Example #1
File: hxdiag.c Project: rsanaie/hx
_hxcheckbuf(HXLOCAL const*locp, HXBUF const*bufp)
    HXFILE *hp = locp->file;

    if (IS_MAP(hp, bufp->pgno)) {
        if (!(bufp->data[0] & 1))
            return bad_map_self;
        if (bufp->pgno) {   // extended map page.
            if (bufp->next || bufp->used)
                return bad_map_head;
        } else {            // root page.
            if (bufp->used >= DATASIZE(hp) || bufp->used != hp->uleng)
                return bad_map_head;
            // Todo: check that HXROOT{pgsize,version} are good.

        int     lastbit, pos;
        PAGENO  lastmap = locp->npages - 1;
        lastmap = _hxmap(hp, lastmap - lastmap % HXPGRATE, &lastbit);
        if (bufp->pgno == lastmap) { // All bits beyond lastbit must be zero.
            BYTE    mask = -2 << (lastbit & 7);
            for (pos = lastbit >> 3; pos < (int)DATASIZE(hp); ++pos, mask = -1)
                if (bufp->data[pos] & mask)
                    return bad_overmap;

    } else {  // DATA page.
Example #2
File: chx.c Project: mischasan/hx
static  HXRET
maps(HXFILE * hp)
    HXLOCAL loc;
    PAGENO  pg, last;
    int     bitpos;

#   define	locp	(&loc)
#   define	bufp	(&loc.buf[0])

    ENTER(locp, hp, NULL, 1);
    locp->mode = F_RDLCK;
    _hxlock(locp, 0, 0);

    last = locp->npages - 1;
    last = _hxmap(hp, last - last % HXPGRATE, &bitpos);
    printf("last: mpg=%u bit=%d\n", (unsigned)last, bitpos);

    for (pg = 0; pg <= last;) {
        int     i, n;

        _hxload(locp, bufp, pg);
        n = pg == last ? (bitpos + 7) >> 3 : (int)DATASIZE(hp);

        printf("---- pgno=%u next=%u used=%d recs=%u", pg, bufp->next,
               bufp->used, bufp->recs);
        for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            unsigned b = bufp->data[i] & 0xFF;

            if (!(i & 15))
                printf("\n%7u", (unsigned)pg + i * 8 * HXPGRATE);

            if (i < bufp->used)
                fputs(" >>", stdout);
                printf(" %02X", b);

        pg += (DATASIZE(hp) - bufp->used) * 8 * HXPGRATE;

    LEAVE(locp, 0);
#   undef locp
Example #3
main(int argc, char **argv)
    int     count = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 10000;


    ok(sizeof(off_t) == 8, "sizeof(off_t) == %" FSIZE "d", sizeof(off_t));

    // TODO: add tests that actually test hx() on large databases
    int     npages = 1 << 20;
    int     pgsize = 8192;
    int     rc = hxcreate("large_t.hx", 0666, pgsize, NULL, 0);

    ok(rc == HXOKAY, "hxcreate(large_t.hx): %d %s", rc, hxerror(rc));

    HXFILE *hp = hxopen("large_t.hx", HX_UPDATE);

    ok(hp != NULL, "hxopen(large_t.hx): %d %s", errno, errname[errno]);
    int     fd = hxfileno(hp);
    off_t   size = (off_t) pgsize * npages; // 8GB

    ok(!ftruncate(fd, size), "grow to %" FOFF "d: %d %s", size, errno,
    // Manually initialize map pages.
    // A map page must indicate that it itself (i.e. bit 0 in the map) is
    // allocated, else it will eventually be allocated and overwritten as
    // an overflow page.
    // 32:8(bits/byte)*4(pgrate) pgsize:bytes/page  6:(page header overhead)
    int     pg, last = _hxmap(hp, npages, &pg); // "pg" is just junk here.
    char    map = 1;

    for (pg = 0; (pg = NEXT_MAP(hp, pg)) <= last;) {
        lseek(fd, (off_t) pg * pgsize + sizeof(HXPAGE), 0);
        write(fd, &map, 1);

    struct stat sb;

    ok(!fstat(hxfileno(hp), &sb), "fstat: %d %s", errno, errname[errno]);
    ok(sb.st_size == size, "size is 0x%" FOFF "x", sb.st_size);

    // 10000 records is enough to ensure that at least SOME records end up
    // above the 4GB mark.
    int     i, tally = 0;
    char    rec[11] = { };
    for (i = rc = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        sprintf(rec, "%08d", i);
        rc = hxput(hp, rec, 10);
        if (rc != 0)
        rc = hxget(hp, rec, 10);
        if (rc != 10) {
            fprintf(stderr, "hxget(%s) failed: %d\n", rec, rc);
    ok(i == count, "inserted and retrieved %d/%d records: %s", i, count,

    while (0 < (rc = hxnext(hp, rec, 11)))
    ok(tally == count, "hxnext retrieved %d/%d records: %s", tally, count,

    rc = hxfix(hp, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    ok(rc == (HXRET) HX_UPDATE, "hxcheck: large_t.hx is ready for %s access",


    return exit_status();
Example #4
hxshape(HXFILE * hp, double overload)
    HXLOCAL loc, *locp = &loc;
    HXBUF  *srcp, *dstp, *oldp;
    int     pos, bitpos;
    PGINFO *atail, *ztail;
    PAGENO  pg, pm, *aprev, *afree, *zfree;
    double  totbytes = 0, fullbytes = 0, fullpages = 0;

    if (!hp || hp->buffer.pgno || hp->mode & HX_MMAP
        || !(hp->mode & HX_UPDATE))
        return HXERR_BAD_REQUEST;

    ENTER(locp, hp, NULL, 3);

    _hxlock(locp, 0, 0);

    srcp = &locp->buf[0];
    dstp = &locp->buf[1];
    oldp = &locp->buf[2];


    // Populate vnext,vrefs,vtail for tail-merging:
    ztail = calloc(locp->npages / HXPGRATE + 1, sizeof(PGINFO));
    locp->vtail = ztail;

    for (pg = 1; pg < locp->npages; ++pg) {
        PGINFO  x = _hxpginfo(locp, pg);

        _hxsetRef(locp, pg, x.pgno);
        totbytes += x.used;
        if (x.pgno)             // i.e. page.next != 0
            ++fullpages, fullbytes += x.used;
        else if (x.used && !IS_HEAD(pg))
            x.pgno = pg, *ztail++ = x;

    // Sort vtail by (used), so that smallest+largest (used)
    // counts can be matched up; simple greedy-fill algorithm.
    qsort(locp->vtail, ztail - locp->vtail,
          sizeof *locp->vtail, (cmpfn_t) cmpused);

    // Combine tail pages where possible:
    for (atail = locp->vtail, --ztail; atail < ztail;) {
        if (!_FITS(hp, atail->used, atail->recs, ztail->used, ztail->recs)) {
        // Merge is always from [atail] to [ztail], to maintain
        // ([ztail].used >= [ztail-1].used).
        if (atail->pgno < ztail->pgno) {
            PGINFO  tmp = *atail;

            *atail = *ztail;
            *ztail = tmp;

        _hxload(locp, srcp, atail->pgno);
        _hxload(locp, dstp, ztail->pgno);
        _hxappend(dstp, srcp->data, srcp->used);
        dstp->recs += srcp->recs;
        _hxsave(locp, dstp);
        _hxfindRefs(locp, srcp, srcp->pgno);

        for (aprev = locp->vprev; *aprev; ++aprev)
            PUTLINK(locp, *aprev, dstp->pgno);

        ztail->used += srcp->used;
        srcp->used = srcp->recs = 0;
        BUFLINK(locp, srcp, 0);
        _hxsave(locp, srcp);
        _hxalloc(locp, srcp->pgno, 0);

    // Now decide whether to grow or shrink the file.

    PAGENO  overflows = 0;

    for (pg = 1; pg < locp->npages; ++pg) {
        if (IS_HEAD(pg)) {
            int     loops = HX_MAX_CHAIN;

            for (pm = pg; (pm = locp->vnext[pm]); ++overflows)
                if (!--loops)
                    LEAVE(locp, HXERR_BAD_FILE);

    PAGENO  dpages = locp->dpages + overflows;
    PAGENO  goodsize = dpages / (1.0 + overload);

    DEBUG("%.0f/%.0f=%0.f  %.0f %lu/%.2f=%lu => %lu",
          fullbytes, fullpages, fullbytes / fullpages,
          totbytes, dpages, overload + 1, goodsize, _hxd2f(goodsize));
    // "+1" for the root page
    goodsize = goodsize ? _hxd2f(goodsize) + 1 : 2;
    if (locp->npages <= goodsize) {
        // Increase dpages.
        // Note that _hxgrow always returns an ALLOCATED
        //  overflow. It would be smarter to clear all the
        //  map bits in one step at the end, the way
        //  hxbuild sets all the map bits in one load/save.
        PAGENO  junk = 0;

        while (locp->npages < goodsize) {
            _hxgrow(locp, dstp, DATASIZE(hp), &junk);
            _hxsave(locp, dstp);
            _hxalloc(locp, dstp->pgno, 0);

        _hxflushfreed(locp, dstp);
        LEAVE(locp, HXNOTE);
    // Build a list of free pgnos
    assert(sizeof *afree <= sizeof *locp->vtail);
    afree = zfree = (PAGENO *) locp->vtail;

    for (pg = pm = 0; pg < locp->npages; pg += HXPGRATE) {
        if (!VREF(locp, pg) && !IS_MAP(hp, pg))
            *zfree++ = pg;

    // Since we are decrementing npages BEFORE reading last page,
    //  set locked such that _hxislocked gives correct answer.
    hp->locked |= LOCKED_BEYOND;
    // Work backward from end of file, trimming pages.
    for (; locp->npages > goodsize; --locp->npages) {

        PAGENO  srchead = locp->npages - 1;
        PAGENO  srctail, dsthead, dstneck, dsttail;
        int     loops = HX_MAX_CHAIN;

        // EASIEST CASE: a map or unreferenced oveflow page
        if (srchead == zfree[-1] || IS_MAP(hp, srchead)) {
            assert(!VREF(locp, srchead) && !IS_HEAD(srchead));
        // EASIER CASE: an empty head page
        _hxload(locp, srcp, srchead);
        if (!srcp->used)

        // Anything from here on might need 2 free pages
        if (zfree - afree < 2)

        --VREF(locp, srcp->next);

        srcp->pgno = *afree++;
#   if 0
        // hxshape does not work with MMAP as yet.
        if (hp->mmap)
            memcpy(&hp->mmap[(off_t) srcp->pgno * hp->pgsize],
                   srcp->page, hp->pgsize);
#   endif
        _hxalloc(locp, srcp->pgno, 1);
        _hxsetRef(locp, srcp->pgno, srcp->next);

        // EASY CASE: an overflow page to relocate:
        if (!IS_HEAD(srchead)) {

            _hxsave(locp, srcp);
            _hxfindRefs(locp, srcp, srchead);

            for (aprev = locp->vprev; *aprev; ++aprev)
                PUTLINK(locp, *aprev, srcp->pgno);

        // HARD CASE: a head page to desplit:
        locp->hash = RECHASH(srcp->data);
        _hxpoint(locp);         // recalc (dpages,head)

        dsthead = locp->head;
        dstneck = locp->vnext[dsthead];
        dsttail = _hxgetRef(locp, dsthead, 0);
        srctail = _hxgetRef(locp, srchead, 0);

        // Append srchead to dsttail, or insert chain between
        // dsthead and vnext[dsthead]. If srctail is shared,
        // make a copy of * it first.
        if (dsttail == dsthead || VREF(locp, dsttail) == 1) {

            dsthead = dsttail;

        } else if (srctail == srchead) {

            BUFLINK(locp, srcp, dstneck);

        } else if (VREF(locp, srctail) == 1) {

            PUTLINK(locp, srctail, dstneck);

        } else if (srctail == dsttail) {

            if (dsttail != dstneck) {

                srctail = _hxgetRef(locp, srcp->pgno, srctail);

                if (srctail == srcp->pgno) {

                    BUFLINK(locp, srcp, dstneck);

                } else {

                    PUTLINK(locp, srctail, dstneck);

        } else {

            _hxload(locp, oldp, srctail);
            if (!oldp->used)
                LEAVE(locp, HXERR_BAD_FILE);

            _hxfresh(locp, dstp, *afree++);
            _hxalloc(locp, dstp->pgno, 1);
            _hxshift(locp, locp->head, srchead, oldp, dstp, dstp);
            _hxsave(locp, oldp);
            // This hack prevents the CHECK in _hxlink from
            // aborting when oldp contains a page that the
            // next iteration wants to PUTLINK. This ONLY occurs
            // in this code (I think).
            // TODO: can this happen in (hxfix,hxshape)??
            oldp->pgno = -1;

            BUFLINK(locp, dstp, dstneck);
            _hxsave(locp, dstp);

            if (srcp->next == srctail) {

                BUFLINK(locp, srcp, dstp->pgno);

            } else {

                pg = _hxgetRef(locp, srchead, srctail);
                PUTLINK(locp, pg, dstp->pgno);

        _hxload(locp, dstp, dsthead);
        BUFLINK(locp, dstp, srcp->pgno);

        // Cannot early-out on !SHRUNK here (as "hxput" does);
        //  new chain may have vacancies in two places.
        while (1) {

            if (!--loops)
                LEAVE(locp, HXERR_BAD_FILE);

            if (_hxshift(locp, locp->head, srchead, srcp, dstp, dstp)) {

                SWAP(srcp, dstp);

            } else {

                BUFLINK(locp, dstp, srcp->next);

                if (!srcp->used != !VREF(locp, srcp->pgno))
                    LEAVE(locp, HXERR_BAD_FILE);

                if (!srcp->used) {
                    BUFLINK(locp, srcp, 0);
                    *--afree = srcp->pgno;
                    _hxalloc(locp, srcp->pgno, 0);

            _hxsave(locp, srcp);
            if (!dstp->next)

            _hxload(locp, srcp, dstp->next);

        _hxsave(locp, dstp);

    // npages was overdecremented by one in loop
    _hxresize(locp, locp->npages + 1);

    // Zero the freemap for all truncated overflow pages:
    pg = _hxmap(hp, locp->npages + HXPGRATE
                - locp->npages % HXPGRATE, &bitpos);

    _hxload(locp, dstp, pg);
    DEBUG2("clear map %lu from bit %d onward", pg, bitpos);
    pos = bitpos >> 3;
    dstp->data[pos++] &= ~(-1 << (bitpos & 7));
    memset(dstp->data + pos, 0, DATASIZE(hp) - pos);
    _hxsave(locp, dstp);

    LEAVE(locp, HXOKAY);