Example #1
int _getInstance(const int argc, const char **argv)
  if (argv[0] == 0)
    return 1;
  // need to get class definition to find keys
  // first arg is name of class
  CIMClass cldef;
    cldef = _c.getClass( _nameSpace, argv[0] );
  catch(Exception& e)
    cerr << /* "getInstance: " << */ e.getMessage() << endl;
    return 1;

  CIMObjectPath ref;
  CIMInstance inst;

  // If there are no more args, prompt user for keys
  if (argv[1] == 0) ref = CIMObjectPath(String::EMPTY, // hostname left blank
  // else if there's another arg and it's "list", enumInstNames and print
  // a list from which user will select (return if none)
  else if (String::equalNoCase("list",argv[1]))
    ref = _selectInstance(argv[0]);
    // An empty ObjectPath means nothing was selected
    if (ref.identical(CIMObjectPath())) return 0;
  // else there's another arg but it's invalid
    return 1;

  // get the specified instance
    inst = _c.getInstance(_nameSpace,ref);
  catch(Exception& e)
    cerr << /* "getInstance: " << */ e.getMessage() << endl;
    return 1;
  return 0;
Example #2
int _getProperty(const int argc, const char **argv)
  // need to get class definition to find keys
  // first arg is name of class
  CIMClass cldef;
    cldef = _c.getClass( PEGASUS_NAMESPACENAME_INTEROP, argv[0] );
  catch(Exception& e)
    cerr << /* "getProperty: " << */ e.getMessage() << endl;
    return 1;

  CIMObjectPath ref;
  CIMInstance inst;

  // If next arg is "ask", prompt user for keys
  if (String::equalNoCase("ask",argv[1])) ref = 
                          _inputInstanceKeys(cldef) );

  // else if the next arg and is "list", enumInstNames and print
  // a list from which user will select  
  else if (String::equalNoCase("list",argv[1]))
    ref = _selectInstance( argv[0] );
    if (ref.identical(CIMObjectPath())) return 0;

  // else there's another arg but it's invalid
    return 1;

  CIMProperty pDef;
  // if no more args, display property names and ask which
  if (argc < 3)
    int n;
    for (n=0; n<cldef.getPropertyCount(); n++)
      cerr << n+1 << ": " << cldef.getProperty(n).getName().getString() << endl;
    cerr << "Property (1.." << cldef.getPropertyCount() << ")? ";
    cin >> n;
    pDef = cldef.getProperty(n-1);