//----- Begin Code ------------------------------------------------------------ int main(void) { // initialize our libraries // initialize the UART (serial port) uartInit(); uartSetBaudRate(9600); // make all rprintf statements use uart for output rprintfInit(uartSendByte); // turn on and initialize A/D converter a2dInit(); // initialize the timer system timerInit(); // initialize vt100 terminal vt100Init(); // configure port B for led output and pushbutton input outb(DDRB, 0x0F); // all LEDs on outb(PORTB, 0x00); // wait for hardware to power up timerPause(100); // all LEDs off outb(PORTB, 0x0F); // start command line goCmdline(); return 0; }
//----- Begin Code ------------------------------------------------------------ int main(void) { u16 a=0; u08 i=0; // initialize our libraries // initialize the UART (serial port) uartInit(); // make all rprintf statements use uart for output rprintfInit(uartSendByte); // initialize the timer system timerInit(); // turn on and initialize A/D converter a2dInit(); // print a little intro message so we know things are working vt100ClearScreen(); vt100SetCursorPos(1,1); rprintf("Welcome to the a2d test!\r\n"); // configure a2d port (PORTA) as input // so we can receive analog signals DDRA = 0x00; // make sure pull-up resistors are turned off PORTA = 0x00; // set the a2d prescaler (clock division ratio) // - a lower prescale setting will make the a2d converter go faster // - a higher setting will make it go slower but the measurements // will be more accurate // - other allowed prescale values can be found in a2d.h a2dSetPrescaler(ADC_PRESCALE_DIV32); // set the a2d reference // - the reference is the voltage against which a2d measurements are made // - other allowed reference values can be found in a2d.h a2dSetReference(ADC_REFERENCE_AVCC); // use a2dConvert8bit(channel#) to get an 8bit a2d reading // use a2dConvert10bit(channel#) to get a 10bit a2d reading while(1) { // sample all a2d channels and print them to the terminal vt100SetCursorPos(2,1); for(i=0; i<8; i++) { rprintf("Channel %d: %d \r\n", i, a2dConvert8bit(i)); } // print the sample number so far rprintf("Sample # : %d \r\n", a++); } return 0; }
void setup() { uart0Init(); uartSetBaudRate(0, 9600); rprintfInit(uart0SendByte); //rprintf("Hello.."); rprintfCRLF(); rprintf("$Id: psp_joystick.c,v 2007/08/21 05:14:23 julian Exp $"); vt100Init(); sbi(DDRD, DDD4); // output PD4 sbi(PORTD, PD4); // set it high cbi(DDRD, DDD5); // input PD5 sbi(PORTD, PD5); // set it low cbi(DDRA, DDA0); // input (one axis) cbi(DDRA, DDA1); // input (the other axis) //cbi(DDRA, DDA2); // input //sbi(DDRA, DDA3); // output //sbi(PORTA, PA0); //sbi(PINA, PINA0); // set high //sbi(PINA, PA3); a2dInit(); // set up the power pulse LED TCCR0A |= (1<<WGM00) | (1<<COM0A1); // mode 1, phase-correct PWM TCCR0B |= (1<<CS02); // clk/256 from prescaler //TCCR0B |= (0<<CS02) | (1<<CS01) | (1<<CS00); // clk/64 // set up and enable the power pulse thing TCNT0 = 0x00; sbi(TIMSK0, TOIE0); sbi(DDRB, DDB3); // output on the LED sbi(PORTB, PB3); // turn it on u08 i, j; for(j=0; j<1; j++) { for(i=0; i<10; i++) { _delay_ms(32); } cbi(PORTB, PB3); for(i=0; i<10; i++) { _delay_ms(32); } sbi(PORTB, PB3); for(i=0; i<10; i++) { _delay_ms(32); } } cbi(PORTB, PB3); sei(); }
void init_peripherals() { // LED DDRC |= (1<<2); // accel pins lis3l_init(); // UART uartInit(); uartSetBaudRate(19200); uartSetFrameFormat(8, 0, 1); rprintfInit(uartAddToTxBuffer); cbi(DDRB, 1); // XBee CTS on PB1 // I2C itg3200_i2cInit(200); sbi(PORTC, 0); // i2c SCL on ATmega163,323,16,32,etc sbi(PORTC, 1); // i2c SDA on ATmega163,323,16,32,etc cbi(TWCR, TWIE); // disable interrupt // itg3200_i2cSetBitrate(200); // todo, check if if w ecan do 200 // SPI mySpiInit(); // a2d a2dInit(); a2dSetReference(ADC_REFERENCE_256V); a2dSetChannel(7); cbi(PORTA, 7); cbi(DDRA, 7); a2dStartConvert(); _delay_ms(50); // accel BOOL accelOkay = lis3l_Reset(); itg3200_init(); // switch xbee to higher baudrate // rprintfStr("+++"); // _delay_ms(55); // rprintfStr("ATBD6,CN\r"); }
int main(void) { uartInit(); uartSetBaudRate(115200); rprintfInit(uartSendByte); a2dInit(); timerInit(); vt100Init(); return 0; }
int main(void) { configure_ports(); a2dInit(); a2dSetPrescaler(ADC_PRESCALE_DIV32); a2dSetReference(ADC_REFERENCE_AVCC); init_servos(); LED_on(); neutral(); hold_pos(); while (1) { move_forward(); // sustain_pos(); } return 0; }
//----- Begin Code ------------------------------------------------------------ int main(void) { uint8_t a=0; // initialize our libraries // initialize the UART (serial port) uartInit(); // make all rprintf statements use uart for output rprintfInit(uartSendByte); // turn on and initialize A/D converter a2dInit(); // initialize the timer system timerInit(); // print a little intro message so we know things are working rprintf("\r\nWelcome to AVRlib!\r\n"); // initialize LCD lcdInit(); // direct printf output to LCD rprintfInit(lcdDataWrite); // print message on LCD rprintf("Welcome to AVRlib!"); DDRA = 0x00; PORTA = 0x00; // display a bargraph of the analog voltages on a2d channels 0,1 while(1) { lcdGotoXY(0,0); lcdProgressBar(a2dConvert8bit(0), 255, 20); rprintf(" X: %d", a2dConvert8bit(0)); rprintf(" Sample: %d", a++); lcdGotoXY(0,1); lcdProgressBar(a2dConvert8bit(1), 255, 20); rprintf(" Y: %d", a2dConvert8bit(1)); } return 0; }
int main (void) { // initialize uartInit(); timerInit(); a2dInit(); glcdInit(); outb(DDRA, 0x00); // send rprintf output to serial port rprintfInit(uartSendByte); // print welcome message to serial port rprintfProgStrM("\r\nWelcome to glcdtest...\r\n"); // send rprintf output to lcd display rprintfInit(glcdWriteChar); // perform basic functionality tests rprintfProgStrM("All initialized..."); glcdSetAddress(4,LINE2); glcdWriteChar('H'); glcdWriteChar('E'); glcdWriteChar('L'); glcdWriteChar('L'); glcdWriteChar('O'); glcdSetAddress(4,LINE3); rprintfProgStrM("line 3"); glcdSetAddress(4,LINE4); rprintfProgStrM("line 4"); glcdSetAddress(4,LINE5); rprintfProgStrM("line 5"); // run application program //oscope(); lcdtest(); return 0; }
int main(void) { /* Voyant ON */ DDRD |= (1<<DDD7); PORTD |= (1<<PD7); /* Voyant POWER */ DDRB |= (1<<DDB3); PORTB |= (1<<PB3); TCCR2 = (0<<FOC2)|(1<<WGM20)|(1<<COM21)|(0<<COM20)|(1<<WGM21)|(0<<CS22)|(0<<CS21)|(1<<CS20); OCR2=0; init_uart(); init_output(); a2dInit(); // init analog to digital converter // pos=0x00; // MIN pos=0x7F; // MED // pos=0xFF; // MAX while (1) { //pos=a2dConvert8bit(0); //pos=a2dConvert8bit(0); pos=a2dConvert10bit(0); //OCR1A=(pos<<2) + MIN_WIDTH; // 1000 approx 1024 //OCR1A=((((double) pos)*1000.0)/255.0) + MIN_WIDTH; OCR1A=((((double) pos)*1000.0)/1023.0) + MIN_WIDTH; OCR2=pos>>2; /* voyant POWER */ rprintf("Testeur de servo en cours...Sebastien CELLES... %d\r\n",OCR2); }; return 0; }
void init(void) { //Make outputs low cbi(PWM_PORT, PWM_BIT); cbi(SD_PORT, PWM_BIT); //Make outputs outputs sbi(PWM_DDR, PWM_BIT); //Pull-up swithces sbi(ESTOP_PORT, ESTOP_BIT); sbi(BRAKE_PORT, BRAKE_BIT); //RGB Outputs sbi(RGB_DDR, RED); sbi(RGB_DDR, GREEN); sbi(RGB_DDR, BLUE); //RGB Off sbi(RGB_PORT, RED); sbi(RGB_PORT, GREEN); sbi(RGB_PORT, BLUE); //Initialise the ADC a2dInit(); //Initialise timer 1 timer1Init(); timer1SetPrescaler(TIMER_CLK_DIV1); timer1PWMInitICR(TOP_COUNT); //Enable PWM with top count timer1PWMAOn(); //Turn PWM on rgb(green); sei(); //Enable interupts }
void setup() { uart0Init(); uartSetBaudRate(0, 9600); rprintfInit(uart0SendByte); rprintf("$Id$"); // this goes to the switch common sbi(DDRA, DDA0); // output on PA0 sbi(PORTA, PA0); // take it high cbi(DDRA, DDA1); cbi(DDRA, DDA2); cbi(DDRA, DDA3); cbi(DDRA, DDA4); cbi(DDRA, DDA5); a2dInit(); a2dSetReference(ADC_REFERENCE_AVCC); a2dSetPrescaler(ADC_PRESCALE_DIV128); sbi(DDRB, PB3); // output for the LED sbi(PORTB, PB3); }
int main(void) { /****************INITIALIZATIONS*******************/ //other stuff Im experimenting with for SoR uartInit(); // initialize the UART (serial port) uartSetBaudRate(0, 9600); // set UARTE speed, for Bluetooth uartSetBaudRate(1, 115200); // set UARTD speed, for USB connection, up to 500k, try 115200 if it uartSetBaudRate(2, 57600); // set UARTH speed uartSetBaudRate(3, 57600); // set UARTJ speed, for Blackfin //G=Ground, T=Tx (connect to external Rx), R=Rx (connect to external Tx) // initialize rprintf system and configure uart1 (USB) for rprintf rprintfInit(uart1SendByte); configure_ports(); // configure which ports are analog, digital, etc. LED_on(); rprintf("\r\nSystem Warming Up"); // initialize the timer system (comment out ones you don't want) init_timer0(TIMER_CLK_1024); init_timer1(TIMER_CLK_64); init_timer2(TIMER2_CLK_64); init_timer3(TIMER_CLK_64); init_timer4(TIMER_CLK_64); init_timer5(TIMER_CLK_1024); //timer5Init(); a2dInit(); // initialize analog to digital converter (ADC) a2dSetPrescaler(ADC_PRESCALE_DIV32); // configure ADC scaling a2dSetReference(ADC_REFERENCE_AVCC); // configure ADC reference voltage int i = 0, j = 0; //let system stabelize for X time for(i=0;i<16;i++) { j=a2dConvert8bit(i);//read each ADC once to get it working accurately delay_cycles(5000); //keep LED on long enough to see Axon reseting rprintf("."); } LED_off(); rprintf("Initialization Complete \r\n"); reset_timer0(); reset_timer1(); reset_timer2(); reset_timer3(); reset_timer4(); reset_timer5(); while(1) { control(); delay_cycles(100); //an optional small delay to prevent crazy oscillations } return 0; }
void prvSetupHardware(){ int i, j; //add 1.7s delay for potential power issues delay_cycles(65535); delay_cycles(65535); delay_cycles(65535); delay_cycles(65535); delay_cycles(65535); delay_cycles(65535); delay_cycles(65535); uartInit(); // initialize the UART (serial port) uartSetBaudRate(0, 38400); // set UARTE speed, for Bluetooth uartSetBaudRate(1, 115200); // set UARTD speed, for USB connection, up to 500k, try 115200 if it doesn't work uartSetBaudRate(2, 38400); // set UARTH speed uartSetBaudRate(3, 38400); // set UARTJ speed, for Blackfin //G=Ground, T=Tx (connect to external Rx), R=Rx (connect to external Tx) rprintfInit(uart1SendByte);// initialize rprintf system and configure uart1 (USB) for rprintf configure_ports(); // configure which ports are analog, digital, etc. LED_on(); //rprintf("\r\nSystem Warmed Up"); // initialize the timer system init_timer0(TIMER_CLK_1024); // init_timer1(TIMER_CLK_64); // Timer 1 is initialized by FreeRTOS init_timer2(TIMER2_CLK_64); init_timer3(TIMER_CLK_64); init_timer4(TIMER_CLK_64); init_timer5(TIMER_CLK_64); a2dInit(); // initialize analog to digital converter (ADC) a2dSetPrescaler(ADC_PRESCALE_DIV32); // configure ADC scaling a2dSetReference(ADC_REFERENCE_AVCC); // configure ADC reference voltage //let system stabelize for X time for(i=0;i<16;i++) { j=a2dConvert8bit(i);//read each ADC once to get it working accurately delay_cycles(5000); //keep LED on long enough to see Axon reseting rprintf("."); } LED_off(); rprintf("Initialization Complete \r\n"); //reset all timers to zero reset_timer0(); reset_timer1(); reset_timer2(); reset_timer3(); reset_timer4(); reset_timer5(); /********PWM Setup***********/ prvPWMSetup(); }