Example #1
// socket utilities assume that the critical section has already been entered.
static void free_socket( const int t )
	_WSAResetEvent( sockets[t].ev );
	if(sockets[t].s != INVALID_SOCKET) {
		_closesocket( sockets[t].s );
		sockets[t].s = INVALID_SOCKET;
	sockets[t].state = CLOSED;
	sockets[t].stream_to_mac_stalled_until = 0;
	sockets[t].in_use = false;
	sockets[t].time_wait = 0;

	// if there was an attached listening socket (ftp), close it.
	int lst = sockets[t].child;
	if( lst >= 0 ) {
		if(l_sockets[lst].s != INVALID_SOCKET) {
		  D(bug("  closing listening socket %d\r\n", lst));
			_closesocket( l_sockets[lst].s );
			l_sockets[lst].s = INVALID_SOCKET;
		l_sockets[lst].port = 0;
		l_sockets[lst].parent = -1;
	sockets[t].child = -1;
void ListenerSocketConnection::stopConnection() {
	// do not read more
	continueRead = false;

	// stop receiving messages
	MessagingService *ms = MessagingService::getService();
	if( pub != NULL ) {
		ms -> destroyPublisher( pub );
		pub = NULL;

	if( sub != NULL ) {
		ms -> unsubscribe( sub );
		sub = NULL;

	// close socket part
	if( socket != INVALID_SOCKET ) {
		shutdown( socket , SD_BOTH );

		logout = true;
		_closesocket( socket );
		socket = INVALID_SOCKET;

	if( connected ) {
		logger.logInfo( "stopConnection: connection=" + getName() + ": disconnected" );
		connected = false;
Example #3
static void tcp_accept_callback( const int lst )
  D(bug("[%d] tcp_accept_callback()\r\n", lst));

	struct sockaddr_in to;
	memset( &to, 0, sizeof(to) );
	to.sin_family = AF_INET;
	int tolen = sizeof(to);

	SOCKET s = _accept( l_sockets[lst].s, (struct sockaddr *)&to, &tolen );
	if( s == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
		D(bug("[%d] connection not accepted, error code %d\r\n", lst, _WSAGetLastError()));
	} else {
		_WSAEventSelect( s, 0, 0 );

		uint16 src_port = l_sockets[lst].port;
		uint16 dest_port = ntohs(to.sin_port);
		uint32 ip_dest = ntohl(to.sin_addr.s_addr);

	  D(bug("[%d] connection accepted, local port:%d, remote %s:%d\r\n", lst, src_port, _inet_ntoa(to.sin_addr), dest_port));

		if( l_sockets[lst].ip != 0 && l_sockets[lst].ip != ip_dest ) {
			_closesocket( s );
		  D(bug("[%d] authorization failure. connection closed.\r\n", lst ));
		} else {
			int t = alloc_new_socket( src_port, dest_port, ip_dest );
			if( t < 0 ) {
				D(bug("<%d> out of slot space, connection dropped\r\n", t ));
			} else {
				sockets[t].s = s;
				sockets[t].state = LISTEN;
				sockets[t].src_port = src_port;
				sockets[t].dest_port = dest_port;
				sockets[t].ip_src = macos_ip_address;
				sockets[t].ip_dest = ip_dest;

				sockets[t].seq_out = 0x00000001;
				sockets[t].seq_in = 0; // not known yet
				sockets[t].mac_ack = sockets[t].seq_out; // zero out pending bytes

				tcp_reply( SYN, t );
				sockets[t].state = SYN_SENT;
				sockets[t].time_wait = GetTickCount() + SYN_FLOOD_PROTECTION_TIMEOUT;
				D(bug("<%d> Connect: LISTEN -> SYN_SENT\r\n", t));

				_WSAResetEvent( sockets[t].ev );
				if( SOCKET_ERROR == _WSAEventSelect( sockets[t].s, sockets[t].ev, FD_CLOSE ) ) {
					D(bug("<%d> WSAEventSelect() failed with error code %d\r\n", t, _WSAGetLastError()));

				// No data from the remote host is needed until the connection is established.
				// So don't initiate read yet.
Example #4
	if(s != INVALID_SOCKET) {
		_closesocket( s ); // slam!
	delete [] out_buffers[0].buf;
	delete [] buffers[0].buf;
void SocketServer::closeListeningPort() {
	shutdownInProgress = true;

	// close listening socket
	if( listenSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) {
		_closesocket( listenSocket );
		listenSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;

		String msg = "closeListeningPort: stopped listener on address=" + getAddress( &listen_inet );
		logger.logInfo( msg );
Example #6
*       _FTPServerChildTask
static void _FTPServerChildTask(void * Context) {
  int Sock;
  int Opt;

  _pFS_API = &IP_FS_FS;
  Sock = (int)Context;
  Opt = 1;
  setsockopt(Sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &Opt, sizeof(Opt));
  IP_FTPS_Process(&_IP_API, Context, _pFS_API, &_Application);
Example #7
int CWsHook::closesocket(SOCKET s)
	int ret = SOCKET_ERROR;

	if( dlg )

	if( _closesocket )
		ret = _closesocket(s);

    if (tlsIndex != TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES)
      TlsSetValue(tlsIndex, 0);

	return ret;
Example #8
void final_tcp()
  D(bug("closing all tcp sockets\r\n"));
	for( int i=0; i<MAX_SOCKETS; i++ ) {
		if(sockets[i].s != INVALID_SOCKET) {
		  D(bug("  closing socket %d\r\n", i));
		free_socket( i );
		if(sockets[i].buffers_write[0].buf) {
			delete [] sockets[i].buffers_write[0].buf;
			sockets[i].buffers_write[0].buf = 0;
		if(sockets[i].buffers_read[0].buf) {
			delete [] sockets[i].buffers_read[0].buf;
			sockets[i].buffers_read[0].buf = 0;

  D(bug("closing all tcp listening socket\r\n"));
	for( int i=0; i<MAX_SOCKETS; i++ ) {
		if(l_sockets[i].s != INVALID_SOCKET) {
		  D(bug("  closing listening socket %d\r\n", i));
			_closesocket( l_sockets[i].s );
			l_sockets[i].s = INVALID_SOCKET;

	// The router module has already set the shutdown flag.
	WaitForSingleObject( tcp_handle, INFINITE );
	WaitForSingleObject( tcp_l_handle, INFINITE );

	for( int i=0; i<MAX_SOCKETS; i++ ) {
		if(sockets[i].ev != WSA_INVALID_EVENT) {
			sockets[i].ev = WSA_INVALID_EVENT;
	for( int i=0; i<MAX_SOCKETS; i++ ) {
		if(l_sockets[i].ev != WSA_INVALID_EVENT) {
			l_sockets[i].ev = WSA_INVALID_EVENT;

	DeleteCriticalSection( &tcp_section );
Example #9
*       _FTPServerParentTask
static void _FTPServerParentTask(void) {
  int s, Sock;
  struct sockaddr Addr;
  int i;

  // Loop until we get a socket into listening state
  do {
    s = _ListenAtTcpAddr(21);
    if (s != SOCKET_ERROR) {
    OS_Delay(100);    // Try again
  } while (1);
  // Loop once per client and create a thread for the actual server
  while (1) {
    // Wait for an incoming connection
    int AddrLen = sizeof(Addr);
    if ((Sock = accept(s, &Addr, &AddrLen)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
      continue;    // Error

    if (_ConnectCnt++ < MAX_CONNECTIONS) {
      for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) {
        U8 r;

        r = OS_IsTask(&_aFTPTasks[i]);
        if (r == 0) {
          OS_CREATETASK_EX(&_aFTPTasks[i], "IP_FTPServerChild", _FTPServerChildTask, TASKPRIO_FTPSCHILD, _aFTPStacks[i], (void *)Sock);
    } else {
      IP_FTPS_OnConnectionLimit(&_IP_API, (void *)Sock);
      OS_Delay(2000);          // Give connection some time to complete
Example #10
void close_all_sockets()
  D(bug("closing all(%d) sockets\r\n", open_sockets));

	EnterCriticalSection( &router_section );
	for( int i=0; i<open_sockets; i++ ) {
		socket_t *cmpl = all_sockets[i];
	  D(bug("closing socket(%d,%d)\r\n", cmpl->src_port, cmpl->dest_port));
		if(cmpl->s == INVALID_SOCKET) {
			delete all_sockets[i];
			all_sockets[i] = all_sockets[--open_sockets];
		} else {
			// read completion will deallocate
			_closesocket( cmpl->s );
	LeaveCriticalSection( &router_section );
Example #11
void close_old_sockets()
	DWORD now = GetTickCount();

	EnterCriticalSection( &router_section );
	for( int i=open_sockets-1; i>=0; i-- ) {
		socket_t *cmpl = all_sockets[i];
		if( !cmpl->permanent && now >= cmpl->socket_ttl ) {
		  D(bug("expiring socket(%d,%d)\r\n", cmpl->src_port, cmpl->dest_port));
			if(cmpl->s == INVALID_SOCKET) {
				delete all_sockets[i];
				all_sockets[i] = all_sockets[--open_sockets];
			} else {
				// read completion will deallocate
				_closesocket( cmpl->s );
	LeaveCriticalSection( &router_section );
Example #12
void write_tcp( tcp_t *tcp, int len )
	if(len < sizeof(tcp_t)) {
	  D(bug("<%d> Too small tcp packet(%d) on unknown slot, dropped\r\n", -1, len));
	uint16 src_port = ntohs(tcp->src_port);
	uint16 dest_port = ntohs(tcp->dest_port);

	BOOL ok = true;
	BOOL handle_data = false;
	BOOL initiate_read = false;

	EnterCriticalSection( &tcp_section );

	int t = find_socket( src_port, dest_port );

	if(t < 0) {
		t = alloc_new_socket( src_port, dest_port, ntohl(tcp->ip.dest) );
		ok = t >= 0;

	if(ok) {
		D(bug("<%d> write_tcp %d bytes from port %d to port %d\r\n", t, len, src_port, dest_port));
	} else {
		D(bug("<%d> FAILED write_tcp %d bytes from port %d to port %d\r\n", t, len, src_port, dest_port));

	if( ok && ISSET(tcp->flags,RST) ) {
		D(bug("<%d> RST set, resetting socket\r\n", t));
		if( sockets[t].s != INVALID_SOCKET ) {
			D(bug("<%d> doing an extra shutdown (ie4)\r\n", t));
			_shutdown( sockets[t].s, SD_BOTH );
		free_socket( t );
		ok = false;

	if(ok) {
		D(bug("<%d> State machine start = %s\r\n", t, STATENAME(sockets[t].state)));

		// always update receive window
		sockets[t].mac_window = ntohs(tcp->window);

		int header_len = tcp->header_len >> 2;
		int option_bytes = header_len - 20;
		char *data = (char *)tcp + sizeof(tcp_t) + option_bytes;
		int dlen = len - sizeof(tcp_t) - option_bytes;

		if( !ISSET(tcp->flags,ACK) ) {
			D(bug("<%d> ACK not set\r\n", t));
		if( ISSET(tcp->flags,SYN) ) {
			D(bug("<%d> SYN set\r\n", t));

			// Note that some options are valid even if there is no SYN.
			// I don't care about those however.

			uint32 new_mss;
			process_options( t, (uint8 *)data - option_bytes, option_bytes, new_mss );
			if(new_mss) {
				sockets[t].mac_mss = (int)new_mss;
				if( new_mss < sockets[t].buffers_read[0].len ) {
					sockets[t].buffers_read[0].len = new_mss;
				D(bug("<%d> Max segment size set to %d\r\n", t, new_mss));
		if( ISSET(tcp->flags,FIN) ) {
			D(bug("<%d> FIN set\r\n", t));

		// The sequence number Mac expects to see next time.
		sockets[t].mac_ack = ntohl(tcp->ack);

		D(bug("<%d> From Mac: Seq=%d, Ack=%d, window=%d, router Seq=%d\r\n", t, ntohl(tcp->seq), sockets[t].mac_ack, sockets[t].mac_window, sockets[t].seq_out));

		if( sockets[t].stream_to_mac_stalled_until && 
				sockets[t].mac_ack == sockets[t].seq_out &&
				(sockets[t].state == ESTABLISHED || sockets[t].state == CLOSE_WAIT) )
			if( has_mac_read_space(t) ) {
				initiate_read = true;
				sockets[t].stream_to_mac_stalled_until = 0;
				D(bug("<%d> read resumed, mac can accept more data\r\n", t));

		switch( sockets[t].state ) {
			case CLOSED:
				sockets[t].src_port = src_port;
				sockets[t].dest_port = dest_port;
				sockets[t].ip_src = ntohl(tcp->ip.src);
				sockets[t].ip_dest = ntohl(tcp->ip.dest);

				if( ISSET(tcp->flags,SYN) ) {

					sockets[t].seq_out = 0x00000001;
					sockets[t].seq_in = ntohl(tcp->seq) + 1;

					_WSAResetEvent( sockets[t].ev );
					if( SOCKET_ERROR == _WSAEventSelect( sockets[t].s, sockets[t].ev, FD_CONNECT | FD_CLOSE ) ) {
						D(bug("<%d> WSAEventSelect() failed with error code %d\r\n", t, _WSAGetLastError()));

				  D(bug("<%d> connecting local port %d to remote %s:%d\r\n", t, src_port, _inet_ntoa(sockets[t].from.sin_addr), dest_port));

					sockets[t].state = LISTEN;
					if( _WSAConnect(
						(const struct sockaddr *)&sockets[t].from,
						NULL, NULL,
						NULL, NULL
					) == SOCKET_ERROR )
						int connect_error = _WSAGetLastError();
						if( connect_error == WSAEWOULDBLOCK ) {
							D(bug("<%d> WSAConnect() i/o pending.\r\n", t));
						} else {
							D(bug("<%d> WSAConnect() failed with error %d.\r\n", t, connect_error));
					} else {
						D(bug("<%d> WSAConnect() ok.\r\n", t));
				} else {
					if( ISSET(tcp->flags,FIN) ) {
						D(bug("<%d> No SYN but FIN on a closed socket.\r\n", t));
					} else {
						D(bug("<%d> No SYN on a closed socket. resetting.\r\n", t));
			case LISTEN:
				// handled in connect callback
			case SYN_SENT:
				if( ISSET(tcp->flags,SYN) && ISSET(tcp->flags,ACK) ) {
					sockets[t].seq_in = ntohl(tcp->seq) + 1;
					tcp_reply( ACK, t );
					sockets[t].state = ESTABLISHED;
					initiate_read = true;
					sockets[t].accept_more_data_from_mac = true;
					sockets[t].time_wait = 0;
				} else if( ISSET(tcp->flags,SYN) ) {
					sockets[t].seq_in = ntohl(tcp->seq) + 1;
					tcp_reply( ACK|SYN, t );
					sockets[t].state = SYN_RCVD;
					sockets[t].time_wait = 0;
				} else if( ISSET(tcp->flags,ACK) ) {
					// What was the bright idea here.
					D(bug("<%d> State is SYN_SENT, but got only ACK from Mac??\r\n", t));
					sockets[t].state = FINWAIT_2;
					sockets[t].time_wait = 0;
			case SYN_RCVD:
				if( ISSET(tcp->flags,ACK) ) {
					sockets[t].state = ESTABLISHED;
					handle_data = true;
					initiate_read = true;
					sockets[t].accept_more_data_from_mac = true;
				if( ISSET(tcp->flags,FIN) ) {
					tcp_reply( ACK, t );
					_shutdown( sockets[t].s, SD_SEND );
					sockets[t].state = CLOSE_WAIT;
				handle_data = true;
			case CLOSE_WAIT:
				// handled in tcp_read_completion
			case LAST_ACK:
				if( ISSET(tcp->flags,ACK) ) {
					D(bug("<%d> LAST_ACK received, socket closed\r\n", t));
					free_socket( t );
			case FINWAIT_1:
				if( ISSET(tcp->flags,FIN) && ISSET(tcp->flags,ACK) ) {
					tcp_reply( ACK, t );
					if(sockets[t].remote_closed) {
						sockets[t].s = INVALID_SOCKET;
					} else {
						_shutdown( sockets[t].s, SD_SEND );
					sockets[t].state = TIME_WAIT;
					sockets[t].time_wait = GetTickCount() + 2 * sockets[t].msl;
				} else if( ISSET(tcp->flags,FIN) ) {
					tcp_reply( ACK, t );
					if(sockets[t].remote_closed) {
						sockets[t].s = INVALID_SOCKET;
					} else {
						_shutdown( sockets[t].s, SD_SEND );
					sockets[t].state = CLOSING;
				} else if( ISSET(tcp->flags,ACK) ) {
					sockets[t].state = FINWAIT_2;
			case FINWAIT_2:
				if( ISSET(tcp->flags,FIN) ) {
					tcp_reply( ACK, t );
					if(sockets[t].remote_closed) {
						sockets[t].s = INVALID_SOCKET;
					} else {
						_shutdown( sockets[t].s, SD_SEND );
					sockets[t].state = TIME_WAIT;
					sockets[t].time_wait = GetTickCount() + 2 * sockets[t].msl;
			case CLOSING:
				if( ISSET(tcp->flags,ACK) ) {
					sockets[t].state = TIME_WAIT;
					sockets[t].time_wait = GetTickCount() + 2 * sockets[t].msl;
			case TIME_WAIT:
				// Catching stray packets: wait MSL * 2 seconds, -> CLOSED
				// Timer already set since we might not get here at all.
				// I'm using exceptionally low MSL value (5 secs).
				D(bug("<%d> time wait, datagram discarded\r\n", t));

		// The "t" descriptor may already be freed. However, it's safe
		// to peek the state value inside the critical section.
		D(bug("<%d> State machine end = %s\r\n", t, STATENAME(sockets[t].state)));

		D(bug("<%d> handle_data=%d, initiate_read=%d\r\n", t, handle_data, initiate_read));

		if( handle_data && dlen && sockets[t].accept_more_data_from_mac ) {
			if( sockets[t].seq_in != ntohl(tcp->seq) ) {
				D(bug("<%d> dropping duplicate datagram seq=%d, expected=%d\r\n", t, ntohl(tcp->seq), sockets[t].seq_in));
			} else {
				set_ttl( t, tcp->ip.ttl );

				struct sockaddr_in to;
				memset( &to, 0, sizeof(to) );
				to.sin_family = AF_INET;
				to.sin_port = tcp->dest_port;
				to.sin_addr.s_addr = tcp->ip.dest;

				D(bug("<%d> sending %d bytes to remote host\r\n", t, dlen));

				sockets[t].accept_more_data_from_mac = false;

				if( dlen > MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE ) {
					D(bug("<%d> IMPOSSIBLE: b_send() dropped %d bytes! \r\n", t, dlen-MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE));
					dlen = MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE;

				memcpy( sockets[t].buffers_write[0].buf, data, dlen );

				sockets[t].buffers_write[0].len = dlen;
				sockets[t].bytes_remaining_to_send = dlen;
				sockets[t].bytes_to_send = dlen;

				bool send_now = false;
				if( ISSET(tcp->flags,PSH) ) {
					send_now = true;
				} else {
					// todo -- delayed send
					send_now = true;
				if(send_now) {

					// Patch ftp server or client address if needed.

					int lst = 1;
					bool is_pasv;
					uint16 ftp_data_port = 0;

					if(ftp_is_ftp_port(sockets[t].src_port)) {
						// Local ftp server may be entering to passive mode.
						is_pasv = true;
					} else if(ftp_is_ftp_port(sockets[t].dest_port)) {
						// Local ftp client may be using port command.
						is_pasv = false;

					if(ftp_data_port) {
						D(bug("<%d> ftp %s command detected, port %d\r\n", t, (is_pasv ? "SERVER PASV REPLY" : "CLIENT PORT"), ftp_data_port ));

						// Note: for security reasons, only allow incoming connection from sockets[t].ip_dest
						lst = alloc_listen_socket( ftp_data_port, sockets[t].ip_dest, 0/*iface*/, true );

						if(lst < 0) {
							D(bug("<%d> no more free slots\r\n", t));
						} else {
							// First start listening (need to know the local name later)
							tcp_start_listen( lst );

							// When t is closed, lst must be closed too.
							sockets[t].child = lst;
							l_sockets[lst].parent = t;

							// Find out the local name
							struct sockaddr_in name;
							int namelen = sizeof(name);
							memset( &name, 0, sizeof(name) );
							if( _getsockname( sockets[t].s, (struct sockaddr *)&name, &namelen ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
								D(bug("_getsockname() failed, error=%d\r\n", _WSAGetLastError() ));


							sockets[t].buffers_write[0].len = dlen;
							sockets[t].bytes_remaining_to_send = dlen;
							// Do not change "bytes_to_send" field as it is used for ack calculation
					} // end of ftp patch

					if(!b_send(t)) {
						// on error, close the ftp data listening socket if one was created
						if(lst >= 0) {
							D(bug("[%d] closing listening port %d after write error\r\n", t, l_sockets[lst].port));
							_closesocket( l_sockets[lst].s );
							l_sockets[lst].s = INVALID_SOCKET;
							l_sockets[lst].port = 0;
							l_sockets[lst].ip = 0;
							l_sockets[lst].parent = -1;
							sockets[t].child = -1;

		if(initiate_read) {
			if(!b_recfrom(t)) {
				// post icmp error message

	LeaveCriticalSection( &tcp_section );
Example #13
static void CALLBACK tcp_read_completion(
	DWORD error,
	DWORD bytes_read,
	DWORD flags
	EnterCriticalSection( &tcp_section );

	const int t = (int)lpOverlapped->hEvent;

	sockets[t].bytes_received = bytes_read;

  D(bug("<%d> tcp_read_completion(error=%d, bytes_read=%d)\r\n", t, error, bytes_read));

  D(bug("<%d> tcp_read_completion() start, old state = %s\r\n", t, STATENAME(sockets[t].state)));

	if(!sockets[t].in_use) {
	  D(bug("<%d> ignoring canceled read\r\n", t));
	} else {
		if( error != 0 ) {
		  D(bug("<%d> resetting after read error\r\n", t));
			tcp_reply( RST, t );
		} else {
			if(bytes_read == 0) {
				_closesocket( sockets[t].s );
				sockets[t].s = INVALID_SOCKET;
			} else if( bytes_read > 0) {
				send_buffer( t, false );

			switch( sockets[t].state ) {
				case SYN_RCVD:
					if( bytes_read == 0 ) {
						D(bug("<%d> Closing: SYN_RCVD -> FINWAIT_1\r\n", t));
						tcp_reply( ACK|FIN, t );
						sockets[t].state = FINWAIT_1;
					if( bytes_read == 0 ) {
						D(bug("<%d> Closing: ESTABLISHED -> FINWAIT_1\r\n", t));
						tcp_reply( ACK|FIN, t );
						sockets[t].state = FINWAIT_1;
				case LISTEN:
					tcp_reply( SYN, t );
					sockets[t].state = SYN_SENT;
					sockets[t].time_wait = GetTickCount() + SYN_FLOOD_PROTECTION_TIMEOUT;
					D(bug("<%d> LISTEN -> SYN_SENT\r\n", t));
				case CLOSE_WAIT:
					if( bytes_read == 0) {
						tcp_reply( ACK|FIN, t );
						sockets[t].state = LAST_ACK;
						D(bug("<%d> Closing: CLOSE_WAIT -> LAST_ACK\r\n", t));
						if(sockets[t].remote_closed) {
							// Just in case that mac gets out of sync.
							sockets[t].s = INVALID_SOCKET;

			if(!is_router_shutting_down && sockets[t].s != INVALID_SOCKET) {
				if(sockets[t].state != LISTEN) {

	LeaveCriticalSection( &tcp_section );
Example #14
static unsigned int WINAPI tcp_listen_thread(void *arg)
	WSAEVENT wait_handles[MAX_SOCKETS];

	for( int i=0; i<MAX_SOCKETS; i++ ) {
		wait_handles[i] = l_sockets[i].ev;
		tcp_start_listen( i );

	while(!is_router_shutting_down) {
		DWORD ret = WaitForMultipleObjects(

		if(is_router_shutting_down) break;

		EnterCriticalSection( &tcp_section );
		if( ret >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 && ret < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + MAX_SOCKETS ) {
			const int lst = ret - WAIT_OBJECT_0;

			D(bug("[%d] connection attempt to port %d\r\n", lst, l_sockets[lst].port));


			if( _WSAEnumNetworkEvents( l_sockets[lst].s, l_sockets[lst].ev, &what ) != SOCKET_ERROR ) {
				if( what.lNetworkEvents & FD_ACCEPT ) {
					if( what.iErrorCode[FD_ACCEPT_BIT] == 0 ) {
						D(bug("[%d] Connect ok\r\n", lst));
					} else {
						D(bug("[%d] Connect error=%d\r\n", lst, what.iErrorCode[FD_ACCEPT_BIT]));
						// Post icmp error

			// close on errors too
			if(l_sockets[lst].once) {
				D(bug("[%d] once mode: closing listening socket on port %d\r\n", lst, l_sockets[lst].port));
				if( _closesocket( l_sockets[lst].s ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
					int err = _WSAGetLastError();
					D(bug("[%d] close error %d\r\n", lst, err));

				l_sockets[lst].s = INVALID_SOCKET;
				l_sockets[lst].port = 0;
				l_sockets[lst].ip = 0;

				int t = l_sockets[lst].parent;
				if( t >= 0 ) {
					sockets[t].child = -1;
				l_sockets[lst].parent = -1;

			_WSAResetEvent( l_sockets[lst].ev );
		LeaveCriticalSection( &tcp_section );
	return 0;
Example #15
*       _Disconnect
*  Function description
*    This function is called from the FTP server module to close the
*    the data connection.
static void _Disconnect(FTPS_SOCKET socket) {
  _closesocket((long) socket);