Example #1
static inline long
conv_yF_yHalf (const float *src, uint16_t *dst, long samples)
  const __v4sf *s_vec;
  uint64_t     *d_vec;

  long n = samples;

  s_vec = (const __v4sf *)src;
  d_vec = (uint64_t *)dst;

  while (n >= 4)
      __m128 in_val = _mm_loadu_ps((float *)s_vec++);
      __m128i out_val = _mm_cvtps_ph(in_val, _MM_FROUND_TO_NEAREST_INT | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC);
      _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)d_vec++, out_val);
      n -= 4;

  src = (const float *)s_vec;
  dst = (uint16_t *)d_vec;

  while (n)
      __m128 in_val = _mm_load_ss(src++);
      __m128i out_val = _mm_cvtps_ph(in_val, _MM_FROUND_TO_NEAREST_INT | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC);
      *dst++ = _mm_extract_epi16(out_val, 0);
      n -= 1;

  return samples;
Example #2
int test()
    const float src[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
    short dst[8];
    __m128 v_src = _mm_load_ps(src);
    __m128i v_dst = _mm_cvtps_ph(v_src, 0);
    _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)dst, v_dst);
    return (int)dst[0];
Example #3
test8bit (void)
  i1 = _mm_cmpistrm (i2, i3, k4);	  /* { dg-error "the third argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  k1 = _mm_cmpistri (i2, i3, k4);	  /* { dg-error "the third argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  k1 = _mm_cmpistra (i2, i3, k4);	  /* { dg-error "the third argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  k1 = _mm_cmpistrc (i2, i3, k4);	  /* { dg-error "the third argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  k1 = _mm_cmpistro (i2, i3, k4);	  /* { dg-error "the third argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  k1 = _mm_cmpistrs (i2, i3, k4);	  /* { dg-error "the third argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  k1 = _mm_cmpistrz (i2, i3, k4);	  /* { dg-error "the third argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  i1 = _mm_cmpestrm (i2, k2, i3, k3, k4); /* { dg-error "the fifth argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  k1 = _mm_cmpestri (i2, k2, i3, k3, k4); /* { dg-error "the fifth argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  k1 = _mm_cmpestra (i2, k2, i3, k3, k4); /* { dg-error "the fifth argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  k1 = _mm_cmpestrc (i2, k2, i3, k3, k4); /* { dg-error "the fifth argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  k1 = _mm_cmpestro (i2, k2, i3, k3, k4); /* { dg-error "the fifth argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  k1 = _mm_cmpestrs (i2, k2, i3, k3, k4); /* { dg-error "the fifth argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  k1 = _mm_cmpestrz (i2, k2, i3, k3, k4); /* { dg-error "the fifth argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  b1 = _mm256_blend_ps (b2, b3, k4);	  /* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  k1 = _cvtss_sh (f1, k4);		  /* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  i1 = _mm256_cvtps_ph (b2, k4);	  /* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  b1 = _mm256_dp_ps (b2, b3, k4);	  /* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  e1 = _mm256_permute2f128_pd (e2, e3, k4);/* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  b1 = _mm256_permute2f128_ps (b2, b3, k4);/* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  l1 = _mm256_permute2f128_si256 (l2, l3, k4);/* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  b1 = _mm256_permute_ps (b2, k4);	  /* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  i1 = _mm_aeskeygenassist_si128 (i2, k4);/* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  i1 = _mm_blend_epi16 (i2, i3, k4);	  /* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  i1 = _mm_clmulepi64_si128 (i2, i3, k4); /* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  i1 = _mm_cvtps_ph (a1, k4);		  /* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  d1 = _mm_dp_pd (d2, d3, k4);		  /* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  a1 = _mm_dp_ps (a2, a3, k4);		  /* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  a1 = _mm_insert_ps (a2, a3, k4);	  /* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  i1 = _mm_mpsadbw_epu8 (i2, i3, k4);	  /* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  a1 = _mm_permute_ps (a2, k4);		  /* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  i1 = _mm_slli_si128 (i2, k4);		  /* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */
  i1 = _mm_srli_si128 (i2, k4);		  /* { dg-error "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate" } */