Example #1
// This message is handled by the Link SAP.
// If this MIHF is the destination of the message, forward it to the
// default Link SAP. If not then forward it to a peer MIHF.
bool command_service::link_get_parameters_request(meta_message_ptr &in,
						  meta_message_ptr &out)
	log(1, "(mics) received a Link_Get_Parameters.request from",

	if(utils::this_mihf_is_destination(in)) {
		// Kick this message to MIH_Link SAP.
		// The solution found to handle this corner case in the
		// 802.21 standard was to send the message, as is, to the
		// link sap.
		// local_transactions was made to handle request's
		// from users to peer mihf's but in this case we add an
		// entry to handle the MIH_Link_Get_Parameters and
		// Link_Get_Parameters.

		return false;
	} else {
		utils::forward_request(in, _lpool, _transmit);
		return false;

	return false;
// Check if there's a handler for this message and call it, else
// discard message.
void sac_dispatch::operator()(meta_message_ptr& in)
	/** __no__ authentication at this point */

	uint mid = in->mid();

	log(1, "(sac) dispatching message with mid: ", mid);
	// no thread safety because insertion should __only__ be made
	// on MIHF initialization
	std::map<uint, handler_t>::iterator it;
	it = _callbacks.find(mid);

	if(it != _callbacks.end()) {
		handler_t process_message = it->second;
		meta_message_ptr out(new meta_message);

		// send response if it was generated
		if (process_message(in, out))
        } else {
		log(1, "(sac) (warning) message with mid: ", mid,
		    " unknown, discarding.");
Example #3
// Currently Command_Service messages are handled by a default local
// user. If this MIHF is the destination of the message, check for a
// pending transaction and forward the message.
bool command_service::generic_command_response(const char *recv_msg,
					       const char *send_msg,
					       meta_message_ptr &in,
					       meta_message_ptr &out)
	log(1, recv_msg, in->source().to_string());

	if(utils::this_mihf_is_destination(in)) {
		// Kick this message to default MIH User as an indication
		log(1, send_msg);
		// source identifier is the remote MIHF

		return false;
	} else {
		utils::forward_request(in, _lpool, _transmit);
		return false;

Example #4
// This message is handled by the Link SAP.
// If this MIHF is the destination of the message, forward it to the
// default Link SAP. If not then forward it to a peer MIHF.
bool command_service::link_actions_request(meta_message_ptr &in,
					   meta_message_ptr &out)
	log(1, "(mics) received a Link_Actions.request from",

	if(utils::this_mihf_is_destination(in)) {
		// Kick this message to MIH_Link SAP.
		// The solution found to handle this corner case in the
		// 802.21 standard was to send the message, as is, to the
		// link sap.

		return false;
	} else {
		utils::forward_request(in, _lpool, _transmit);
		return false;

	return false;
Example #5
void _transmit() {
    if(sender_sendData() == ENC_COUNTER_WRAPAROUND) {
        handshakeState = SENDER_HELLO;
        while (HANDSHAKE_FINISHED != handshakeState)

Example #6
// send message for all users subscribed to event from link identifier
void event_service::msg_forward(meta_message_ptr &msg,
				mih::link_tuple_id &li,
				mih::event_list_enum event)
	std::list<event_registration_t>::iterator it;
	int i = 0; // for logging purposes

	for(it = _event_subscriptions.begin();
	    it != _event_subscriptions.end();
	    it++, i++) {
		if ((it->event == event)  &&(it->link == li)) {
			log(3, i, " (mies) found registration of user: "******" for event type ", event);
Example #7
 * Link Get Parameters Response message handler.
 * @param in The input message.
 * @param out The output message.
 * @return True if the response is sent immediately or false otherwise.
bool command_service::link_get_parameters_response(meta_message_ptr &in,
						   meta_message_ptr &out)
	ODTONE_LOG(1, "(mics) received Link_Get_Parameters.response from ",

	if(!_lpool.set_user_tid(in)) {
		ODTONE_LOG(1, "(mics) warning: no local transaction for this msg ",
			"discarding it");
		return false;

	ODTONE_LOG(1, "(mics) forwarding Link_Get_Parameters.response to ",


	return false;
Example #8
// Check if there's a pending transaction and forward the message in
// case there is.
bool command_service::link_actions_response(meta_message_ptr &in,
					    meta_message_ptr &out)
	log(1, "(mics) received Link_Actions.response from ",

			log(1, "(mics) no local pending transaction for this message, discarding");
			return false;


	log(1, "(mics) forwarding Link_Actions.response to ", in->destination().to_string());


	return false;
Example #9
// Check if there's a pending transaction and forward the message in
// case there is.
bool command_service::link_configure_thresholds_response(meta_message_ptr &in,
							 meta_message_ptr &out)
	log(1, "(mics) received Link_Configure_Thresholds.response from ",

	if(!_lpool.set_user_tid(in)) {
		log(1, "(mics) warning: no local transaction for this msg ",
		    "discarding it");
		return false;


	log(1, "(mics) forwarding Link_Configure_Thresholds.response to ", in->destination().to_string());


	return false;
Example #10
// A peer MIHF sent a Event_Unubscribe.response, check if we have a
// pending transaction with a local user. If so, then remove the
// subscription of the user to the link and events that came in the
// response.
bool event_service::event_unsubscribe_response(meta_message_ptr &in,
					       meta_message_ptr &)
	log(1, "(mies) received Event_Unsubscribe.response from ",

	// do we have a request from a user?
	if (!_lpool.set_user_tid(in)) {
		log(1, "(mics) warning: no local transaction for this msg ",
		    "discarding it");

		return false;

	mih::status		st;
	mih::link_tuple_id	link;
	mih::event_list		events;
	mih::message		pin;

	// parse incoming message to (event_registration_t) reg
	*in >>  mih::response()
		& mih::tlv_status(st)
		& mih::tlv_link_identifier(link)
		& mih::tlv_event_list(events);

	// remove subscription
	if (st == mih::status_success)
		st = unsubscribe(mih::id(in->destination().to_string()), link, events);

	log(1, "(mies) forwarding Event_Unsubscribe.response to ",

	// forward to user

	return false;
 * Check if there is a handler for this message and call it, else
 * discard message.
 * @param in The input message.
void sac_dispatch::operator()(meta_message_ptr& in)
	/** __no__ authentication at this point */

	uint mid = in->mid();

	ODTONE_LOG(1, "(sac) dispatching message with mid: ", mid);
	// no thread safety because insertion should __only__ be made
	// on MIHF initialization
	std::map<uint, handler_t>::iterator it;
	it = _callbacks.find(mid);

	if(it != _callbacks.end()) {
		handler_t process_message = it->second;
		meta_message_ptr out(new meta_message);

		// send response if it was generated
		try {

			if (process_message(in, out))

		} catch(mih::bad_tlv) {
			ODTONE_LOG(1, "Discarding malformed message.");
		} catch(unknown_link_sap) {
			ODTONE_LOG(1, "Received message from an unknown Link SAP. Discarding message.");
		} catch(unknown_mih_user) {
			ODTONE_LOG(1, "Received message from an unknown MIH-User. Discarding message.");
	} else {
			ODTONE_LOG(1, "(sac) (warning) message with mid: ", mid,
						  " unknown, discarding.");
Example #12
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	size_t bufPos;
	size_t read;

	short buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
	short encoded[BUFFERSIZE];

	struct wavpcm_input input;
	struct wavpcm_output output;

	struct decode_chunk_struct decode_chunk_left;
	struct decode_chunk_struct decode_chunk_right;
	struct encode_chunk_struct encode_chunk_left;
	struct encode_chunk_struct encode_chunk_right;

    // Initializations

    // Construct

    // Handshake
	#ifndef __ENC_NO_PRINTS__
		printf("\n# Key Exchange\n");

    handshakeState = SENDER_HELLO;
    while (HANDSHAKE_FINISHED != handshakeState)

    // Transmit
	memset(&input, 0, sizeof(struct wavpcm_input));
	input.resource = INPUTWAVFILE;
	memset(&output, 0, sizeof(struct wavpcm_output));
	output.resource = OUTPUTWAVFILE;

	/* initialize structs */
    memset(&encode_chunk_left, 0, sizeof(struct encode_chunk_struct));
    memset(&encode_chunk_right, 0, sizeof(struct encode_chunk_struct));
    memset(&decode_chunk_left, 0, sizeof(struct decode_chunk_struct));
    memset(&decode_chunk_right, 0, sizeof(struct decode_chunk_struct));

    /* initializing for quantisation */
    encode_chunk_left.Qstep[0] = QSTART;
    encode_chunk_right.Qstep[0] = QSTART;
    decode_chunk_left.Qstep[0] = QSTART;
    decode_chunk_right.Qstep[0] = QSTART;
    encode_chunk_left.Qstep[1] = QSTART;
    encode_chunk_right.Qstep[1] = QSTART;
    decode_chunk_left.Qstep[1] = QSTART;
    decode_chunk_right.Qstep[1] = QSTART;
    encode_chunk_left.Qstep[2] = QSTART;
    encode_chunk_right.Qstep[2] = QSTART;
    decode_chunk_left.Qstep[2] = QSTART;
    decode_chunk_right.Qstep[2] = QSTART;
    encode_chunk_left.Qstep[3] = QSTART;
    encode_chunk_right.Qstep[3] = QSTART;
    decode_chunk_left.Qstep[3] = QSTART;
    decode_chunk_right.Qstep[3] = QSTART;

	wavpcm_output_copy_settings(&input, &output);

	for (bufPos = 0; bufPos < input.samplesAvailable ; bufPos += (BUFFERSIZE/2)) {
		read = wavpcm_input_read(&input, buffer);
		encode(buffer, &encode_chunk_left, &encode_chunk_right, encoded);

		while (buffer_isModified()) {}
		buffer_write((field_t *) buffer, BUFFERSIZE*sizeof(short));


		buffer_read((field_t *) buffer, BUFFERSIZE*sizeof(short));

		decode(&decode_chunk_left, &decode_chunk_right, encoded, buffer);
		wavpcm_output_write(&output, buffer, read);

