Example #1
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
#ifdef __SW_BW
    FILE *my_stdout;
    my_stdout = freopen( "tmp.log", "a", stdout );
    if( my_stdout == NULL ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to redirect stdout\n" );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    /*** Initialize ***/
    strcpy( ProgramName, strlwr( argv[0] ) );   /* store filename */

    /*** Test various safe functions ***/

    /*** Print a pass/fail message and quit ***/
    if( NumErrors != 0 ) {
        printf( "%s: FAILURE (%d errors).\n", ProgramName, NumErrors );
        return( EXIT_FAILURE );
    printf( "Tests completed (%s).\n", ProgramName );

#ifdef __SW_BW
    fprintf( stderr, "Tests completed (%s).\n", ProgramName );
    fclose( my_stdout );
    return( EXIT_SUCCESS );
Example #2
int main( int argc, char **argv )
#ifdef __SW_BW
    FILE *my_stdout;
    my_stdout = freopen( "tmp.log", "a", stdout );
    if( my_stdout == NULL ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to redirect stdout\n" );
        exit( -1 );
#ifdef _LONG_DOUBLE_

    printf( "Tests completed (%s).\n", strlwr( argv[0] ) );
#ifdef __SW_BW
    fprintf( stderr, "Tests completed (%s).\n", strlwr( argv[0] ) );
    fclose( my_stdout );
    return 0;
Example #3
void main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int                 exitcode;

    /*** Initialize ***/
    #ifdef __SW_BW
        FILE *          my_stdout;
        my_stdout = freopen( "tmp.log", "a", stdout );
        if( my_stdout == NULL ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "Unable to redirect stdout\n" );
            exit( -1 );
    strcpy( ProgramName, strlwr(argv[0]) );     /* store executable filename */
    if( _setmbcp( 932 ) != 0 ) {
        printf( "Cannot initialize code page.\n\n" );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    /*  set constraint-handler                                             */

    set_constraint_handler_s( my_constraint_handler );

    /*** Test various functions ***/
    TestToWide();                               /* conversion to wide chars */
    TestFromWide();                             /* conversion from wide chars */
    TestAddendum();                             /* Normative Addendum stuff */

    /*** Print a pass/fail message and quit ***/
    if( NumErrors == 0 ) {
        printf( "%s: SUCCESS.\n", ProgramName );
        #ifdef __SW_BW
            fprintf( stderr, "%s: SUCCESS.\n", ProgramName );
        exitcode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
    } else {
        printf( "%s: FAILURE (%d errors).\n", ProgramName, NumErrors );
        #ifdef __SW_BW
            fprintf( stderr, "%s: FAILURE (%d errors).\n",
                     ProgramName, NumErrors );
        exitcode = EXIT_FAILURE;

    #ifdef __SW_BW
        fclose( my_stdout );
    exit( exitcode );
Example #4
int main( int argc, char **argv )
    FILE                *my_stdout;

    strcpy( ProgramName, strlwr( argv[0] ) );   /* store filename */
    my_stdout = freopen( "tmp.log", "a", stdout );
    if( my_stdout == NULL ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to redirect stdout\n" );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    printf( "Tests completed (%s).\n", ProgramName );
    fprintf( stderr, "Tests completed (%s).\n", ProgramName );
    fclose( my_stdout );
    return( EXIT_SUCCESS );
Example #5
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
#ifdef __SW_BW
    FILE *my_stdout;
    my_stdout = freopen( "tmp.log", "a", stdout );
    if( my_stdout == NULL ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to redirect stdout\n" );
        exit( -1 );
    /*** Initialize ***/
    strcpy( ProgramName, strlwr( argv[0] ) );   /* store filename */

    /*** Test various functions ***/
    TestCompare();                              /* compare stuff */
    TestMove();                                 /* moving data about */
    TestCase();                                 /* upper/lowercase stuff */
    TestSearch();                               /* searching stuff */
    TestSubstring();                            /* substring stuff */
    TestToken();                                /* tokenizing stuff */
    TestLocale();                               /* locale stuff */
    TestError();                                /* error string stuff */
    TestFormatted();                            /* formatted I/O stuff */
    TestBounded();                              /* bounded string stuff */
#ifdef __X86__

    /*** Print a pass/fail message and quit ***/
    if( NumErrors != 0 ) {
        printf( "%s: FAILURE (%d errors).\n", ProgramName, NumErrors );
        return( EXIT_FAILURE );
    printf( "Tests completed (%s).\n", strlwr( argv[0] ) );
#ifdef __SW_BW
    fprintf( stderr, "Tests completed (%s).\n", strlwr( argv[0] ) );
    fclose( my_stdout );
    return( 0 );
Example #6
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
#ifdef __SW_BW
    FILE    *my_stdout;

    my_stdout = freopen( "tmp.log", "a", stdout );
    if( my_stdout == NULL ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to redirect stdout\n" );
        exit( -1 );
    /*** Initialize ***/
    strcpy( ProgramName, strlwr( argv[0] ) );   /* store filename */

    /*  set constraint-handler  */

    set_constraint_handler_s( my_constraint_handler );

    /* Start of tests */


    /* End of tests */

    /*** Print a pass/fail message and quit ***/
    if( NumErrors != 0 ) {
        printf( "%s: FAILURE (%d errors).\n", ProgramName, NumErrors );
        return( EXIT_FAILURE );
    wprintf( L"Tests completed (%hs).\n", strlwr( argv[0] ) );
#ifdef __SW_BW
    fprintf( stderr, "Tests completed (%s).\n", strlwr( argv[0] ) );
    fclose( my_stdout );

    return( 0 );
Example #7
int main( int argc, char * const argv[] )
#ifdef __SW_BW
    FILE    *my_stdout;

    my_stdout = freopen( "tmp.log", "a", stdout );
    if( my_stdout == NULL ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to redirect stdout\n" );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    ( void )argc;                       /* Unused */
    /*** Initialize ***/
    strcpy( ProgramName, argv[0] );     /* store filename */
    strlwr( ProgramName );              /* and lower case it */
    strcpy( myfile, __FILE__ );
    strlwr( myfile );

    /*  Test Safer C Library time routines                                     */

    /*  set constraint-handler                                             */

    set_constraint_handler_s( my_constraint_handler );


    /*** Print a pass/fail message and quit ***/
    if( NumErrors != 0 ) {
        printf( "%s: FAILURE (%d errors).\n", ProgramName, NumErrors );
        return( EXIT_FAILURE );
    printf( "Tests completed (%s).\n", ProgramName );
#ifdef __SW_BW
    fprintf( stderr, "Tests completed (%s).\n", ProgramName );
    fclose( my_stdout );
    return( EXIT_SUCCESS );
Example #8
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
#ifdef __SW_BW
    FILE    *my_stdout;

    my_stdout = freopen( "tmp.log", "a", stdout );
    if( my_stdout == NULL ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to redirect stdout\n" );
        exit( -1 );

    /*** Initialize ***/
    strcpy( ProgramName, strlwr( argv[0] ) );   /* store filename */

    /****  Start of Tests  ****/

    /*  set constraint-handler                                             */

    set_constraint_handler_s( my_constraint_handler );


    /****  End of Tests  ****/

    //Status_Print( );

    printf( "Tests completed (%s).\n", ProgramName );
#ifdef __SW_BW
    fprintf( stderr, "Tests completed (%s).\n", ProgramName );
    fclose( my_stdout );
    return( 0 );
Example #9
int __F_NAME( main, wmain )( int argc, const CHAR_TYPE * const * const argv )
#ifdef __SW_BW
    FILE    *my_stdout;

    my_stdout = freopen( "tmp.log", "a", stdout );
    if( my_stdout == NULL ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to redirect stdout\n" );
        return( EXIT_FAILURE );

    // Initialize
    (void) __F_NAME( strcpy, wcscpy )( ProgramName, argv[0] );     // store filename
    (void) __F_NAME( strlwr, _wcslwr )( ProgramName );             // and lower case it
    (void) strcpy( SrcFILE, __FILE__ ), (void) strlwr( SrcFILE );  // lowered __FILE__

    (void) argc; // Unused

//  This was causing a crash in the multi-threaded 16-bit OS/2 runtime.
//  This test program relies far too much on clib internals but probably
//  isn't worth "fixing" properly.
//    __F_NAME( __Fini_Argv, __wFini_Argv )(); // Release allocated data

    // tryanalysis( __LINE__, 0, 0, 0 ); // Fails as _Lp* can't be NULL

        // Program name and no arguments
    tryanalysis( __LINE__, 0, TAGSTR( "hello" ), TAGSTR( "" ), 1);

        // one argument
    tryanalysis( __LINE__, 0, TAGSTR( "hello" ), TAGSTR( "world" ),
        2, TAGSTR( "world" ) );

        // argument-enclosing whitespace is ignored
    tryanalysis( __LINE__, 0, TAGSTR( "2 params" ), TAGSTR( " \thello \tworld \t" ),
        3, TAGSTR( "hello" ), TAGSTR( "world" ) );

        // quotes at both ends
    tryanalysis( __LINE__, 0, TAGSTR( "1 arg" ), TAGSTR( "\"hello world\"" ),
        2, TAGSTR( "hello world" ) );

        // Lost closing quote ignored
    tryanalysis( __LINE__, 0, TAGSTR( "1 arg" ), TAGSTR( "\"hello world" ),
        2, TAGSTR( "hello world" ) );

        // opening quote not at start
    tryanalysis( __LINE__, 0, TAGSTR( "1 arg" ), TAGSTR( "hell\"o world" ),
        2, TAGSTR( "hello world" ) );

        // quotes away from both ends
    tryanalysis( __LINE__, 0, TAGSTR( "1 arg" ), TAGSTR( "hell\"o w\"orld" ),
        2, TAGSTR( "hello world" ) );

    // Check historical behaviour
        // quotes at both ends
    tryanalysis( __LINE__, 1, TAGSTR( "1 arg" ), TAGSTR( "\"hello world\"" ),
        2, TAGSTR( "hello world" ) );

        // Lost closing quote ignored
    tryanalysis( __LINE__, 1, TAGSTR( "1 arg" ), TAGSTR( "\"hello world" ),
        2, TAGSTR( "hello world" ) );

        // opening quote not at start
    tryanalysis( __LINE__, 1, TAGSTR( "1 arg" ), TAGSTR( "hell\"o world" ),
        3, TAGSTR( "hell\"o" ), TAGSTR( "world" ) );

        // quotes away from both ends
    tryanalysis( __LINE__, 1, TAGSTR( "2 args" ), TAGSTR( "hell\"o w\"orld" ),
        3, TAGSTR( "hell\"o" ), TAGSTR( "w\"orld" ) );

        // backslash usage
    tryanalysis( __LINE__, 0, TAGSTR( "2 args" ), TAGSTR( "hell\\\"o w\\o\"rld wars" ),
        3, TAGSTR( "hell\"o" ), TAGSTR( "w\\orld wars" ) );

    tryanalysis( __LINE__, 1, TAGSTR( "3 args" ), TAGSTR( "hell\\\"o w\\o\"rld wars" ),
        4, TAGSTR( "hell\"o" ), TAGSTR( "w\\o\"rld" ), TAGSTR( "wars" ) );

    test_long_jump( __LINE__ );

    /*** Print a pass/fail message and quit ***/
    if( NumErrors != 0 ) {
        printf( "%s: FAILURE (%d errors).\n", ProgramName, NumErrors );
        return( EXIT_FAILURE );
    printf( "Tests completed (%s).\n", ProgramName );
#ifdef __SW_BW
    fprintf( stderr, "Tests completed (%s).\n", ProgramName );
    fclose( my_stdout );

    return( EXIT_SUCCESS );
Example #10
void main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    CHAR_TYPE           *cwd;
    CHAR_TYPE           buffer[256], buffer2[256];
    int                 ctr;
    FILE                *fp;
    _tDIR               *dirp;
    struct dirent       *direntp;
    unsigned            checkbits = 0;
    unsigned            save_checkbits;

    #ifdef __SW_BW
        FILE *my_stdout;
        my_stdout = __F_NAME(freopen,_wfreopen)( STRING( "tmp.log" ), STRING( "a" ), stdout );
        VERIFY( my_stdout != NULL );

    /*** Convert multi-byte name to wide char name ***/
    #ifdef MBYTE_NAMES
        mbstowcs( TmpDir, "_TMP\x90\x92\x90\x90", 9 );
        mbstowcs( TmpFilePrefix, "TMP_\x90\x90\x90\x92", 9 );

    VERIFY( ( cwd = __F_NAME(getcwd,_wgetcwd)( NULL, 0 ) ) != NULL );
    VERIFY( __F_NAME(getcwd,_wgetcwd)( buffer, 256 ) != NULL );
    VERIFY( __F_NAME(strcmp,wcscmp)( buffer, cwd ) == 0 );
    free( cwd );
#ifdef __UNIX__
    VERIFY( __F_NAME(mkdir,_wmkdir)( TMPDIR ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( __F_NAME(chdir,_wchdir)( TMPDIR ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( ( cwd = __F_NAME(getcwd,_wgetcwd)( NULL, 0 ) ) != NULL );
    if( buffer[__F_NAME(strlen,wcslen)(buffer)-1] != '\\' ) {
        __F_NAME(strcat,wcscat)( buffer, STRING( "\\" ) );
    __F_NAME(strcat,wcscat)( buffer, TMPDIR );
    VERIFY( __F_NAME(strcmp,wcscmp)( buffer, cwd ) == 0 );
    free( cwd );

    for( ctr = 0; ctr < NUM_OPEN; ++ctr ) {
        __F_NAME(strcpy,wcscpy)( buffer, TMPFILEPREFIX );
        __F_NAME(strcat,wcscat)( buffer, STRING( "." ) );
        __F_NAME(itoa,_witoa)( ctr, buffer2, 10 );
        __F_NAME(strcat,wcscat)( buffer, buffer2 );
        fp = __F_NAME(fopen,_wfopen)( buffer, STRING( "w" ) );
        if( fp == NULL ) {
            __F_NAME(printf,wprintf)( STRING( "INTERNAL: fopen failed\n" ) );
        checkbits |= ( 1 << ctr );
        fclose( fp );

    VERIFY( __F_NAME(chdir,_wchdir)( STRING( ".." ) ) == 0 );
    __F_NAME(strcpy,wcscpy)( buffer, TMPDIR );
    __F_NAME(strcat,wcscat)( buffer, "\\" );
    __F_NAME(strcat,wcscat)( buffer, TMPFILEPREFIX );
    __F_NAME(strcat,wcscat)( buffer, ".*" );
    save_checkbits = checkbits;

    /* Open the directory using a wildcard pattern. */
    VERIFY( ( dirp = __F_NAME(opendir,_wopendir)( buffer ) ) != NULL );

    for( ctr = 0;; ++ctr ) {
        direntp = __F_NAME(readdir,_wreaddir)( dirp );
        if( direntp == NULL )
        __F_NAME(strcpy,wcscpy)( buffer, TMPFILEPREFIX );
        __F_NAME(strcat,wcscat)( buffer, STRING( "." ) );
        __F_NAME(itoa,_witoa)( ctr, buffer2, 10 );
        __F_NAME(strcat,wcscat)( buffer, buffer2 );
        VERIFY( __F_NAME(strcmp,wcscmp)(buffer,direntp->d_name) == 0 );
        checkbits &= ~( 1 << ctr );

    VERIFY( checkbits == 0 );   // If not, readdir() didn't report all files

    __F_NAME(rewinddir,_wrewinddir)( dirp );
    checkbits = save_checkbits;

    for( ctr = 0;; ++ctr ) {
        direntp = __F_NAME(readdir,_wreaddir)( dirp );
        if( direntp == NULL )
        __F_NAME(strcpy,wcscpy)( buffer, TMPFILEPREFIX );
        __F_NAME(strcat,wcscat)( buffer, STRING( "." ) );
        __F_NAME(itoa,_witoa)( ctr, buffer2, 10 );
        __F_NAME(strcat,wcscat)( buffer, buffer2 );
        VERIFY( __F_NAME(strcmp,wcscmp)(buffer,direntp->d_name) == 0 );
        checkbits &= ~( 1 << ctr );

    VERIFY( checkbits == 0 );   // If not, readdir() didn't report all files
    VERIFY( __F_NAME(closedir,_wclosedir)( dirp ) == 0 );

    /* Open the directory itself, no pattern. */
    VERIFY( ( dirp = __F_NAME(opendir,_wopendir)( TMPDIR ) ) != NULL );
    checkbits = save_checkbits;

    ctr = 0;
    direntp = __F_NAME(readdir,_wreaddir)( dirp );
    while( direntp ) {
        /* Skip '.' and '..' entries. */
        if( direntp->d_name[0] != '.' ) {
            __F_NAME(strcpy,wcscpy)( buffer, TMPFILEPREFIX );
            __F_NAME(strcat,wcscat)( buffer, STRING( "." ) );
            __F_NAME(itoa,_witoa)( ctr, buffer2, 10 );
            __F_NAME(strcat,wcscat)( buffer, buffer2 );
            VERIFY( __F_NAME(strcmp,wcscmp)(buffer,direntp->d_name) == 0 );
            checkbits &= ~( 1 << ctr );
        direntp = __F_NAME(readdir,_wreaddir)( dirp );

    VERIFY( checkbits == 0 );   // If not, readdir() didn't report all files
    VERIFY( __F_NAME(closedir,_wclosedir)( dirp ) == 0 );

    VERIFY( __F_NAME(rmdir,_wrmdir)( TMPDIR ) == -1 ); // Should == -1; TMPDIR non-empty
    VERIFY( __F_NAME(chdir,_wchdir)( TMPDIR ) == 0 );

    for( ctr = 0; ctr < NUM_OPEN; ++ctr ) {
        __F_NAME(strcpy,wcscpy)( buffer, TMPFILEPREFIX );
        __F_NAME(strcat,wcscat)( buffer, STRING( "." ) );
        __F_NAME(itoa,_witoa)( ctr, buffer2, 10 );
        __F_NAME(strcat,wcscat)( buffer, buffer2 );
        if( __F_NAME(remove,_wremove)( buffer ) != 0 ) {
            __F_NAME(printf,wprintf)( STRING( "INTERNAL: remove() failed\n" ) );

    VERIFY( __F_NAME(chdir,_wchdir)( STRING( ".." ) ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( __F_NAME(rmdir,_wrmdir)( TMPDIR ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( __F_NAME(chdir,_wchdir)( TMPDIR ) != 0 );
    printf( "Tests completed (%s).\n", strlwr( argv[0] ) );

    #ifdef __SW_BW
        fprintf( stderr, "Tests completed (%s).\n", strlwr( argv[0] ) );
        fclose( my_stdout );
    exit( 0 );
Example #11
intstar4        __fortran DWFSHUTDOWN( void ) {

    return( _dwShutDown() );
Example #12
void main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    char filename[NUM_FILES][L_tmpnam_s];
    FILE *fp;
    int ctr, ctr2;
    struct stat info;
    errno_t rc;

    int     violations = NumViolations;

#ifdef __SW_BW
    FILE *my_stdout;
    my_stdout = freopen( "tmp.log", "a", stdout );
    if( my_stdout == NULL ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to redirect stdout\n" );
        exit( -1 );

    /*** Initialize ***/
    strcpy( ProgramName, strlwr( argv[0] ) );   /* store filename */

    /*  set constraint-handler                                             */

    set_constraint_handler_s( my_constraint_handler );

    /* test runtime constraints */
    rc = tmpnam_s( NULL, sizeof( filename[0] ) );
    VERIFYS( rc != 0 );
    VERIFYS( NumViolations == ++violations );

    filename[0][0] = 'x';
    rc = tmpnam_s( filename[0], 0 );
    VERIFYS( rc != 0 );
    VERIFYS( filename[0][0] == 'x' );
    VERIFYS( NumViolations == ++violations );

    rc = tmpnam_s( filename[0], 4 ); /* only space for .aaa */
    VERIFYS( rc != 0 );
    VERIFYS( filename[0][0] == '\0' );
    VERIFYS( NumViolations == ++violations );

    for( ctr = 0; ctr < NUM_FILES; ++ctr ) {
        rc = tmpnam_s( filename[ctr], sizeof( filename[0] ) );
        VERIFYS( rc == 0 );
        VERIFY( remove( filename[ctr] ) != 0 ); // remove should fail
        VERIFY( errno == ENOENT );
        for( ctr2 = 0; ctr2 < ctr; ++ctr2 ) {
            VERIFY( strcmp( filename[ctr], filename[ctr2] ) != 0 );
            // Make sure all tmpfiles are unique
    VERIFY( utime( filename[0], NULL ) == -1 );
    EXPECT( errno == ENOENT );
    for( ctr = 0; ctr < 2; ++ctr ) {
        if( ( fp = fopen( filename[ctr], "w" ) ) == NULL ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "Internal: fopen() failed\n" );
            perror( filename[ctr] );
            exit( -1 );
        fclose( fp );
#ifndef __UNIX__    // rename is allowed
    VERIFY( rename( filename[0], filename[1] ) != 0 );  // rename should fail
    EXPECT( (errno == EACCES)||(errno == EEXIST) );
    VERIFY( rename( filename[0], filename[2] ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( remove( filename[0] ) != 0 );   // filename[0] was renamed -> DNE
    EXPECT( errno == ENOENT );
    VERIFY( remove( filename[2] ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( access( filename[2], F_OK ) == -1 );// filename[2] was removed
    EXPECT( errno == ENOENT );
    VERIFY( access( filename[1], F_OK ) == 0 ); // filename[1] is still here
    VERIFY( access( filename[1], R_OK ) == 0 ); // read permission
    VERIFY( access( filename[1], W_OK ) == 0 ); // write permission
    VERIFY( access( argv[0], X_OK ) == 0 );     // execute permission
    VERIFY( chmod( filename[1], S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP ) == 0 );
    // filename[1] is now read-only
    VERIFY( access( filename[1], W_OK ) == -1 );
    EXPECT( errno == EACCES );
#if !defined( __UNIX__ ) && !defined( __RDOS__ )    // remove would succeed
    VERIFY( remove( filename[1] ) != 0 );
    EXPECT( errno == EACCES );
    VERIFY( chmod( filename[1], S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( stat( filename[1], &info ) == 0 );
#ifndef __UNIX__
    EXPECT( 0 <= info.st_dev && info.st_dev < 26 );
    VERIFY( utime( filename[1], NULL ) == 0 );
    VERIFY( remove( filename[1] ) == 0 );
    printf( "Tests completed (%s).\n", strlwr( argv[0] ) );
    if( warnings ) {
        printf( "Total number of warning(s) = %d.\n", warnings );
        exit( -1 );
#ifdef __SW_BW
        fprintf( stderr, "Tests completed (%s).\n", strlwr( argv[0] ) );
        fclose( my_stdout );
    exit( 0 );