static void _parser_show_function(const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *p_func, int p_indent, GDScriptParser::BlockNode *p_initializer = NULL) { String txt; if (p_func->_static) txt = "static "; txt += "func "; if (p_func->name == "") // initializer txt += "[built-in-initializer]"; else txt += String(p_func->name); txt += "("; for (int i = 0; i < p_func->arguments.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) txt += ", "; txt += "var " + String(p_func->arguments[i]); if (i >= (p_func->arguments.size() - p_func->default_values.size())) { int defarg = i - (p_func->arguments.size() - p_func->default_values.size()); txt += "="; txt += _parser_expr(p_func->default_values[defarg]); } } txt += ")"; //todo constructor check! txt += ":"; _print_indent(p_indent, txt); if (p_initializer) _parser_show_block(p_initializer, p_indent + 1); _parser_show_block(p_func->body, p_indent + 1); }
static void _parser_show_class(const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, int p_indent, const Vector<String> &p_code) { if (p_indent == 0 && (String(p_class->extends_file) != "" || p_class->extends_class.size())) { _print_indent(p_indent, _parser_extends(p_class)); print_line("\n"); } for (int i = 0; i < p_class->subclasses.size(); i++) { const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *subclass = p_class->subclasses[i]; String line = "class " + subclass->name; if (String(subclass->extends_file) != "" || subclass->extends_class.size()) line += " " + _parser_extends(subclass); line += ":"; _print_indent(p_indent, line); _parser_show_class(subclass, p_indent + 1, p_code); print_line("\n"); } for (int i = 0; i < p_class->constant_expressions.size(); i++) { const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Constant &constant = p_class->constant_expressions[i]; _print_indent(p_indent, "const " + String(constant.identifier) + "=" + _parser_expr(constant.expression)); } for (int i = 0; i < p_class->variables.size(); i++) { const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member &m = p_class->variables[i]; _print_indent(p_indent, "var " + String(m.identifier)); } print_line("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < p_class->static_functions.size(); i++) { _parser_show_function(p_class->static_functions[i], p_indent); print_line("\n"); } for (int i = 0; i < p_class->functions.size(); i++) { if (String(p_class->functions[i]->name) == "_init") { _parser_show_function(p_class->functions[i], p_indent, p_class->initializer); } else _parser_show_function(p_class->functions[i], p_indent); print_line("\n"); } //_parser_show_function(p_class->initializer,p_indent); print_line("\n"); }
static String _parser_expr(const GDScriptParser::Node *p_expr) { String txt; switch (p_expr->type) { case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER: { const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id_node = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(p_expr); txt = id_node->name; } break; case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CONSTANT: { const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *c_node = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *>(p_expr); if (c_node->value.get_type() == Variant::STRING) txt = "\"" + String(c_node->value) + "\""; else txt = c_node->value; } break; case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_SELF: { txt = "self"; } break; case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_ARRAY: { const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *arr_node = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *>(p_expr); txt += "["; for (int i = 0; i < arr_node->elements.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) txt += ", "; txt += _parser_expr(arr_node->elements[i]); } txt += "]"; } break; case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_DICTIONARY: { const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *dict_node = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(p_expr); txt += "{"; for (int i = 0; i < dict_node->elements.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) txt += ", "; const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode::Pair &p = dict_node->elements[i]; txt += _parser_expr(p.key); txt += ":"; txt += _parser_expr(p.value); } txt += "}"; } break; case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR: { const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *c_node = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(p_expr); switch (c_node->op) { case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_PARENT_CALL: txt += "."; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_CALL: { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(c_node->arguments.size() < 1, ""); String func_name; const GDScriptParser::Node *nfunc = c_node->arguments[0]; int arg_ofs = 0; if (nfunc->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION) { const GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *bif_node = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *>(nfunc); func_name = GDScriptFunctions::get_func_name(bif_node->function); arg_ofs = 1; } else if (nfunc->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_TYPE) { const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *t_node = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *>(nfunc); func_name = Variant::get_type_name(t_node->vtype); arg_ofs = 1; } else { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(c_node->arguments.size() < 2, ""); nfunc = c_node->arguments[1]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(nfunc->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER, ""); if (c_node->arguments[0]->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_SELF) func_name = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "."; func_name += _parser_expr(nfunc); arg_ofs = 2; } txt += func_name + "("; for (int i = arg_ofs; i < c_node->arguments.size(); i++) { const GDScriptParser::Node *arg = c_node->arguments[i]; if (i > arg_ofs) txt += ", "; txt += _parser_expr(arg); } txt += ")"; } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_INDEX: { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(c_node->arguments.size() != 2, ""); //index with [] txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "[" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]) + "]"; } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_INDEX_NAMED: { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(c_node->arguments.size() != 2, ""); txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "." + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_NEG: { txt = "-" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_NOT: { txt = "not " + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_BIT_INVERT: { txt = "~" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_IN: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + " in " + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_EQUAL: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "==" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_NOT_EQUAL: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "!=" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_LESS: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "<" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_LESS_EQUAL: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "<=" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_GREATER: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + ">" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_GREATER_EQUAL: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + ">=" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_AND: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + " and " + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_OR: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + " or " + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ADD: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "+" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_SUB: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "-" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_MUL: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "*" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_DIV: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "/" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_MOD: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "%" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_SHIFT_LEFT: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "<<" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_SHIFT_RIGHT: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + ">>" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "=" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_ADD: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "+=" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SUB: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "-=" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_MUL: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "*=" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_DIV: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "/=" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_MOD: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "%=" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_LEFT: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "<<=" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_RIGHT: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + ">>=" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_AND: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "&=" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_OR: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "|=" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_XOR: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "^=" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_BIT_AND: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "&" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_BIT_OR: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "|" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_BIT_XOR: { txt = _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[0]) + "^" + _parser_expr(c_node->arguments[1]); } break; default: {} } } break; case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_NEWLINE: { //skippie } break; default: { String error = "Parser bug at " + itos(p_expr->line) + ", invalid expression type: " + itos(p_expr->type); ERR_EXPLAIN(error); ERR_FAIL_V(""); } } return txt; //return "("+txt+")"; }
static void _parser_show_block(const GDScriptParser::BlockNode *p_block, int p_indent) { for (int i = 0; i < p_block->statements.size(); i++) { const GDScriptParser::Node *statement = p_block->statements[i]; switch (statement->type) { case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CONTROL_FLOW: { const GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode *cf_node = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode *>(statement); switch (cf_node->cf_type) { case GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode::CF_IF: { ERR_FAIL_COND(cf_node->arguments.size() != 1); String txt; txt += "if "; txt += _parser_expr(cf_node->arguments[0]); txt += ":"; _print_indent(p_indent, txt); ERR_FAIL_COND(!cf_node->body); _parser_show_block(cf_node->body, p_indent + 1); if (cf_node->body_else) { _print_indent(p_indent, "else:"); _parser_show_block(cf_node->body_else, p_indent + 1); } } break; case GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode::CF_FOR: { ERR_FAIL_COND(cf_node->arguments.size() != 2); String txt; txt += "for "; txt += _parser_expr(cf_node->arguments[0]); txt += " in "; txt += _parser_expr(cf_node->arguments[1]); txt += ":"; _print_indent(p_indent, txt); ERR_FAIL_COND(!cf_node->body); _parser_show_block(cf_node->body, p_indent + 1); } break; case GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode::CF_WHILE: { ERR_FAIL_COND(cf_node->arguments.size() != 1); String txt; txt += "while "; txt += _parser_expr(cf_node->arguments[0]); txt += ":"; _print_indent(p_indent, txt); ERR_FAIL_COND(!cf_node->body); _parser_show_block(cf_node->body, p_indent + 1); } break; case GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode::CF_SWITCH: { } break; case GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode::CF_CONTINUE: { _print_indent(p_indent, "continue"); } break; case GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode::CF_BREAK: { _print_indent(p_indent, "break"); } break; case GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode::CF_RETURN: { if (cf_node->arguments.size()) _print_indent(p_indent, "return " + _parser_expr(cf_node->arguments[0])); else _print_indent(p_indent, "return "); } break; } } break; case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_LOCAL_VAR: { const GDScriptParser::LocalVarNode *lv_node = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::LocalVarNode *>(statement); _print_indent(p_indent, "var " + String(lv_node->name)); } break; default: { //expression i guess _print_indent(p_indent, _parser_expr(statement)); } } } }