/** * Prepare to render a vertex buffer. * Called via tnl->Driver.Render.Start. */ static void _swsetup_RenderStart( struct gl_context *ctx ) { SScontext *swsetup = SWSETUP_CONTEXT(ctx); TNLcontext *tnl = TNL_CONTEXT(ctx); struct vertex_buffer *VB = &tnl->vb; if (swsetup->NewState & _SWSETUP_NEW_RENDERINDEX) { _swsetup_choose_trifuncs(ctx); } if (swsetup->NewState & _NEW_PROGRAM) { swsetup->last_index_bitset = 0; } swsetup->NewState = 0; /* This will change if drawing unfilled tris */ _swrast_SetFacing(ctx, 0); _swrast_render_start(ctx); /* Important */ VB->AttribPtr[VERT_ATTRIB_POS] = VB->NdcPtr; setup_vertex_format(ctx); }
/* * Render a triangle respecting cull and shade model. */ static void _swsetup_render_tri(struct gl_context *ctx, GLuint e0, GLuint e1, GLuint e2, GLuint facing, swsetup_edge_render_prim_tri render) { SScontext *swsetup = SWSETUP_CONTEXT(ctx); struct vertex_buffer *VB = &TNL_CONTEXT(ctx)->vb; GLubyte *ef = VB->EdgeFlag; SWvertex *verts = swsetup->verts; SWvertex *v0 = &verts[e0]; SWvertex *v1 = &verts[e1]; SWvertex *v2 = &verts[e2]; /* cull testing */ if (ctx->Polygon.CullFlag) { if (facing == 1 && ctx->Polygon.CullFaceMode != GL_FRONT) return; if (facing == 0 && ctx->Polygon.CullFaceMode != GL_BACK) return; } _swrast_SetFacing(ctx, facing); if (ctx->Light.ShadeModel == GL_FLAT) { GLchan c[2][4]; GLfloat s[2][4]; /* save colors/indexes for v0, v1 vertices */ COPY_CHAN4(c[0], v0->color); COPY_CHAN4(c[1], v1->color); COPY_4V(s[0], v0->attrib[FRAG_ATTRIB_COL1]); COPY_4V(s[1], v1->attrib[FRAG_ATTRIB_COL1]); /* copy v2 color/indexes to v0, v1 indexes */ COPY_CHAN4(v0->color, v2->color); COPY_CHAN4(v1->color, v2->color); COPY_4V(v0->attrib[FRAG_ATTRIB_COL1], v2->attrib[FRAG_ATTRIB_COL1]); COPY_4V(v1->attrib[FRAG_ATTRIB_COL1], v2->attrib[FRAG_ATTRIB_COL1]); render(ctx, ef, e0, e1, e2, v0, v1, v2); COPY_CHAN4(v0->color, c[0]); COPY_CHAN4(v1->color, c[1]); COPY_4V(v0->attrib[FRAG_ATTRIB_COL1], s[0]); COPY_4V(v1->attrib[FRAG_ATTRIB_COL1], s[1]); } else { render(ctx, ef, e0, e1, e2, v0, v1, v2); } }