Example #1
void main()
    unsigned char   chars2[20];
    int             i;

    _setmbcp( 932 );
    _mbsnset( chars2, 0xFF, 20 );
    _mbsnbcpy( chars2, chars, 11 );
    for( i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
        printf( "%2.2x ", chars2[i] );
    printf( "\n" );
    _mbsnbcpy( chars2, chars, 20 );
    for( i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
        printf( "%2.2x ", chars2[i] );
    printf( "\n" );
Example #2
BOOL isValidPostOpCode(BYTE *buffer, UINT nsize)
	ud_t ud_obj;

	ud_set_input_buffer(&ud_obj, buffer, nsize);
	ud_set_mode(&ud_obj, 64);
	ud_set_syntax(&ud_obj, UD_SYN_INTEL);

	char *str = ud_insn_asm(&ud_obj);
	char str1[10];
	_mbsnbcpy((unsigned char*)str1, (unsigned char*)strtok(str," "), 10);

	str = ud_insn_asm(&ud_obj);
	char str2[10];
	_mbsnbcpy((unsigned char*)str2, (unsigned char*)strtok(str," "), 10);

	str = ud_insn_asm(&ud_obj);
	char str3[10];
	_mbsnbcpy((unsigned char*)str3, (unsigned char*)strtok(str," "), 10);

	str = ud_insn_asm(&ud_obj);
	char str4[10];
	_mbsnbcpy((unsigned char*)str4, (unsigned char*)strtok(str," "), 10);

	str = ud_insn_asm(&ud_obj);
	char str5[10];
	_mbsnbcpy((unsigned char*)str5, (unsigned char*)strtok(str," "), 10);

	if(!_stricmp(str1, "mov") && !_stricmp(str2, "push") && !_stricmp(str3, "call") && !_stricmp(str4, "pop") && !_stricmp(str5, "ret"))
		return false;

	if(!_stricmp(str1, "mov") && !_stricmp(str2, "ret"))
		return false;

	return true;
Example #3
static void test_mbcp(void)
    int mb_orig_max = *p__mb_cur_max;
    int curr_mbcp = _getmbcp();
    unsigned char *mbstring = (unsigned char *)"\xb0\xb1\xb2 \xb3\xb4 \xb5"; /* incorrect string */
    unsigned char *mbstring2 = (unsigned char *)"\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3Q\xb4\xb5"; /* correct string */
    unsigned char *mbsonlylead = (unsigned char *)"\xb0\0\xb1\xb2 \xb3";
    unsigned char buf[16];
    int step;

    /* _mbtype tests */

    /* An SBCS codepage test. The ctype of characters on e.g. CP1252 or CP1250 differs slightly
     * between versions of Windows. Also Windows 9x seems to ignore the codepage and always uses
     * CP1252 (or the ACP?) so we test only a few ASCII characters */
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[10], 0, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[50], 0, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[66], _SBUP, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[100], _SBLOW, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[128], 0, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[10], 0, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[50], 0, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[66], _SBUP, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[100], _SBLOW, char, "%x");
    expect_eq(p_mbctype[128], 0, char, "%x");

    /* double byte code pages */

    ok(*p__mb_cur_max == mb_orig_max, "__mb_cur_max shouldn't be updated (is %d != %d)\n", *p__mb_cur_max, mb_orig_max);
    ok(_ismbblead('\354'), "\354 should be a lead byte\n");
    ok(_ismbblead(' ') == FALSE, "' ' should not be a lead byte\n");
    ok(_ismbblead(0x1234b0), "0x1234b0 should not be a lead byte\n");
    ok(_ismbblead(0x123420) == FALSE, "0x123420 should not be a lead byte\n");
    ok(_ismbbtrail('\xb0'), "\xa0 should be a trail byte\n");
    ok(_ismbbtrail(' ') == FALSE, "' ' should not be a trail byte\n");

    /* _ismbslead */
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[0]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[1]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[2]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[3]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[4]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[5]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[6]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[7]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbstring, &mbstring[8]), FALSE, int, "%d");

    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[0]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[1]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[2]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbslead(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[5]), FALSE, int, "%d");

    /* _ismbstrail */
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[0]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[1]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[2]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[3]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[4]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[5]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[6]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[7]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbstring, &mbstring[8]), -1, int, "%d");

    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[0]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[1]), -1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[2]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[3]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[4]), FALSE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_ismbstrail(mbsonlylead, &mbsonlylead[5]), FALSE, int, "%d");

    /* _mbsbtype */
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 0), _MBC_LEAD, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 1), _MBC_TRAIL, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 2), _MBC_LEAD, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 3), _MBC_ILLEGAL, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 4), _MBC_LEAD, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 5), _MBC_TRAIL, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 6), _MBC_SINGLE, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 7), _MBC_LEAD, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbstring, 8), _MBC_ILLEGAL, int, "%d");

    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbsonlylead, 0), _MBC_LEAD, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbsonlylead, 1), _MBC_ILLEGAL, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbsonlylead, 2), _MBC_ILLEGAL, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbsonlylead, 3), _MBC_ILLEGAL, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbsonlylead, 4), _MBC_ILLEGAL, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbsbtype(mbsonlylead, 5), _MBC_ILLEGAL, int, "%d");

    /* _mbsnextc */
    expect_eq(_mbsnextc(mbstring), 0xb0b1, int, "%x");
    expect_eq(_mbsnextc(&mbstring[2]), 0xb220, int, "%x");  /* lead + invalid tail */
    expect_eq(_mbsnextc(&mbstring[3]), 0x20, int, "%x");    /* single char */

    /* _mbclen/_mbslen */
    expect_eq(_mbclen(mbstring), 2, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbclen(&mbstring[2]), 2, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbclen(&mbstring[3]), 1, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbslen(mbstring2), 4, int, "%d");
    expect_eq(_mbslen(mbsonlylead), 0, int, "%d");          /* lead + NUL not counted as character */
    expect_eq(_mbslen(mbstring), 4, int, "%d");             /* lead + invalid trail counted */

    /* _mbccpy/_mbsncpy */
    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbccpy(buf, mbstring);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xff", 3);

    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsncpy(buf, mbstring, 1);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xff", 3);
    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsncpy(buf, mbstring, 2);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xb2 \xff", 5);
    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsncpy(buf, mbstring, 3);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xb2 \xb3\xb4\xff", 7);
    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsncpy(buf, mbstring, 4);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xb2 \xb3\xb4 \xff", 8);
    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsncpy(buf, mbstring, 5);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xb2 \xb3\xb4 \0\0\xff", 10);
    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsncpy(buf, mbsonlylead, 6);
    expect_bin(buf, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\xff", 8);

    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsnbcpy(buf, mbstring2, 2);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xff", 3);
    _mbsnbcpy(buf, mbstring2, 3);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\0\xff", 4);
    _mbsnbcpy(buf, mbstring2, 4);
    expect_bin(buf, "\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3\xff", 5);
    memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
    _mbsnbcpy(buf, mbsonlylead, 5);
    expect_bin(buf, "\0\0\0\0\0\xff", 6);

    /* _mbsinc/mbsdec */
    step = _mbsinc(mbstring) - mbstring;
    ok(step == 2, "_mbsinc adds %d (exp. 2)\n", step);
    step = _mbsinc(&mbstring[2]) - &mbstring[2];  /* lead + invalid tail */
    ok(step == 2, "_mbsinc adds %d (exp. 2)\n", step);

    step = _mbsninc(mbsonlylead, 1) - mbsonlylead;
    ok(step == 0, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 0)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbsonlylead, 2) - mbsonlylead;  /* lead + NUL byte + lead + char */
    ok(step == 0, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 0)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbstring2, 0) - mbstring2;
    ok(step == 0, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 2)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbstring2, 1) - mbstring2;
    ok(step == 2, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 2)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbstring2, 2) - mbstring2;
    ok(step == 4, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 4)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbstring2, 3) - mbstring2;
    ok(step == 5, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 5)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbstring2, 4) - mbstring2;
    ok(step == 7, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 7)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbstring2, 5) - mbstring2;
    ok(step == 7, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 7)\n", step);
    step = _mbsninc(mbstring2, 17) - mbstring2;
    ok(step == 7, "_mbsninc adds %d (exp. 7)\n", step);

    /* functions that depend on locale codepage, not mbcp.
     * we hope the current locale to be SBCS because setlocale(LC_ALL, ".1252") seems not to work yet
     * (as of Wine 0.9.43)
    if (*p__mb_cur_max == 1)
        expect_eq(mblen((char *)mbstring, 3), 1, int, "%x");
        expect_eq(_mbstrlen((char *)mbstring2), 7, int, "%d");