Example #1
File: cct3d.C Project: xyuan/oofem
CCTPlate3d :: computeLocalCoordinates(FloatArray &answer, const FloatArray &coords)
//converts global coordinates to local planar area coordinates,
//does not return a coordinate in the thickness direction, but
//does check that the point is in the element thickness
    // rotate the input point Coordinate System into the element CS
    FloatArray inputCoords_ElCS;
    std::vector< FloatArray > lc(3);
    FloatArray llc;
    this->giveLocalCoordinates( inputCoords_ElCS, const_cast< FloatArray & >(coords) );
    for ( int _i = 0; _i < 3; _i++ ) {
        this->giveLocalCoordinates( lc [ _i ], * this->giveNode(_i + 1)->giveCoordinates() );
    FEI2dTrLin _interp(1, 2);
    bool inplane = _interp.global2local(llc, inputCoords_ElCS, FEIVertexListGeometryWrapper(lc)) > 0;
    answer.at(1) = inputCoords_ElCS.at(1);
    answer.at(2) = inputCoords_ElCS.at(2);
    GaussPoint _gp(NULL, 1, new FloatArray ( answer ), 2.0, _2dPlate);
    // now check if the third local coordinate is within the thickness of element
    bool outofplane = ( fabs( inputCoords_ElCS.at(3) ) <= this->giveCrossSection()->give(CS_Thickness, & _gp) / 2. );

    return inplane && outofplane;
Example #2
Quad1_ht :: computeEdgeVolumeAround(GaussPoint *gp, int iEdge)
    double result = this->interpolation.edgeGiveTransformationJacobian( iEdge, * gp->giveCoordinates(),
                                                                       FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) );
    FloatArray gc;
    this->interpolation.edgeLocal2global( gc, iEdge, * gp->giveCoordinates(),
                                         FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) );
    // temporary gauss point on element (not edge) to evaluate thickness
    GaussPoint _gp( NULL, 1, new FloatArray ( gc ), 1.0, gp->giveMaterialMode() );
    double thick = this->giveCrossSection()->give(CS_Thickness, & _gp); // 't'
    return result *thick *gp->giveWeight();
Example #3
RerShell :: computeLocalCoordinates(FloatArray &answer, const FloatArray &coords)
    //set size of return value to 3 area coordinates

    //rotate the input point Coordinate System into the element CS
    FloatArray inputCoords_ElCS;
    this->giveLocalCoordinates( inputCoords_ElCS, const_cast< FloatArray & >(coords) );

    //Nodes are defined in the global CS, so they also need to be rotated into the element CS, therefore get the node points and
    //rotate them into the element CS
    FloatArray nodeCoords;
    double x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, z1, z2, z3;

    this->giveLocalCoordinates( nodeCoords, * ( this->giveNode(1)->giveCoordinates() ) );
    x1 = nodeCoords.at(1);
    y1 = nodeCoords.at(2);
    z1 = nodeCoords.at(3);

    this->giveLocalCoordinates( nodeCoords, * ( this->giveNode(2)->giveCoordinates() ) );
    x2 = nodeCoords.at(1);
    y2 = nodeCoords.at(2);
    z2 = nodeCoords.at(3);

    this->giveLocalCoordinates( nodeCoords, * ( this->giveNode(3)->giveCoordinates() ) );
    x3 = nodeCoords.at(1);
    y3 = nodeCoords.at(2);
    z3 = nodeCoords.at(3);

    //Compute the area coordinates corresponding to this point
    double area;
    area = 0.5 * ( x2 * y3 + x1 * y2 + y1 * x3 - x2 * y1 - x3 * y2 - x1 * y3 );

    answer.at(1) = ( ( x2 * y3 - x3 * y2 ) + ( y2 - y3 ) * inputCoords_ElCS.at(1) + ( x3 - x2 ) * inputCoords_ElCS.at(2) ) / 2. / area;
    answer.at(2) = ( ( x3 * y1 - x1 * y3 ) + ( y3 - y1 ) * inputCoords_ElCS.at(1) + ( x1 - x3 ) * inputCoords_ElCS.at(2) ) / 2. / area;
    answer.at(3) = ( ( x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 ) + ( y1 - y2 ) * inputCoords_ElCS.at(1) + ( x2 - x1 ) * inputCoords_ElCS.at(2) ) / 2. / area;

    //get midplane location at this point
    double midplZ;
    midplZ = z1 * answer.at(1) + z2 *answer.at(2) + z3 *answer.at(3);

    //check that the z is within the element
    StructuralCrossSection *cs = this->giveStructuralCrossSection();
    GaussPoint _gp(NULL, 1, new FloatArray ( answer ), 1.0, _2dPlate);

    double elthick;

    elthick = cs->give(CS_Thickness, & _gp);

    if ( elthick / 2.0 + midplZ - fabs( inputCoords_ElCS.at(3) ) < -POINT_TOL ) {
        return false;

    //check that the point is in the element and set flag
    for ( int i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) {
        if ( answer.at(i) < ( 0. - POINT_TOL ) ) {
            return false;

        if ( answer.at(i) > ( 1. + POINT_TOL ) ) {
            return false;

    return true;