Example #1
     * Given a database name and a BSONElement representing an array of roles, populates
     * "outPrivileges" with the privileges associated with the given roles on the named database.
     * Returns Status::OK() on success.
    static Status _getPrivilegesFromRoles(const std::string& dbname,
                                          const BSONElement& rolesElement,
                                          std::vector<Privilege>* outPrivileges) {

        static const char privilegesTypeMismatchMessage[] =
            "Roles must be enumerated in an array of strings.";

        if (dbname == PrivilegeSet::WILDCARD_RESOURCE) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          PrivilegeSet::WILDCARD_RESOURCE + " is an invalid database name.");

        if (rolesElement.type() != Array)
            return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch, privilegesTypeMismatchMessage);

        for (BSONObjIterator iter(rolesElement.embeddedObject()); iter.more(); iter.next()) {
            BSONElement roleElement = *iter;
            if (roleElement.type() != String)
                return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch, privilegesTypeMismatchMessage);
            Status status = _addPrivilegesForSystemRole(dbname, roleElement.str(), outPrivileges);
            if (!status.isOK())
                return status;
        return Status::OK();
     * Modifies the given User object by inspecting its roles and giving it the relevant
     * privileges from those roles.
    void V1PrivilegeDocumentParser::initializeUserPrivilegesFromRoles(User* user) const {
        std::vector<Privilege> privileges;

        RoleNameIterator it = user->getRoles();
        while (it.more()) {
            const RoleName& roleName = it.next();