1.5f);;

	const float tempLean = m_leanAmount;
	const float leanAmountMultiplier = 3.0f;
	const float leanAmount = clamp_tpl(tempLean * leanAmountMultiplier, -1.0f, 1.0f);
	rollAngleGoal += DEG2RAD(leanAmount * m_player.m_params.leanAngle);

	m_deltaAngles += m_angularImpulseDelta;
Example #17
bool CItem::PlayFragment(IAction* pAction, float speedOverride, float timeOverride, float animWeight, float ffeedbackWeight, bool concentratedFire)
    _smart_ptr<IAction> pActionPtr(pAction);

            return false;

    CWeapon *pWeapon = static_cast<CWeapon*>(GetIWeapon());
    if (pWeapon && pWeapon->IsProxyWeapon())
            return false;

    bool success = false;

    float speed = (float)__fsel(-speedOverride, 1.0f, speedOverride);
    FragmentID fragID = pAction->GetFragmentID();
    IActionController *pActionController = GetActionController();
    if ((fragID != FRAGMENT_ID_INVALID) && pActionController)
            float fragmentDuration, transitionDuration;
            if (pActionController->QueryDuration(*pAction, fragmentDuration, transitionDuration))
                    float duration = fragmentDuration+transitionDuration;
                    if ((duration > 0.0f) && (timeOverride > 0.0f))
                            speed = (duration / timeOverride);
                            CRY_ASSERT((speed > 0.0f) && (speed < 99999.0f));

                    if(duration > 0.f)
                            m_animationTime[eIGS_Owner] = (uint32) MAX((duration*1000.0f/speed) - 20, 0.0f);


                            pAction->SetParam(CItem::sActionParamCRCs.concentratedFire, 1.f);

                    if(ffeedbackWeight != 1.f)
                            pAction->SetParam(CItem::sActionParamCRCs.ffeedbackScale, ffeedbackWeight);


                    success = true;

    return success;
void CPlayerStateSwim_WaterTestProxy::UpdateSubmergedFraction(const float referenceHeight, const float playerHeight, const float waterLevel)
	const float referenceHeightFinal = max(referenceHeight, 1.3f);
	const float submergedTotal = playerHeight - waterLevel;
	const float submergedFraction = (float)__fsel(submergedTotal, 0.0f, clamp_tpl(-submergedTotal * __fres(referenceHeightFinal), 0.0f, 1.0f));

float EntityEffects::CHeatController::UpdateCoolDown(const float frameTime)
	const float cooldownRate = 0.075f;

	m_baseHeat = clamp(m_baseHeat - (frameTime * cooldownRate), 0.0f, m_baseHeat);
	m_coolDownHeat = (float)__fsel(-(m_baseHeat - m_coolDownHeat), -1.0f, m_coolDownHeat);

	return m_baseHeat;
void EntityEffects::CHeatController::AddHeatPulse( const float intensity, const float time )
	const float currentPulseHeat = (float)__fsel(-m_heatPulse.baseTime, 
		clamp((1.0f - (m_heatPulse.runningTime * (float)__fres(m_heatPulse.baseTime + FLT_EPSILON))) * m_heatPulse.heat, 0.0f, 1.0f));
	m_heatPulse.heat = clamp(currentPulseHeat + intensity, 0.0f, 1.0f - m_baseHeat);
	m_heatPulse.baseTime = clamp((m_heatPulse.baseTime - m_heatPulse.runningTime) + time, 0.0f, 4.5f);	//Fixed to maximum of 4.5secs to cool down
	m_heatPulse.runningTime = 0.0f;
float CMountedGunController::CalculateAnimationTime(float aimRad)
    const float ANIM_ANGLE_RANGE = gf_PI*0.25;

    float time = cry_fmod(aimRad / ANIM_ANGLE_RANGE, 1.0f);
    time = (float)__fsel(time, time, 1.0f + time);

    return time;
Example #22
void CPlayerStateJump::FinalizeVelocity( CPlayer& player, const Vec3& newVelocity )
	const float fNewSpeed = newVelocity.len();

	const float fVelocityMultiplier = (float)__fsel(fNewSpeed - 22.0f, __fres(fNewSpeed+FLT_EPSILON) * 22.0f, 1.0f);

	// TODO: Maybe we should tell physics about this new velocity ? Or maybe SPlayerStats::velocity ? (stephenn).
	player.GetMoveRequest().velocity = newVelocity * fVelocityMultiplier;
void CStickyProjectile::CalculateLocationForStick( const IEntity& projectile, const Vec3& collPos, const Vec3& collNormal, QuatT& outLocation ) const
		const float bigz = cry_fabsf(collNormal.z)-cry_fabsf(collNormal.y);
		const Vec3 temp(0.f,(float)__fsel(bigz,1.f,0.f),(float)__fsel(bigz,0.f,1.f));
		outLocation.q = Quat(Matrix33::CreateOrientation( temp.Cross(collNormal), -collNormal, 0));

		AABB aabb;
		outLocation.t = collPos + (outLocation.q.GetColumn2() * ((aabb.max.y-aabb.min.y)*0.5f));
		outLocation.q = projectile.GetRotation();
		outLocation.t = collPos + (outLocation.q.GetColumn1() * 0.1f);
Example #24
void CNetPlayerInput::UpdateErrorSnap(const Vec3 &entPos, const Vec3 &desiredPos, f32 netPosDist, const Vec3 &desPosOffset, const CTimeValue &curTime)
	if (g_pGameCVars->pl_velocityInterpAlwaysSnap)
		//--- Snap to target
		m_passedNetPos = true;
		m_passedPredictionPos = true;
	else if (curTime > m_nextBCTime && !(m_pPlayer->m_stats.inFreefall.Value() > 0))
		//--- Breadcrumbs dropped for simulated annealing, whilst the player is blocked we reduce the maximum
		//--- allowed offset until the character is snapped to the last net position
		Vec3 prevOffset = entPos - m_breadCrumb;
		bool blocked = false;
		if (!m_passedNetPos)
			float moveDist = prevOffset.Dot(desPosOffset) / netPosDist;
			float moveSpeed  = moveDist / k_timePerBC;
			blocked = ((moveSpeed / m_netLerpSpeed) <= k_BCMovingRatio);
		if (blocked)
			m_blockedTime += k_timePerBC;
			m_blockedTime = 0.0f;

		m_breadCrumb = entPos;
		m_nextBCTime = curTime+k_timePerBC;

		Vec3 v0(desiredPos.x, desiredPos.y, 0.0f);
		Vec3 v1(m_predictedPosition.x, m_predictedPosition.y, 0.0f);
		Vec3 pt(entPos.x, entPos.y, 0.0f);
		Lineseg validPath(v0, v1);
		float t;
		float distSqrXY = Distance::Point_LinesegSq(pt, validPath, t);

		float heightDiff = m_predictedPosition.z - entPos.z;
		float blockedFactor = (1.0f - (m_blockedTime / k_maxBlockTime));
		float maxDistXY = !m_passedNetPos ? blockedFactor * k_maxInterpolateDist : k_reachedTargetAllowedDeviation;
		float timeOnGround = m_pPlayer->GetActorStats()->onGround;
		float allowedHeightDiff = (float)__fsel(timeOnGround - k_onGroundTime, k_allowedHeightDiff, k_allowedHeightDiffInAir);
		if ((distSqrXY > (maxDistXY * maxDistXY)) || (cry_fabsf(heightDiff) > allowedHeightDiff))
			//--- Snap to target
			m_passedNetPos = true;
			const bool isfallen = m_pPlayer->m_stats.inFreefall.Value()==1;
float CGameRulesRSSpawning::GetScoreFromProximityToFriendlies(	SUsefulSpawnData& spawnData, TPositionList& FriendlyPlayerPositions,
																																TMultiplierList& FriendlyScoreMultipliers, const Vec3& potentialSpawnPosition )
	SpawnLogAlways("[SPAWN] > GetScoreFromProximityToFriendlies()");

	float	fScoreFromFriendlies = 0.0f;

	if(spawnData.numActiveFriendlyPlayers > 0)
		const float fIdealMax = 30.0f;
		const float fIdealMin = 15.0f;

		const float fCloseFriendlyScoreMultiplier = 500.0f;
		const float fFarFriendlyScoreMultiplier		= 2.0f;

		float fClosestFriendlySq = FLT_MAX;
		int index = 0;

		for(int i = FriendlyPlayerPositions.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
			Vec3 diff = (FriendlyPlayerPositions[i] - potentialSpawnPosition);
			//This will bias against using spawn positions near in X/Y but on a different level in Z
			float fZBiasDistanceFromFriendlySq = (diff.x * diff.x) + (diff.y * diff.y) + fabsf(diff.z * diff.z * diff.z);

			if(fZBiasDistanceFromFriendlySq < fClosestFriendlySq)
				fClosestFriendlySq = fZBiasDistanceFromFriendlySq;
				index = i;

		float fClosestFriendly = sqrt_fast_tpl(fClosestFriendlySq);

		if(fClosestFriendly < fIdealMin)
			const float fAbortDist = 0.7f; //If the sapwn is within this distance of a friendly, we're going to be intersecting - abort
			const float fDiff = (fIdealMin - fClosestFriendly);
			const float fDistanceScore = (float)__fsel(fDiff - fAbortDist, fDiff, sqr(fDiff) * 10.0f);
			fScoreFromFriendlies =  fDiff * fCloseFriendlyScoreMultiplier * FriendlyScoreMultipliers[index];
			const float fIdealSub = (fIdealMin + fIdealMax) * 0.5f;
			const float fIdealRadius = fabsf(fIdealMax - fIdealSub);
			fScoreFromFriendlies = max(fabsf(fClosestFriendly - fIdealSub) - fIdealRadius, 0.0f) * fFarFriendlyScoreMultiplier;

		SpawnLogAlways("[SPAWN] >> Total Score from Friendlies: %.6f, closest was at %.2f, spawn time modifier %s", fScoreFromFriendlies, fClosestFriendly, FriendlyScoreMultipliers[index] < 1.0f ? "APPLIED" : "NOT APPLIED");
	return fScoreFromFriendlies;
	EStatus Update(float timePassed)
		if (IsTransitioningOut())
			const float ROTATION_LERP_SPEED = 10.0f;

			//--- Blend body rotation to match current view
			Ang3 targetViewDir = m_player.GetAngles();
			Quat targetRotation = Quat::CreateRotationZ(targetViewDir.z);
			Quat newRotation = Quat::CreateNlerp(m_player.GetEntity()->GetRotation(), targetRotation, timePassed*ROTATION_LERP_SPEED);
			static uint32 leanParamCRC = gEnv->pSystem->GetCrc32Gen()->GetCRC32Lowercase("SlideFactor");

			const Matrix34 &worldTM = m_player.GetEntity()->GetWorldTM();
			const Vec3 baseRgt = worldTM.GetColumn0();
			const Vec3 baseFwd = worldTM.GetColumn1();
			const Vec3 lookFwd = m_player.GetViewQuatFinal().GetColumn1();
			const float leanAngle = cry_acosf(baseFwd.Dot(lookFwd));

			float targetLeanFactor = clamp(leanAngle / MAX_LEAN_ANGLE, 0.0f, 1.0f);
			if (baseRgt.Dot(lookFwd) < 0.0f)
				targetLeanFactor *= -1.0f;
			CWeapon *pWeapon = m_player.GetWeapon(m_player.GetCurrentItemId());
			if (pWeapon)
				IFireMode *pFiremode = pWeapon->GetFireMode(pWeapon->GetCurrentFireMode());
				if (pFiremode && (pFiremode->GetNextShotTime() > 0.0f))
					targetLeanFactor = 0.0f;
			const float delta					= targetLeanFactor - m_leanFactor;
			const float step					= LEAN_RATE * timePassed;
			const float newLeanFactor	= (float)__fsel(delta, min(m_leanFactor + step, targetLeanFactor), max(m_leanFactor - step, targetLeanFactor));
			SWeightData weightData;
			weightData.weights[0] = newLeanFactor;
			SetParam(leanParamCRC, weightData);
			m_leanFactor = newLeanFactor;

			if (GetRootScope().IsDifferent(m_fragmentID, m_fragTags))
				SetFragment(m_fragmentID, m_fragTags);

		return TPlayerAction::Update(timePassed);
Example #27
bool CSpectacularKill::ObstacleCheck(const Vec3& vKillerPos, const Vec3& vTargetPos, const SSpectacularKillAnimation& anim) const
	// [*DavidR | 13/Sep/2010] ToDo: Find a way to make this asynchronously
	const float OBSTACLE_CHECK_RADIUS = 0.6f;

	const Vec3& vCapsuleKillerEnd = vKillerPos + anim.vKillerObstacleCheckOffset;

	primitives::capsule capsPrim;
	const Vec3& vKillerToTargetDist = vTargetPos - vCapsuleKillerEnd;
	capsPrim.axis = vKillerToTargetDist.GetNormalized();

	// hh is actually half the total height (it's measured from the center)
	capsPrim.hh = static_cast<float>(__fsel(anim.fObstacleCheckLength, 
				(anim.fObstacleCheckLength * 0.5f) - capsPrim.r,
				(min(g_pGameCVars->g_spectacularKill.maxDistanceError, vKillerToTargetDist.GetLength()) * 0.5f) - capsPrim.r));

	capsPrim.center = vCapsuleKillerEnd + (capsPrim.axis * (capsPrim.hh + capsPrim.r));
	capsPrim.center.z += capsPrim.r + OBSTACLE_CHECK_GROUND_OFFSET;

	geom_contact* pContact = NULL;
	int collisionEntityTypes = ent_static | ent_terrain | ent_sleeping_rigid | ent_ignore_noncolliding;
	float d = gEnv->pPhysicalWorld->PrimitiveWorldIntersection(capsPrim.type, &capsPrim, Vec3Constants<float>::fVec3_Zero, collisionEntityTypes, &pContact, 0, geom_colltype0);

	bool bObstacleFound = (d != 0.0f) && pContact;

#ifndef _RELEASE
	if (bObstacleFound && (g_pGameCVars->g_spectacularKill.debug > 1))
		const float fTime = 6.0f;

		// visually show why it failed
		IPersistantDebug* pPersistantDebug = BeginPersistantDebug();

		// Draw a capsule using a cylinder and two spheres
		const ColorF debugColor = Col_Coral * ColorF(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.6f);
		pPersistantDebug->AddCylinder(capsPrim.center, capsPrim.axis, capsPrim.r, capsPrim.hh * 2.0f, debugColor, fTime);
		pPersistantDebug->AddSphere(capsPrim.center - (capsPrim.axis * capsPrim.hh), capsPrim.r, debugColor, fTime);
		pPersistantDebug->AddSphere(capsPrim.center + (capsPrim.axis * capsPrim.hh), capsPrim.r, debugColor, fTime);

		for (int i = 0; i < (int)d; ++i)
		// Draw the collision point
			geom_contact collisionData(pContact[i]);
		pPersistantDebug->AddCone(collisionData.pt, -collisionData.n, 0.1f, 0.8f, Col_Red, fTime + 2.0f);

	return bObstacleFound;
Example #28
void CalcLowpassCoeffs( float Fc, float Q, vector4_out coeffsA, vector4_out coeffsB )
    Q = ( float )__fsel( Q, Q, .0001f );
    Fc = ( float )__fsel( Fc, Fc, FLT_EPSILON * 2.0f );

    float w0 = ( float )M_PI * Fc;
    float sin0 = sin( w0 );
    float cos0 = cos( w0 );

    float alpha = sin0 / ( 2.0f * Q );

    float a0 = alpha + 1.0f;
    coeffsA.v[0] = ( -2.0f * cos0 ) / a0;
    coeffsA.v[1] = ( 1.0f - alpha ) / a0;
    coeffsA.v[2] = 0.0f;
    coeffsA.v[3] = 0.0f;

    coeffsB.v[0] = ( ( 1.0f - cos0 ) / 2.0f ) / a0;
    coeffsB.v[1] = ( 1.0f - cos0 ) / a0;
    coeffsB.v[2] = ( ( 1.0f - cos0 ) / 2.0f ) / a0;
    coeffsB.v[3] = 0.0f;
Example #29
bool CPlayerStateJump::UpdateCommon( CPlayer& player, const bool isHeavyWeapon, const Vec3 &move, float frameTime, Vec3* pDesiredVel )
	GetDesiredVelocity(move, player, pDesiredVel);

	const SActorPhysics& actorPhysics = player.GetActorPhysics();

	// generate stats.
	if (actorPhysics.velocity*actorPhysics.gravity>0.0f)
		const float fHeightofEntity = player.GetEntity()->GetWorldTM().GetTranslation().z;
		m_startFallingHeight= (float)__fsel(-player.m_stats.fallSpeed, fHeightofEntity, max(m_startFallingHeight, fHeightofEntity));
		player.m_stats.fallSpeed = -actorPhysics.velocity.z;

	if (!gEnv->bMultiplayer && player.IsInPickAndThrowMode() && (player.m_stats.fallSpeed > 10.f))

	// inAir is set to 0.0f if we're swimming later - before refactoring this test happened *after* that, hence this test is here.
	m_jumpLock = (float)__fsel(-fabsf(player.m_stats.inAir), max(0.0f, m_jumpLock - frameTime), m_jumpLock);

	return true;
void CVehicleMovementHelicopter::CalculatePitch(const Ang3& worldAngles, const Vec3& desiredMoveDir, float currentSpeed2d, float desiredSpeed, float deltaTime)
	static const float kSpeedToPitchFactor = 100.0f;
	float desiredPitch = -static_cast<float>(__fsel(currentSpeed2d - desiredSpeed * 0.50f, currentSpeed2d, currentSpeed2d * kSpeedToPitchFactor)) / m_maxSpeed * gf_PI * 0.25f;
	desiredPitch += m_steeringDamage.x; 
	Limit(desiredPitch, -m_maxPitchAngle - m_steeringDamage.x, m_maxPitchAngle + m_steeringDamage.x);

	//additional pitch due to path slope is max 90 degrees 
	float upDown = GetAdditionalSlopePitch(desiredMoveDir); 
	float upDownAbs = fabsf(upDown);

	m_actionPitch = worldAngles.x + (desiredPitch - worldAngles.x + upDown) * deltaTime;
	Limit(m_actionPitch, -m_maxPitchAngle - upDownAbs * 0.1f , m_maxPitchAngle + upDownAbs);