Example #1
 * Called by glPolygonStipple.
_mesa_PolygonStipple(const GLubyte *pattern)

      _mesa_debug(ctx, "glPolygonStipple\n");


   pattern = _mesa_map_validate_pbo_source(ctx, 2,
                                           &ctx->Unpack, 32, 32, 1,
                                           GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_BITMAP,
                                           INT_MAX, pattern,
   if (!pattern)

   _mesa_unpack_polygon_stipple(pattern, ctx->PolygonStipple, &ctx->Unpack);

   _mesa_unmap_pbo_source(ctx, &ctx->Unpack);

   if (ctx->Driver.PolygonStipple)
      ctx->Driver.PolygonStipple(ctx, pattern);
Example #2
 * Create a texture which represents a bitmap image.
static struct pipe_resource *
make_bitmap_texture(struct gl_context *ctx, GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
                    const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *unpack,
                    const GLubyte *bitmap)
   struct st_context *st = st_context(ctx);
   struct pipe_context *pipe = st->pipe;
   struct pipe_transfer *transfer;
   ubyte *dest;
   struct pipe_resource *pt;

   /* PBO source... */
   bitmap = _mesa_map_pbo_source(ctx, unpack, bitmap);
   if (!bitmap) {
      return NULL;

    * Create texture to hold bitmap pattern.
   pt = st_texture_create(st, st->internal_target, st->bitmap.tex_format,
                          0, width, height, 1, 1,
   if (!pt) {
      _mesa_unmap_pbo_source(ctx, unpack);
      return NULL;

   transfer = pipe_get_transfer(st->pipe, pt, 0, 0,
                                0, 0, width, height);

   dest = pipe_transfer_map(pipe, transfer);

   /* Put image into texture transfer */
   memset(dest, 0xff, height * transfer->stride);
   unpack_bitmap(st, 0, 0, width, height, unpack, bitmap,
                 dest, transfer->stride);

   _mesa_unmap_pbo_source(ctx, unpack);

   /* Release transfer */
   pipe_transfer_unmap(pipe, transfer);
   pipe->transfer_destroy(pipe, transfer);

   return pt;
Example #3
static void GLAPIENTRY
_mesa_PixelMapusv(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLushort *values )
    GLfloat fvalues[MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE];

    if (mapsize < 1 || mapsize > MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE) {
        _mesa_error( ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE, "glPixelMapusv(mapsize)" );

    if (map >= GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S && map <= GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A) {
        /* test that mapsize is a power of two */
        if (!_mesa_is_pow_two(mapsize)) {
            _mesa_error( ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE, "glPixelMapuiv(mapsize)" );


    if (!validate_pbo_access(ctx, &ctx->Unpack, mapsize, GL_INTENSITY,
                             GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, INT_MAX, values)) {

    values = (const GLushort *) _mesa_map_pbo_source(ctx, &ctx->Unpack, values);
    if (!values) {
        if (_mesa_is_bufferobj(ctx->Unpack.BufferObj)) {
            _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
                        "glPixelMapusv(PBO is mapped)");

    /* convert to floats */
    if (map == GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I || map == GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S) {
        GLint i;
        for (i = 0; i < mapsize; i++) {
            fvalues[i] = (GLfloat) values[i];
    else {
        GLint i;
        for (i = 0; i < mapsize; i++) {
            fvalues[i] = USHORT_TO_FLOAT( values[i] );

    _mesa_unmap_pbo_source(ctx, &ctx->Unpack);

    store_pixelmap(ctx, map, mapsize, fvalues);
Example #4
 * This routine updates the ctx->Polygon.Stipple state.
 * If we're getting the stipple data from a PBO, we map the buffer
 * in order to access the data.
 * In any case, we obey the current pixel unpacking parameters when fetching
 * the stipple data.
 * In the future, this routine should be used as a fallback, called via
 * ctx->Driver.PolygonStipple().  We'll have to update all the DRI drivers
 * too.
_mesa_polygon_stipple(GLcontext *ctx, const GLubyte *pattern)
   pattern = _mesa_map_validate_pbo_source(ctx, 2,
                                           &ctx->Unpack, 32, 32, 1,
                                           GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_BITMAP, pattern,
   if (!pattern)

   _mesa_unpack_polygon_stipple(pattern, ctx->PolygonStipple, &ctx->Unpack);

   _mesa_unmap_pbo_source(ctx, &ctx->Unpack);
Example #5
static void GLAPIENTRY
_mesa_PixelMapfv( GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLfloat *values )

    /* XXX someday, test against ctx->Const.MaxPixelMapTableSize */
    if (mapsize < 1 || mapsize > MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE) {
        _mesa_error( ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE, "glPixelMapfv(mapsize)" );

    if (map >= GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S && map <= GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A) {
        /* test that mapsize is a power of two */
        if (!_mesa_is_pow_two(mapsize)) {
            _mesa_error( ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE, "glPixelMapfv(mapsize)" );


    if (!validate_pbo_access(ctx, &ctx->Unpack, mapsize, GL_INTENSITY,
                             GL_FLOAT, INT_MAX, values)) {

    values = (const GLfloat *) _mesa_map_pbo_source(ctx, &ctx->Unpack, values);
    if (!values) {
        if (_mesa_is_bufferobj(ctx->Unpack.BufferObj)) {
            _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
                        "glPixelMapfv(PBO is mapped)");

    store_pixelmap(ctx, map, mapsize, values);

    _mesa_unmap_pbo_source(ctx, &ctx->Unpack);
Example #6
 * Update/replace all or part of a color table.  Helper function
 * used by _mesa_ColorTable() and _mesa_ColorSubTable().
 * The table->Table buffer should already be allocated.
 * \param start first entry to update
 * \param count number of entries to update
 * \param format format of user-provided table data
 * \param type datatype of user-provided table data
 * \param data user-provided table data
 * \param [rgba]Scale - RGBA scale factors
 * \param [rgba]Bias - RGBA bias factors
static void
store_colortable_entries(GLcontext *ctx, struct gl_color_table *table,
			 GLsizei start, GLsizei count,
			 GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *data,
			 GLfloat rScale, GLfloat rBias,
			 GLfloat gScale, GLfloat gBias,
			 GLfloat bScale, GLfloat bBias,
			 GLfloat aScale, GLfloat aBias)
   data = _mesa_map_validate_pbo_source(ctx, 
                                        1, &ctx->Unpack, count, 1, 1,
                                        format, type, data,
   if (!data)

      /* convert user-provided data to GLfloat values */
      GLfloat tempTab[MAX_COLOR_TABLE_SIZE * 4];
      GLfloat *tableF;
      GLint i;

                                    count,         /* number of pixels */
                                    table->_BaseFormat, /* dest format */
                                    tempTab,       /* dest address */
                                    format, type,  /* src format/type */
                                    data,          /* src data */
                                    IMAGE_CLAMP_BIT); /* transfer ops */

      /* the destination */
      tableF = table->TableF;

      /* Apply scale & bias & clamp now */
      switch (table->_BaseFormat) {
         case GL_INTENSITY:
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
               GLuint j = start + i;
               tableF[j] = CLAMP(tempTab[i] * rScale + rBias, 0.0F, 1.0F);
         case GL_LUMINANCE:
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
               GLuint j = start + i;
               tableF[j] = CLAMP(tempTab[i] * rScale + rBias, 0.0F, 1.0F);
         case GL_ALPHA:
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
               GLuint j = start + i;
               tableF[j] = CLAMP(tempTab[i] * aScale + aBias, 0.0F, 1.0F);
         case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA:
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
               GLuint j = start + i;
               tableF[j*2+0] = CLAMP(tempTab[i*2+0] * rScale + rBias, 0.0F, 1.0F);
               tableF[j*2+1] = CLAMP(tempTab[i*2+1] * aScale + aBias, 0.0F, 1.0F);
         case GL_RGB:
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
               GLuint j = start + i;
               tableF[j*3+0] = CLAMP(tempTab[i*3+0] * rScale + rBias, 0.0F, 1.0F);
               tableF[j*3+1] = CLAMP(tempTab[i*3+1] * gScale + gBias, 0.0F, 1.0F);
               tableF[j*3+2] = CLAMP(tempTab[i*3+2] * bScale + bBias, 0.0F, 1.0F);
         case GL_RGBA:
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
               GLuint j = start + i;
               tableF[j*4+0] = CLAMP(tempTab[i*4+0] * rScale + rBias, 0.0F, 1.0F);
               tableF[j*4+1] = CLAMP(tempTab[i*4+1] * gScale + gBias, 0.0F, 1.0F);
               tableF[j*4+2] = CLAMP(tempTab[i*4+2] * bScale + bBias, 0.0F, 1.0F);
               tableF[j*4+3] = CLAMP(tempTab[i*4+3] * aScale + aBias, 0.0F, 1.0F);
            _mesa_problem(ctx, "Bad format in store_colortable_entries");

   /* update the ubyte table */
      const GLint comps = _mesa_components_in_format(table->_BaseFormat);
      const GLfloat *tableF = table->TableF + start * comps;
      GLubyte *tableUB = table->TableUB + start * comps;
      GLint i;
      for (i = 0; i < count * comps; i++) {
         CLAMPED_FLOAT_TO_UBYTE(tableUB[i], tableF[i]);

   _mesa_unmap_pbo_source(ctx, &ctx->Unpack);
Example #7
 * Try to accumulate this glBitmap call in the bitmap cache.
 * \return  GL_TRUE for success, GL_FALSE if bitmap is too large, etc.
static GLboolean
accum_bitmap(struct gl_context *ctx,
             GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
             const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *unpack,
             const GLubyte *bitmap )
    struct st_context *st = ctx->st;
    struct bitmap_cache *cache = st->bitmap.cache;
    int px = -999, py = -999;
    const GLfloat z = ctx->Current.RasterPos[2];

    if (width > BITMAP_CACHE_WIDTH ||
            height > BITMAP_CACHE_HEIGHT)
        return GL_FALSE; /* too big to cache */

    if (!cache->empty) {
        px = x - cache->xpos;  /* pos in buffer */
        py = y - cache->ypos;
        if (px < 0 || px + width > BITMAP_CACHE_WIDTH ||
                py < 0 || py + height > BITMAP_CACHE_HEIGHT ||
                !TEST_EQ_4V(ctx->Current.RasterColor, cache->color) ||
                ((fabs(z - cache->zpos) > Z_EPSILON))) {
            /* This bitmap would extend beyond cache bounds, or the bitmap
             * color is changing
             * so flush and continue.

    if (cache->empty) {
        /* Initialize.  Center bitmap vertically in the buffer. */
        px = 0;
        py = (BITMAP_CACHE_HEIGHT - height) / 2;
        cache->xpos = x;
        cache->ypos = y - py;
        cache->zpos = z;
        cache->empty = GL_FALSE;
        COPY_4FV(cache->color, ctx->Current.RasterColor);

    assert(px != -999);
    assert(py != -999);

    if (x < cache->xmin)
        cache->xmin = x;
    if (y < cache->ymin)
        cache->ymin = y;
    if (x + width > cache->xmax)
        cache->xmax = x + width;
    if (y + height > cache->ymax)
        cache->ymax = y + height;

    /* create the transfer if needed */

    /* PBO source... */
    bitmap = _mesa_map_pbo_source(ctx, unpack, bitmap);
    if (!bitmap) {
        return FALSE;

    unpack_bitmap(st, px, py, width, height, unpack, bitmap,
                  cache->buffer, BITMAP_CACHE_WIDTH);

    _mesa_unmap_pbo_source(ctx, unpack);

    return GL_TRUE; /* accumulated */
Example #8
 * Render a bitmap.
 * Called via ctx->Driver.Bitmap()
 * All parameter error checking will have been done before this is called.
_swrast_Bitmap( struct gl_context *ctx, GLint px, GLint py,
		GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
		const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *unpack,
		const GLubyte *bitmap )
   GLint row, col;
   GLuint count = 0;
   SWspan span;

   ASSERT(ctx->RenderMode == GL_RENDER);

   if (!_mesa_check_conditional_render(ctx))
      return; /* don't draw */

   bitmap = (const GLubyte *) _mesa_map_pbo_source(ctx, unpack, bitmap);
   if (!bitmap)


   if (SWRAST_CONTEXT(ctx)->NewState)
      _swrast_validate_derived( ctx );

   span.end = width;
   span.arrayMask = SPAN_XY;
   _swrast_span_default_attribs(ctx, &span);

   for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
      const GLubyte *src = (const GLubyte *) _mesa_image_address2d(unpack,
                 bitmap, width, height, GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_BITMAP, row, 0);

      if (unpack->LsbFirst) {
         /* Lsb first */
         GLubyte mask = 1U << (unpack->SkipPixels & 0x7);
         for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
            if (*src & mask) {
               span.array->x[count] = px + col;
               span.array->y[count] = py + row;
            if (mask == 128U) {
               mask = 1U;
            else {
               mask = mask << 1;

         /* get ready for next row */
         if (mask != 1)
      else {
         /* Msb first */
         GLubyte mask = 128U >> (unpack->SkipPixels & 0x7);
         for (col = 0; col < width; col++) {
            if (*src & mask) {
               span.array->x[count] = px + col;
               span.array->y[count] = py + row;
            if (mask == 1U) {
               mask = 128U;
            else {
               mask = mask >> 1;

         /* get ready for next row */
         if (mask != 128)

      if (count + width >= SWRAST_MAX_WIDTH || row + 1 == height) {
         /* flush the span */
         span.end = count;
         _swrast_write_rgba_span(ctx, &span);
         span.end = 0;
         count = 0;


   _mesa_unmap_pbo_source(ctx, unpack);
Example #9
 * Software fallback to do glDrawPixels(GL_STENCIL_INDEX) when we
 * can't use a fragment shader to write stencil values.
static void
draw_stencil_pixels(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint x, GLint y,
                    GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type,
                    const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *unpack,
                    const GLvoid *pixels)
   struct st_context *st = st_context(ctx);
   struct pipe_context *pipe = st->pipe;
   struct st_renderbuffer *strb;
   enum pipe_transfer_usage usage;
   struct pipe_transfer *pt;
   const GLboolean zoom = ctx->Pixel.ZoomX != 1.0 || ctx->Pixel.ZoomY != 1.0;
   GLint skipPixels;
   ubyte *stmap;
   struct gl_pixelstore_attrib clippedUnpack = *unpack;

   if (!zoom) {
      if (!_mesa_clip_drawpixels(ctx, &x, &y, &width, &height,
                                 &clippedUnpack)) {
         /* totally clipped */

   strb = st_renderbuffer(ctx->DrawBuffer->

   if (st_fb_orientation(ctx->DrawBuffer) == Y_0_TOP) {
      y = ctx->DrawBuffer->Height - y - height;

   if(format != GL_DEPTH_STENCIL && 
                                     UTIL_FORMAT_COLORSPACE_ZS, 0) != 0)
      usage = PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE;

   pt = pipe_get_transfer(pipe, strb->texture,
                          strb->rtt_level, strb->rtt_face + strb->rtt_slice,
                          usage, x, y,
                          width, height);

   stmap = pipe_transfer_map(pipe, pt);

   pixels = _mesa_map_pbo_source(ctx, &clippedUnpack, pixels);

   /* if width > MAX_WIDTH, have to process image in chunks */
   skipPixels = 0;
   while (skipPixels < width) {
      const GLint spanX = skipPixels;
      const GLint spanWidth = MIN2(width - skipPixels, MAX_WIDTH);
      GLint row;
      for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
         GLubyte sValues[MAX_WIDTH];
         GLuint zValues[MAX_WIDTH];
         GLenum destType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
         const GLvoid *source = _mesa_image_address2d(&clippedUnpack, pixels,
                                                      width, height,
                                                      format, type,
                                                      row, skipPixels);
         _mesa_unpack_stencil_span(ctx, spanWidth, destType, sValues,
                                   type, source, &clippedUnpack,

         if (format == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL) {
            _mesa_unpack_depth_span(ctx, spanWidth, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, zValues,
                                    (1 << 24) - 1, type, source,

         if (zoom) {
            _mesa_problem(ctx, "Gallium glDrawPixels(GL_STENCIL) with "
                          "zoom not complete");

            GLint spanY;

            if (st_fb_orientation(ctx->DrawBuffer) == Y_0_TOP) {
               spanY = height - row - 1;
            else {
               spanY = row;

            /* now pack the stencil (and Z) values in the dest format */
            switch (pt->resource->format) {
            case PIPE_FORMAT_S8_USCALED:
                  ubyte *dest = stmap + spanY * pt->stride + spanX;
                  assert(usage == PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE);
                  memcpy(dest, sValues, spanWidth);
            case PIPE_FORMAT_Z24_UNORM_S8_USCALED:
               if (format == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL) {
                  uint *dest = (uint *) (stmap + spanY * pt->stride + spanX*4);
                  GLint k;
                  assert(usage == PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE);
                  for (k = 0; k < spanWidth; k++) {
                     dest[k] = zValues[k] | (sValues[k] << 24);
               else {
                  uint *dest = (uint *) (stmap + spanY * pt->stride + spanX*4);
                  GLint k;
                  assert(usage == PIPE_TRANSFER_READ_WRITE);
                  for (k = 0; k < spanWidth; k++) {
                     dest[k] = (dest[k] & 0xffffff) | (sValues[k] << 24);
            case PIPE_FORMAT_S8_USCALED_Z24_UNORM:
               if (format == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL) {
                  uint *dest = (uint *) (stmap + spanY * pt->stride + spanX*4);
                  GLint k;
                  assert(usage == PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE);
                  for (k = 0; k < spanWidth; k++) {
                     dest[k] = (zValues[k] << 8) | (sValues[k] & 0xff);
               else {
                  uint *dest = (uint *) (stmap + spanY * pt->stride + spanX*4);
                  GLint k;
                  assert(usage == PIPE_TRANSFER_READ_WRITE);
                  for (k = 0; k < spanWidth; k++) {
                     dest[k] = (dest[k] & 0xffffff00) | (sValues[k] & 0xff);
      skipPixels += spanWidth;

   _mesa_unmap_pbo_source(ctx, &clippedUnpack);

   /* unmap the stencil buffer */
   pipe_transfer_unmap(pipe, pt);
   pipe->transfer_destroy(pipe, pt);
Example #10
 * Make texture containing an image for glDrawPixels image.
 * If 'pixels' is NULL, leave the texture image data undefined.
static struct pipe_resource *
make_texture(struct st_context *st,
	     GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type,
	     const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *unpack,
	     const GLvoid *pixels)
   struct gl_context *ctx = st->ctx;
   struct pipe_context *pipe = st->pipe;
   gl_format mformat;
   struct pipe_resource *pt;
   enum pipe_format pipeFormat;
   GLenum baseInternalFormat, intFormat;

   intFormat = internal_format(ctx, format, type);
   baseInternalFormat = _mesa_base_tex_format(ctx, intFormat);

   mformat = st_ChooseTextureFormat_renderable(ctx, intFormat,
                                               format, type, GL_FALSE);

   pipeFormat = st_mesa_format_to_pipe_format(mformat);

   pixels = _mesa_map_pbo_source(ctx, unpack, pixels);
   if (!pixels)
      return NULL;

   /* alloc temporary texture */
   pt = alloc_texture(st, width, height, pipeFormat);
   if (!pt) {
      _mesa_unmap_pbo_source(ctx, unpack);
      return NULL;

      struct pipe_transfer *transfer;
      static const GLuint dstImageOffsets = 0;
      GLboolean success;
      GLubyte *dest;
      const GLbitfield imageTransferStateSave = ctx->_ImageTransferState;

      /* we'll do pixel transfer in a fragment shader */
      ctx->_ImageTransferState = 0x0;

      transfer = pipe_get_transfer(st->pipe, pt, 0, 0,
                                   PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE, 0, 0,
                                   width, height);

      /* map texture transfer */
      dest = pipe_transfer_map(pipe, transfer);

      /* Put image into texture transfer.
       * Note that the image is actually going to be upside down in
       * the texture.  We deal with that with texcoords.
      success = _mesa_texstore(ctx, 2,           /* dims */
                               baseInternalFormat, /* baseInternalFormat */
                               mformat,          /* gl_format */
                               dest,             /* dest */
                               0, 0, 0,          /* dstX/Y/Zoffset */
                               transfer->stride, /* dstRowStride, bytes */
                               &dstImageOffsets, /* dstImageOffsets */
                               width, height, 1, /* size */
                               format, type,     /* src format/type */
                               pixels,           /* data source */

      /* unmap */
      pipe_transfer_unmap(pipe, transfer);
      pipe->transfer_destroy(pipe, transfer);


      /* restore */
      ctx->_ImageTransferState = imageTransferStateSave;

   _mesa_unmap_pbo_source(ctx, unpack);

   return pt;