Example #1
bool LightFlareData::preload( bool server, String &errorStr )
   if ( !Parent::preload( server, errorStr ) )
      return false;

   return _preload( server, errorStr );
Example #2
 /// \brief initialize using an existing shader
 /// \note the newly created shader will acquire the ownership of the underlying openGL shader only if the original shader has the ownership
 ///       if the shader acquire the ownership, destructing it will destroy the openGL shader
 shader(shader &&o)
 : shader_id(o.shader_id), ownership(o.ownership)
   ShaderSource::has_source_changed();      // init this func;
Example #3
 shader(shader<ShaderType, OShaderSourceType, OShaderSource, OShaderOption> &&o)
   : shader_id(o.get_id()), ownership(o.has_ownership())
   ShaderSource::has_source_changed();      // init this func;
Example #4
 /// \brief initialize using an existing shader
 /// \note the newly created shader will acquire the ownership of the underlying openGL shader only if the original shader has the ownership
 ///       if the shader acquire the ownership, destructing it will destroy the openGL shader
 shader(shader &o, stole_ownership_t)
 : shader_id(o.get_id()), ownership(o.has_ownership())
   ShaderSource::has_source_changed();      // init this func;
Example #5
void LightFlareData::inspectPostApply()

   // Hack to allow changing properties in game.
   // Do the same work as preload.
   String str;
   _preload( false, str );
Example #6
 /// \brief rebuild the shader only if it has changed since the last build
 /// faster than a direct call to recompile()
 /// \note the ShaderOption one_shot_compilation disable the source watch for this method
 bool recompile_if_changed()
   bool changed = false;
   if (ShaderOption::value != one_shot_compilation && ShaderSource::has_source_changed())
     changed = true;
   if (changed || env.has_changed())
     return true;
   return false;
Example #7
          /// \brief create and initialize a new shader
          /// \exception shader_exception if openGL refuse to create a new shader
            : shader_id(0)
            ownership = true;

            // the ressource could be shared for file / constexpr strings. (yes, I can do that :D )
            // NOTE: this is probably not what you want.
            if (ShaderOption::value == shader_option::shared_instance)
              static GLuint static_shader_id = 0;

              ownership = false;

              if (static_shader_id)
                shader_id = static_shader_id;
                if (!(shader_id = glCreateShader(ShaderType::value)))
                  failed = true;
                  throw_on_glerror<shader_exception>("Unable to create the shader (glCreateShader)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                  failed = false;
                static_shader_id = shader_id;
            else if (!(shader_id = glCreateShader(ShaderType::value)))
              failed = true;
              throw_on_glerror<shader_exception>("Unable to create the shader (glCreateShader)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
              failed = false;

            ShaderSource::has_source_changed();      // init this func;
Example #8
 /// \brief rebuild the shader, re-get the sources, ...
 /// \note this could be slow.
 /// \see recompile_if_changed()
 void recompile()
Example #9
 shader(const shader<ShaderType, OShaderSourceType, OShaderSource, OShaderOption> &o)
   : shader_id(o.get_id()), ownership(true)
   ShaderSource::has_source_changed();      // init this func;
Example #10
 /// \brief initialize using an existing shader
 /// \note the newly created shader won't have the ownership of the underlying openGL shader:
 ///       destructing it won't destroy the openGL shader
 shader(const shader &o)
  : shader_id(o.get_id()), ownership(false)
   ShaderSource::has_source_changed();      // init this func;
Example #11
 /// \brief initialize using an existing openGL shader id
 /// \note the newly created shader will have the ownership of the underlying openGL shader:
 ///       destructing it will destroy the openGL shader
 shader(GLuint _id, assume_ownership_t)
   : shader_id(_id), ownership(true)
   ShaderSource::has_source_changed();      // init this func;
Example #12
 /// \brief initialize using an existing openGL shader id
 /// \note the newly created shader won't have the ownership of the underlying openGL shader:
 ///       destructing it won't destroy the openGL shader
 explicit shader(GLuint _id)
   : shader_id(_id), ownership(false)
   ShaderSource::has_source_changed();      // init this func;