/** get contents of the boolean array object */ REPC SEXP RgetBoolArrayCont(SEXP e) { SEXP ar; jarray o; int l; jboolean *ap; JNIEnv *env=getJNIEnv(); profStart(); if (e==R_NilValue) return e; if (TYPEOF(e)==EXTPTRSXP) { jverify(e); o=(jobject)EXTPTR_PTR(e); } else error("invalid object parameter"); _dbg(rjprintf("RgetBoolArrayCont: jarray %x\n",o)); if (!o) return R_NilValue; l=(int)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env, o); _dbg(rjprintf(" convert bool array of length %d\n",l)); if (l<0) return R_NilValue; ap=(jboolean*)(*env)->GetBooleanArrayElements(env, o, 0); if (!ap) error("cannot obtain boolean array contents"); PROTECT(ar=allocVector(LGLSXP,l)); { /* jboolean = byte, logical = int, need to convert */ int i = 0; while (i < l) { LOGICAL(ar)[i] = ap[i]; i++; } } UNPROTECT(1); (*env)->ReleaseBooleanArrayElements(env, o, ap, 0); _prof(profReport("RgetBoolArrayCont[%d]:",o)); return ar; }
/** get contents of the object array in the form of list of ext. pointers */ REPC SEXP RgetObjectArrayCont(SEXP e) { SEXP ar; jarray o; int l,i; JNIEnv *env=getJNIEnv(); profStart(); if (e==R_NilValue) return R_NilValue; if (TYPEOF(e)==EXTPTRSXP) { jverify(e); o=(jobject)EXTPTR_PTR(e); } else error("invalid object parameter"); _dbg(rjprintf("RgetObjectArrayCont: jarray %x\n",o)); if (!o) return R_NilValue; l=(int)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env, o); _dbg(rjprintf(" convert object array of length %d\n",l)); if (l<1) return R_NilValue; PROTECT(ar=allocVector(VECSXP,l)); i=0; while (i<l) { jobject ae = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, o, i); _mp(MEM_PROF_OUT(" %08x LNEW object array element [%d]\n", (int) ae, i)) SET_VECTOR_ELT(ar, i, j2SEXP(env, ae, 1)); i++; } UNPROTECT(1); _prof(profReport("RgetObjectArrayCont[%d]:",o)); return ar; }
/** get contents of the integer array object */ REPC SEXP RgetIntArrayCont(SEXP e) { SEXP ar; jarray o; int l; jint *ap; JNIEnv *env=getJNIEnv(); profStart(); if (e==R_NilValue) return e; if (TYPEOF(e)==EXTPTRSXP) { jverify(e); o=(jobject)EXTPTR_PTR(e); } else error("invalid object parameter"); _dbg(rjprintf("RgetIntArrayCont: jarray %x\n",o)); if (!o) return R_NilValue; l=(int)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env, o); _dbg(rjprintf(" convert int array of length %d\n",l)); if (l<0) return R_NilValue; ap=(jint*)(*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, o, 0); if (!ap) error("cannot obtain integer array contents"); PROTECT(ar=allocVector(INTSXP,l)); if (l>0) memcpy(INTEGER(ar),ap,sizeof(jint)*l); UNPROTECT(1); (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, o, ap, 0); _prof(profReport("RgetIntArrayCont[%d]:",o)); return ar; }
/** get contents of the object array in the form of int* */ SEXP jri_getStringArray(JNIEnv *env, jarray o) { SEXP ar; int l, i; const char *c; profStart(); _dbg(rjprintf(" jarray %d\n",o)); if (!o) return R_NilValue; l = (int)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env, o); _dbg(rjprintf("convert string array of length %d\n",l)); PROTECT(ar = allocVector(STRSXP,l)); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jobject sobj = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, o, i); c = 0; if (sobj) { /* we could (should?) check the type here ... if (!(*env)->IsInstanceOf(env, sobj, javaStringClass)) { printf(" not a String\n"); } else */ c = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, sobj, 0); } if (!c) SET_STRING_ELT(ar, i, R_NaString); /* this is probably redundant since the vector is pre-filled with NAs, but just in case ... */ else { SET_STRING_ELT(ar, i, mkCharUTF8(c)); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, sobj, c); } } UNPROTECT(1); _prof(profReport("RgetStringArrayCont[%d]:",o)); return ar; }
/** * Creates initial process tree */ void ProcessManagerMac::createProcTree() { boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_accessMutex ); std::vector< kinfo_proc > procList; GetUnixProcesses( procList ); _dbg("Mac Process count: %u!", procList.size()); vector< kinfo_proc >::iterator it; vector< kinfo_proc >::iterator end_it = procList.end(); // Creates a map with all processes that will be feed to m_processTree ProcessMap processMap; for ( it = procList.begin(); it != end_it; ++it ) { try { // Get the instantly available data pid_t pid = it->kp_proc.p_pid; pid_t ppid = it->kp_eproc.e_ppid; processMap[ pid ] = ProcessProperties(); setProcessProperties( processMap[ pid ], pid, true, ppid, false, "" ); } catch ( const std::exception & ex ) { _dbg("Exception while adding processes: %s", ex.what()); } } boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock2( m_processTree.mutex() ); m_processTree.clear(); m_processTree.addConnectProcesses( processMap ); //dumpTree(); }
/** get contents of the boolean array object into a logical R vector */ SEXP jri_getBoolArray(JNIEnv *env, jarray o) { SEXP ar; int l; jboolean *ap; profStart(); _dbg(rjprintf(" jarray %d\n",o)); if (!o) return R_NilValue; l=(int)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env, o); _dbg(rjprintf("convert boolean array of length %d into R bool\n",l)); if (l<1) return R_NilValue; ap=(jboolean*)(*env)->GetBooleanArrayElements(env, o, 0); if (!ap) { jri_error("RgetBoolArrayCont: can't fetch array contents"); return 0; } PROTECT(ar=allocVector(LGLSXP,l)); { int i=0; int *lgl = LOGICAL(ar); while (i<l) { lgl[i]=ap[i]?1:0; i++; } } UNPROTECT(1); (*env)->ReleaseBooleanArrayElements(env, o, ap, 0); _prof(profReport("RgetBoolArrayCont[%d]:",o)); return ar; }
/** get contents of the long array object (int) */ REPC SEXP RgetLongArrayCont(SEXP e) { SEXP ar; jarray o; int l; jlong *ap; JNIEnv *env=getJNIEnv(); profStart(); if (e==R_NilValue) return e; if (TYPEOF(e)==EXTPTRSXP) { jverify(e); o=(jobject)EXTPTR_PTR(e); } else error("invalid object parameter"); _dbg(rjprintf("RgetLongArrayCont: jarray %d\n",o)); if (!o) return R_NilValue; l=(int)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env, o); _dbg(rjprintf(" convert long array of length %d\n",l)); if (l<0) return R_NilValue; ap=(jlong*)(*env)->GetLongArrayElements(env, o, 0); if (!ap) error("cannot obtain long contents"); PROTECT(ar=allocVector(REALSXP,l)); { /* long must be coerced into double .. we use just a cast for each element, bad idea? */ int i=0; while (i<l) { REAL(ar)[i]=(double)ap[i]; i++; } } UNPROTECT(1); (*env)->ReleaseLongArrayElements(env, o, ap, 0); _prof(profReport("RgetLongArrayCont[%d]:",o)); return ar; }
/* jobject to SEXP encoding - 0.2 and earlier use INTSXP */ SEXP j2SEXP(JNIEnv *env, jobject o, int releaseLocal) { if (!env) error("Invalid Java environment in j2SEXP"); if (o) { jobject go = makeGlobal(env, o); _mp(MEM_PROF_OUT("R %08x RNEW %08x\n", (int) go, (int) o)) if (!go) error("Failed to create a global reference in Java."); _dbg(rjprintf(" j2SEXP: %lx -> %lx (release=%d)\n", (long)o, (long)go, releaseLocal)); if (releaseLocal) releaseObject(env, o); o=go; } { SEXP xp = R_MakeExternalPtr(o, R_NilValue, R_NilValue); #ifdef RJ_DEBUG { JNIEnv *env=getJNIEnv(); jstring s=callToString(env, o); const char *c="???"; if (s) c=(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, s, 0); _dbg(rjprintf("New Java object [%s] reference %lx (SEXP@%lx)\n", c, (long)o, (long)xp)); if (s) { (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, s, c); releaseObject(env, s); } } #endif R_RegisterCFinalizerEx(xp, JRefObjectFinalizer, TRUE); return xp; } }
HIDE void deserializeSEXP(SEXP o) { _dbg(rjprintf("attempt to deserialize %p (clCL=%p, oCL=%p)\n", o, clClassLoader, oClassLoader)); SEXP s = EXTPTR_PROT(o); if (TYPEOF(s) == RAWSXP && EXTPTR_PTR(o) == NULL) { JNIEnv *env = getJNIEnv(); if (env && clClassLoader && oClassLoader) { jbyteArray ser = newByteArray(env, RAW(s), LENGTH(s)); if (ser) { jmethodID mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, clClassLoader, "toObject", "([B)Ljava/lang/Object;"); if (mid) { jobject res = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, oClassLoader, mid, ser); if (res) { jobject go = makeGlobal(env, res); _mp(MEM_PROF_OUT("R %08x RNEW %08x\n", (int) go, (int) res)) if (go) { _dbg(rjprintf(" - succeeded: %p\n", go)); /* set the deserialized object */ EXTPTR_PTR(o) = (SEXP) go; /* Note: currently we don't remove the serialized content, because it was created explicitly using .jcache to allow repeated saving. Once this is handled by a hook, we shall remove it. However, to assure compatibility TAG is always NULL for now, so we do clear the cache if TAG is non-null for future use. */ if (EXTPTR_TAG(o) != R_NilValue) { /* remove the serialized raw vector */ SETCDR(o, R_NilValue); /* Note: this is abuse of the API since it uses the fact that PROT is stored in CDR */ } } } } releaseObject(env, ser); } }
c_rpc_server::~c_rpc_server() { _dbg("rpc server destructor"); m_io_service.stop(); _dbg("io service stopped, join thread"); m_thread.join(); _dbg("thread joined"); }
void c_rpc_server::c_session::read_handler_hmac(const boost::system::error_code &error, std::size_t bytes_transferred) { _dbg("readed " << bytes_transferred << " bytes of hmac authenticator"); _dbg("authenticate message"); if (error) { _dbg("asio error " << error.message()); delete_me(); return; } int ret = crypto_auth_hmacsha512_verify(m_hmac_authenticator.data(), reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(m_received_data.data()), m_received_data.size(), m_hmac_key.data() ); if (ret == -1) { _warn("hmac authentication error"); delete_me(); return; } assert(ret == 0); try { execute_rpc_command(m_received_data); } catch (const std::exception &e) { _erro( "exception read_handler " << e.what()); _erro( "close connection\n" ); delete_me(); return; } }
SEXP jri_getSEXPLArray(JNIEnv *env, jarray o) { SEXP ar; int l,i=0; jlong *ap; profStart(); _dbg(rjprintf(" jarray %d\n",o)); if (!o) return R_NilValue; l=(int)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env, o); _dbg(rjprintf("convert SEXPL array of length %d\n",l)); if (l<1) return R_NilValue; ap=(jlong*)(*env)->GetLongArrayElements(env, o, 0); if (!ap) { jri_error("getSEXPLArray: can't fetch array contents"); return 0; } PROTECT(ar=allocVector(VECSXP,l)); while (i<l) { SET_VECTOR_ELT(ar, i, L2SEXP(ap[i])); i++; } UNPROTECT(1); (*env)->ReleaseLongArrayElements(env, o, ap, 0); _prof(profReport("jri_getSEXPLArray[%d]:",o)); return ar; }
c_rpc_server::c_rpc_server(const unsigned short port) : m_io_service(), m_acceptor(m_io_service, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(boost::asio::ip::address_v4::from_string(""), port)), m_socket(m_io_service), m_thread(), m_hmac_key() { m_hmac_key.fill(0x42); // TODO load this from conf file // start waiting for new connection m_acceptor.async_accept(m_socket, [this](boost::system::error_code error) { accept_handler(error); }); _dbg("Starting RPC server thread"); m_thread = std::thread([this]() { _dbg("RPC thread start"); try { boost::system::error_code ec; _dbg("io_service run"); m_io_service.run(ec); _dbg("end of io_service run"); if (ec) _dbg("error code " << ec.message()); _dbg("io_service reset"); m_io_service.reset(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { _dbg("io_service exception" << e.what()); } catch (...) { _dbg("catch unhandled exception"); } _dbg("RPC thread stop"); }); // lambda }
Resultado::operator string() const { os out; _dbg(out,id); _dbg(out,J); _dbg(out,CR); _dbg(out,cluster.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < cluster.size(); i++) { _dbg(out,i); _print(out,cluster[i]); } return out.str(); }
void c_rpc_server::c_session::read_handler_data(const boost::system::error_code &error, std::size_t bytes_transferred) { _dbg("readed " << bytes_transferred << " bytes of data"); if (error) { _dbg("asio error " << error.message()); delete_me(); return; } // parsing message _dbg("received message " << m_received_data); async_read(m_socket, boost::asio::buffer(&m_hmac_authenticator.at(0), m_hmac_authenticator.size()), [this](const boost::system::error_code &error, std::size_t bytes_transferred) { read_handler_hmac(error, bytes_transferred); }); }
/** ** Analogue: fputs(). ** Sends two commands to the child: first the "real command", then the ** "tag (trivial) command". ** Uses a "lazy fork" concept; we don't actually start the child ** at the time of the child_open() call but instead when the first cmd ** is sent. This means a program which employs a dispatcher, for instance, ** can do a child_open() in the main function, pass the handle off to ** all the routines it dispatches to, and child_close() before exiting ** without worrying about which of those functions will actually need ** the coprocess. If some of them don't need it, they won't send it ** any commands and will incur no fork/exec overhead. **/ int child_puts(char *s, CHILD *handle, AV* perl_out_array, AV* perl_err_array) { int n; if (handle == NULL) handle = mru_handle; if ((mru_handle = handle) == NULL) return 0; if (handle->cph_pid == 0) { if (_cp_start_child(handle) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't start child %s\n", handle->cph_cmd); exit(1); } /* Add file descriptors to poll vector. */ poll_add_fd( fileno(handle->cph_back), NPOLL_TXT, bck_read, NULL, handle ); poll_add_fd( fileno(handle->cph_err), NPOLL_TXT, err_read, NULL, handle ); } /* Save Perl array references for access from callbacks. */ handle->cph_out_array = perl_out_array; handle->cph_err_array = perl_err_array; _dbg(F,L,1, "-->> %s", s); /** set error count to 0 for new command **/ handle->cph_errs = 0; /** send the cmd down the pipe to the child **/ if ((n = fputs(s, handle->cph_down)) == EOF) return EOF; /** be helpful and add a newline if there isn't one **/ if (strrchr(s, '\n') != endof(s) - 1) if (fputc('\n', handle->cph_down) == EOF) return EOF; /** send the tag cmd **/ _dbg(F,L,4, "-->> [TAG]"); if (fputs(handle->cph_tag, handle->cph_down) == EOF) return EOF; handle->cph_pending = TRUE; _dbg(F,L,4, "pending ..."); /** poll **/ poll_rcv( NPOLL_NO_TIMEOUT ); return n; }
jarray jri_putDoubleArray(JNIEnv *env, SEXP e) { if (TYPEOF(e)!=REALSXP) return 0; _dbg(rjprintf(" real vector of length %d\n",LENGTH(e))); { unsigned len=LENGTH(e); jdoubleArray da=(*env)->NewDoubleArray(env,len); jdouble *dae; if (!da) { jri_error("newDoubleArray.new(%d) failed",len); return 0; } if (len>0) { dae=(*env)->GetDoubleArrayElements(env, da, 0); if (!dae) { (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env,da); jri_error("newDoubleArray.GetDoubleArrayElements failed"); return 0; } memcpy(dae,REAL(e),sizeof(jdouble)*len); (*env)->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(env, da, dae, 0); } return da; } }
static void JRefObjectFinalizer(SEXP ref) { if (java_is_dead) return; if (TYPEOF(ref)==EXTPTRSXP) { JNIEnv *env=getJNIEnv(); jobject o = R_ExternalPtrAddr(ref); #ifdef RJ_DEBUG { jstring s=callToString(env, o); const char *c="???"; if (s) c=(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, s, 0); _dbg(rjprintf("Finalizer releases Java object [%s] reference %lx (SEXP@%lx)\n", c, (long)o, (long)ref)); if (s) { (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, s, c); releaseObject(env, s); } } #endif if (env && o) { /* _dbg(rjprintf(" finalizer releases global reference %lx\n", (long)o);) */ _mp(MEM_PROF_OUT("R %08x FIN\n", (int)o)) releaseGlobal(env, o); } } }
/** ** Send a signal to the coprocess. Remember, 'kill' is a misnomer; ** it's just a signal. **/ int child_kill(CHILD *handle, int signo) { UPDATE_HANDLE(handle, mru_handle, 0); _dbg(F,L,4, "sending signal %d to pid: %d", signo, handle->cph_pid); return kill(handle->cph_pid, signo); }
jarray jri_putIntArray(JNIEnv *env, SEXP e) { if (TYPEOF(e)!=INTSXP) return 0; _dbg(rjprintf(" integer vector of length %d\n",LENGTH(e))); { unsigned len=LENGTH(e); jintArray da=(*env)->NewIntArray(env,len); jint *dae; if (!da) { jri_error("newIntArray.new(%d) failed",len); return 0; } if (len>0) { dae=(*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, da, 0); if (!dae) { (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env,da); jri_error("newIntArray.GetIntArrayElements failed"); return 0; } memcpy(dae,INTEGER(e),sizeof(jint)*len); (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, da, dae, 0); } return da; } }
void KfWindowCache::invalidateEntry() { if( m_cache.end() != m_currentCacheEntry ) { _dbg("INVALIDATE: 0x%x", m_currentCacheEntry->first); m_cache.erase(m_currentCacheEntry); m_currentCacheEntry = m_cache.end(); } }
set< pair<pid_t, std::string> > ProcessTree::fetchDescendants(pid_t pid) const { /// Lock boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_accessMutex); set< pair<pid_t, string> > retSet; if(0 == m_pidToIdMap.count(pid)) { _dbg("NO SUCH PID %d! ", pid); return retSet; } // The pid must exist (see count(key) above) ProcId procId; map<pid_t, ProcId>::const_iterator iter = m_pidToIdMap.find( pid ); if (iter != m_pidToIdMap.end()) { procId = iter->second; } else { // TODO handle error; } fetchDescendants_sub(retSet, procId); _qldbg("-----:::: "); for( set< pair<pid_t, string> >::iterator it = retSet.begin(); it != retSet.end(); ++it ) { _qldbg("%s ",it->second.c_str()); } _qdbg(""); return retSet; }
jarray jri_putByteArray(JNIEnv *env, SEXP e) { if (TYPEOF(e) != RAWSXP) return 0; _dbg(rjprintf(" raw vector of length %d\n", LENGTH(e))); { unsigned len = LENGTH(e); jbyteArray da = (*env)->NewByteArray(env,len); jbyte *dae; if (!da) { jri_error("newByteArray.new(%d) failed",len); return 0; } if (len > 0) { dae = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, da, 0); if (!dae) { (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, da); jri_error("newByteArray.GetByteArrayElements failed"); return 0; } memcpy(dae, RAW(e), len); (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, da, dae, 0); } return da; } }
jarray jri_putSEXPLArray(JNIEnv *env, SEXP e) { _dbg(rjprintf(" general vector of length %d\n",LENGTH(e))); { unsigned len=LENGTH(e); jlongArray da=(*env)->NewLongArray(env,len); jlong *dae; if (!da) { jri_error("newLongArray.new(%d) failed",len); return 0; } if (len>0) { int i=0; dae=(*env)->GetLongArrayElements(env, da, 0); if (!dae) { (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env,da); jri_error("newLongArray.GetLongArrayElements failed"); return 0; } while (i<len) { dae[i] = SEXP2L(VECTOR_ELT(e, i)); i++; } (*env)->ReleaseLongArrayElements(env, da, dae, 0); } return da; } }
/* TODO; use the mid_RJavaTools_getFieldTypeName method ID instead */ static char *findFieldSignature(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, const char *fnam) { char *detsig = 0; jstring s = newString(env, fnam); if (s) { jobject f = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, cls, mid_getField, s); _mp(MEM_PROF_OUT(" %08x LNEW object getField result value\n", (int) f)) if (f) { jobject fcl = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, f, mid_getType); _mp(MEM_PROF_OUT(" %08x LNEW object getType result value\n", (int) f)) if (fcl) { jobject fcns = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, fcl, mid_getName); releaseObject(env, fcl); if (fcns) { const char *fcn = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, fcns, 0); detsig = classToJNI(fcn); _dbg(Rprintf("class '%s' -> '%s' sig\n", fcn, detsig)); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, fcns, fcn); releaseObject(env, fcns); /* fid = (*env)->FromReflectedField(env, f); */ } } else releaseObject(env, fcl); releaseObject(env, f); } releaseObject(env, s); } return detsig; }
/** * log_msg - Write log message into lp_diag log file * * @fmt format string to printf() * @... additional argument */ void log_msg(const char *fmt, ...) { int rc; int len = 0; char buf[LP_ERROR_LOG_MAX]; va_list ap; #ifndef LPD_DEBUG /* In order to make testing easier we will not print time in * debug version of lp_diag. */ if (lp_error_log_fd != STDOUT_FILENO) { len = insert_time(buf, LP_ERROR_LOG_MAX); len += snprintf(buf + len, LP_ERROR_LOG_MAX - len, ": "); } #endif /* Add the actual message */ va_start(ap, fmt); len += vsnprintf(buf + len, LP_ERROR_LOG_MAX - len, fmt, ap); if (len < 0 || len >= LP_ERROR_LOG_MAX) { dbg("Insufficient buffer size"); va_end(ap); return; } va_end(ap); /* Add ending punctuation */ len += snprintf(buf + len, LP_ERROR_LOG_MAX - len, "."); if (lp_error_log_fd == -1) { dbg("Log file \"%s\" is not available", lp_error_log_file); _dbg(buf); return; } _dbg(buf); /* reformat the new message */ len = reformat_msg(buf, LP_ERROR_LOG_MAX); rc = write(lp_error_log_fd, buf, len); if (rc == -1) dbg("Write to log file \"%s\" failed", lp_error_log_file); }
int err_read( void* handle, char* buf, int len ){ if( len ){ /* * Interrupt handling doesn't work quite right. As yet undiagnosed * but this code is left in because it's no worse than not having it. */ if( !strncmp( buf, "Interrupt", 9 ) ){ _dbg(F,L,3, "interrupted end of cmd from %s", ((CHILD*)handle)->cph_cmd ); return NPOLL_RET_IDLE; } else { _dbg(F,L,2, "<<== '%.*s'", len, buf); Perl_av_push( aTHX_ ((CHILD*)handle)->cph_err_array , Perl_newSVpv( aTHX_ buf, len ) ); return NPOLL_CONTINUE; } } else { return NPOLL_RET_IDLE; } }
/** * rotate_log_file - Check log file size and rotate if required. * * @lp_log_file log file name * * Returns : * nothing */ static void rotate_log_file(char *lp_log_file) { int rc; int dir_fd; char *dir_name; char lp_log_file0[PATH_MAX]; struct stat sbuf; rc = stat(lp_log_file, &sbuf); if (rc == -1) { dbg("Cannot stat log file to rotate logs"); return; } if (sbuf.st_size <= LP_ERRD_LOGSZ) return; _dbg("Rotating log file : %s", lp_log_file); snprintf(lp_log_file0, PATH_MAX, "%s0", lp_log_file); /* Remove old files */ rc = stat(lp_log_file0, &sbuf); if (rc == 0) { if (unlink(lp_log_file0)) { dbg("Could not delete archive file %s " "(%d: %s) to make a room for new archive." " The new logs will be logged anyway.", lp_log_file0, errno, strerror(errno)); return; } } rc = rename(lp_log_file, lp_log_file0); if (rc == -1) { dbg("Could not archive log file %s to %s (%d: %s)", lp_log_file, lp_log_file0, errno, strerror(errno)); return; } dir_name = dirname(lp_log_file0); dir_fd = open(dir_name, O_RDONLY | O_DIRECTORY); if (dir_fd == -1) { dbg("Could not open log directory %s (%d: %s)", dir_name, errno, strerror(errno)); return; } /* sync log directory */ rc = fsync(dir_fd); if (rc == -1) dbg("Could not sync log directory %s (%d: %s)", dir_name, errno, strerror(errno)); close(dir_fd); }
void mlead_dump(void) { mleak_mem_node_t *pNode_act = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mleak_mutex); { pNode_act = g_mleak_dev.pNode_head; if( pNode_act ) _dbg("\n\nmemory leak:\n"); while( pNode_act ) { int i; unsigned char *pTmp = 0; if( pNode_act->verify_tag != MLEAK_VERIFY_TAG ) { _err("error, get a dirty node !!\n"); break; } _dbg("\tmalloc (ptr=0x%x, len=%u) at %s [#%u]\n", pNode_act->pPtr, pNode_act->length, pNode_act->path, pNode_act->line_num); pTmp = (unsigned char*)((unsigned long)pNode_act + sizeof(mleak_mem_node_t)); _dbg("\t hex: "); for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if( i == 4 ) _dbg("\n\t\t"); _dbg("%02x ", *(pTmp + i)); } _dbg("...\n\t\t"); pTmp = (unsigned char*)((unsigned long)pNode_act->pPtr + pNode_act->length); for(i = 0; i < (MLEAK_PROTECT_SIZE << 2); i++) _dbg("%02x ", *(pTmp + i)); _dbg("\n"); pNode_act = pNode_act->next; } _dbg("-------------- %s end\n", __FUNCTION__); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mleak_mutex); return; }
void c_rpc_server::c_session::execute_rpc_command(const std::string &input_message) { try { nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::parse(input_message); const std::string cmd_name = j.begin().value(); _dbg("cmd name " << cmd_name); // calling rpc function const std::string response = m_rpc_server_ptr->m_rpc_functions_map.at(cmd_name)(input_message); // serialize response assert(response.size() <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()); uint16_t size = static_cast<uint16_t>(response.size()); m_write_data.resize(size + 2); ///< 2 first bytes for size m_write_data.at(0) = static_cast<char>(size >> 8); m_write_data.at(1) = static_cast<char>(size & 0xFF); for (size_t i = 0; i < response.size(); ++i) m_write_data.at(i + 2) = response.at(i); // send response _dbg("send packet"); _dbg(m_write_data); std::array<unsigned char, crypto_auth_hmacsha512_BYTES> hash; int ret = crypto_auth_hmacsha512(hash.data(), reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&m_write_data.at(2)), size, m_rpc_server_ptr->m_hmac_key.data()); if (ret != 0) _throw_error(std::runtime_error("crypto_auth_hmacsha512 error")); _dbg("hmac"); //for (const auto & byte : hash) std::cout << std::hex << "0x" << static_cast<int>(byte) << " "; //std::cout << std::dec << std::endl; std::array<boost::asio::const_buffer, 2> buffers = { {boost::asio::buffer(m_write_data.data(), m_write_data.size()), boost::asio::buffer(hash.data(), hash.size())} }; m_socket.async_write_some(buffers, [this](const boost::system::error_code& error, std::size_t bytes_transferred) { write_handler(error, bytes_transferred); }); } catch (const std::exception &e) { _erro( "exception in execute_rpc_command " << e.what() ); _erro( "close connection\n" ); delete_me(); return; } }