Example #1
_clutter_paint_volume_get_stage_paint_box (ClutterPaintVolume *pv,
                                           ClutterStage *stage,
                                           ClutterActorBox *box)
  ClutterPaintVolume projected_pv;
  CoglMatrix modelview;
  CoglMatrix projection;
  float viewport[4];

  _clutter_paint_volume_copy_static (pv, &projected_pv);

  cogl_matrix_init_identity (&modelview);

  /* If the paint volume isn't already in eye coordinates... */
  if (pv->actor)
    _clutter_actor_apply_relative_transformation_matrix (pv->actor, NULL,

  _clutter_stage_get_projection_matrix (stage, &projection);
  _clutter_stage_get_viewport (stage,

  _clutter_paint_volume_project (&projected_pv,

  _clutter_paint_volume_get_bounding_box (&projected_pv, box);

  _clutter_actor_box_enlarge_for_effects (box);

  clutter_paint_volume_free (&projected_pv);
Example #2
_clutter_paint_volume_get_stage_paint_box (ClutterPaintVolume *pv,
                                           ClutterStage *stage,
                                           ClutterActorBox *box)
  ClutterPaintVolume projected_pv;
  CoglMatrix modelview;
  CoglMatrix projection;
  float viewport[4];
  float width;
  float height;

  _clutter_paint_volume_copy_static (pv, &projected_pv);

  cogl_matrix_init_identity (&modelview);

  /* If the paint volume isn't already in eye coordinates... */
  if (pv->actor)
    _clutter_actor_apply_relative_transformation_matrix (pv->actor, NULL,

  _clutter_stage_get_projection_matrix (stage, &projection);
  _clutter_stage_get_viewport (stage,

  _clutter_paint_volume_project (&projected_pv,

  _clutter_paint_volume_get_bounding_box (&projected_pv, box);

  /* The aim here is that for a given rectangle defined with floating point
   * coordinates we want to determine a stable quantized size in pixels
   * that doesn't vary due to the original box's sub-pixel position.
   * The reason this is important is because effects will use this
   * API to determine the size of offscreen framebuffers and so for
   * a fixed-size object that may be animated accross the screen we
   * want to make sure that the stage paint-box has an equally stable
   * size so that effects aren't made to continuously re-allocate
   * a corresponding fbo.
   * The other thing we consider is that the calculation of this box is
   * subject to floating point precision issues that might be slightly
   * different to the precision issues involved with actually painting the
   * actor, which might result in painting slightly leaking outside the
   * user's calculated paint-volume. For this we simply aim to pad out the
   * paint-volume by at least half a pixel all the way around.
  width = box->x2 - box->x1;
  height = box->y2 - box->y1;
  width = CLUTTER_NEARBYINT (width);
  height = CLUTTER_NEARBYINT (height);
  /* XXX: NB the width/height may now be up to 0.5px too small so we
   * must also pad by 0.25px all around to account for this. In total we
   * must padd by at least 0.75px around all sides. */

  /* XXX: The furthest that we can overshoot the bottom right corner by
   * here is 1.75px in total if you consider that the 0.75 padding could
   * just cross an integer boundary and so ceil will effectively add 1.
  box->x2 = ceilf (box->x2 + 0.75);
  box->y2 = ceilf (box->y2 + 0.75);

  /* Now we redefine the top-left relative to the bottom right based on the
   * rounded width/height determined above + a constant so that the overall
   * size of the box will be stable and not dependant on the box's
   * position.
   * Adding 3px to the width/height will ensure we cover the maximum of
   * 1.75px padding on the bottom/right and still ensure we have > 0.75px
   * padding on the top/left.
  box->x1 = box->x2 - width - 3;
  box->y1 = box->y2 - height - 3;

  clutter_paint_volume_free (&projected_pv);