Example #1
JOutputStream& JFileIOStream::operator<<(const JBlock &B) {
  int numWrite;
  int numBytes = B.size();
  if (!numBytes) return *this;
  if ((numWrite = _write_(hnd, B, numBytes)) < 0) {
    throw new JIOException("file write error");
  } else if (numWrite != numBytes) {
    throw new JIOException("file write not complete");
  return *this;
Example #2
void JpegEncoder::_write_jpeg_header(FILE* fp)
	_write_word_(0xFFD8, fp);		// marker = 0xFFD8

	_write_word_(0xFFE0,fp);		// marker = 0xFFE0
	_write_word_(16, fp);			// length = 16 for usual JPEG, no thumbnail
	_write_("JFIF", 5, fp);			// 'JFIF\0'
	_write_byte_(1, fp);			// version_hi
	_write_byte_(1, fp);			// version_low
	_write_byte_(0, fp);			// xyunits = 0 no units, normal density
	_write_word_(1, fp);			// xdensity
	_write_word_(1, fp);			// ydensity
	_write_byte_(0, fp);			// thumbWidth
	_write_byte_(0, fp);			// thumbHeight

	_write_word_(0xFFDB, fp);		//marker = 0xFFDB
	_write_word_(132, fp);			//size=132
	_write_byte_(0, fp);			//QTYinfo== 0:  bit 0..3: number of QT = 0 (table for Y) 
									//				bit 4..7: precision of QT
									//				bit 8	: 0
	_write_(m_YTable, 64, fp);		//YTable
	_write_byte_(1, fp);			//QTCbinfo = 1 (quantization table for Cb,Cr)
	_write_(m_CbCrTable, 64, fp);	//CbCrTable

	_write_word_(0xFFC0, fp);			//marker = 0xFFC0
	_write_word_(17, fp);				//length = 17 for a truecolor YCbCr JPG
	_write_byte_(8, fp);				//precision = 8: 8 bits/sample 
	_write_word_(m_height&0xFFFF, fp);	//height
	_write_word_(m_width&0xFFFF, fp);	//width
	_write_byte_(3, fp);				//nrofcomponents = 3: We encode a truecolor JPG

	_write_byte_(1, fp);				//IdY = 1
	_write_byte_(0x11, fp);				//HVY sampling factors for Y (bit 0-3 vert., 4-7 hor.)(SubSamp 1x1)
	_write_byte_(0, fp);				//QTY  Quantization Table number for Y = 0

	_write_byte_(2, fp);				//IdCb = 2
	_write_byte_(0x11, fp);				//HVCb = 0x11(SubSamp 1x1)
	_write_byte_(1, fp);				//QTCb = 1

	_write_byte_(3, fp);				//IdCr = 3
	_write_byte_(0x11, fp);				//HVCr = 0x11 (SubSamp 1x1)
	_write_byte_(1, fp);				//QTCr Normally equal to QTCb = 1
	_write_word_(0xFFC4, fp);		//marker = 0xFFC4
	_write_word_(0x01A2, fp);		//length = 0x01A2
	_write_byte_(0, fp);			//HTYDCinfo bit 0..3	: number of HT (0..3), for Y =0
									//			bit 4		: type of HT, 0 = DC table,1 = AC table
									//			bit 5..7	: not used, must be 0
	_write_(Standard_DC_Luminance_NRCodes, sizeof(Standard_DC_Luminance_NRCodes), fp);	//DC_L_NRC
	_write_(Standard_DC_Luminance_Values, sizeof(Standard_DC_Luminance_Values), fp);		//DC_L_VALUE
	_write_byte_(0x10, fp);			//HTYACinfo
	_write_(Standard_AC_Luminance_NRCodes, sizeof(Standard_AC_Luminance_NRCodes), fp);
	_write_(Standard_AC_Luminance_Values, sizeof(Standard_AC_Luminance_Values), fp); //we'll use the standard Huffman tables
	_write_byte_(0x01, fp);			//HTCbDCinfo
	_write_(Standard_DC_Chromiance_NRCodes, sizeof(Standard_DC_Chromiance_NRCodes), fp);
	_write_(Standard_DC_Chromiance_Values, sizeof(Standard_DC_Chromiance_Values), fp);
	_write_byte_(0x11, fp);			//HTCbACinfo
	_write_(Standard_AC_Chromiance_NRCodes, sizeof(Standard_AC_Chromiance_NRCodes), fp);
	_write_(Standard_AC_Chromiance_Values, sizeof(Standard_AC_Chromiance_Values), fp);

	_write_word_(0xFFDA, fp);		//marker = 0xFFC4
	_write_word_(12, fp);			//length = 12
	_write_byte_(3, fp);			//nrofcomponents, Should be 3: truecolor JPG

	_write_byte_(1, fp);			//Idy=1
	_write_byte_(0, fp);			//HTY	bits 0..3: AC table (0..3)
									//		bits 4..7: DC table (0..3)
	_write_byte_(2, fp);			//IdCb
	_write_byte_(0x11, fp);			//HTCb

	_write_byte_(3, fp);			//IdCr
	_write_byte_(0x11, fp);			//HTCr

	_write_byte_(0, fp);			//Ss not interesting, they should be 0,63,0
	_write_byte_(0x3F, fp);			//Se
	_write_byte_(0, fp);			//Bf
Example #3
void JpegEncoder::_write_word_(unsigned short value, FILE* fp)
	unsigned short _value = ((value>>8)&0xFF) | ((value&0xFF)<<8);
	_write_(&_value, 2, fp);
Example #4
void JpegEncoder::_write_byte_(unsigned char value, FILE* fp)
	_write_(&value, 1, fp);