void gldEnableExtensions_DX8(
	GLcontext *ctx)
	GLuint i;

	// Mesa enables some extensions by default.
	// This table decides which ones we want to switch off again.

	// NOTE: GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array appears broken.

	const char *gld_disable_extensions[] = {
//		"GL_ARB_transpose_matrix",
//		"GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array",
//		"GL_EXT_polygon_offset",
//		"GL_EXT_rescale_normal",
//		"GL_NV_texgen_reflection",

	const char *gld_multitex_extensions[] = {
		"GL_ARB_multitexture",		// Quake 3

	// Quake 2 engines
	const char *szGL_SGIS_multitexture = "GL_SGIS_multitexture";

	const char *gld_enable_extensions[] = {
		"GL_EXT_texture_env_add",	// Quake 3
		"GL_ARB_texture_env_add",	// Quake 3
	for (i=0; gld_disable_extensions[i]; i++) {
		_mesa_disable_extension(ctx, gld_disable_extensions[i]);
	for (i=0; gld_enable_extensions[i]; i++) {
		_mesa_enable_extension(ctx, gld_enable_extensions[i]);

	if (glb.bMultitexture) {	
		for (i=0; gld_multitex_extensions[i]; i++) {
			_mesa_enable_extension(ctx, gld_multitex_extensions[i]);

		// GL_SGIS_multitexture
		// NOTE: Quake2 ran *slower* with this enabled, so I've
		// disabled it for now.
		// Fair bit slower on GeForce256,
		// Much slower on 3dfx Voodoo5 5500.
//		_mesa_add_extension(ctx, GL_TRUE, szGL_SGIS_multitexture, 0);


Example #2
 * Initializes potential list of extensions if ctx == NULL, or actually enables
 * extensions for a context.
intelInitExtensionsES2(struct gl_context *ctx)
   int i;

   for (i = 0; common_extensions[i]; i++)
      _mesa_enable_extension(ctx, common_extensions[i]);
   for (i = 0; es2_extensions[i]; i++)
      _mesa_enable_extension(ctx, es2_extensions[i]);
   for (i = 0; es2_extensions_disabled[i]; i++)
      _mesa_disable_extension(ctx, es2_extensions_disabled[i]);
Example #3
/* Create the device specific rendering context.
GLboolean r200CreateContext( const __GLcontextModes *glVisual,
			     __DRIcontextPrivate *driContextPriv,
			     void *sharedContextPrivate)
   __DRIscreenPrivate *sPriv = driContextPriv->driScreenPriv;
   radeonScreenPtr screen = (radeonScreenPtr)(sPriv->private);
   struct dd_function_table functions;
   r200ContextPtr rmesa;
   GLcontext *ctx;
   int i;
   int tcl_mode;


   /* Allocate the R200 context */
   rmesa = (r200ContextPtr) CALLOC( sizeof(*rmesa) );
   if ( !rmesa )
      return GL_FALSE;

   /* init exp fog table data */

   /* Parse configuration files.
    * Do this here so that initialMaxAnisotropy is set before we create
    * the default textures.
   driParseConfigFiles (&rmesa->radeon.optionCache, &screen->optionCache,
			screen->driScreen->myNum, "r200");
   rmesa->radeon.initialMaxAnisotropy = driQueryOptionf(&rmesa->radeon.optionCache,

   if ( sPriv->drm_version.major == 1
       && driQueryOptionb( &rmesa->radeon.optionCache, "hyperz" ) ) {
      if ( sPriv->drm_version.minor < 13 )
	 fprintf( stderr, "DRM version 1.%d too old to support HyperZ, "
			  "disabling.\n", sPriv->drm_version.minor );
	 rmesa->using_hyperz = GL_TRUE;
   if ( sPriv->drm_version.minor >= 15 )
      rmesa->texmicrotile = GL_TRUE;

   /* Init default driver functions then plug in our R200-specific functions
    * (the texture functions are especially important)

   if (!radeonInitContext(&rmesa->radeon, &functions,
			  glVisual, driContextPriv,
			  sharedContextPrivate)) {
     return GL_FALSE;

   rmesa->radeon.swtcl.RenderIndex = ~0;
   rmesa->radeon.hw.all_dirty = 1;

   /* Set the maximum texture size small enough that we can guarentee that
    * all texture units can bind a maximal texture and have all of them in
    * texturable memory at once. Depending on the allow_large_textures driconf
    * setting allow larger textures.

   ctx = rmesa->radeon.glCtx;
   ctx->Const.MaxTextureUnits = driQueryOptioni (&rmesa->radeon.optionCache,
   ctx->Const.MaxTextureImageUnits = ctx->Const.MaxTextureUnits;
   ctx->Const.MaxTextureCoordUnits = ctx->Const.MaxTextureUnits;

   i = driQueryOptioni( &rmesa->radeon.optionCache, "allow_large_textures");

   /* FIXME: When no memory manager is available we should set this 
    * to some reasonable value based on texture memory pool size */
   ctx->Const.MaxTextureLevels = 12;
   ctx->Const.Max3DTextureLevels = 9;
   ctx->Const.MaxCubeTextureLevels = 12;
   ctx->Const.MaxTextureRectSize = 2048;

   ctx->Const.MaxTextureMaxAnisotropy = 16.0;

   /* No wide AA points.
   ctx->Const.MinPointSize = 1.0;
   ctx->Const.MinPointSizeAA = 1.0;
   ctx->Const.MaxPointSizeAA = 1.0;
   ctx->Const.PointSizeGranularity = 0.0625;
   if (rmesa->radeon.radeonScreen->drmSupportsPointSprites)
      ctx->Const.MaxPointSize = 2047.0;
      ctx->Const.MaxPointSize = 1.0;

   /* mesa initialization problem - _mesa_init_point was already called */
   ctx->Point.MaxSize = ctx->Const.MaxPointSize;

   ctx->Const.MinLineWidth = 1.0;
   ctx->Const.MinLineWidthAA = 1.0;
   ctx->Const.MaxLineWidth = 10.0;
   ctx->Const.MaxLineWidthAA = 10.0;
   ctx->Const.LineWidthGranularity = 0.0625;

   ctx->Const.VertexProgram.MaxNativeInstructions = R200_VSF_MAX_INST;
   ctx->Const.VertexProgram.MaxNativeAttribs = 12;
   ctx->Const.VertexProgram.MaxNativeTemps = R200_VSF_MAX_TEMPS;
   ctx->Const.VertexProgram.MaxNativeParameters = R200_VSF_MAX_PARAM;
   ctx->Const.VertexProgram.MaxNativeAddressRegs = 1;

   ctx->Const.MaxDrawBuffers = 1;

   _mesa_set_mvp_with_dp4( ctx, GL_TRUE );

   /* Initialize the software rasterizer and helper modules.
   _swrast_CreateContext( ctx );
   _vbo_CreateContext( ctx );
   _tnl_CreateContext( ctx );
   _swsetup_CreateContext( ctx );
   _ae_create_context( ctx );

   /* Install the customized pipeline:
   _tnl_destroy_pipeline( ctx );
   _tnl_install_pipeline( ctx, r200_pipeline );

   /* Try and keep materials and vertices separate:
/*    _tnl_isolate_materials( ctx, GL_TRUE ); */

   /* Configure swrast and TNL to match hardware characteristics:
   _swrast_allow_pixel_fog( ctx, GL_FALSE );
   _swrast_allow_vertex_fog( ctx, GL_TRUE );
   _tnl_allow_pixel_fog( ctx, GL_FALSE );
   _tnl_allow_vertex_fog( ctx, GL_TRUE );

   for ( i = 0 ; i < R200_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS ; i++ ) {
      _math_matrix_ctr( &rmesa->TexGenMatrix[i] );
      _math_matrix_set_identity( &rmesa->TexGenMatrix[i] );
   _math_matrix_ctr( &rmesa->tmpmat );
   _math_matrix_set_identity( &rmesa->tmpmat );

   driInitExtensions( ctx, card_extensions, GL_TRUE );

   if (rmesa->radeon.radeonScreen->kernel_mm)
     driInitExtensions(ctx, mm_extensions, GL_FALSE);
   if (!(rmesa->radeon.radeonScreen->chip_flags & R200_CHIPSET_YCBCR_BROKEN)) {
     /* yuv textures don't work with some chips - R200 / rv280 okay so far
	others get the bit ordering right but don't actually do YUV-RGB conversion */
      _mesa_enable_extension( ctx, "GL_MESA_ycbcr_texture" );
   if (rmesa->radeon.glCtx->Mesa_DXTn) {
      _mesa_enable_extension( ctx, "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc" );
      _mesa_enable_extension( ctx, "GL_S3_s3tc" );
   else if (driQueryOptionb (&rmesa->radeon.optionCache, "force_s3tc_enable")) {
      _mesa_enable_extension( ctx, "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc" );

   if (rmesa->radeon.radeonScreen->drmSupportsCubeMapsR200)
      _mesa_enable_extension( ctx, "GL_ARB_texture_cube_map" );
   if (rmesa->radeon.radeonScreen->drmSupportsBlendColor) {
       driInitExtensions( ctx, blend_extensions, GL_FALSE );
      driInitSingleExtension( ctx, ARB_vp_extension );
   if(driQueryOptionb(&rmesa->radeon.optionCache, "nv_vertex_program"))
      driInitSingleExtension( ctx, NV_vp_extension );

   if ((ctx->Const.MaxTextureUnits == 6) && rmesa->radeon.radeonScreen->drmSupportsFragShader)
      driInitSingleExtension( ctx, ATI_fs_extension );
   if (rmesa->radeon.radeonScreen->drmSupportsPointSprites)
      driInitExtensions( ctx, point_extensions, GL_FALSE );

   if (!rmesa->radeon.radeonScreen->kernel_mm)
      _mesa_disable_extension(ctx, "GL_ARB_occlusion_query");
#if 0
   r200InitDriverFuncs( ctx );
   r200InitIoctlFuncs( ctx );
   r200InitStateFuncs( ctx );
   r200InitTextureFuncs( ctx );
   /* plug in a few more device driver functions */
   /* XXX these should really go right after _mesa_init_driver_functions() */
   radeonInitSpanFuncs( ctx );
   r200InitPixelFuncs( ctx );
   r200InitTnlFuncs( ctx );
   r200InitState( rmesa );
   r200InitSwtcl( ctx );

   rmesa->prefer_gart_client_texturing = 
      (getenv("R200_GART_CLIENT_TEXTURES") != 0);

   tcl_mode = driQueryOptioni(&rmesa->radeon.optionCache, "tcl_mode");
   if (driQueryOptionb(&rmesa->radeon.optionCache, "no_rast")) {
      fprintf(stderr, "disabling 3D acceleration\n");
      FALLBACK(rmesa, R200_FALLBACK_DISABLE, 1);
   else if (tcl_mode == DRI_CONF_TCL_SW || getenv("R200_NO_TCL") ||
	    !(rmesa->radeon.radeonScreen->chip_flags & RADEON_CHIPSET_TCL)) {
      if (rmesa->radeon.radeonScreen->chip_flags & RADEON_CHIPSET_TCL) {
	 rmesa->radeon.radeonScreen->chip_flags &= ~RADEON_CHIPSET_TCL;
	 fprintf(stderr, "Disabling HW TCL support\n");
      TCL_FALLBACK(rmesa->radeon.glCtx, R200_TCL_FALLBACK_TCL_DISABLE, 1);

   return GL_TRUE;