Example #1
bool Loader::IsActivedUser(const QString& userName, const QString& password)
    pTcpSocket = new QTcpSocket(this);
    QObject::connect(pTcpSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(_readMessage()));
    QObject::connect(pTcpSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(_disconnect()));

    pTcpSocket->connectToHost(ipAddress, 4305);
    return true;
//-- Read MavLink message from GCS
    //-- Read UDP
    if(_readMessage()) {
        //-- If we have a message, forward it
        memset(&_message, 0, sizeof(_message));
    //-- Update radio status (1Hz)
    if(_heard_from && (millis() - _last_status_time > 1000)) {
        _last_status_time = millis();
Example #3
 * @function single_read
 * @abstract Read at most 1 message from the network
 * @discussion
 *   If a complete message is ready on the input buffer, will allocate and return it.
 *   This function manipulates the stream->nextMessageLength.  (1) Initializes with nextMessageLength = 0,
 *   which means we have not started parsing a packet.  (2) After reading a FixedHeader, set nextMessageLength
 *   to the total length of the message.  (3) After reading nextMessageLength bytes, return the outputBuffer
 *   and reset nextMessageLength to 0.
 * @param input is the PARCEventBuffer to read
 * @param stream is the related stream state for the input
 * @return true if there's more to read after this message.
static MetisMessage *
_single_read(PARCEventBuffer *input, _MetisStreamState *stream)
    size_t bytesAvailable = parcEventBuffer_GetLength(input);

    assertTrue(bytesAvailable >= metisTlv_FixedHeaderLength(), "Called with too short an input: %zu", bytesAvailable);

    if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(stream->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug)) {
        metisLogger_Log(stream->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug, __func__,
                        "connid %u read %zu bytes",
                        stream->id, bytesAvailable);

    if (stream->nextMessageLength == 0) {
        _startNewMessage(stream, input, bytesAvailable);

    // This is not an ELSE statement.  We can both start a new message then
    // check if there's enough bytes to read the whole thing.

    if (bytesAvailable >= stream->nextMessageLength) {
        MetisMessage *message = _readMessage(stream, metisForwarder_GetTicks(stream->metis), input);

        if (metisLogger_IsLoggable(stream->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug)) {
            metisLogger_Log(stream->logger, MetisLoggerFacility_IO, PARCLogLevel_Debug, __func__,
                            "connid %u msg_length %zu read_length %zu, resetting parser",

        // now reset message length for next packet
        stream->nextMessageLength = 0;

        return message;

    return NULL;