Example #1
******** nrrdCheck()
** does some consistency checks for things that can go wrong in a nrrd
** returns non-zero if there is a problem, zero if no problem.
** You might think that this should be merged with _nrrdHeaderCheck(),
** but that is really only for testing sufficiency of information
** required to do the data reading.
int /*Teem: biff if (ret) */
nrrdCheck(const Nrrd *nrrd) {
  static const char me[]="nrrdCheck";

  if (_nrrdCheck(nrrd, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE)) {
    biffAddf(NRRD, "%s: trouble", me);
    return 1;
  return 0;
Example #2
******** nrrdCheck()
** does some consistency checks for things that can go wrong in a nrrd
** returns non-zero if there is a problem, zero if no problem.
** You might think that this should be merged with _nrrdHeaderCheck(),
** but that is really only for testing sufficiency of information 
** required to do the data reading.
nrrdCheck(const Nrrd *nrrd) {
  char me[]="nrrdCheck", err[BIFF_STRLEN];

  if (_nrrdCheck(nrrd, AIR_TRUE, AIR_TRUE)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: trouble", me);
    biffAdd(NRRD, err); return 1;
  return 0;
Example #3
******** nrrdSpacingCalculate
** Determine nrrdSpacingStatus, and whatever can be calculated about
** spacing for a given axis.  Takes a nrrd, an axis, a double pointer
** (for returning a scalar), a space vector, and an int pointer for
** returning the known length of the space vector.
** The behavior of what has been set by the function is determined by
** the return value, which takes values from the nrrdSpacingStatus*
** enum, as follows:
** returned status value:            what it means, and what it set
** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
** nrrdSpacingStatusUnknown          Something about the given arguments is
**                                   invalid.
**                                   *spacing = NaN,
**                                   vector = all NaNs
** nrrdSpacingStatusNone             There is no spacing info at all:
**                                   *spacing = NaN,
**                                   vector = all NaNs
** nrrdSpacingStatusScalarNoSpace    There is no surrounding space, but the
**                                   axis's spacing was known.
**                                   *spacing = axis->spacing,
**                                   vector = all NaNs
** nrrdSpacingStatusScalarWithSpace  There *is* a surrounding space, but the
**                                   given axis does not live in that space,
**                                   because it has no space direction.  Caller
**                                   may want to think about what's going on.
**                                   *spacing = axis->spacing,
**                                   vector = all NaNs
** nrrdSpacingStatusDirection        There is a surrounding space, in which
**                                   this axis has a direction V:
**                                   *spacing = |V| (length of direction),
**                                   vector = V/|V| (normalized direction)
**                                   NOTE: it is still possible for both
**                                   *spacing and vector to be all NaNs!!
nrrdSpacingCalculate(const Nrrd *nrrd, unsigned int ax,
                     double *spacing, double vector[NRRD_SPACE_DIM_MAX]) {
  int ret;
  if (!( nrrd && spacing && vector
         && ax <= nrrd->dim-1
         && !_nrrdCheck(nrrd, AIR_FALSE, AIR_FALSE) )) {
    /* there's a problem with the arguments.  Note: the _nrrdCheck()
       call does not check on non-NULL-ity of nrrd->data */
    ret = nrrdSpacingStatusUnknown;
    if (spacing) { 
      *spacing = AIR_NAN;
    if (vector) {
  } else {
    if (AIR_EXISTS(nrrd->axis[ax].spacing)) {
      if (nrrd->spaceDim > 0) {
        ret = nrrdSpacingStatusScalarWithSpace;
      } else {
        ret = nrrdSpacingStatusScalarNoSpace;
      *spacing = nrrd->axis[ax].spacing;
    } else {
      if (nrrd->spaceDim > 0 && _nrrdSpaceVecExists(nrrd, ax)) {
        ret = nrrdSpacingStatusDirection;
        *spacing = nrrdSpaceVecNorm(nrrd->spaceDim, 
        nrrdSpaceVecScale(vector, 1.0/(*spacing),
      } else {
        ret = nrrdSpacingStatusNone;
        *spacing = AIR_NAN;
  return ret;