Example #1
static void
clamplow_f64_sse (double *dest, const double *src1, int n, const double *src2_1)
  __m128d xmm1;
  double min = *src2_1;

  /* Initial operations to align the destination pointer */
  for (; ((long)dest & 15) && (n > 0); n--) {
    double x = *src1++;
    if (x < min)
      x = min;
    *dest++ = x;
  xmm1 = _mm_set1_pd(min);
  for (; n >= 2; n -= 2) {
    __m128d xmm0;
    xmm0 = _mm_loadu_pd(src1);
    xmm0 = _mm_max_pd(xmm0, xmm1);
    _mm_store_pd(dest, xmm0);
    dest += 2;
    src1 += 2;
  for (; n > 0; n--) {
    double x = *src1++;
    if (x < min)
      x = min;
    *dest++ = x;
Example #2
__m128d test_mm_max_pd(__m128d A, __m128d B) {
  // DAG-LABEL: test_mm_max_pd
  // DAG: call <2 x double> @llvm.x86.sse2.max.pd(<2 x double> %{{.*}}, <2 x double> %{{.*}})
  // ASM-LABEL: test_mm_max_pd
  // ASM: maxpd
  return _mm_max_pd(A, B);
Example #3
__SIMDd _SIMD_max_pd(__SIMDd a, __SIMDd b)
#ifdef  USE_SSE
  return _mm_max_pd(a,b); 
#elif defined USE_AVX
  return _mm256_max_pd(a,b); 
#elif defined USE_IBM
  return vec_max(a,b);
Example #4
test (__m128d s1, __m128d s2)
  return _mm_max_pd (s1, s2); 
Example #5
BI_FORCE_INLINE inline sse_double max(const sse_double x,
    const sse_double y) {
  sse_double res;
  res.packed = _mm_max_pd(x.packed, y.packed);
  return res;
Example #6
AABB3d TriangleItemHandler::clip(
    const size_t                        item_index,
    const size_t                        dimension,
    const double                        slab_min,
    const double                        slab_max) const
    const TriangleVertexInfo& vertex_info = m_triangle_vertex_infos[item_index];

    if (vertex_info.m_motion_segment_count > 0)
        AABB3d triangle_bbox = m_triangle_bboxes[item_index];

        if (triangle_bbox.min[dimension] < slab_min)
            triangle_bbox.min[dimension] = slab_min;

        if (triangle_bbox.max[dimension] > slab_max)
            triangle_bbox.max[dimension] = slab_max;

        return triangle_bbox;


    APPLESEED_SIMD4_ALIGN const Vector3d v0(m_triangle_vertices[vertex_info.m_vertex_index + 0]);
    APPLESEED_SIMD4_ALIGN const Vector3d v1(m_triangle_vertices[vertex_info.m_vertex_index + 1]);
    APPLESEED_SIMD4_ALIGN const Vector3d v2(m_triangle_vertices[vertex_info.m_vertex_index + 2]);

    const double v0d = v0[dimension];
    const double v1d = v1[dimension];
    const double v2d = v2[dimension];

    const int v0_ge_min = v0d >= slab_min ? 1 : 0;
    const int v0_le_max = v0d <= slab_max ? 1 : 0;
    const int v1_ge_min = v1d >= slab_min ? 1 : 0;
    const int v1_le_max = v1d <= slab_max ? 1 : 0;
    const int v2_ge_min = v2d >= slab_min ? 1 : 0;
    const int v2_le_max = v2d <= slab_max ? 1 : 0;

    __m128d bbox_min_xy = _mm_set1_pd(+numeric_limits<double>::max());
    __m128d bbox_min_zz = _mm_set1_pd(+numeric_limits<double>::max());
    __m128d bbox_max_xy = _mm_set1_pd(-numeric_limits<double>::max());
    __m128d bbox_max_zz = _mm_set1_pd(-numeric_limits<double>::max());

    const __m128d v0_xy = _mm_load_pd(&v0.x);
    const __m128d v0_zz = _mm_set1_pd(v0.z);
    const __m128d v1_xy = _mm_load_pd(&v1.x);
    const __m128d v1_zz = _mm_set1_pd(v1.z);
    const __m128d v2_xy = _mm_load_pd(&v2.x);
    const __m128d v2_zz = _mm_set1_pd(v2.z);

    if (v0_ge_min & v0_le_max)
        bbox_min_xy = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_xy, v0_xy);
        bbox_max_xy = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_xy, v0_xy);
        bbox_min_zz = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_zz, v0_zz);
        bbox_max_zz = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_zz, v0_zz);

    if (v1_ge_min & v1_le_max)
        bbox_min_xy = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_xy, v1_xy);
        bbox_max_xy = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_xy, v1_xy);
        bbox_min_zz = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_zz, v1_zz);
        bbox_max_zz = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_zz, v1_zz);

    if (v2_ge_min & v2_le_max)
        bbox_min_xy = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_xy, v2_xy);
        bbox_max_xy = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_xy, v2_xy);
        bbox_min_zz = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_zz, v2_zz);
        bbox_max_zz = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_zz, v2_zz);

    const int v0v1_cross_min = v0_ge_min ^ v1_ge_min;
    const int v0v1_cross_max = v0_le_max ^ v1_le_max;
    const int v1v2_cross_min = v1_ge_min ^ v2_ge_min;
    const int v1v2_cross_max = v1_le_max ^ v2_le_max;
    const int v2v0_cross_min = v2_ge_min ^ v0_ge_min;
    const int v2v0_cross_max = v2_le_max ^ v0_le_max;

    if (v0v1_cross_min | v0v1_cross_max)
        const double rcp_v0v1 = 1.0 / (v1[dimension] - v0[dimension]);

        if (v0v1_cross_min)
            const double t = (slab_min - v0[dimension]) * rcp_v0v1;
            assert(t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0);

            const __m128d mt = _mm_set1_pd(t);
            const __m128d mt1 = _mm_set1_pd(1.0 - t);
            const __m128d p_xy = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(v0_xy, mt1), _mm_mul_pd(v1_xy, mt));
            const __m128d p_zz = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(v0_zz, mt1), _mm_mul_pd(v1_zz, mt));

            bbox_min_xy = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_xy, p_xy);
            bbox_max_xy = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_xy, p_xy);
            bbox_min_zz = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_zz, p_zz);
            bbox_max_zz = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_zz, p_zz);

        if (v0v1_cross_max)
            const double t = (slab_max - v0[dimension]) * rcp_v0v1;
            assert(t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0);

            const __m128d mt = _mm_set1_pd(t);
            const __m128d mt1 = _mm_set1_pd(1.0 - t);
            const __m128d p_xy = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(v0_xy, mt1), _mm_mul_pd(v1_xy, mt));
            const __m128d p_zz = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(v0_zz, mt1), _mm_mul_pd(v1_zz, mt));

            bbox_min_xy = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_xy, p_xy);
            bbox_max_xy = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_xy, p_xy);
            bbox_min_zz = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_zz, p_zz);
            bbox_max_zz = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_zz, p_zz);

    if (v1v2_cross_min | v1v2_cross_max)
        const double rcp_v1v2 = 1.0 / (v2[dimension] - v1[dimension]);

        if (v1v2_cross_min)
            const double t = (slab_min - v1[dimension]) * rcp_v1v2;
            assert(t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0);

            const __m128d mt = _mm_set1_pd(t);
            const __m128d mt1 = _mm_set1_pd(1.0 - t);
            const __m128d p_xy = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(v1_xy, mt1), _mm_mul_pd(v2_xy, mt));
            const __m128d p_zz = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(v1_zz, mt1), _mm_mul_pd(v2_zz, mt));

            bbox_min_xy = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_xy, p_xy);
            bbox_max_xy = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_xy, p_xy);
            bbox_min_zz = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_zz, p_zz);
            bbox_max_zz = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_zz, p_zz);

        if (v1v2_cross_max)
            const double t = (slab_max - v1[dimension]) * rcp_v1v2;
            assert(t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0);

            const __m128d mt = _mm_set1_pd(t);
            const __m128d mt1 = _mm_set1_pd(1.0 - t);
            const __m128d p_xy = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(v1_xy, mt1), _mm_mul_pd(v2_xy, mt));
            const __m128d p_zz = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(v1_zz, mt1), _mm_mul_pd(v2_zz, mt));

            bbox_min_xy = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_xy, p_xy);
            bbox_max_xy = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_xy, p_xy);
            bbox_min_zz = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_zz, p_zz);
            bbox_max_zz = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_zz, p_zz);

    if (v2v0_cross_min | v2v0_cross_max)
        const double rcp_v2v0 = 1.0 / (v0[dimension] - v2[dimension]);

        if (v2v0_cross_min)
            const double t = (slab_min - v2[dimension]) * rcp_v2v0;
            assert(t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0);

            const __m128d mt = _mm_set1_pd(t);
            const __m128d mt1 = _mm_set1_pd(1.0 - t);
            const __m128d p_xy = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(v2_xy, mt1), _mm_mul_pd(v0_xy, mt));
            const __m128d p_zz = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(v2_zz, mt1), _mm_mul_pd(v0_zz, mt));

            bbox_min_xy = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_xy, p_xy);
            bbox_max_xy = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_xy, p_xy);
            bbox_min_zz = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_zz, p_zz);
            bbox_max_zz = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_zz, p_zz);

        if (v2v0_cross_max)
            const double t = (slab_max - v2[dimension]) * rcp_v2v0;
            assert(t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0);

            const __m128d mt = _mm_set1_pd(t);
            const __m128d mt1 = _mm_set1_pd(1.0 - t);
            const __m128d p_xy = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(v2_xy, mt1), _mm_mul_pd(v0_xy, mt));
            const __m128d p_zz = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(v2_zz, mt1), _mm_mul_pd(v0_zz, mt));

            bbox_min_xy = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_xy, p_xy);
            bbox_max_xy = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_xy, p_xy);
            bbox_min_zz = _mm_min_pd(bbox_min_zz, p_zz);
            bbox_max_zz = _mm_max_pd(bbox_max_zz, p_zz);


    _mm_store_pd(&bbox.min.x, bbox_min_xy);
    _mm_store_sd(&bbox.min.z, bbox_min_zz);
    _mm_storeu_pd(&bbox.max.x, bbox_max_xy);
    _mm_store_sd(&bbox.max.z, bbox_max_zz);

    if (bbox.min[dimension] < slab_min)
        bbox.min[dimension] = slab_min;

    if (bbox.max[dimension] > slab_max)
        bbox.max[dimension] = slab_max;


    const Vector3d v0(m_triangle_vertices[vertex_info.m_vertex_index + 0]);
    const Vector3d v1(m_triangle_vertices[vertex_info.m_vertex_index + 1]);
    const Vector3d v2(m_triangle_vertices[vertex_info.m_vertex_index + 2]);

    const int v0_ge_min = v0[dimension] >= slab_min ? 1 : 0;
    const int v0_le_max = v0[dimension] <= slab_max ? 1 : 0;
    const int v1_ge_min = v1[dimension] >= slab_min ? 1 : 0;
    const int v1_le_max = v1[dimension] <= slab_max ? 1 : 0;
    const int v2_ge_min = v2[dimension] >= slab_min ? 1 : 0;
    const int v2_le_max = v2[dimension] <= slab_max ? 1 : 0;

    AABB3d bbox;

    if (v0_ge_min & v0_le_max)

    if (v1_ge_min & v1_le_max)

    if (v2_ge_min & v2_le_max)

    if (v0_ge_min != v1_ge_min)
        bbox.insert(segment_plane_intersection(v0, v1, dimension, slab_min));

    if (v0_le_max != v1_le_max)
        bbox.insert(segment_plane_intersection(v0, v1, dimension, slab_max));

    if (v1_ge_min != v2_ge_min)
        bbox.insert(segment_plane_intersection(v1, v2, dimension, slab_min));

    if (v1_le_max != v2_le_max)
        bbox.insert(segment_plane_intersection(v1, v2, dimension, slab_max));

    if (v2_ge_min != v0_ge_min)
        bbox.insert(segment_plane_intersection(v2, v0, dimension, slab_min));

    if (v2_le_max != v0_le_max)
        bbox.insert(segment_plane_intersection(v2, v0, dimension, slab_max));


    return bbox;
Example #7
/* vms_expma:
 *   Compute the component-wise exponential minus <a>:
 *       r[i] <-- e^x[i] - a
 *   The following comments apply to the SSE2 version of this code:
 *   Computation is done four doubles as a time by doing computation in paralell
 *   on two vectors of two doubles using SSE2 intrisics.  If size is not a
 *   multiple of 4, the remaining elements are computed using the stdlib exp().
 *   The computation is done by first doing a range reduction of the argument of
 *   the type e^x = 2^k * e^f choosing k and f so that f is in [-0.5, 0.5].
 *   Then 2^k can be computed exactly using bit operations to build the double
 *   result and e^f can be efficiently computed with enough precision using a
 *   polynomial approximation.
 *   The polynomial approximation is done with 11th order polynomial computed by
 *   Remez algorithm with the Solya suite, instead of the more classical Pade
 *   polynomial form cause it is better suited to parallel execution. In order
 *   to achieve the same precision, a Pade form seems to require three less
 *   multiplications but need a very costly division, so it will be less
 *   efficient.
 *   The maximum error is less than 1lsb and special cases are correctly
 *   handled:
 *     +inf or +oor  -->   return +inf
 *     -inf or -oor  -->   return  0.0
 *     qNaN or sNaN  -->   return qNaN
 *   This code is copyright 2004-2012 Thomas Lavergne and licenced under the
 *   BSD licence like the remaining of Wapiti.
void xvm_expma(double r[], const double x[], double a, uint64_t N) {
#if defined(__SSE2__) && !defined(XVM_ANSI)
  #define xvm_vconst(v) (_mm_castsi128_pd(_mm_set1_epi64x((v))))
	assert(r != NULL && ((uintptr_t)r % 16) == 0);
	assert(x != NULL && ((uintptr_t)x % 16) == 0);
	const __m128i vl  = _mm_set1_epi64x(0x3ff0000000000000ULL);
	const __m128d ehi = xvm_vconst(0x4086232bdd7abcd2ULL);
	const __m128d elo = xvm_vconst(0xc086232bdd7abcd2ULL);
	const __m128d l2e = xvm_vconst(0x3ff71547652b82feULL);
	const __m128d hal = xvm_vconst(0x3fe0000000000000ULL);
	const __m128d nan = xvm_vconst(0xfff8000000000000ULL);
	const __m128d inf = xvm_vconst(0x7ff0000000000000ULL);
	const __m128d c1  = xvm_vconst(0x3fe62e4000000000ULL);
	const __m128d c2  = xvm_vconst(0x3eb7f7d1cf79abcaULL);
	const __m128d p0  = xvm_vconst(0x3feffffffffffffeULL);
	const __m128d p1  = xvm_vconst(0x3ff000000000000bULL);
	const __m128d p2  = xvm_vconst(0x3fe0000000000256ULL);
	const __m128d p3  = xvm_vconst(0x3fc5555555553a2aULL);
	const __m128d p4  = xvm_vconst(0x3fa55555554e57d3ULL);
	const __m128d p5  = xvm_vconst(0x3f81111111362f4fULL);
	const __m128d p6  = xvm_vconst(0x3f56c16c25f3bae1ULL);
	const __m128d p7  = xvm_vconst(0x3f2a019fc9310c33ULL);
	const __m128d p8  = xvm_vconst(0x3efa01825f3cb28bULL);
	const __m128d p9  = xvm_vconst(0x3ec71e2bd880fdd8ULL);
	const __m128d p10 = xvm_vconst(0x3e9299068168ac8fULL);
	const __m128d p11 = xvm_vconst(0x3e5ac52350b60b19ULL);
	const __m128d va  = _mm_set1_pd(a);
	for (uint64_t n = 0; n < N; n += 4) {
		__m128d mn1, mn2, mi1, mi2;
		__m128d t1,  t2,  d1,  d2;
		__m128d v1,  v2,  w1,  w2;
		__m128i k1,  k2;
		__m128d f1,  f2;
		// Load the next four values
		__m128d x1 = _mm_load_pd(x + n    );
		__m128d x2 = _mm_load_pd(x + n + 2);
		// Check for out of ranges, infinites and NaN
		mn1 = _mm_cmpneq_pd(x1, x1);	mn2 = _mm_cmpneq_pd(x2, x2);
		mi1 = _mm_cmpgt_pd(x1, ehi);	mi2 = _mm_cmpgt_pd(x2, ehi);
		x1  = _mm_max_pd(x1, elo);	x2  = _mm_max_pd(x2, elo);
		// Range reduction: we search k and f such that e^x = 2^k * e^f
		// with f in [-0.5, 0.5]
		t1  = _mm_mul_pd(x1, l2e);	t2  = _mm_mul_pd(x2, l2e);
		t1  = _mm_add_pd(t1, hal);	t2  = _mm_add_pd(t2, hal);
		k1  = _mm_cvttpd_epi32(t1);	k2  = _mm_cvttpd_epi32(t2);
		d1  = _mm_cvtepi32_pd(k1);	d2  = _mm_cvtepi32_pd(k2);
		t1  = _mm_mul_pd(d1, c1);	t2  = _mm_mul_pd(d2, c1);
		f1  = _mm_sub_pd(x1, t1);	f2  = _mm_sub_pd(x2, t2);
		t1  = _mm_mul_pd(d1, c2);	t2  = _mm_mul_pd(d2, c2);
		f1  = _mm_sub_pd(f1, t1);	f2  = _mm_sub_pd(f2, t2);
		// Evaluation of e^f using a 11th order polynom in Horner form
		v1  = _mm_mul_pd(f1, p11);	v2  = _mm_mul_pd(f2, p11);
		v1  = _mm_add_pd(v1, p10);	v2  = _mm_add_pd(v2, p10);
		v1  = _mm_mul_pd(v1, f1);	v2  = _mm_mul_pd(v2, f2);
		v1  = _mm_add_pd(v1, p9);	v2  = _mm_add_pd(v2, p9);
		v1  = _mm_mul_pd(v1, f1);	v2  = _mm_mul_pd(v2, f2);
		v1  = _mm_add_pd(v1, p8);	v2  = _mm_add_pd(v2, p8);
		v1  = _mm_mul_pd(v1, f1);	v2  = _mm_mul_pd(v2, f2);
		v1  = _mm_add_pd(v1, p7);	v2  = _mm_add_pd(v2, p7);
		v1  = _mm_mul_pd(v1, f1);	v2  = _mm_mul_pd(v2, f2);
		v1  = _mm_add_pd(v1, p6);	v2  = _mm_add_pd(v2, p6);
		v1  = _mm_mul_pd(v1, f1);	v2  = _mm_mul_pd(v2, f2);
		v1  = _mm_add_pd(v1, p5);	v2  = _mm_add_pd(v2, p5);
		v1  = _mm_mul_pd(v1, f1);	v2  = _mm_mul_pd(v2, f2);
		v1  = _mm_add_pd(v1, p4);	v2  = _mm_add_pd(v2, p4);
		v1  = _mm_mul_pd(v1, f1);	v2  = _mm_mul_pd(v2, f2);
		v1  = _mm_add_pd(v1, p3);	v2  = _mm_add_pd(v2, p3);
		v1  = _mm_mul_pd(v1, f1);	v2  = _mm_mul_pd(v2, f2);
		v1  = _mm_add_pd(v1, p2);	v2  = _mm_add_pd(v2, p2);
		v1  = _mm_mul_pd(v1, f1);	v2  = _mm_mul_pd(v2, f2);
		v1  = _mm_add_pd(v1, p1);	v2  = _mm_add_pd(v2, p1);
		v1  = _mm_mul_pd(v1, f1);	v2  = _mm_mul_pd(v2, f2);
		v1  = _mm_add_pd(v1, p0);	v2  = _mm_add_pd(v2, p0);
		// Evaluation of 2^k using bitops to achieve exact computation
		k1  = _mm_slli_epi32(k1, 20);	k2  = _mm_slli_epi32(k2, 20);
		k1  = _mm_shuffle_epi32(k1, 0x72);
		k2  = _mm_shuffle_epi32(k2, 0x72);
		k1  = _mm_add_epi32(k1, vl);	k2  = _mm_add_epi32(k2, vl);
		w1  = _mm_castsi128_pd(k1);	w2  = _mm_castsi128_pd(k2);
		// Return to full range to substract <a>
	        v1  = _mm_mul_pd(v1, w1);	v2  = _mm_mul_pd(v2, w2);
		v1  = _mm_sub_pd(v1, va);	v2  = _mm_sub_pd(v2, va);
		// Finally apply infinite and NaN where needed
		v1  = _mm_or_pd(_mm_and_pd(mi1, inf), _mm_andnot_pd(mi1, v1));
		v2  = _mm_or_pd(_mm_and_pd(mi2, inf), _mm_andnot_pd(mi2, v2));
		v1  = _mm_or_pd(_mm_and_pd(mn1, nan), _mm_andnot_pd(mn1, v1));
		v2  = _mm_or_pd(_mm_and_pd(mn2, nan), _mm_andnot_pd(mn2, v2));
		// Store the results
		_mm_store_pd(r + n,     v1);
		_mm_store_pd(r + n + 2, v2);
	for (uint64_t n = 0; n < N; n++)
		r[n] = exp(x[n]) - a;
 static forcedinline ParallelType max (ParallelType a, ParallelType b) noexcept  { return _mm_max_pd (a, b); }
Example #9
 inline F64vec2 max(const F64vec2 &l, const F64vec2 &r)
     return _mm_max_pd(l, r);
Example #10
void SpringEmbedderFRExact::mainStep_sse3(ArrayGraph &C)
//#if (defined(OGDF_ARCH_X86) || defined(OGDF_ARCH_X64)) && !(defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__SSE3__))

	const int n            = C.numberOfNodes();

#ifdef _OPENMP
	const int work = 256;
	const int nThreadsRep  = min(omp_get_max_threads(), 1 + n*n/work);
	const int nThreadsPrev = min(omp_get_max_threads(), 1 + n  /work);

	const double k       = m_idealEdgeLength;
	const double kSquare = k*k;
	const double c_rep   = 0.052 * kSquare; // 0.2 = factor for repulsive forces as suggested by Warshal

	const double minDist       = 10e-6;//100*DBL_EPSILON;
	const double minDistSquare = minDist*minDist;

	double *disp_x = (double*) System::alignedMemoryAlloc16(n*sizeof(double));
	double *disp_y = (double*) System::alignedMemoryAlloc16(n*sizeof(double));

	__m128d mm_kSquare       = _mm_set1_pd(kSquare);
	__m128d mm_minDist       = _mm_set1_pd(minDist);
	__m128d mm_minDistSquare = _mm_set1_pd(minDistSquare);
	__m128d mm_c_rep         = _mm_set1_pd(c_rep);

	#pragma omp parallel num_threads(nThreadsRep)
		double tx = m_txNull;
		double ty = m_tyNull;
		int cF = 1;

		for(int i = 1; i <= m_iterations; i++)
			// repulsive forces

			#pragma omp for
			for(int v = 0; v < n; ++v)
				__m128d mm_disp_xv = _mm_setzero_pd();
				__m128d mm_disp_yv = _mm_setzero_pd();

				__m128d mm_xv = _mm_set1_pd(C.m_x[v]);
				__m128d mm_yv = _mm_set1_pd(C.m_y[v]);

				int u;
				for(u = 0; u+1 < v; u += 2)
					__m128d mm_delta_x = _mm_sub_pd(mm_xv, _mm_load_pd(&C.m_x[u]));
					__m128d mm_delta_y = _mm_sub_pd(mm_yv, _mm_load_pd(&C.m_y[u]));

					__m128d mm_distSquare = _mm_max_pd(mm_minDistSquare,

					__m128d mm_t = _mm_div_pd(_mm_load_pd(&C.m_nodeWeight[u]), mm_distSquare);
					mm_disp_xv = _mm_add_pd(mm_disp_xv, _mm_mul_pd(mm_delta_x, mm_t));
					mm_disp_yv = _mm_add_pd(mm_disp_yv, _mm_mul_pd(mm_delta_y, mm_t));
					//mm_disp_xv = _mm_add_pd(mm_disp_xv, _mm_mul_pd(mm_delta_x, _mm_div_pd(mm_kSquare,mm_distSquare)));
					//mm_disp_yv = _mm_add_pd(mm_disp_yv, _mm_mul_pd(mm_delta_y, _mm_div_pd(mm_kSquare,mm_distSquare)));
				int uStart = u+2;
				if(u == v) ++u;
				if(u < n) {
					__m128d mm_delta_x = _mm_sub_sd(mm_xv, _mm_load_sd(&C.m_x[u]));
					__m128d mm_delta_y = _mm_sub_sd(mm_yv, _mm_load_sd(&C.m_y[u]));

					__m128d mm_distSquare = _mm_max_sd(mm_minDistSquare,

					__m128d mm_t = _mm_div_sd(_mm_load_sd(&C.m_nodeWeight[u]), mm_distSquare);
					mm_disp_xv = _mm_add_sd(mm_disp_xv, _mm_mul_sd(mm_delta_x, mm_t));
					mm_disp_yv = _mm_add_sd(mm_disp_yv, _mm_mul_sd(mm_delta_y, mm_t));
					//mm_disp_xv = _mm_add_sd(mm_disp_xv, _mm_mul_sd(mm_delta_x, _mm_div_sd(mm_kSquare,mm_distSquare)));
					//mm_disp_yv = _mm_add_sd(mm_disp_yv, _mm_mul_sd(mm_delta_y, _mm_div_sd(mm_kSquare,mm_distSquare)));

				for(u = uStart; u < n; u += 2)
					__m128d mm_delta_x = _mm_sub_pd(mm_xv, _mm_load_pd(&C.m_x[u]));
					__m128d mm_delta_y = _mm_sub_pd(mm_yv, _mm_load_pd(&C.m_y[u]));

					__m128d mm_distSquare = _mm_max_pd(mm_minDistSquare,

					__m128d mm_t = _mm_div_pd(_mm_load_pd(&C.m_nodeWeight[u]), mm_distSquare);
					mm_disp_xv = _mm_add_pd(mm_disp_xv, _mm_mul_pd(mm_delta_x, mm_t));
					mm_disp_yv = _mm_add_pd(mm_disp_yv, _mm_mul_pd(mm_delta_y, mm_t));
					//mm_disp_xv = _mm_add_pd(mm_disp_xv, _mm_mul_pd(mm_delta_x, _mm_div_pd(mm_kSquare,mm_distSquare)));
					//mm_disp_yv = _mm_add_pd(mm_disp_yv, _mm_mul_pd(mm_delta_y, _mm_div_pd(mm_kSquare,mm_distSquare)));
				if(u < n) {
					__m128d mm_delta_x = _mm_sub_sd(mm_xv, _mm_load_sd(&C.m_x[u]));
					__m128d mm_delta_y = _mm_sub_sd(mm_yv, _mm_load_sd(&C.m_y[u]));

					__m128d mm_distSquare = _mm_max_sd(mm_minDistSquare,

					__m128d mm_t = _mm_div_sd(_mm_load_sd(&C.m_nodeWeight[u]), mm_distSquare);
					mm_disp_xv = _mm_add_sd(mm_disp_xv, _mm_mul_sd(mm_delta_x, mm_t));
					mm_disp_yv = _mm_add_sd(mm_disp_yv, _mm_mul_sd(mm_delta_y, mm_t));
					//mm_disp_xv = _mm_add_sd(mm_disp_xv, _mm_mul_sd(mm_delta_x, _mm_div_sd(mm_kSquare,mm_distSquare)));
					//mm_disp_yv = _mm_add_sd(mm_disp_yv, _mm_mul_sd(mm_delta_y, _mm_div_sd(mm_kSquare,mm_distSquare)));

				mm_disp_xv = _mm_hadd_pd(mm_disp_xv,mm_disp_xv);
				mm_disp_yv = _mm_hadd_pd(mm_disp_yv,mm_disp_yv);

				_mm_store_sd(&disp_x[v], _mm_mul_sd(mm_disp_xv, mm_c_rep));
				_mm_store_sd(&disp_y[v], _mm_mul_sd(mm_disp_yv, mm_c_rep));

			// attractive forces

			#pragma omp single
			for(int e = 0; e < C.numberOfEdges(); ++e)
				int v = C.m_src[e];
				int u = C.m_tgt[e];

				double delta_x = C.m_x[v] - C.m_x[u];
				double delta_y = C.m_y[v] - C.m_y[u];

				double dist = max(minDist, sqrt(delta_x*delta_x + delta_y*delta_y));

				disp_x[v] -= delta_x * dist / k;
				disp_y[v] -= delta_y * dist / k;

				disp_x[u] += delta_x * dist / k;
				disp_y[u] += delta_y * dist / k;

			// limit the maximum displacement to the temperature (m_tx,m_ty)

			__m128d mm_tx = _mm_set1_pd(tx);
			__m128d mm_ty = _mm_set1_pd(ty);

			#pragma omp for nowait
			for(int v = 0; v < n-1; v += 2)
				__m128d mm_disp_xv = _mm_load_pd(&disp_x[v]);
				__m128d mm_disp_yv = _mm_load_pd(&disp_y[v]);

				__m128d mm_dist = _mm_max_pd(mm_minDist, _mm_sqrt_pd(

				_mm_store_pd(&C.m_x[v], _mm_add_pd(_mm_load_pd(&C.m_x[v]),
					_mm_mul_pd(_mm_div_pd(mm_disp_xv, mm_dist), _mm_min_pd(mm_dist,mm_tx))
				_mm_store_pd(&C.m_y[v], _mm_add_pd(_mm_load_pd(&C.m_y[v]),
					_mm_mul_pd(_mm_div_pd(mm_disp_yv, mm_dist), _mm_min_pd(mm_dist,mm_ty))
			#pragma omp single nowait
				if(n % 2) {
					int v = n-1;
					double dist = max(minDist, sqrt(disp_x[v]*disp_x[v] + disp_y[v]*disp_y[v]));

					C.m_x[v] += disp_x[v] / dist * min(dist,tx);
					C.m_y[v] += disp_y[v] / dist * min(dist,ty);


			#pragma omp barrier

