Example #1
v8sf exp256_ps(v8sf x) {
  v8sf tmp = _mm256_setzero_ps(), fx;
  v8si imm0;
  v8sf one = *(v8sf*)_ps256_1;

  x = _mm256_min_ps(x, *(v8sf*)_ps256_exp_hi);
  x = _mm256_max_ps(x, *(v8sf*)_ps256_exp_lo);

  /* express exp(x) as exp(g + n*log(2)) */
  fx = _mm256_mul_ps(x, *(v8sf*)_ps256_cephes_LOG2EF);
  fx = _mm256_add_ps(fx, *(v8sf*)_ps256_0p5);

  /* how to perform a floorf with SSE: just below */
  //imm0 = _mm256_cvttps_epi32(fx);
  //tmp  = _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(imm0);
  tmp = _mm256_floor_ps(fx);

  /* if greater, substract 1 */
  //v8sf mask = _mm256_cmpgt_ps(tmp, fx);    
  v8sf mask = _mm256_cmp_ps(tmp, fx, _CMP_GT_OS);    
  mask = _mm256_and_ps(mask, one);
  fx = _mm256_sub_ps(tmp, mask);

  tmp = _mm256_mul_ps(fx, *(v8sf*)_ps256_cephes_exp_C1);
  v8sf z = _mm256_mul_ps(fx, *(v8sf*)_ps256_cephes_exp_C2);
  x = _mm256_sub_ps(x, tmp);
  x = _mm256_sub_ps(x, z);

  z = _mm256_mul_ps(x,x);
  v8sf y = *(v8sf*)_ps256_cephes_exp_p0;
  y = _mm256_mul_ps(y, x);
  y = _mm256_add_ps(y, *(v8sf*)_ps256_cephes_exp_p1);
  y = _mm256_mul_ps(y, x);
  y = _mm256_add_ps(y, *(v8sf*)_ps256_cephes_exp_p2);
  y = _mm256_mul_ps(y, x);
  y = _mm256_add_ps(y, *(v8sf*)_ps256_cephes_exp_p3);
  y = _mm256_mul_ps(y, x);
  y = _mm256_add_ps(y, *(v8sf*)_ps256_cephes_exp_p4);
  y = _mm256_mul_ps(y, x);
  y = _mm256_add_ps(y, *(v8sf*)_ps256_cephes_exp_p5);
  y = _mm256_mul_ps(y, z);
  y = _mm256_add_ps(y, x);
  y = _mm256_add_ps(y, one);

  /* build 2^n */
  imm0 = _mm256_cvttps_epi32(fx);
  // another two AVX2 instructions
  imm0 = _mm256_add_epi32(imm0, *(v8si*)_pi32_256_0x7f);
  imm0 = _mm256_slli_epi32(imm0, 23);
  v8sf pow2n = _mm256_castsi256_ps(imm0);
  y = _mm256_mul_ps(y, pow2n);
  return y;
Example #2
void extern
avx512vl_test (void)
  x1 = _mm256_roundscale_ps (x1, 0x42);
  x1 = _mm256_ceil_ps (x1);
  x1 = _mm256_floor_ps (x1);
  x1 = _mm256_mask_roundscale_ps (x1, 2, x1, 0x42);
  x1 = _mm256_maskz_roundscale_ps (2, x1, 0x42);
  x2 = _mm_roundscale_ps (x2, 0x42);
  x2 = _mm_ceil_ps (x2);
  x2 = _mm_floor_ps (x2);
  x2 = _mm_mask_roundscale_ps (x2, 2, x2, 0x42);
  x2 = _mm_maskz_roundscale_ps (2, x2, 0x42);
Example #3
inline __m256i avx2_positive_hexid_to_ringid_root(const __m256i hexid)
  // The following algorithm works until hexid=12,589,056
  // const unsigned iarg = 1+4*(hexid-1)/3;
  // return (unsigned(std::sqrt(float(iarg)))+1)/2;
  __m256 arg = _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(hexid);
  arg = _mm256_fmsub_ps(arg, calin::math::simd::c_m256(_c_m256_four_thirds),
  arg = _mm256_sqrt_ps(arg);
  arg = _mm256_fmadd_ps(arg, calin::math::simd::c_m256(_c_m256_one_half),
  arg = _mm256_floor_ps(arg);
  return _mm256_cvtps_epi32(arg);