Example #1
void RequestQueue::operator=(RequestQueue &rq)
  PSLICE n, u = (PSLICE) 0;
  size_t idx;
  int flag = 0;

  if( rq_head ) _empty_slice_list(&rq_head);
  rq_head = rq.rq_head;
  rq_send = rq_head;

  // Reassign only the first piece represented in the queue.
  n = rq_head;
  idx = n->index;
  for( ; n ; u = n,n = u->next ){
    if( rq.rq_send == n ) flag = 1;
    if( n->index != idx ) break;
    u->next = (PSLICE) 0;
    rq.rq_head = n;
    if(flag) rq.rq_send = rq.rq_head;
    rq.rq_head = (PSLICE) 0;
    rq.rq_send = rq.rq_head;
Example #2
bool RequestQueue::Delete(bt_index_t idx)
  PIECE *piece, *prev;

  if( !(piece = FindPiece(idx, &prev)) ) return false;
  if( prev ) prev->next = piece->next;
  else rq_head = piece->next;

  if( rq_send && rq_send->index == idx )
    rq_send = piece->next ? piece->next->slices : (SLICE *)0;

  piece->next = (PIECE *)0;
  return true;
Example #3
// Returns true if the piece was moved successfully.
bool RequestQueue::Transfer(RequestQueue &dstq, bt_index_t idx)
  bool result = true;
  PIECE *piece, *prev;

  if( !(piece = FindPiece(idx, &prev)) ) return true;

  if( rq_send && rq_send->index == idx )
    rq_send = piece->next ? piece->next->slices : (SLICE *)0;

  if( prev ) prev->next = piece->next;
  else rq_head = piece->next;
  piece->next = (PIECE *)0;

  if( (&PENDING == &dstq && piece->count >= NSlices(piece->slices->index)) ||
      !dstq.Append(piece) ){
    result = false;
  return result;
Example #4
bt_index_t RequestQueue::Reassign(RequestQueue &dstq, const Bitfield &bf)
  PIECE *piece, *prev = (PIECE *)0;
  bt_index_t idx = BTCONTENT.GetNPieces();

  for( piece = rq_head; piece; piece = prev ? prev->next : rq_head ){
    if( bf.IsSet(piece->slices->index) &&
        !dstq.HasPiece(piece->slices->index) ){
      idx = piece->slices->index;
      if( rq_send && rq_send->index == idx )
        rq_send = piece->next ? piece->next->slices : (SLICE *)0;

      if( prev ) prev->next = piece->next;
      else rq_head = piece->next;
      piece->next = (PIECE *)0;

      if( !dstq.Append(piece) ) _empty_slice_list(&piece);
      else break;
    }else prev = piece;
  return idx;
Example #5
void RequestQueue::SetHead(PSLICE ps)
  if( rq_head ) _empty_slice_list(&rq_head);
  rq_head = ps;
  rq_send = rq_head;
Example #6
void RequestQueue::Empty()
  if(rq_head) _empty_slice_list(&rq_head);
  rq_send = rq_head;
Example #7
  if( rq_head ) _empty_slice_list(&rq_head);