Example #1
	 * Gets module folder path.
	 * @param [in,out]	szDir	If non-null, the dir.
	void MainController::getModuleFolderPath(_TCHAR * szDir) {
		//allocate string buffers using character independent data type.
		_TCHAR exePath[MAX_PATH] =  _T("");
		GetModuleFileName(NULL, exePath, MAX_PATH);

		char    ch = '\\';
		_TCHAR * slashAndFileName = _tcsrchr(exePath, ch);
		size_t theSize = slashAndFileName - exePath;

		// Extract directory
		_tcsnccpy_s(szDir, MAX_PATH, exePath, theSize);
		szDir[theSize] = '\0';
Example #2
Error2String( DWORD dwError )
    static TCHAR    szUserBuf[512];
    static LPTSTR   szErrorMsg = _T( "internal error" );
    LPTSTR          lpMsgBuf = NULL;
    DWORD           dwLength;

    dwLength = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |
                              MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ),
                              ( LPTSTR ) & lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL );
    if( dwLength == 0 )
        lpMsgBuf = _T( "internal error" );

    _tcsnccpy_s( szUserBuf, _countof( szUserBuf ), lpMsgBuf, _tcslen( lpMsgBuf ) );
    LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );

    return szUserBuf;
Example #3
LONG GetJobNumber (PROCESS_INFORMATION *pProcessInfo, LPCTSTR Command)

/* Create a job number for the new process, and enter
	the new process information into the job database. */

/* The job database is maintained in a shared file in the C:\temp directory.
	The name is a combination of the user name and ".JobMgt".
	The file is created at the time of the first job and deleted
	when the last job is killed.
	This file is shared by all the job management functions. 
	The file is assumed to be "small" (< 4 GB). If the file
	is large, the code will fail in several places, but there
	is protection to limit the number of jobs (arbitrarily, but
	not unreasonably) to 10000 (MAX_JOBS_ALLOWED).
	Return -1 in case of failure. */
	HANDLE hJobData, hProcess;
	JM_JOB jobRecord;
	DWORD jobNumber = 0, nXfer, exitCode;
	LARGE_INTEGER fileSize, fileSizePlus;
	TCHAR jobMgtFileName[MAX_PATH];
	OVERLAPPED regionStart;
	if (!GetJobMgtFileName (jobMgtFileName)) return -1;
	hJobData = CreateFile (jobMgtFileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
	if (hJobData == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
		ReportError (_T ("Failed to open Job DB."), 0, TRUE);
		return -1;

	/*  Lock the entire file plus one record for exclusive
		access as we will be making a new entry. Note how it
	    is necessary (and possible!) to lock beyond the current
		end of file. Doing so prevents concurrent attempts to add
		a new record at the end of the file. */

	regionStart.Offset = 0;
	regionStart.OffsetHigh = 0;
	regionStart.hEvent = (HANDLE)0;
	GetFileSizeEx (hJobData, &fileSize);
	fileSizePlus.QuadPart = fileSize.QuadPart + SJM_JOB; 
		0, fileSizePlus.LowPart, fileSizePlus.HighPart, &regionStart);

	__try { /* Assure that the region is unlocked. */
	/* Read records to find empty slot (corresponding to the job number).
		Extend the file to create a new job number if required. */
	/*	See text comments and Exercise 6-8 regarding a potential defect (and fix)
		caused by process ID reuse. */

	while (jobNumber < MAX_JOBS_ALLOWED &&
		ReadFile (hJobData, &jobRecord, SJM_JOB, &nXfer, NULL) && (nXfer > 0)) {
		if (jobRecord.ProcessId == 0) break;

		/* Also use this slot if corresponding job has ended. */

		hProcess = OpenProcess (PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, jobRecord.ProcessId);
		if (hProcess == NULL) break;
		if (GetExitCodeProcess (hProcess, &exitCode)
			&& CloseHandle (hProcess) && (exitCode != STILL_ACTIVE))


	/* Either an empty slot has been found, or we are at end
		of the file and need to create a new one, or we've
	    exceeded the max number of jobs. */
	if (jobNumber >= MAX_JOBS_ALLOWED) return -1;

	if (nXfer != 0)		/* Not at end of file. Back up a record. */
		/* SetFilePoiner is more convenient here than SetFilePointerEx since the move is a short shift from the current position */
		SetFilePointer (hJobData, -(LONG)SJM_JOB, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
					/* Enter the new Job record. */
	jobRecord.ProcessId = pProcessInfo->dwProcessId;
	_tcsnccpy_s (jobRecord.CommandLine, sizeof(jobRecord.CommandLine), Command, MAX_PATH);
	WriteFile (hJobData, &jobRecord, SJM_JOB, &nXfer, NULL);

	__finally {		/* Release the lock on the file. */
		UnlockFileEx (hJobData, 0, fileSizePlus.LowPart, fileSizePlus.HighPart, &regionStart);
		CloseHandle (hJobData);
	return jobNumber + 1;
///<summary>Checks whether the given file is a valid image file.</summary>
///<param name="szFile">The path to the file to check.</param>
///<returns>Whether the file is valid.</summary>
BOOL IsValidImageFile(LPTSTR szFile) {
	TCHAR szFileExt[8] = { 0 };   // The file extension of the actual file
	DWORD dwExtSize;              // Size of the file extension
	TCHAR szFilterExt[8] = { 0 }; // The current filter extension being compared
	BOOL  bIsValidExt = FALSE;

	TCHAR* curChar;
	TCHAR period = TEXT('.');
	TCHAR* lastPeriod = NULL;
	for (curChar = szFile; *curChar != 0; curChar++) {
		if (*curChar == period) lastPeriod = curChar;

	// No file extension? Definitely not valid then
	if (lastPeriod == NULL) return FALSE;

	// Extension size of 0 or greater than 7? Never heard of that format...
	dwExtSize = (DWORD)(curChar - lastPeriod - 1);
	if (!dwExtSize || dwExtSize > 7) {
		return FALSE;

	// Save the extension and convert it to uppercase for comparison with our filter
	_tcsnccpy_s(szFileExt, lastPeriod + 1, dwExtSize + 1); // + 1 will copy the null terminator too
	for (curChar = szFileExt; *curChar != 0; curChar++) {
		*curChar = _totupper(*curChar);
	// Yep, I'm re-using variables
	// Skip the description part of our filter to get to the actual extensions
	for (curChar = szFilter; *curChar != 0; curChar++);
	curChar += 3; // Skip to first character of the first extension
	lastPeriod = curChar - 1;

	// Compare each valid file extension against the one for our image
	for (; *curChar != 0; curChar++) {
		if (*curChar == TEXT(';')) {
			dwExtSize = (DWORD)(curChar - lastPeriod - 1);
			_tcsnccpy_s(szFilterExt, lastPeriod + 1, dwExtSize);
			szFilterExt[dwExtSize + 1] = 0;
			if (_tccmp(szFileExt, szFilterExt) == 0) {
				bIsValidExt = TRUE;

			curChar += 3; // Skip the "*." after the semicolon in the list
			lastPeriod = curChar - 1;

	// Final comparison if there's no trailing semicolon
	if (*(curChar - 1) != TEXT(';') && !bIsValidExt) {
		dwExtSize = (DWORD)(curChar - lastPeriod - 1);
		_tcsnccpy_s(szFilterExt, lastPeriod + 1, dwExtSize);
		szFilterExt[dwExtSize + 1] = 0;
		if (_tccmp(szFileExt, szFilterExt) == 0) {
			bIsValidExt = TRUE;

	if (!bIsValidExt) return FALSE;

	// Finally, check if the file actually exists
	DWORD dwAttrib = GetFileAttributes(szFile);
	return dwAttrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES;