Example #1
BaseMatInstance* DecalData::getMaterialInstance()
   if ( !material || !matInst || matInst->getMaterial() != material )

   return matInst;
Example #2
BaseMatInstance* SkyBox::_getMaterialInstance()
   if ( !mMaterial || !mMatInstance || mMatInstance->getMaterial() != mMaterial )

   if ( !mMatInstance )
      return NULL;

   return mMatInstance;
Example #3
void SkyBox::_updateMaterial()
   if ( mMatName.isEmpty() )

   Material *pMat = NULL;
   if ( !Sim::findObject( mMatName, pMat ) )
      Con::printf( "SkyBox::_updateMaterial, failed to find Material of name %s!", mMatName.c_str() );
   else if ( isProperlyAdded() )
      mMaterial = pMat;
void PxCloth::prepRenderImage( SceneRenderState *state )
   if ( mIsVBDirty )

   // Recreate the material if we need to.
   if ( !mMatInst )

   // If we don't have a material instance after the override then 
   // we can skip rendering all together.
   BaseMatInstance *matInst = state->getOverrideMaterial( mMatInst );
   if ( !matInst )

   MeshRenderInst *ri = state->getRenderPass()->allocInst<MeshRenderInst>();

	// If we need lights then set them up.
   if ( matInst->isForwardLit() )
      LightQuery query;
      query.init( getWorldSphere() );
		query.getLights( ri->lights, 8 );

   ri->projection = state->getRenderPass()->allocSharedXform(RenderPassManager::Projection);
   ri->objectToWorld = &MatrixF::Identity;

   ri->worldToCamera = state->getRenderPass()->allocSharedXform(RenderPassManager::View);   
   ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Mesh;

   ri->primBuff = &mPrimBuffer;
   ri->vertBuff = &mVB;

   ri->matInst = matInst;
   ri->prim = state->getRenderPass()->allocPrim();
   ri->prim->type = GFXTriangleList;
   ri->prim->minIndex = 0;
   ri->prim->startIndex = 0;
   ri->prim->numPrimitives = mNumIndices / 3;

   ri->prim->startVertex = 0;
   ri->prim->numVertices = mNumVertices;

   ri->defaultKey = matInst->getStateHint();
   ri->defaultKey2 = (U32)ri->vertBuff;

   state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri );
Example #5
void DecalData::_updateMaterial()
   if ( materialName.isEmpty() )

   Material *pMat = NULL;
   if ( !Sim::findObject( materialName, pMat ) )
      Con::printf( "DecalData::unpackUpdate, failed to find Material of name %s!", materialName.c_str() );

   material = pMat;

   // Only update material instance if we have one allocated.
   if ( matInst )
Example #6
bool DecalRoad::onAdd()
   if ( !Parent::onAdd() ) 
      return false;

   // DecalRoad is at position zero when created,
   // it sets its own position to the first node inside
   // _generateEdges but until it has at least one node
   // it will be at 0,0,0.

   MatrixF mat(true);
   Parent::setTransform( mat );

   // The client side calculates bounds based on clipped geometry.  It would 
   // be wasteful for the server to do this so the server uses global bounds.
   if ( isServerObject() )

   // Set the Render Transform.

   // Add to Scene.

   if ( isServerObject() )   
      getServerSet()->addObject( this );   

   TerrainBlock::smUpdateSignal.notify( this, &DecalRoad::_onTerrainChanged );

   if ( isClientObject() )


   return true;
Example #7
void DecalRoad::unpackUpdate( NetConnection *con, BitStream *stream )
   // Unpack Parent.
   Parent::unpackUpdate( con, stream );

   // DecalRoadMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      String matName;
      stream->read( &matName );
      if ( matName != mMaterialName )
         mMaterialName = matName;
         Material *pMat = NULL;
         if ( !Sim::findObject( mMaterialName, pMat ) )
            Con::printf( "DecalRoad::unpackUpdate, failed to find Material of name %s!", mMaterialName.c_str() );
            mMaterial = pMat;
            if ( isProperlyAdded() )

      stream->read( &mBreakAngle );    

      stream->read( &mSegmentsPerBatch );

      stream->read( &mTextureLength );

      stream->read( &mRenderPriority );

   // NodeMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      //U32 count = stream->readInt( 16 );


      //Point3F pos;
      //F32 width;
      //for ( U32 i = 0; i < count; i++ )
      //   mathRead( *stream, &pos );
      //   stream->read( &width );         
      //   _addNode( pos, width );         

      if (stream->readFlag())
         // Nodes have been passed in this update
         U32 count = stream->readInt( 16 );


         Point3F pos;
         F32 width;
         for ( U32 i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            mathRead( *stream, &pos );
            stream->read( &width );         
            _addNode( pos, width );         
         // Nodes will arrive as events
         U32 id;
         stream->read( &id );

         // Check if the road's nodes made it here before we did.
         NodeListManager::NodeList* list = NULL;
         if ( gClientNodeListManager->findListById( id, &list, true) )
            // Work with the completed list
            DecalRoadNodeList* roadList = dynamic_cast<DecalRoadNodeList*>( list );
            if (roadList)
               buildNodesFromList( roadList );

            delete list;
            // Nodes have not yet arrived, so register our interest in the list
            DecalRoadNodeListNotify* notify = new DecalRoadNodeListNotify( this, id );
            gClientNodeListManager->registerNotification( notify );

    // GenEdgesMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() && isProperlyAdded() )

   // ReClipMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() && isProperlyAdded() )

   // TerrainChangedMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      if ( isProperlyAdded() )
         if ( mTerrainUpdateRect.isOverlapped( getWorldBox() ) )
            // Clear out the mTerrainUpdateRect since we have updated its
            // region and we now need to store future terrain changes
            // in it.
            mTerrainUpdateRect = Box3F::Invalid;
Example #8
void DecalRoad::unpackUpdate( NetConnection *con, BitStream *stream )
   // Unpack Parent.
   Parent::unpackUpdate( con, stream );

   // NodeMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      U32 count = stream->readInt( 16 );


      Point3F pos;
      F32 width;
      for ( U32 i = 0; i < count; i++ )
         mathRead( *stream, &pos );
         stream->read( &width );         
         _addNode( pos, width );         

   // DecalRoadMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      String matName;
      stream->read( &matName );
      if ( matName != mMaterialName )
         mMaterialName = matName;
         Material *pMat = NULL;
         if ( !Sim::findObject( mMaterialName, pMat ) )
            Con::printf( "DecalRoad::unpackUpdate, failed to find Material of name %s!", mMaterialName.c_str() );
            mMaterial = pMat;
            if ( isProperlyAdded() )

      stream->read( &mBreakAngle );    

      stream->read( &mSegmentsPerBatch );

      stream->read( &mTextureLength );

      stream->read( &mRenderPriority );

    // GenEdgesMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() && isProperlyAdded() )

   // ReClipMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() && isProperlyAdded() )

   // TerrainChangedMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      if ( isProperlyAdded() )
         if ( mTerrainUpdateRect.isOverlapped( getWorldBox() ) )
            // Clear out the mTerrainUpdateRect since we have updated its
            // region and we now need to store future terrain changes
            // in it.
            mTerrainUpdateRect = Box3F::Invalid;