BOOL CHistoryManager::PrepareTempDirs() { for (int i = 0; i < TEMP_KEY_COUNT; i++) { HKEY key; if (RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REG_TEMP_FOLDER, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &key) != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue; g_TempPaths[i].strRegKey = g_TempKey[i]; WCHAR szPath[1024]; DWORD Size = 1024; if (RegQueryValueExW(key, g_TempPaths[i].strRegKey.c_str(), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szPath, &Size) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(key); continue; } CStringW strPath = szPath; strPath.Replace(L'/', L'\\'); if (strPath[strPath.GetLength() - 1] != L'\\') strPath += L'\\'; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create Redirect Directory CStringW strTemp = m_strRedirectPath + CStringW(g_TempPaths[i].strRegKey.c_str()); if (!CreateDirectoryW(strTemp, NULL) && GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) continue; SetFileAttributesW(strTemp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WCHAR szDir[1024], szShort[1024], szLong[1024]; ExpandEnvironmentStringsW((LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR)strPath, (LPWSTR)szDir, _countof(szDir)); GetShortPathNameW(szDir, szShort, _countof(szShort)); GetLongPathNameW(szDir, szLong, _countof(szLong)); _wcslwr_s(szShort); _wcslwr_s(szLong); g_TempPaths[i].strShortTempDir = szShort; g_TempPaths[i].strLongTempDir = szLong; SplitPath(g_TempPaths[i].strShortTempDir, g_TempPaths[i].vecShortParts); SplitPath(g_TempPaths[i].strLongTempDir, g_TempPaths[i].vecLongParts); RegCloseKey(key); } return true; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: ResourceDatabase::AddTexture2D //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Texture2D* ResourceDatabase::AddTexture2D( CONST CHAR* strFilename, DWORD Width, DWORD Height, D3DFORMAT Format, DWORD Filter, DWORD MipLevels, DWORD MipFilter ) { WCHAR wszConvertedFilename[ _MAX_PATH ]; Texture2D *pTexture = NULL; Resource *pResource = NULL; const CHAR* strFileOnly = strrchr( strFilename, '\\' ); if( strFileOnly == NULL ) { strFileOnly = strFilename; } else { strFileOnly++; } MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, strFileOnly, strlen( strFileOnly ) + 1, wszConvertedFilename, MAX_PATH ); _wcslwr_s( wszConvertedFilename ); pResource = FindResource( wszConvertedFilename ); if ( pResource ) { // $ERROR: report error of duplicate name assert( pResource->IsDerivedFrom( Texture2D::TypeID ) ); return (Texture2D*)pResource; } LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 pD3DTexture; Format = D3DFMT_DXT5; MipLevels = 0; HRESULT hr = D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx( g_pd3dDevice, strFilename, Width, Height, MipLevels, 0, Format, D3DPOOL_MANAGED,//D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, Filter, MipFilter, 0, NULL, NULL, &pD3DTexture ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { ATG::DebugSpew( "Could not load 2D texture %s.\n", strFilename ); return NULL; } pTexture = new Texture2D; pTexture->SetName( wszConvertedFilename ); pTexture->SetD3DTexture( pD3DTexture ); pD3DTexture->Release(); AddResource( pTexture ); return pTexture; }
int strcasencmp(LPCWSTR s1,LPCWSTR s2,DWORD n) { if (int(n)<1) return 0; WCHAR *tmp1,*tmp2; int ret; DWORD n1,n2; for (n1=0;n1<n && s1[n1]!='\0';n1++); for (n2=0;n2<n && s2[n2]!='\0';n2++); tmp1=new WCHAR[n+1]; if (tmp1==NULL) SetHFCError(HFC_CANNOTALLOC); tmp2=new WCHAR[n+1]; if (tmp2==NULL) SetHFCError(HFC_CANNOTALLOC); dMemCopy(tmp1,s1,n1*2); dMemCopy(tmp2,s2,n2*2); tmp1[n1]='\0'; tmp2[n2]='\0'; if (IsUnicodeSystem()) { CharLowerW(tmp1); CharLowerW(tmp2); } else { _wcslwr_s(tmp1,n+1); _wcslwr_s(tmp2,n+1); } ret=wcscmp(tmp1,tmp2); delete[] tmp1; delete[] tmp2; return ret; }
size_t SafeStrLower( _In_ LPCWSTR wszSrc, _In_ size_t cchSrc, _Out_ LPWSTR wszDest, _In_ size_t cchDest) { if (cchSrc == (size_t)-1) cchSrc = wcslen(wszSrc); if (cchSrc >= cchDest) { SetLastError(ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE); return 0; } SafeStrCopy(wszSrc, cchSrc, wszDest, cchDest); _wcslwr_s((WCHAR*)wszDest, cchDest); return wcslen(wszDest); }
bool validate_mac_address(WCHAR* mac_address) { if (wcslen(mac_address) != 17) return false; WCHAR mac_addr_lower[18]; wcscpy_s(mac_addr_lower, 18, mac_address); _wcslwr_s(mac_addr_lower, 18); WCHAR* w; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { w = mac_addr_lower + (i * 3); if ((w[0] < '0' || w[0] > '9') && (w[0] < 'a' || w[0] > 'f')) return false; if ((w[1] < '0' || w[1] > '9') && (w[1] < 'a' || w[1] > 'f')) return false; if (i != 5 && w[2] != ':') return false; } return true; }
inline STDMETHODIMP_(LPCWSTR) _CppUnit_ModuleFilterName( IN LPCWSTR szModule ) { LPCWSTR szModuleName = wcsrchr(szModule, '\\'); if (szModuleName) ++szModuleName; else { szModuleName = wcsrchr(szModule, '/'); if (szModuleName) ++szModuleName; else szModuleName = szModule; } LPWSTR strRes = const_cast<LPWSTR>(szModuleName); _wcslwr_s(strRes, wcslen(strRes)+1); return szModuleName; }
bool CMDIClient::killKernel(bool bKill) { bool bReturn = false; wchar_t p[260] = {L"moneyhub.exe"}; this->getPriviledge(); HANDLE hand = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,0); if(hand != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { PROCESSENTRY32W pew = {sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32W)}; bool bHaveOther=false; Process32FirstW(hand,&pew ); do{ _wcslwr_s(pew.szExeFile, 260); if(!wcscmp(pew.szExeFile,p) && GetCurrentProcessId()!=pew.th32ProcessID) { HANDLE h = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, pew.th32ProcessID); if( h ) { if( TerminateProcess(h, 1) ) bReturn = true; CloseHandle(h); } } }while(Process32NextW(hand,&pew)); CloseHandle(hand); } return bReturn ; }
bool CPython::init() { // // Initialize the python environment // std::wstring path; int iRslt = 0; DWORD nrslt = 0; std::vector<wchar> vetbuf; wchar buffer[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; // First of all, get the python path from options . for (; GetOption(text("Python Path"), path); ) { nrslt = ::GetFullPathName ( // ... path.c_str(), _countof(buffer), buffer, nullptr ); if (nrslt == 0) { path.clear(); break; } if (nrslt < _countof(buffer)) { path = buffer; break; } vetbuf.resize(nrslt+1); // Allocate buffer ... nrslt = ::GetFullPathName ( // ... path.c_str(), vetbuf.size(),, nullptr ); if (!nrslt || nrslt >= vetbuf.size()) path.clear(); else path.assign(vetbuf.begin(), vetbuf.end()); break; } // Use the directory of the exe file if we fail to get python // path from options. for (std::size_t pos = 0; path.length() <= 0; ) { nrslt = GetModuleFileName ( // Try the first time ....... nullptr, buffer, _countof(buffer) ); if (nrslt == 0) { path.clear(); break; } if (nrslt < _countof(buffer)) { path = buffer; pos = path.find_last_not_of(text("\\/")); pos = path.find_last_of(text("\\/"),pos); path.replace( pos, -1, text("\\python")); break; } vetbuf.resize(nrslt*2); // Allocate buffer .......... nrslt = GetModuleFileName ( // Try the second time ...... nullptr,, vetbuf.size() ); if (nrslt != 0 && nrslt <= vetbuf.size()) { path.assign(vetbuf.begin(), vetbuf.end()); pos = path.find_last_not_of(text("\\/")); pos = path.find_last_of(text("\\/"),pos); path.replace( pos, -1, text("\\python")); } else path.clear(); break; } // Use current directory if we still can't get the python path . for (; path.length() <= 0; ) { nrslt = ::GetCurrentDirectory(_countof(buffer), buffer); if (nrslt == 0) { path.clear(); break; } if (nrslt < _countof(buffer)) { path = buffer; path += text("\\python"); } vetbuf.resize(nrslt+1); // Allocate buffer ... nrslt = ::GetCurrentDirectory(vetbuf.size(),; if (nrslt != 0 && nrslt <= vetbuf.size()) { path.assign(vetbuf.begin(), vetbuf.end()); path.append(text("\\python")); } else path.clear(); break; } // We return false if we still can't get the python path ... if(path.length()<=0) return false; path.push_back(text('\\')); // Now, We overwrite the environment variable PYTHONHOME.. // It's not a necessuary operation .. ::SetEnvironmentVariable(text("PYTHONHOME"), path.c_str()); // Locate the python kernel file "pythonxx.dll" .. WIN32_FIND_DATA fData = {0}; HANDLE hFile = nullptr; hFile = FindFirstFile((path+text("*.dll")).c_str(), &fData); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (fData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) continue; // We skip all directory . _wcslwr_s(fData.cFileName, _countof(fData.cFileName)); if (wcsstr(fData.cFileName, text("python"))) break; else fData.cFileName[0] = text('\0'); } while (FindNextFile(hFile, &fData)); FindClose(hFile); // Finish finding .. } else fData.cFileName[0] = text('\0'); /// // Now, initialize all python interface dynamically. // The reason we query python interface dynamically is to // make sure our plugin can work without python .. /// m_pyModule = ::GetModuleHandle(fData.cFileName); if (m_pyModule == nullptr) { m_pyModule = ::LoadLibrary((path+fData.cFileName).c_str()); if (m_pyModule == nullptr) { m_pyModule = ::GetModuleHandle(text("python27.dll")); if (m_pyModule == nullptr) { m_pyModule = ::LoadLibrary(text("python27.dll")); if (m_pyModule == nullptr) return false; } } } if ( (Py_Finalize = reinterpret_cast<py_finalize>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "Py_Finalize") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (Py_Initialize = reinterpret_cast<py_initialize>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "Py_Initialize") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (Py_SetPythonHome = reinterpret_cast<py_setpythonhome>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "Py_SetPythonHome") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (Py_SetProgramName = reinterpret_cast<py_setprogramname>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "Py_SetProgramName") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (PyFile_AsFile = reinterpret_cast<pyfile_asfile>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PyFile_AsFile") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (PyFile_FromFile = reinterpret_cast<pyfile_fromfile>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PyFile_FromFile") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (PyFile_FromString = reinterpret_cast<pyfile_fromstring>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PyFile_FromString") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (PyEval_InitThreads = reinterpret_cast<pyeval_initthreads>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PyEval_InitThreads") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (PySys_SetArgv = reinterpret_cast<pysys_setargv>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PySys_SetArgv") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (PySys_GetObject = reinterpret_cast<pysys_getobject>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PySys_GetObject") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (PySys_SetObject = reinterpret_cast<pysys_setobject>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PySys_SetObject") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (PyObject_SetAttrString = reinterpret_cast<pyobject_setattrstring>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PyObject_SetAttrString") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (PyImport_ImportModule = reinterpret_cast<pyimport_importmodule>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PyImport_ImportModule") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (PyImport_AddModule = reinterpret_cast<pyimport_addmodule>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PyImport_AddModule") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (PyRun_SimpleString = reinterpret_cast<pyrun_simplestring>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PyRun_SimpleString") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (PyRun_SimpleStringFlags = reinterpret_cast<pyrun_simplestringflags>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PyRun_SimpleStringFlags") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (PyRun_SimpleFile = reinterpret_cast<pyrun_simplefile>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PyRun_SimpleFile") )) == nullptr ) return false; /*if ( (PyRun_SimpleFileFlags = reinterpret_cast<pyrun_simplefileflags>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PyRun_SimpleFileFlags") )) == nullptr ) return false;*/ if ( (PyRun_SimpleFileEx = reinterpret_cast<pyrun_simplefileex>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PyRun_SimpleFileEx") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags = reinterpret_cast<pyrun_simplefileexflags>( ::GetProcAddress(m_pyModule, "PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags") )) == nullptr ) return false; // Initialize the python environment, prepare the hooks //if (Py_SetPythonHome) Py_SetPythonHome(cvt.to_bytes(path).c_str()); //if (Py_SetProgramName) Py_SetProgramName(cvt.to_bytes(buffer).c_str()); if (Py_Initialize) Py_Initialize(); if (PyEval_InitThreads) PyEval_InitThreads(); // ... /// // Now, initialize all MSVCR90 interface dynamically. /// ACTCTX ctx = {sizeof(ACTCTX), 0}; ULONG_PTR actToken = 0; ctx.dwFlags = ACTCTX_FLAG_RESOURCE_NAME_VALID|ACTCTX_FLAG_HMODULE_VALID; ctx.hModule = m_pyModule; ctx.lpResourceName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(2); HANDLE hCtx = CreateActCtx(&ctx); if(hCtx != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if ( ActivateActCtx(hCtx, &actToken) ) { m_vcModule = ::GetModuleHandle(text("MSVCR90.dll")); if (m_vcModule == NULL) { m_vcModule = ::LoadLibrary(text("MSVCR90.dll")); if (m_vcModule == NULL) return false; } if ( (open_osfhandle = reinterpret_cast<__open_osfhandle>( ::GetProcAddress(m_vcModule, "_open_osfhandle") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (setvbuf = reinterpret_cast<__setvbuf>( ::GetProcAddress(m_vcModule, "setvbuf") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (fdopen = reinterpret_cast<__fdopen>( ::GetProcAddress(m_vcModule, "_fdopen") )) == nullptr ) return false; if ( (fclose = reinterpret_cast<__fclose>( ::GetProcAddress(m_vcModule, "fclose") )) == nullptr ) return false; // Deactive active context after finished .. DeactivateActCtx(0, actToken); } // Now close context ... ReleaseActCtx(hCtx); } return true; // All done, return true ... }
// dump - Dumps a nicely formatted rendition of the CallStack, including // symbolic information (function names and line numbers) if available. // // Note: The symbol handler must be initialized prior to calling this // function. // // Caution: This function is not thread-safe. It calls into the Debug Help // Library which is single-threaded. Therefore, calls to this function must // be synchronized. // // - showinternalframes (IN): If true, then all frames in the CallStack will be // dumped. Otherwise, frames internal to the heap will not be dumped. // // Return Value: // // None. // VOID CallStack::dump (BOOL showinternalframes) const { DWORD displacement; DWORD64 displacement64; BOOL foundline; UINT32 frame; SYMBOL_INFO *functioninfo; LPWSTR functionname; SIZE_T programcounter; IMAGEHLP_LINE64 sourceinfo = { 0 }; BYTE symbolbuffer [sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + (MAXSYMBOLNAMELENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1] = { 0 }; if (m_status & CALLSTACK_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) { // This call stack appears to be incomplete. Using StackWalk64 may be // more reliable. report(L" HINT: The following call stack may be incomplete. Setting \"StackWalkMethod\"\n" L" in the vld.ini file to \"safe\" instead of \"fast\" may result in a more\n" L" complete stack trace.\n"); } // Initialize structures passed to the symbol handler. functioninfo = (SYMBOL_INFO*)&symbolbuffer; functioninfo->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO); functioninfo->MaxNameLen = MAXSYMBOLNAMELENGTH; sourceinfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64); // Iterate through each frame in the call stack. for (frame = 0; frame < m_size; frame++) { // Try to get the source file and line number associated with // this program counter address. programcounter = (*this)[frame]; if ((foundline = pSymGetLineFromAddrW64(currentprocess, programcounter, &displacement, &sourceinfo)) == TRUE) { if (!showinternalframes) { _wcslwr_s(sourceinfo.FileName, wcslen(sourceinfo.FileName) + 1); if (wcsstr(sourceinfo.FileName, L"afxmem.cpp") || wcsstr(sourceinfo.FileName, L"dbgheap.c") || wcsstr(sourceinfo.FileName, L"malloc.c") || wcsstr(sourceinfo.FileName, L"new.cpp") || wcsstr(sourceinfo.FileName, L"newaop.cpp")) { // Don't show frames in files internal to the heap. continue; } } } // Try to get the name of the function containing this program // counter address. if (pSymFromAddrW(currentprocess, (*this)[frame], &displacement64, functioninfo)) { functionname = functioninfo->Name; } else { functionname = L"(Function name unavailable)"; } // Display the current stack frame's information. if (foundline) { report(L" %s (%d): %s\n", sourceinfo.FileName, sourceinfo.LineNumber, functionname); } else { report(L" " ADDRESSFORMAT L" (File and line number not available): ", (*this)[frame]); report(L"%s\n", functionname); } } }
//Main entry point. int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { ZeroMemory(tskbuffer, sizeof(wchar_t) * 2048); m_logger = new AlCLogger(L"c://temp//taskmgr.log", true); //Read in the task file... //any tasks matching names within this file, will be auto killed! wchar_t* fileName = L"C:\\Alwyn\\dev\\c\\AlTaskManager\\Release\\taskmanager.ini"; int taskCount = GetPrivateProfileInt(L"tasks", L"tasks.count", 0, fileName); if (taskCount < 1) { m_logger->debug("No tasks to manage...\r\n"); goto exit; } m_Task_Thread = new AlTaskThread(m_logger); m_Task_Thread->tasksCount = taskCount; m_Task_Thread->tasks = new wchar_t*[m_Task_Thread->tasksCount]; m_Task_Thread->timeOut = GetPrivateProfileInt(L"tasks", L"tasks.timeout", 1, fileName); for (int i=0; i<m_Task_Thread->tasksCount; i++) { //Buildup task name... swprintf_s(tskbuffer, L"tasks.%i\0", i+1); m_Task_Thread->tasks[i] = new wchar_t[1024]; ZeroMemory(m_Task_Thread->tasks[i], sizeof(wchar_t) * 1024); GetPrivateProfileString(L"tasks", tskbuffer, L"", m_Task_Thread->tasks[i], sizeof(wchar_t) * 1024, fileName); _wcslwr_s(m_Task_Thread->tasks[i], sizeof(wchar_t) * 1024); swprintf_s(tskbuffer, L"Got a task name: #%i, '%s'\r\n\0", i, m_Task_Thread->tasks[i]); m_logger->debug(tskbuffer); } //Default stack size 64Kb m_Task_Thread->stackSize = 1024 * 64; m_logger->debug("Starting task manager..\r\n"); m_Task_Thread->start(); int v = 0; while (v != 9) { cout << "9 = quit task manager.\n"; cin >> v; } m_Task_Thread->stop = true; while (!m_Task_Thread->completed) { Sleep(1); Yield(); } m_logger->debug("Task manager has quit.\r\n"); exit: SAFE_DEL(m_Task_Thread); SAFE_DEL(m_logger); return 0; }
WString wlower(const WString& string) { WString result = string.Buffer(); _wcslwr_s((wchar_t*)result.Buffer(), result.Length() + 1); return result; }
// Resolve - Creates a nicely formatted rendition of the CallStack, including // symbolic information (function names and line numbers) if available. and // saves it for later retrieval. This is almost identical to Callstack::dump above. // // Note: The symbol handler must be initialized prior to calling this // function. // // - showInternalFrames (IN): If true, then all frames in the CallStack will be // dumped. Otherwise, frames internal to the heap will not be dumped. // // Return Value: // // None. // void CallStack::resolve(BOOL showInternalFrames) { if (m_resolved) { // already resolved, no need to do it again // resolving twice may report an incorrect module for the stack frames // if the memory was leaked in a dynamic library that was already unloaded. return; } if (m_status & CALLSTACK_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) { // This call stack appears to be incomplete. Using StackWalk64 may be // more reliable. Report(L" HINT: The following call stack may be incomplete. Setting \"StackWalkMethod\"\n" L" in the vld.ini file to \"safe\" instead of \"fast\" may result in a more\n" L" complete stack trace.\n"); } IMAGEHLP_LINE64 sourceInfo = { 0 }; sourceInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64); BYTE symbolBuffer [sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_SIZE] = { 0 }; WCHAR callingModuleName [MAX_PATH] = L""; WCHAR lowerCaseName [MAX_PATH]; const size_t max_line_length = MAXREPORTLENGTH + 1; m_resolvedCapacity = m_size * max_line_length; m_resolved = new WCHAR[m_resolvedCapacity]; const size_t allocedBytes = m_resolvedCapacity * sizeof(WCHAR); ZeroMemory(m_resolved, allocedBytes); // Iterate through each frame in the call stack. for (UINT32 frame = 0; frame < m_size; frame++) { // Try to get the source file and line number associated with // this program counter address. SIZE_T programCounter = (*this)[frame]; g_symbolLock.Enter(); BOOL foundline = FALSE; DWORD displacement = 0; // It turns out that calls to SymGetLineFromAddrW64 may free the very memory we are scrutinizing here // in this method. If this is the case, m_Resolved will be null after SymGetLineFromAddrW64 returns. // When that happens there is nothing we can do except crash. DbgTrace(L"dbghelp32.dll %i: SymGetLineFromAddrW64\n", GetCurrentThreadId()); foundline = SymGetLineFromAddrW64(g_currentProcess, programCounter, &displacement, &sourceInfo); assert(m_resolved != NULL); if (foundline && !showInternalFrames) { wcscpy_s(lowerCaseName, sourceInfo.FileName); _wcslwr_s(lowerCaseName, wcslen(lowerCaseName) + 1); if (isInternalModule(lowerCaseName)) { // Don't show frames in files internal to the heap. g_symbolLock.Leave(); continue; } } // Initialize structures passed to the symbol handler. SYMBOL_INFO* functionInfo = (SYMBOL_INFO*)&symbolBuffer; functionInfo->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO); functionInfo->MaxNameLen = MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_LENGTH; // Try to get the name of the function containing this program // counter address. DWORD64 displacement64 = 0; LPWSTR functionName; DbgTrace(L"dbghelp32.dll %i: SymFromAddrW\n", GetCurrentThreadId()); if (SymFromAddrW(g_currentProcess, programCounter, &displacement64, functionInfo)) { functionName = functionInfo->Name; } else { // GetFormattedMessage( GetLastError() ); functionName = L"(Function name unavailable)"; displacement64 = 0; } g_symbolLock.Leave(); HMODULE hCallingModule = GetCallingModule(programCounter); LPWSTR moduleName = L"(Module name unavailable)"; if (hCallingModule && GetModuleFileName(hCallingModule, callingModuleName, _countof(callingModuleName)) > 0) { moduleName = wcsrchr(callingModuleName, L'\\'); if (moduleName == NULL) moduleName = wcsrchr(callingModuleName, L'/'); if (moduleName != NULL) moduleName++; else moduleName = callingModuleName; } // Use static here to increase performance, and avoid heap allocs. Hopefully this won't // prove to be an issue in thread safety. If it does, it will have to be simply non-static. static WCHAR stack_line[max_line_length] = L""; int NumChars = -1; // Display the current stack frame's information. if (foundline) { // Just truncate anything that is too long. if (displacement == 0) NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_line_length, _TRUNCATE, L" %s (%d): %s!%s\n", sourceInfo.FileName, sourceInfo.LineNumber, moduleName, functionName); else NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_line_length, _TRUNCATE, L" %s (%d): %s!%s + 0x%X bytes\n", sourceInfo.FileName, sourceInfo.LineNumber, moduleName, functionName, displacement); } else { if (displacement64 == 0) NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_line_length, _TRUNCATE, L" " ADDRESSFORMAT L" (File and line number not available): %s!%s\n", programCounter, moduleName, functionName); else NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_line_length, _TRUNCATE, L" " ADDRESSFORMAT L" (File and line number not available): %s!%s + 0x%X bytes\n", programCounter, moduleName, functionName, (DWORD)displacement64); } if (NumChars >= 0) { assert(m_resolved != NULL); m_resolvedLength += NumChars; wcsncat_s(m_resolved, m_resolvedCapacity, stack_line, NumChars); } } // end for loop }
VOID ResourceDatabase::AddBundledResources( PackedResource* pBundledResourceTable ) { assert( pBundledResourceTable != NULL ); m_BundledResources.push_back( pBundledResourceTable ); RESOURCE* pTags = NULL; DWORD dwResourceCount = 0; WCHAR strNameTemp[256]; pBundledResourceTable->GetResourceTags( &dwResourceCount, &pTags ); DWORD i = 0; while( i < dwResourceCount ) { MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pTags[i].strName, strlen( pTags[i].strName ) + 1, strNameTemp, 256 ); _wcslwr_s( strNameTemp ); switch( pTags[i].dwType ) { case RESOURCETYPE_TEXTURE: { Texture2D* pTexture = new Texture2D(); pTexture->SetName( strNameTemp ); pTexture->bFromPackedResource = TRUE; DWORD dwOffset = pTags[ i ].dwOffset; D3DTexture* pD3DTexture = pBundledResourceTable->GetTexture( dwOffset ); pTexture->SetD3DTexture( pD3DTexture ); AddResource( pTexture ); #ifdef PROFILE // Report texture to texture tracker PIXReportNewTexture( pD3DTexture ); CHAR strConverted[256]; strConverted[0] = 0; wcstombs_s( 0, strConverted, strNameTemp, _countof(strConverted) ); PIXSetTextureName( pD3DTexture, TEXT(strConverted) ); #endif break; } case RESOURCETYPE_CUBEMAP: { TextureCube* pTexture = new TextureCube(); pTexture->SetName( strNameTemp ); pTexture->bFromPackedResource = TRUE; DWORD dwOffset = pTags[ i ].dwOffset; D3DCubeTexture* pD3DTexture = pBundledResourceTable->GetCubemap( dwOffset ); pTexture->SetD3DTexture( pD3DTexture ); AddResource( pTexture ); #ifdef PROFILE // Report texture to texture tracker PIXReportNewTexture( pD3DTexture ); CHAR strConverted[256]; strConverted[0] = 0; wcstombs_s( 0, strConverted, strNameTemp, _countof(strConverted) ); PIXSetTextureName( pD3DTexture, TEXT(strConverted) ); #endif break; } case RESOURCETYPE_VOLUMETEXTURE: { TextureVolume* pTexture = new TextureVolume(); pTexture->SetName( strNameTemp ); pTexture->bFromPackedResource = TRUE; DWORD dwOffset = pTags[ i ].dwOffset; D3DVolumeTexture* pD3DTexture = pBundledResourceTable->GetVolumeTexture( dwOffset ); pTexture->SetD3DTexture( pD3DTexture ); AddResource( pTexture ); #ifdef PROFILE // Report texture to texture tracker PIXReportNewTexture( pD3DTexture ); CHAR strConverted[256]; strConverted[0] = 0; wcstombs_s( 0, strConverted, strNameTemp, _countof(strConverted) ); PIXSetTextureName( pD3DTexture, TEXT(strConverted) ); #endif break; } case RESOURCETYPE_VERTEXBUFFER: case RESOURCETYPE_INDEXBUFFER: case RESOURCETYPE_USERDATA: default: { // not supported yet DebugSpew( "Unsupported resource type %d for resource \"%s\".\n", pTags[i].dwType, pTags[i].strName ); break; } } ++i; } }
wstring toLowerCase(wstring str) { if (str.length()) _wcslwr_s(&str[0], str.length() + 1); return str; }
LRESULT CALLBACK ScanWndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch ( msg ) { case WM_CREATE: { RECT rc; GetClientRect( hWnd, &rc ); g_hWnd_tab = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT, WC_TABCONTROL, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE, 10, 10, rc.right - 20, rc.bottom - 50, hWnd, NULL, NULL, NULL ); TCITEMA ti = { 0 }; ti.mask = TCIF_PARAM | TCIF_TEXT; // The tab will have text and an lParam value. ti.pszText = "Scan Directory"; ti.lParam = ( LPARAM )0; SendMessageA( g_hWnd_tab, TCM_INSERTITEMA, 0, ( LPARAM )&ti ); // Insert a new tab at the end. ti.pszText = "Load ESE Database"; ti.lParam = ( LPARAM )1; SendMessageA( g_hWnd_tab, TCM_INSERTITEMA, 1, ( LPARAM )&ti ); // Insert a new tab at the end. SendMessage( g_hWnd_tab, WM_SETFONT, ( WPARAM )hFont, 0 ); // Set the tab's font before we get the item rect so that we have an accurate height. RECT rc_tab; GetClientRect( g_hWnd_tab, &rc ); SendMessage( g_hWnd_tab, TCM_GETITEMRECT, 0, ( LPARAM )&rc_tab ); g_hWnd_scan_tab = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT, L"scan_tab", NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE, 10, ( rc_tab.bottom + ) + 8, rc.right - 20, rc.bottom - ( ( rc_tab.bottom + ) + 16 ), g_hWnd_tab, NULL, NULL, NULL ); g_hWnd_btn_details = CreateWindowA( WC_BUTTONA, "Show Details \xBB", WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, ( HMENU )BTN_DETAILS, NULL, NULL ); g_hWnd_btn_scan = CreateWindowA( WC_BUTTONA, "Scan", BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, ( HMENU )BTN_SCAN, NULL, NULL ); g_hWnd_btn_cancel = CreateWindowA( WC_BUTTONA, "Cancel", WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, ( HMENU )BTN_CANCEL, NULL, NULL ); // Make pretty font. SendMessage( g_hWnd_btn_details, WM_SETFONT, ( WPARAM )hFont, 0 ); SendMessage( g_hWnd_btn_scan, WM_SETFONT, ( WPARAM )hFont, 0 ); SendMessage( g_hWnd_btn_cancel, WM_SETFONT, ( WPARAM )hFont, 0 ); return 0; } break; case WM_CHANGE_CURSOR: { // SetCursor must be called from the window thread. if ( wParam == TRUE ) { wait_cursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_APPSTARTING ); // Arrow + hourglass. SetCursor( wait_cursor ); } else { SetCursor( LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ) ); // Default arrow. wait_cursor = NULL; } } break; case WM_SETCURSOR: { if ( wait_cursor != NULL ) { SetCursor( wait_cursor ); // Keep setting our cursor if it reverts back to the default. return TRUE; } DefWindowProc( hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); return FALSE; } break; case WM_COMMAND: { switch( LOWORD( wParam ) ) { case IDOK: case BTN_SCAN: { if ( g_kill_scan == false ) { EnableWindow( g_hWnd_btn_scan, FALSE ); g_kill_scan = true; break; } int length = SendMessage( g_hWnd_path[ tab_index ], WM_GETTEXT, MAX_PATH, ( LPARAM )g_filepath ); if ( length >= 3 ) { // We need to have at least the drive path. Example: "C:\" if ( g_filepath[ 1 ] == L':' && g_filepath[ 2 ] == L'\\' ) { // Remove any trailing "\" from the path. if ( g_filepath[ length - 1 ] == L'\\' ) { g_filepath[ length - 1 ] = '\0'; } // Now get our extension filters. length = SendMessage( g_hWnd_extensions[ tab_index ], WM_GETTEXT, MAX_PATH, ( LPARAM )( g_extension_filter + 1 ) ); if ( length > 0 ) { g_extension_filter[ 0 ] = L'|'; // Append the delimiter to the beginning of the string. g_extension_filter[ length + 1 ] = L'|'; // Append the delimiter to the end of the string. g_extension_filter[ length + 2 ] = L'\0'; _wcslwr_s( g_extension_filter, length + 3 ); // Set them to lowercase for later comparison. } else { g_extension_filter[ 0 ] = L'\0'; } g_include_folders = SendMessage( g_hWnd_chk_folders[ tab_index ], BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0 ) ? true : false; g_retrieve_extended_information = SendMessage( g_hWnd_extended_information, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0 ) ? true : false; scan_type = tab_index; // scan_type will allow the correct windows to update regardless of the selected tab. // If use_scanner == false, then read the ese database. CloseHandle( ( HANDLE )_beginthreadex( NULL, 0, &map_entries, ( void * )scan_type, 0, NULL ) ); } else { MessageBoxA( hWnd, "You must specify a valid path.", PROGRAM_CAPTION_A, MB_APPLMODAL | MB_ICONWARNING ); } } } break; case BTN_CANCEL: { SendMessage( hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 ); } break; case BTN_DETAILS: { g_show_details = !g_show_details; // Hiding the details will allow for a faster scan since it doesn't have to update our controls. if ( g_show_details == true ) { SendMessageA( g_hWnd_btn_details, WM_SETTEXT, 0, ( LPARAM )"Hide Details \xAB" ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static3, SW_SHOW ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static4, SW_SHOW ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static5, SW_SHOW ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_hashing[ tab_index ], SW_SHOW ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static_hash[ tab_index ], SW_SHOW ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static_count[ tab_index ], SW_SHOW ); } else { SendMessageA( g_hWnd_btn_details, WM_SETTEXT, 0, ( LPARAM )"Show Details \xBB" ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static3, SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static4, SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static5, SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_hashing[ 0 ], SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_hashing[ 1 ], SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static_hash[ 0 ], SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static_hash[ 1 ], SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static_count[ 0 ], SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static_count[ 1 ], SW_HIDE ); } // Adjust the window height. RECT rc; GetWindowRect( hWnd, &rc ); SetWindowPos( hWnd, NULL, 0, 0, rc.right - rc.left, MIN_HEIGHT - ( g_show_details == true ? 25 : 115 ), SWP_NOMOVE ); } break; } return 0; } break; case WM_NOTIFY: { // Get our listview codes. switch ( ( ( LPNMHDR )lParam )->code ) { case TCN_SELCHANGING: // The tab that's about to lose focus { NMHDR *nmhdr = ( NMHDR * )lParam; int index = SendMessage( nmhdr->hwndFrom, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); // Get the selected tab if ( index == 0 || index == 1 ) { ShowWindow( g_hWnd_path[ index ], SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_extensions[ index ], SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_chk_folders[ index ], SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_hashing[ index ], SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static_hash[ index ], SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static_count[ index ], SW_HIDE ); if ( index == 1 ) { ShowWindow( g_hWnd_extended_information, SW_HIDE ); } } return FALSE; } break; case TCN_SELCHANGE: // The tab that gains focus { NMHDR *nmhdr = ( NMHDR * )lParam; int index = SendMessage( nmhdr->hwndFrom, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); // Get the selected tab if ( index == 0 || index == 1 ) { SendMessageA( g_hWnd_static1, WM_SETTEXT, 0, ( LPARAM )( index == 0 ? "Initial scan directory:" : "Extensible Storage Engine Database file:" ) ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_path[ index ], SW_SHOW ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_extensions[ index ], SW_SHOW ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_chk_folders[ index ], SW_SHOW ); if ( g_show_details == true ) { ShowWindow( g_hWnd_hashing[ index ], SW_SHOW ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static_hash[ index ], SW_SHOW ); ShowWindow( g_hWnd_static_count[ index ], SW_SHOW ); } if ( index == 1 ) { ShowWindow( g_hWnd_extended_information, SW_SHOW ); } // If we're scanning, then enable the scan button. Otherwise, check for a valid path. EnableWindow( g_hWnd_btn_scan, ( g_kill_scan == false || SendMessage( g_hWnd_path[ index ], WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0 ) >= 3 ) ? TRUE : FALSE ); tab_index = index; } return FALSE; } break; } return FALSE; } break; case WM_SIZE: { RECT rc; GetClientRect( hWnd, &rc ); // Allow our controls to move in relation to the parent window. HDWP hdwp = BeginDeferWindowPos( 4 ); DeferWindowPos( hdwp, g_hWnd_tab, HWND_TOP, 10, 10, rc.right - 20, rc.bottom - 50, SWP_NOZORDER ); DeferWindowPos( hdwp, g_hWnd_btn_details, HWND_TOP, 10, rc.bottom - 32, 100, 23, SWP_NOZORDER ); DeferWindowPos( hdwp, g_hWnd_btn_scan, HWND_TOP, rc.right - 175, rc.bottom - 32, 80, 23, SWP_NOZORDER ); DeferWindowPos( hdwp, g_hWnd_btn_cancel, HWND_TOP, rc.right - 90, rc.bottom - 32, 80, 23, SWP_NOZORDER ); EndDeferWindowPos( hdwp ); RECT rc_tab; GetClientRect( g_hWnd_tab, &rc ); SendMessage( g_hWnd_tab, TCM_GETITEMRECT, 0, ( LPARAM )&rc_tab ); SetWindowPos( g_hWnd_scan_tab, HWND_TOP, 10, ( rc_tab.bottom + ) + 8, rc.right - 20, rc.bottom - ( ( rc_tab.bottom + ) + 16 ), SWP_NOZORDER ); return 0; } break; case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: { // Set the minimum dimensions that the window can be sized to. ( ( MINMAXINFO * )lParam )->ptMinTrackSize.x = MIN_WIDTH; ( ( MINMAXINFO * )lParam )->ptMinTrackSize.y = MIN_HEIGHT - ( g_show_details == true ? 25 : 115 ); ( ( MINMAXINFO * )lParam )->ptMaxTrackSize.y = MIN_HEIGHT - ( g_show_details == true ? 25 : 115 ); return 0; } break; case WM_ACTIVATE: { // 0 = inactive, > 0 = active g_hWnd_active = ( wParam == 0 ? NULL : hWnd ); return FALSE; } break; case WM_CLOSE: { g_kill_scan = true; // Reenable the main window. EnableWindow( g_hWnd_main, TRUE ); SetForegroundWindow( g_hWnd_main ); ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_HIDE ); } break; case WM_ALERT: { MessageBoxA( hWnd, ( LPCSTR )lParam, PROGRAM_CAPTION_A, MB_APPLMODAL | ( wParam == 1 ? MB_ICONINFORMATION : MB_ICONWARNING ) | MB_SETFOREGROUND ); } break; case WM_PROPAGATE: { if ( wParam == 1 ) { g_kill_scan = false; EnableWindow( g_hWnd_path[ 0 ], FALSE ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_path[ 1 ], FALSE ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_load, FALSE ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_extensions[ 0 ], FALSE ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_extensions[ 1 ], FALSE ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_chk_folders[ 0 ], FALSE ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_chk_folders[ 1 ], FALSE ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_extended_information, FALSE ); // We're scanning. Set the button's text to "Stop". SendMessageA( g_hWnd_btn_scan, WM_SETTEXT, 0, ( LPARAM )"Stop" ); } else if ( wParam == 2 ) { // Clear the current file info if we finished the scan without stopping. if ( g_kill_scan == false ) { SendMessage( g_hWnd_hashing[ scan_type ], WM_SETTEXT, 0, 0 ); SendMessageA( g_hWnd_static_hash[ scan_type ], WM_SETTEXT, 0, 0 ); } g_kill_scan = true; EnableWindow( g_hWnd_path[ 0 ], TRUE ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_path[ 1 ], TRUE ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_load, TRUE ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_extensions[ 0 ], TRUE ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_extensions[ 1 ], TRUE ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_chk_folders[ 0 ], TRUE ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_chk_folders[ 1 ], TRUE ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_extended_information, TRUE ); // We've stopped/finished scanning. Set the button's text to "Scan". SendMessageA( g_hWnd_btn_scan, WM_SETTEXT, 0, ( LPARAM )"Scan" ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_btn_scan, ( SendMessage( g_hWnd_path[ tab_index ], WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0 ) >= 3 ) ? TRUE : FALSE ); } else if ( wParam == 3 ) { SendMessage( g_hWnd_hashing[ scan_type ], WM_SETTEXT, 0, lParam ); } else if ( wParam == 4 ) { SendMessageA( g_hWnd_static_hash[ scan_type ], WM_SETTEXT, 0, lParam ); } else if ( wParam == 5 ) { SendMessageA( g_hWnd_static_count[ scan_type ], WM_SETTEXT, 0, lParam ); } else { g_kill_scan = true; // Reset text information. SendMessage( g_hWnd_hashing[ 0 ], WM_SETTEXT, 0, 0 ); SendMessage( g_hWnd_hashing[ 1 ], WM_SETTEXT, 0, 0 ); SendMessageA( g_hWnd_static_hash[ 0 ], WM_SETTEXT, 0, 0 ); SendMessageA( g_hWnd_static_hash[ 1 ], WM_SETTEXT, 0, 0 ); SendMessageA( g_hWnd_static_count[ 0 ], WM_SETTEXT, 0, 0 ); SendMessageA( g_hWnd_static_count[ 1 ], WM_SETTEXT, 0, 0 ); SendMessageA( g_hWnd_btn_scan, WM_SETTEXT, 0, ( LPARAM )"Scan" ); EnableWindow( g_hWnd_btn_scan, ( SendMessage( g_hWnd_path[ tab_index ], WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0 ) >= 3 ) ? TRUE : FALSE ); SendMessage( g_hWnd_tab, TCM_SETCURFOCUS, 0, 0 ); // Disable the main window. EnableWindow( g_hWnd_main, FALSE ); // Set the window above all other windows. SetForegroundWindow( hWnd ); SetWindowPos( hWnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE ); ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_SHOW ); } } break; default: { return DefWindowProc( hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); } break; } return TRUE; }
std::vector<CHARRANGE> CLogDlgFilter::GetMatchRanges (std::wstring& textUTF16) const { std::vector<CHARRANGE> ranges; // normalize to lower case if (!caseSensitive && !textUTF16.empty()) _wcslwr_s (&, textUTF16.length()+1); std::string textUTF8 = CUnicodeUtils::StdGetUTF8 (textUTF16); if (patterns.empty()) { // require all strings to be present const char* toScan = textUTF8.c_str(); for ( auto iter = subStringConditions.begin() , end = subStringConditions.end() ; iter != end ; ++iter) { if (iter->prefix != and_not) { const char * toFind = iter->subString.c_str(); size_t toFindLength = iter->subString.length(); const char * pFound = strstr (toScan, toFind); while (pFound) { CHARRANGE range; range.cpMin = (LONG)(pFound - toScan); range.cpMax = (LONG)(range.cpMin + toFindLength); ranges.push_back(range); pFound = strstr (pFound+1, toFind); } } } } else { for (std::vector<std::tr1::regex>::const_iterator it = patterns.begin(); it != patterns.end(); ++it) { const std::tr1::sregex_iterator end; for (std::tr1::sregex_iterator it2(textUTF8.begin(), textUTF8.end(), *it); it2 != end; ++it2) { ptrdiff_t matchposID = it2->position(0); CHARRANGE range = {(LONG)(matchposID), (LONG)(matchposID+(*it2)[0].str().size())}; ranges.push_back(range); } } } // the caller expects the result to be ordered by position which // which may not be the case after scanninf for multiple sub-strings if (ranges.size() > 1) { auto begin = ranges.begin(); auto end = ranges.end(); std::sort(begin, end, [] (const CHARRANGE& lhs, const CHARRANGE& rhs) -> bool {return lhs.cpMin < rhs.cpMin;} ); // once we are at it, merge adjacent and / or overlapping ranges auto target = begin; for (auto source = begin + 1; source != end; ++source) if (target->cpMax < source->cpMin) *(++target) = *source; else target->cpMax = max (target->cpMax, source->cpMax); ranges.erase (++target, end); } // translate UTF8 ranges to UTF16 ranges size_t utf8Pos = 0; size_t utf16Pos = 0; for ( auto iter = ranges.begin(), end = ranges.end() ; iter != end ; ++iter) { AdvanceUnicodePos (textUTF8, utf8Pos, utf16Pos, iter->cpMin); iter->cpMin = (LONG)utf16Pos; AdvanceUnicodePos (textUTF8, utf8Pos, utf16Pos, iter->cpMax); iter->cpMax = (LONG)utf16Pos; } return ranges; }
/// /// Disassemble the instruction at the given address, creating an instruction object /// bool Disassemble( const DEBUGGER_CONTROLS &objControls, ULONG64 offAddress, ULONG dwProcessor, bool fFlagsRegisterValid, const OPERAND_SET& setProcessorFlags, INSTRUCTION *pInstruction ) { // Disassemble the instruction ULONG cchInstruction; ULONG dwAssemblyOptions; HRESULT dwResult; // For ARM/THUMB processors, mask off the lowest address bit if( (dwProcessor == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM) || (dwProcessor == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_THUMB) || (dwProcessor == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT) ) { offAddress = offAddress & ~0x1; } objControls.pDebugControl->GetAssemblyOptions( &dwAssemblyOptions ); objControls.pDebugControl->SetAssemblyOptions( dwAssemblyOptions & ~(DEBUG_ASMOPT_NO_CODE_BYTES | DEBUG_ASMOPT_SOURCE_LINE_NUMBER) ); objControls.pDebugControl->DisassembleWide( offAddress, 0, NULL, 0, &cchInstruction, &pInstruction->offNextInstruction ); pInstruction->pwzInstructionBuffer = new WCHAR[cchInstruction + 1]; if( pInstruction->pwzInstructionBuffer == NULL ) { return( false ); } dwResult = objControls.pDebugControl->DisassembleWide( offAddress, 0, (PWSTR) pInstruction->pwzInstructionBuffer, cchInstruction + 1, NULL, &pInstruction->offNextInstruction ); objControls.pDebugControl->SetAssemblyOptions( dwAssemblyOptions ); if( dwResult != S_OK ) { return( false ); } else { pInstruction->offAddress = offAddress; _wcslwr_s( (PWSTR) pInstruction->pwzInstructionBuffer, cchInstruction ); } // Check for disassembly errors that would cause infinite loops, this is usually due to a mismatch // between the debugger machine mode and the process machine mode (x86 versus x64) if( pInstruction->offAddress == pInstruction->offNextInstruction ) { return( false ); } // Check for a mismatch in the disassembly if( wcsstr( pInstruction->pwzInstructionBuffer, L"disassembly not possible" ) != NULL ) { return( false ); } // Store the instruction flags information pInstruction->fFlagsRegisterValid = fFlagsRegisterValid; // Parse the fields for the continued processing PWSTR pwzIndex = (PWSTR) pInstruction->pwzInstructionBuffer; pInstruction->pwzAddress = (PCWSTR) pwzIndex ; ParseDisassemblyFieldInPlace( &pwzIndex, NULL ); pInstruction->pwzOpCode = (PCWSTR) pwzIndex; ParseDisassemblyFieldInPlace( &pwzIndex, NULL ); pInstruction->pwzMnemonic = (PCWSTR) pwzIndex; switch( dwProcessor ) { case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386: { ParseDisassemblyFieldInPlace( &pwzIndex, X86_MNEMONIC_PREFIXES ); } break; case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64: { ParseDisassemblyFieldInPlace( &pwzIndex, X64_MNEMONIC_PREFIXES ); } break; case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM: case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_THUMB: case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT: { ParseDisassemblyFieldInPlace( &pwzIndex, ARM_MNEMONIC_PREFIXES ); } break; default: return( false ); } pInstruction->pwzArguments = (PCWSTR) pwzIndex; if( pInstruction->pwzArguments != NULL ) { size_t cchArguments = wcslen( pInstruction->pwzArguments ); if( cchArguments > 0 ) { if( pInstruction->pwzArguments[cchArguments - 1] == '\n' ) { ((PWSTR) pInstruction->pwzArguments)[cchArguments - 1] = '\0'; } } } // Check for invalid op codes or menmonics, that indicate a disassembly failure if( *pInstruction->pwzMnemonic == '?' ) { return( false ); } if( *pInstruction->pwzOpCode == '<' ) { return( false ); } // Classify the instruction // // Note that we don't consider our inability to match an instruction to be an error here, we'll continue with it // until we find an error in the actual disassembly routines (above) switch( dwProcessor ) { case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386: { ClassifyX86Instruction( pInstruction ); return( true ); } case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64: { ClassifyX64Instruction( pInstruction ); return( true ); } case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM: case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_THUMB: case IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT: { ClassifyARMInstruction( pInstruction, setProcessorFlags ); return( true ); } default: return( false ); } }
// dump - Dumps a nicely formatted rendition of the CallStack, including // symbolic information (function names and line numbers) if available. // // Note: The symbol handler must be initialized prior to calling this // function. // // - showinternalframes (IN): If true, then all frames in the CallStack will be // dumped. Otherwise, frames internal to the heap will not be dumped. // // Return Value: // // None. // void CallStack::dump(BOOL showInternalFrames, UINT start_frame) const { // The stack was dumped already if (m_resolved) { dumpResolved(); return; } if (m_status & CALLSTACK_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) { // This call stack appears to be incomplete. Using StackWalk64 may be // more reliable. Report(L" HINT: The following call stack may be incomplete. Setting \"StackWalkMethod\"\n" L" in the vld.ini file to \"safe\" instead of \"fast\" may result in a more\n" L" complete stack trace.\n"); } IMAGEHLP_LINE64 sourceInfo = { 0 }; sourceInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64); BYTE symbolBuffer [sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_SIZE] = { 0 }; WCHAR lowerCaseName [MAX_PATH]; WCHAR callingModuleName [MAX_PATH]; const size_t max_size = MAXREPORTLENGTH + 1; // Iterate through each frame in the call stack. for (UINT32 frame = start_frame; frame < m_size; frame++) { // Try to get the source file and line number associated with // this program counter address. SIZE_T programCounter = (*this)[frame]; g_symbolLock.Enter(); BOOL foundline = FALSE; DWORD displacement = 0; DbgTrace(L"dbghelp32.dll %i: SymGetLineFromAddrW64\n", GetCurrentThreadId()); foundline = SymGetLineFromAddrW64(g_currentProcess, programCounter, &displacement, &sourceInfo); if (foundline && !showInternalFrames) { wcscpy_s(lowerCaseName, sourceInfo.FileName); _wcslwr_s(lowerCaseName, wcslen(lowerCaseName) + 1); if (isInternalModule(lowerCaseName)) { // Don't show frames in files internal to the heap. g_symbolLock.Leave(); continue; } } // Initialize structures passed to the symbol handler. SYMBOL_INFO* functionInfo = (SYMBOL_INFO*)&symbolBuffer; functionInfo->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO); functionInfo->MaxNameLen = MAX_SYMBOL_NAME_LENGTH; // Try to get the name of the function containing this program // counter address. DWORD64 displacement64 = 0; LPWSTR functionName; DbgTrace(L"dbghelp32.dll %i: SymFromAddrW\n", GetCurrentThreadId()); if (SymFromAddrW(g_currentProcess, programCounter, &displacement64, functionInfo)) { functionName = functionInfo->Name; } else { // GetFormattedMessage( GetLastError() ); functionName = L"(Function name unavailable)"; displacement64 = 0; } g_symbolLock.Leave(); HMODULE hCallingModule = GetCallingModule(programCounter); LPWSTR moduleName = L"(Module name unavailable)"; if (hCallingModule && GetModuleFileName(hCallingModule, callingModuleName, _countof(callingModuleName)) > 0) { moduleName = wcsrchr(callingModuleName, L'\\'); if (moduleName == NULL) moduleName = wcsrchr(callingModuleName, L'/'); if (moduleName != NULL) moduleName++; else moduleName = callingModuleName; } // Use static here to increase performance, and avoid heap allocs. Hopefully this won't // prove to be an issue in thread safety. If it does, it will have to be simply non-static. static WCHAR stack_line[MAXREPORTLENGTH + 1] = L""; int NumChars = -1; // Display the current stack frame's information. if (foundline) { if (displacement == 0) NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_size, _TRUNCATE, L" %s (%d): %s!%s\n", sourceInfo.FileName, sourceInfo.LineNumber, moduleName, functionName); else NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_size, _TRUNCATE, L" %s (%d): %s!%s + 0x%X bytes\n", sourceInfo.FileName, sourceInfo.LineNumber, moduleName, functionName, displacement); } else { if (displacement64 == 0) NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_size, _TRUNCATE, L" " ADDRESSFORMAT L" (File and line number not available): %s!%s\n", programCounter, moduleName, functionName); else NumChars = _snwprintf_s(stack_line, max_size, _TRUNCATE, L" " ADDRESSFORMAT L" (File and line number not available): %s!%s + 0x%X bytes\n", programCounter, moduleName, functionName, (DWORD)displacement64); } Print(stack_line); } }